This meal cost $8 to make

The ingredients for just this plate were $8. That’s almost as much as some goyslop meal and McGoldburgs. Traditionally, eating out is significantly more, however that’s less and less true by the day. How have they been able to get away with this?

Attached: F4C2B5AF-E7E3-413E-95F1-4055BE745E04.jpg (4032x3024, 2.76M)

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>>430203930Is that parsley in the bodados? How is that?Hope you loaded them with butter and a bit of garlic.

>>430203930Nigger, why are you eating off a cardboard plate, you literal nigger monkey? What are you, a fucking nigger?Nigger.

$8 for that 300 calorie baby meal is robbery

>>430203930Eggs at my local Aldi went from $4/dozen a few months ago to 98 cents today.

$8? are those veal sausages or somethingthat wouldn’t cost more than $4.50 even here in hell

>>430203930do you just buy enough for one meal? strange way to live boyo

>>430204109Is the great reset cancelled?

>>430204083That's like 800 calories my dude. Two sausages are probably 400 calories, same for the pile of potatoes

>>430203930>That’s almost as much as some goyslop meal and McGoldburgswithout a drink