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If TFA had a Force Ghost in it, would it have been banned in China? Anyway, no China is a huge blow to their pockets.

You came late into the party fam. We know already that the Chinese are not going to show cisbusters there.


Is that some Holla Forums shit?


fuck you nerds, china is censoring shit and all you care about is that its shit you dont like? your no better than the fucking sjws.

China censors, news at 11

Its their fault for not being America

Is no China that much of a death mark to a movie now?

Who sent you, The Mary Sue?


Not a gook, don't give a shit what they do. In the end less jewllywood trash for them.

Golly, nice work user. You've demonstrated that you're an oldfag (like the rest of us) by spouting almost every racial slur you know. Good job, seriously.

For at least the last half decade, American movies half been almost completely unable to make a significant profit in the domestic box office, so their aim is to break even at home and export the movie and make double profits in the global audience. China is of course the biggest market, and any movie that ships there can be counted on to not flop no matter how bad and worthless it is. This film is not just a propaganda piece, it's a propaganda measurer; if the Tumblrinas it was targeted at don't pay to see it (and SJWs never financially support the big media projects they force to cater to them) it will set the bandwagon and the executives' prediction charts firmly against all future genderswapping/racewashing projects in the future. I genuinely think they only were so aggressive in making the trailer pozzed because they assumed they could recoup loses on foreign markets uni vested in Western identity politics bullshit, and jumped the gun before finalizing the export deals. You'll notice that their marketing revamp (trailers that laboriously avoided showing the main cast, sneaking free tickets into dozens of random product placements) didn't take off when the dislikes blew up, they took off when someone dropped the bomb that China wasn't in the mood to prop their shot bomb off the ground. Pride before a fall is beautiful to look back on, isn't it?

I've seen like a dozen commercials of it. seems mediocre.

What do you mean, he missed the entire nigger alphabet.


Memery aside, China has completely retarded censorship rules. I mean, you can't show a ghost because that would somehow offend Chen Li dead grandfather.


Fucking chicken-shit "soft reboots" try to hack out a shitty sequel/retelling with obvious callbacks. It's a pussy way to sorta remake but make a "new" movie their way: as shitty as possible.


399 dubs wasted on a shitty overused "ur no better" b8 post

But the Greatest Ally said this movie was exactly like the first one except with a female cast, so I would be an evil GGer misogynist if I didn't like it!


Irony : they had no problems with both funding and showing this piece of shit, which had more supernatural and fantasy elements.

Considering that ancestor worship has been a integral part of chinese culture that's not retarded in the slightest.

I just can't see how a ghost appearing on a shitty movie is disrespectful towards the dead.

The people who made it, Legendary Pictures, are owned by a Chinese company and thus have an 'in' with the censorship authority

I heard it was bretty gud.

I'm waiting for the bd rip

The Asian elves was absolutely disgusting chink pandering

I guess the Chinese are afraid it might piss off their ancestors. Sort of like how some Native Americans don't like to have their picture taken because they're afraid the cameras will steal their souls.

I thought that was for eskimos?


This is the kiss of death in Hollywood at this point, the movie will be considered a complete failure in the global market, and I hope it serves as a long standing black eye on every exec and producer of this wet fart of a film and maybe even the CuntQuartet.

What I mean to say is my dick is diamonds at the moment, and I hope this will cause progress to falter on other fucking productions like this.

Thankful as fuck right now. Even if they were to make money, it will probably just break even without a heavy hitter like China. I think its time to celebrate.

My sides.

Sadly, this won't make Hollywood go "shit, I guess we better start making good movies again", instead they'll just continue making shit but will make sure not to put ghosts and whatever in them for the Chinese market.

Or they simply won't give a shit about the chinese.


There several ways to get in to the chinese movie market.

Who won the cold war again?


The company is chinese own and the head guys are cash buddies with the censors.


So Chinese don't think cannibals exist?


They'll probably ban the movie the scourge shows up.

who will feminists and SJWs blame when China soon dominates and America tech industry and Hollywood? China is anti-LGBT, openly cracks down on feminist propaganda and hate black actors.

There are rumors that Paul Feig wanted rule 63 Egon to be a dyke, but Sony don't allow that in order to market the movie overseas, particularly kebab lands

The Chinese?


