New MST3K theme?



There's too much fantasy fiction in the world, it's making people soft.

There are too many memes in the world, it's making people to come up with really stupid ones.

The only bad meme is a fantasy meme, fantasy is inherently harmful. It is lying on subconscious level and we all know that every lie kills a part of the world.

It's going to suck, but I'm sure it'll make me laugh at least once after I steal it, which will be once more than your sad little song. Patton is probably the least painful thing about the show, Day & Jonah (?) are much worse.

Sounds like a millennial has trouble telling fiction from reality.

I bet you're a Christian.

MST3K is back!

God dammit, Wil Wheaton is in there somewhere too, isn't he? Or will be brought in at some point.
I hope Sony firings are just the beginning and cisbuster psychic backlash consumes Oswalt and takes this mess with it.

In some horrid mockery this might actually be funny but only to see these people fail to understand what made the original show entertaining the same way they fail to understand what they think is "geeky" and "nerdy".

Maybe the right can come up with some sort of show that does riffs on movies.
They can get Milo and Ben Carson to headline it.

It's been confirmed Bill, Kevin, and Mary Jo will make cameos as the Sci-Fi Network Mads

You thought about leaving >>>Holla Forums ?

Hi there college graduate. Tell me, is this fiction or reality?

i watched pattons new special. there's so much virtue signaling it made me sick

Yup… Its the triumvirate of disappointment. They and Hollywood will ruin another beloved classic and make it appeal to the masses…


OP I would literally donate to you if you trolled with such verbal skill in social media outlets that eventually hit those faggots where they couldn't ignore it.

I literally cannot wait to see the backlash that these fucking losers.

I say right here that it's going to be such a vortex of internet hate that Rifftrax is going to get sucked into the event horizon and will eventually shut down within a few months if not a year of the MST3K project failing utterly

If anything the Florida massacre helped to feed their egos. All they do now is virtue signal and emit an aura of unwarranted self-importance that could make any normal human ill.

holy shit i'll upload a vocaroo of me signing this tomorrow if this thread is still kicking it

this is too fucking good op

Can't wait to hear it. Hope you don't sound like shit. Make sure to put the appropriate music.

link me a midi or vocalless soundtrack, otherwise i'll have to go solo

Can't wait to hear it.

i'm not too worried. patton is a liberal self righteous douche but his early albums are pretty funny, finest hour especially made me laugh my ass off the first time i saw it. he's also pretty funny every time he's been on O&A so i know he's at least capable of being funny when he's not sucking his own dick over how good of a person he is.


Mental cucks.
