If you are the average Holla Forums browser, you are a monoglot with no grasp of the classical tongues. Most likely you've been pronouncing the Latin "cis" as "sis," as in the abbreviated form of "sister"; this is incorrect and plain cringey. In Latin, "c" is pronounced always as "k" as in "ku klux klan"; "s" is pronounced always as "ess," like English; "i" is pronounced "y" as in "yeti" before or between vowels, as "ih" when it is unstressed and between consonants except "s," and as "e" as in the letter "e" when it is stressed and when it precedes "s." Wherefore, "cis" is pronounced "keese" rhyming with "geese," NEVER "sis."



you would have a point if we spoke latin, but we dont; we speak english. we dont call cicero keekeero, nor caesar kai-sar. english pronunciations do not have to mirror latin ones.

you do know that modern American accents are closer to old English than modern English accents, right?


Godspeed OP.

Funny, that pic reminds me of what's currently inside of my wife.

cis? you mean normal? I can pronounce normal fine already thank you.

She sticks large caliber weapons up her cooch?

Your mom gave me a cis on my fat sausage m80

You're more repulsive than the SJW's.


But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

Did you learn Latin in an English speaking school? They mangle it even worse than their own language, for obvious reasons.

I'm the type of guy who takes time to just kick back
I turn around my baseball cap
I have a 40 sitting on my lap
Slamming the ivories until I sees
a female worth my while
I'm scoping that ass, checking a smile
And I know that I can get it and I'll hit it if she's with it

No it isn't, unless you're talking about Church Latin, which is more an "off-brand Italian" than Latin; Classical Latin (i.e., what the Romans actually spoke) has only one pronunciation for "c." "cc," which would be pronounced in Church Latin as "ch" (e.g. "cheese"), is pronounced in Classical Latin as two hard "c"s (e.g. "ecce homo" is pronounced "AKE-keh HO-maw").

Fuck yourself, monoglot.

i'm pretty sure in latin it would be pronounced as "chees"
or at least that's how you'd pronounce it in italian

This as well.

"cis" is latin, faggot

Cis is not really a word you faggot. End of story.

Go back to pretending to be a woman.

It's a neologism that wants to be latin.

Actually you are wrong and you are retard. If you want to be all high and mighty about latin, at least know something about you dumb faggot :^) Cis is pronounced akin to "Tsis" like Tsar or even "Chis" as Chris but never Keese.

so when the romans talked about cisalpine gaul it was a neologism?

lol nigga wut u saying? shit nigga i don haz 2 put up wid ur bullsht. imma just turn off the screen lol. tyler out yolo