The Chinese

Asians aren't brown enough to get protection

The only movie who can get away with that was memepool because of normies liking le reddit marvel man

or muslim

Being a certain race or something won't get you protection, having the right opinion however will. A white SJW will get protection while a non-white non-SJW won't for example.


Then why does she still look like a fucking huge dyke?

It's simply distastefull for many parts of the population. There are many things in western Culture we don't see in Movies because we consider it taboo.

China is a Socialist Dictatorship, it's not like they have or care for a particularly great reputation.

and into the trash, etc.

it's just an excuse to control what the population can see.

No. That's not the real art. I refuse to believe this got through quality control. Fuck, the Gwenpool Christmas issue had more fucking effort than this. This can't be real.

They could say "she's eccentric! Like Egon!"

Bitch that's not even the worst example in the comic. Wait till you see her try to draw action.

Also everyone's written like a child even though I think Patsy Walker is supposed to be around 30 and She-hulk is probably even older than that.

The villian of the issue, Arcade, who most of Holla Forums hates for doing a "Nothing personal kid" to Mettle, also appears to be a Saturday morning cartoon character who's beaten up by a normie who isn't even a hero.

Oh and one issue of the comic was Patsy dealing with bedbugs. Because Kate Leth had bedbugs

god is dead.


so it is real….

I'm honestly conflicted over who is worse, Leth or Henderson. I genuinely thought this was a tumblr fan comic, but then, I thought the new Squirrel Girl was some fanart from Deviant Art.

she doesn't even know how to do gestures… which is the very first thing an artist needs to learn. That is THE foundation and a professional comic artist doesn't know how to do it.

This is getting me ate up.

Do women grow up anymore? I mean my mom did, but my mom was born in '49

Maybe. But what if a muslim said he condemned radical islam and supported Trump?

Then he wouldn't be a muslim anymore. You can't really be apart of a religion you condemn.

Good effort and tone, classic use of "your" plus dubs. 8/10.

It isn't any bulsshit about pissing off ancestors
The actual authorities there don't care, its just a convenient nebulous excuse to to bring up and tell the commons or foreigners when they want to hedge movies and other shit they don't want in the first place. Their actual excuse for denying the movie didn't even involve issue with the ghost, they said they just didn't think there was any interest in the film being brought over, thus they would lose money.

You don't know shit retard
I live in fucking hongcouver
chinks are so subhuman, they refuse to live near graveyards, they protest homes being put up near them for sick and elderly out of fear of their ghosts will get fucking caught in the trees outside, this is why whenever they get their hands on some land they raze all the trees. chinks are literally 3rd world trash, they are niggers who can do math, anyone who thinks they are human hasn't lived around them.

They had to be realizing they had a turd on their hands when they started advertising the movie without using scenes from the movie.

As well they were horribly against having their movie associated with Hillary and pulled out three actresses from an appearance on Ellen when Hillary was to appear.

Black actors didn't stop Captain America or Force Awakens from making money, regardless of some shrunken poster image for the latter, of which we we don't know is responsible for shrinking in the first place. for all we know that wasn't the only promo poster either. For the upcoming Dr Strange movie they didn't keep Mordo as a White dude like he is in the comic, they made him black, meanwhile they changed the Ancient one from a Tibetan man, to a lily White celtic lady, to appease China.

SJWs actually don't give a fuck about black people, they are just convenient shields to them against their own lazy products or projects being criticized..
Just like with much of Hollywood themselves, most of them are the ones who really don't like Black actors, certain suits in Hollywood just want to use China as a scapegoat for their own failures overseas, so they don't get shitcanned..

It's not real? Well, welcome to my reality.

how in the world does this happen?

Wait a minute. She isn't?

Extreme taboo in Asian cultures, from what I understand.

There's a difference between subhuman and backward, canuckfag.


You'll live to see anti-feminist, Anti-LGBT, anti-black cultural Chinese tech companies and film industry overtake Hollywood and Silicon Valley in your life time
Good luck blaming Cis what males for your downfall SJWs.

I just hate all nonwhites and anyone with a different culture than me, why won't they get out and leave my maple trees alone fuckers literally spilled a tanker of our golden syrup last month and you think its a fucking joke? they have no respect for our canadian ways, they all must leave or face the axe

He loves the chinese. Loves the chinese.

I know at one point they made it illegal in japan to even paint ghosts due to it becoming so popular.

Any idea why it's such a taboo? Sounds kind of interesting.

Good, that mean's they have absolutely 0% chance of making a profit off this piece of shit.

No, they ban ghosts because the Commie Party is officially atheist.


You're aware this is a monster they created, right? Of course they don't want it on their own shores, but China propagated feminism, cultural marxism and communism. Look into the foundation of NOW, the woman who founded it call all of her ideas from living in Communist China.

Also, China didn't ban this because of feminism, China banned this because they're incredibly autistic about ghosts.

And to the guy thinking they'll ban Star Trek because they're making Sulu a fag, China recently released two films of it's own which featured hardcore gay sex portrayed in a positive light.

China getting ready to outright outlaw homosexuality.

Russia made gay films before they started to crackdown on faggoty

No because midichlorians or something.

That's not my Bait-chan.

Is this the fabled double-under reverse triple-troll post?

This is correct.

China is the one country where you can barely differentiate men from women.

I think this whole fiasco and the leaked emails have proven that Feig and Pascal aren't the brightest bulbs in the sex dungeon.

Chink girls are madonnas compared to most niggresses.

I think most of its tiny audience will assume she's a dyke anyway. Not that it matters. With the "cinematic universe" down the toilet, we won't ever be seeing her wonderful "character" again.

Because having a nice office job is such hell, amirite?

Why is the text calling the lesbian in the bow tie a man?

Arrested development is sad and pathetic in men, but kooky and charming in womyn.


Oh. How awful. Ghostbusters missing out on the biggest market. Boo hoo.


Not a big deal. All those feminists were going to go watch it 5 times. So that add on a 6th time. Sony will make massive profit easy.

feminists and sjws don't watch movies, they only whine about them online. That's why all of them bomb.

These kinds of things depend on how good your relationship is with the Chinese. Warcraft was made by Legendary Pictures, who are owned by a Chinese company, so it got in even though there are multiple instances of the supernatural.

I guarantee you that if TFA had force ghosts or whatever, it would have gotten in regardless. Disney seems to have a fairly good relationship with China, having made them both a lot of money.

Guess I'll check out her site to confirm my suspicions.

BOTH of these women are the product of living in the US you dumb fuck.

They don't have to watch it; buy 6 tickets and go back tweeting about it.
That's the progressive way.

They'd never waste their trust fund money on movie tickets when there's handbags and floral iPhone cases they can buy instead

They don't vidya.
They don't buy comics.
They don't buy TG or figures.
When they have that stuff, it always someone else gave them that.

should it be any surprise that a job in an office is the worst thing imaginable to adult children?

How many hours a day do you spend sitting in your car? What percentage of your life is spent going to and from a place you wouldn't be going if not for money?

When did I talk about living in the US, you spastic? One's a niggress, the other's a chink. One looks like a nigger, and comparatively makes the chink look like Aphrodite.

What a waste of Hitler dubs.


We'll sadly never know.

My own hope is its a goon who came to troll and flopped his tiny shriveled dick on the table by accident.

Are the chinks implying strong independent womyn who can busts ghosts better than any man are a supernatural creature?

In as much as they don't exist, yes

Stronk womyn are indeed a form of modern superstition, not too far removed from the notions of sainthood and Mary bein born with no original sin.


Watch out there, current year man is going to see you're saying mean things on the internet and send you to a reeducation camp so you can learn the ways of feminism. Come on, it's the current year!

There's an army of shills screencapping this place 24/7, another tactic used in gamergate warfare.

Maybe they just want to keep Gensokyo on its side of the barrier?

china never ever pretended to be a democracy.

Is that you, Cheese in Lasagna-man?

The Chinese have no taste when it comes to western movies, they've been starved for so long so they'll just eat up any old shit.

The price for admission over there is really cheap too, so if even the film is bad, it's pretty much guaranteed to fill seats because of it being a western movie, it has that novelty factor.

I remember watching the Dark Knight in a cinema in Hong Kong, and previous to its release there was huge hype in HK and China about how it was going to be a huge movie like Batman, but in HK.

The cinema was absolutely full, then the HK segment was about 5 minutes long, people legit left after that, I laughed. I heard after from friends that the Chinese thought the entire movie was going to be over there. So that's why it was so hyped up.

