Yfw Angry Jose has the best review of the stinker

Taco power protects him from sjws.

How did we come to the point where a channel autism member is a voice of reason.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did RLM do a review?

Because he's a dego and is able to speak honestly.

Not yet. They did a review of the original where they touched upon this before seeing it.

If they defend it it's gonna be the third, final strike.

Not yet. I'm guessing whatever they're going to do is going to be brutal and it's just taking them time to edit it. That or they had a huge argument with Jay (which I can't picture happening.)

They watched the original on their Re-Review series, Mike and Rich both talked lovingly about the original, Rich called the all-female cast of the new one "a gimmick" Mike made like five minutes of "Melissa McCarthy is fat" jokes, Mike said everything about the new one looks awful, but he'll accept it so long as it makes him laugh. So long as the humor is smart like the first one, which he doesn't expect it to be.

I always found angry joe to be the thinking man's reviewer

Are you saying he's a reviewer for cucks? 🎣

I don't get this.
You call him "Anrgy Jose", which implies that you participate in Holla Forums bashing of him, but then you link to his videos and talk about the substance of the video, as if you watch his videos (how else could you know?).


Are you okay, user? Do you want to talk about your feelings?

That's some autistic logic.

And this is why you don't write a story with an entire franchise in mind

Not really.


It really is. Sad to inform you, Holla Forums newfag, we had a channel autism convo for more than a year and know more about them than you do. Now fuck off to your designated shitting hole >>>Holla Forums

Even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day.

I don't give a shit about your rich knowledge of youtube celebs, I just think it's stupid to say "Angry José that stupid beaner rofl" but link his video on here and discuss the content of the video. It makes you either a wannabe or a hypocrite.

But it seems like I hit a nerve with you :')
Do you like Angry Joe?


the only reason Holla Forums hates him is because he doesn't talk down at people who don't have 50 games in their steam library and doesn't shill 2d japanese High school rape visual novels

I don't always hate him, this vid for instance is good, but loving Assault Horizon while saying he never played another Ace Combat game struck a nerve because of how shit it was compared to the other games and he did not even try to play the other games to compare.


what's a queef?

Pussy fart.

You mean to tell me women fart out of their vag?

Like, if they have to fart, but their ass is plugged?


I'm just thinking, If I go down on a girl, I don't want her farting in my mouth.



If he was just a little bit darker, I'd want him to fuck my wife.

I guess a spic bull is the second best thing you can get, if a nigger is not available.

It mostly happens when you're fucking them, especially doggy style.

To sum things up, he believes the actresses are great but the director filmed just a cashgrab.

Sounds suspiciously like the SJWs blaming it all on Feig. We know pretty well the acting's abysmal as they're low brow comedians.

Did someone queef ectoplasm?

Not really, he likes some of the actresses, but says they had zero chemistry and were shit and unfunny in this. Watch his original review, this is the spoiler version where he just rants about the plot.

Can't embed it because of the retarded duplicate file policy.


He forgives McCorbit and Wiig, but the blonde is getting trashed to hell for being annoying and the black is barely mentioned aside from "she was made into a sterotype".

That's even better. Feminists he loves so much are turning on his fruity Jewy ass.

First Wheedon, now Feig.

I wonder if male feminists will start to wake up.


Everyone knows he's a fucking Mexican, and everybody pokes fun at his name like that.

Are you a goon trying desperately to find any way to do some D&C bullshit like they do with Holla Forums shiflinging, or are you legitimately so autistic that you can't comprehend someone being made fun of across multiple boards?

No, they flagellate themselves even more


it's not coincidence his name is basically fag


it's when a woman's vag is so loose it makes sort of a "pffff" noise, it can happen with anal as well

They promised to give a "reasonable" opinion of it during their re:View of the original. Which means they will try to defend it from misogynistic haters and say they loved it like they did The Cuckold Awakens.


Jay will find it mediocre but not terrible and stress that it wasn't feminist. Mike will say he kind of liked it but will be unable to identify any part he liked. Rich will be there interrupting everyone with bad jokes and flailing his arms around until he gets sad and folds his hands over his fat stomach for the rest of the episode.

I can't wait.

The crowd, they look like sperm…

Ironic, since angryjew had gone sjw (bashing on gamergate calling gamers basement dewlling losers for critisizing sarkessian) in the past, but I guess he's just a total sellout with no real affiliation other than his wallet.


At 24:30 he rants on gamergate and white knights anita.

Only time will tell if this is proved right.

this is probably my favorite review

I'm surprised that they openly said it's shit and don't hold back from calling it shit over and over and over. Lots of other reviews from youtubers I kind of liked went a lot like this: