Adam sandler hate thread

Why the fuck does this guy try anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Edge_(1984_film)


Studios paying for vacations is a good career killer

name his worst movie and his best movie

Jack & Jill
Punch Drunk Love

Worst: blended (never watched jack and jill)
Best: the cobbler. I recently watched his older movies billy madison, that one golf movie, and waterboy but they just didnt age well for me

I thought his first movies were kind of fun in a retarded way, can't remember if that was the style at that time but I remember I enjoyed them:

big daddy, the waterboy & little nicky

jack & jill & blended were shit

click was just not his style, seemed force

the cobbler is comedy or in the style of click?

It was comedic in a way but it didnt seem so forced with sandlers childish racist and fart jokes. But i enjoyed it honestly wasnt as bad as most might think.

call me mad, but I think it's he's seeking self-justification. He's obviously got money, and he's not in the JUSTice leauge like Fraser or Cage.

Maybe he's seeking that one movie that will erase all the shit he has done. A piece that will define him.

I dunno

His most recents were ridiculous 6 and pixels. There is no going further, he needs to die.

Well, Funny People was alright. Certainly not something to define you.
He's just too fucking old, really.
Hackish in the vein of Murray, without the pretension of being a serious Emmy award winner and without the dry wit.

Try what? Making money by giving the dumb masses what they apparently want as long as they keep throwing money at him? I'd say he does that quite well.

He does poorly playing comical characters, but he's very good ad playing acerbic, rather cynical ones like in groundhog day.

Worst: Grown Ups 1
Best: Grown Ups 2

I almost cant someone can just make a movie like it just makes itself then has the studios pay to take him on vacations, do maybe 3 hours of filming then call it a day. Its fucking disgraceful but as for making money, yes hes been pulling the same shit since the 80s and people still pay to watch it, so this is the fault of normies, dicks, and assholes.

Murray is a hack because he thought he was a big film buff and thought everyone would recieve his overly produced piece of shit with glowing reviews. Then it turned out that the film he basically walked through ended up being the most popular film that year, which he only did to film what he thought would be a masterpiece.
That's not to say he doesn't have talent, and especially good with dry, witty, and cynical characters. But he is a hack, in a way.

He should've retired after Punch Drunk Love, then. He could have even gone out on Click or Funny People. Even though I personally can't stand either of those movies, enough people did.

You have it backwards. Everything he's done in the last five years has been absolute garbage overtly made just for the sake of money, and it has completely undermined any chance of a positive legacy he might have had.

Even the dumbest normies hate Jack and Jill and Grown Ups and all that product placement shit. I think it's safe to say this Jew is more concerned with his shekels than any sense of dignity.

It's good because it's ridiculously meta. Sandler plays and riffs on himself with a character.

Which movies are you referring to?

post-modern liberal cuck

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the deal with ghostbusters was to make this:'s_Edge_(1984_film)

Yeah, that part was fine, but it's still a 3 hour long Jew Apatow flick. You could play the third act from any of his movies and I honestly probably couldn't tell you which one it was from. Funny People had an alright premise, I guess, but it went completely off the rails and just became the same boring crap.

Yeah, I feel the same way. The film falls flat after act II. But it's still okay.

murray? he had one good movie. that's it


I just can't watch any seth rogen movies.

yes, that's why we have the same meme being spammed across the catalog and hundreds of thousands of shitposts about wine commercials and big guys.

I watched them way back when they came out in theaters. I won't be watching any more, that's for sure.

Pick one

I don't understand the hate for him. He's not a bad guy and the only thing hateable about him is that his recent shit has been awful as fuck but he still has some memorable shit from the past.

money its what all jews want in life.

Racist jokes can be childish too you ignorant nigger.

Yeah but they still line up to see them.

Fuck anyone who paid money to see J&J.

His latest movie was actually pretty good.

The cobbler is some weird ass Jewish allegory, its not a comedy by any stretch of the imagination

its also race mixing propaganda


Why the fuck do you people even like Punch-Drunk Love? Adam was alright in it, but the movie was boring as shit.

I don't hate him but i have disdain. He masks advertising as harmless plot points , just look at jack and jill. If you had half a brain you could see straight through this but that's why his movies are directed at the child demographic. It's for this reasom and that he's lowering the bar for movies in general that i dislike him.

Looking at his previous stuff it's pretty immature.

Does he even try?


this nigga knows his movies suck, you can see it in his eyes in each one

Considering his entire career is build on making jokes at the expense of minorities and the handicapped, shouldn't goobers and Holla Forumstards praise him like the second coming of christ?

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But it's the same movie!

Do you goons really believe this or are you pretending to be stupid? It's hard to tell since you'd probably say something stupid even if you weren't pretending to be.


Hotel Transylvania is the most abominable thing he's ever done. Worse than what Twilight or Underworld did to the classic monster genre.

ITT: Plebs

Adam Sandler is a true visionary and exceeds the talents and directorial capabilities beyond contemporary "directors" like Christopher Nolan and Nicolas Winding Refn. In the same vein of Paul Verhoeven where the most renown works are often seen as satirical works, Sandler again exceeds in that department to the point of cinematic mastery and artistic subtlety. When I first saw Jack & Jill in 2011 I had an enlightening experience where I finally realized his genius. Whilst plebians and would-be "critics" were picking apart the film as if it were embodiment of everything wrong with cinema at the time, I saw it as the epitome of transcendent kino. This realization sent me back to his earlier films. I finally understood Funny People. I grasped the hidden meaning behind Grown Ups, saw it expanded upon in Grown Ups 2. I explored the realm of paternal bonding in That's My Boy, and again in The Cobbler, and I could trace the hallmarks of his commentary all the way back to Big Daddy. He is consistent and his influence grows. He is a master of cinema and he revisits this theme, like so many others, because he is also a master of life and that's how he chose to impart his wisdom. I get more out of his films than I do in day-to-day life. A true patrician who commands the respect of real patricians (of cinema). There's nothing in this world like Sandlerist cinema. You will never be a patrician and you will never know true kino if you can't follow his films.

I don't think he tries yet they still throw money at him. That's the problem.

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No they don't. JAck and Jill and all of Sandler's dreck isn't fleecing the public, it's fleecing HOLLYWOOD. He's practically a hero for taking money from stupid executives and giving it to himself and his friends- he's a parasite that's helping to kill the monster that is modern film.


Worst:Jack & Jill

try harder next time

How are those executives stupid? They wouldn't give him money to make his shit films unless they got a return in investment.

Hollywood's been throwing good money after bad for close to two decades now. The only thing that's keeping them afloat is their creative accounting.

Do you even know what that word means?


Basically, Hollywood accounting works by leveraging your massive losses to cover up the profits made by your huge successes. Most studios pay no taxes whatsoever and the executives make off like a pack of banditos.

If Hollywood actually had to be honest about where the money is going, the entire system would come crashing down overnight. Think of what happened to Enron and you'll get an idea of how bad things are behind the scenes.

So basically he can do only one character in different movies? And surprise surprise his character his a lot like his real persona. That would really take some effort

You mean normal accounting?

You have them switched user. At least GW1 doesn't have a opening of 5 minutes of deer piss

Basically, when a movie bombs and you're able to admit it bombed, you inflate the losses so you can hide your profits. Ghostbusters isn't one of those cases, but something like the BFG almost certianly is.