If I remember right, it's because they consider the dead and anything to do with death (which includes the consumption of human flesh) to be utterly tainted and unclean on a spiritual level.

In Japan, for instance, there was and still is a caste-like stigma against those whose line of work requires touching corpses. I would also recommend looking into their mythology, as their brand of the Orpheus tale goes body horror fast.

This doesn't look terrible tbh, but she should never draw anything beyond webcomic or anime garbage.

on a related note are Ian Soo and Tom Hale POZ buddies?

Those implants are disgusting. What a waste.

I say this in the nicest way possible, it doesn't look terrible to you because you don't know or haven't studied art. This person cannot represent form, she does not know anatomy, her inking a line quality is nonexistent (this is a HUGE one for a comic artist), she doesn't have a grasp on perspective, her paneling work is very basic… the list can go on.

My guess is you don't hate it because she is drawing in a more anime'd up Steven Universe style, so due to her copying a style that is visually attractive she can trick the eye of somebody less knowledgable and feign skill.

I don't think it's a question of no taste. It's simply that only 25-30 American films get approved for exhibition in China every year, and their own films often tend to be boring documentaries, so naturally they go to see the American films.

Also there are fucking loads of them. China has a high population.

Why would you be nice to that cunt? Even gassing her would be a kindness.

I was saying that to the user who doesn't understand how bad the art is.

As for Leth, well, I'm not as harsh as most people here. I feel most of these crazy liberals are the products of a society who has been actively brainwashing them since childhood. They deserve our compassion and pity more than anger and hate. Hell. my little cousin is so into her liberal politics that it reminds me more of a religion, but one without any hope.

It's not hatred that makes me want to gas her and her whole family. It's love, for my country and race.

If I hated her I'd let a pack of rabid dogs tear her to pieces.

Stay far away from them, they are dangerous to themselves and those around them. Alternatively, just fuck with her until she spregs out.

You're right, but in the twisted mind of a SJW a reformist muslim is an Uncle Tom

Before Putin, the russians use fake dykes as a gimmick. Remember Tatu?


you need to learn your history

Yes, but in the twisted mind of an SJW, image related is hell


But unlike them, everything we said is meant to be seen, it is not important who said it, but what we said it

The Chinese really blocked it due to feminism. You dumbasses are falling ((there)) old tactics again.

There was already articles about this but ((they)) don't want you to know about that, so they blame it on showing ghosts or something ridiculous.

Stay focused guys, try not to get too distracted.

But they won't respond to us in the same way, they love to destroy things and kick the shit up of people who offend them. Remember when spoiled babies throw tantrums, and start to kick and bite? Well they do the same. Is a waste of time to reason with them.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl as far I remembered was anything but muh feminism and was censored in China because of Barbossa and Co. being Ghosts.

Not only were they not dykes, but the one on the left was an abusive cunt and beat the shit out the curly-haired one all the time.

Sorry Mr Peabody, I know Putin came into power in 2000 but he don't started to prosecute the faggots with official laws until 2013. And his first term as a president doesn't count. It was after his reelection that he started to doing shit.

That's kind of hot actually.


Did they at least experiment?

Theirs or Sony's?


Doubt it, since straight hair hated curly hair, and curly hair was terrified of straight hair.

I thought Japan banned pussies even in their hentai.


Is that supposed to be Howard the Duck?


Look at the bottom right. This is from a western artist.

I draw kind of similarly to that. Are people really that easy to please, because I still don't even have the confidence to put the things I draw online.

I'm sure whatever you draw isn't as vile to look at as Kate Leth's stuff.

Who the fuck reads this stuff?

No one

Leftists basically killed Western comics and cartoons as an artistic medium.

If that is not proof they are a blight upon humanity I don't know what is.

I mainly do so anonymously. My confidence isn't strong enough to sign it nor collect it.

Warcraft made 600 million RMB ($91 million) in two days — this has scared the Americans. If we can make a film that earns 10 billion ($1.5 billion), then people from all over the world who study film will learn Chinese, instead of us learning English.

See people think that when there's talk of "degenerate art" it somehow means you're looking to create art that's devoid of depth or expression, but really it just means you're sane and have a sense objective standards.

Nope. Also I'm rus so don't teach me what happened, okay

Is your country really this poor?

Ok vodka man, tell us the story of why Putin allowed tatu and then he started to prosecute the faggots


Sounds fun.

