I know the real reason Rick Moranis quit hollywood...

I know the real reason Rick Moranis quit hollywood. I work for an accounting firm and I was in charge of mailing out royalties, and Moranis was one of them. Well it turns out my boss knows why he quit the business and it has nothing to do with 'raising his kids after his wife died of cancer'. The true reason is the guy was a pedophile, right in the hollywood jewish cabal of child rapists. The truth is that Moranis escaped the business because he got accusations of molesting one of the kids from Honey I Shrunk the Kids, which was on the verge of going public. Moranis paid them off and there was a condition that he could not work in hollywood. He was quietly blacklisted soon after anyway. Never believe what you read in the media.

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you can do better than this.

What the fuck happened to you guys and your Tribe loyalty?

Pedo-parties are part of the initiation ceremony into becoming famous. They usually happen right before the massive homo orgies.


Has there ever been ANY proof of this? No


Fuck off Holla Forums. SCTV was smart as hell. Crawl back to your hugbox and circlejerk over why you can't beat women and hang people for the color of their skin like the good old days.




Rick Moranis left because he didn't want to be known for lazy family comedy films which is honestly where his career was heading after Honey I touched the kids, next step would have been filth like Babby Geniuses.

Here's a clip from an interview where he talks about this.

Bryan Singer's cocaine twink parties
Numerous child actors

lots of /telaviv/ here

Everyone in Hollywood is a pedo.
Your argument is invalid.

Can we at least distinguish between pedophile, loli-chaser, ebos and pederasts?
There are LEVELS of degeneracy.

Well, user, you seem to know a lot about kiddie fuckers, why don't you categorize them for us?

Yep, seems as plausible as the Holocaust.

Or, you can ask it on masterchan.org/candy

Which one?

What year do you think this is?