Because he knew Tatu were just fake lesbians whose schtick was designed to get them attention.

Murdering people for their organs? That's fine.

Ghosts in muh movie? THAT'S GOING TOO FAR


shit, there a billion more of those fuckers still, what 100k going missing is not going to do much.

Sounds like a dyke to me.

No, I said it wasn't terrible for webcomic standard.

And then what happened?

Jackie you chinky cunt

That turns me on more than them actually being dykes would have.

Call me back when you can actually do what you want instead Of being puppeted by jews


You know how those cunts in the western world continually tell everyone we need feminism because women are oppressed? In China they are trying to convince people that feminism isn't a mental illness or a silly western concept.

Are comics that desperate that they would hire someone who can't even draw a duck?

actually, even by webcomic standards it's pretty bad. I'll draw your attention to Arcade's feet . You know the quickest way to determine an absolute novice? When they draw a square foot like that. It shows they don't understand anatomy, form, perspective, any of it. Throw on top of that the line quality which is simply nonexistent and that puts her at the bottom of the barrel.

I'm honestly amazed this woman got any sort of art job to be honest. My guess, she's sleeping with some beta higher up.

I'm almost tempted to say that she is worse than B^U but the only thing keeping her from that is that she doesn't reuse premade models.

What should my review be anons?

There's actually plenty of good talent who want to work in comics, the Big Two just don't want to pay them

So they pass up real talent who would probably work for less than these hacks? Makes sense.

"Ghostbusters 2016 has silenced its critics… by proving their concerns to be entirely valid and thus warranting no further comment."

Something that sounds neutral but critical while giving it a low rating.

It's almost like profits aren't their motive or something.

The whole point is that these hacks work for virtually nothing. Most of them have trust funds, they only want to work in comics to spread their propaganda and are therefore pricing the genuinely talented out of the market.

Wow this is unbelievable. From the look of things, the whole thing was done on a tablet, no rough work or layout was done, in fact his IS the layout the panels have been cut and pasted in photoshop in the correct sequence. no real inking was done. The lines were simply cleaned up or redone over again. The panel lines look as if they were done with the line tool with predetermined thickness.

No use of perpective at all, the hands used reference in some frames probably her own. You can see the "Window" joke was put in simply because drawing a correct window would've been more work and simply worse.

The bare minimum was done in colouring, and the building was referenced at some point,, but then it was given up on and squiggle windows were drawn in and copy pasted.

Her style is an emulation of something I would've seen in a Childrens Manga in Japan 1977. Except more amateurish and lazy. Everything is done freehand with no planning or construction beforehand. I'm not even sure if she knows what the panels are supposed to look like before they are finished.

Thanks. I honestly couldn't put my finger on it but the style looked familiar. Still shit regardless.


what is she 100 years old?

Yet that shit somehow looks better than her's.

Yeah, also the real talent is passing up on them because they have no creative freedom at them: "Oh, you want to make spiderman do this? too bad, he's out in mars killing cockroaches"

Reminds me of this image from Holla Forums that showed how a new guy kept trying to write a comic but kept getting interrupted by people saying that Batman was now dead, in space, a fag, a robot, dating a zombie, or was retired. By the time he finally finished his comic and made sure not to mess with the other writers' stuff they told him to pack and work on something else. Not sure if it was based on a real event, but I can imagine that it happens a lot.

The reason the Chinese are forbidden from seeing movies with ghosts is because it depicts a world where the air is clean enough to see them.



We're not in China, we're not chinese, we don't have any influence over China. So fuck off. Go cry somewhere else.

It was probably this one. It was indeed based on a real incident.

The writer sadly died a few years later. I bet DC wishes they let him do what he wanted while they had him now.

Super Power Dare To Die Team

That's a pretty great name, to be honest.


You hilarious cheeky cunt.

Seriously though, last time I went to Hong Kong that shit was absolutely disgusting.

Dwayne Mcguffie or something right? I honestly have mixed feelings about the guy since his shit is like 50/50. His time on Ben 10 was pretty garbage too tbh.

Forgot to add that that's really saying something considering that its hard to make a massive turd like Ben 10 look even worse. Although from what I recall Omniverse was even worse but used a lot of his ideas.

Close. It's MacDuffie.

Mcguffin suits him considering how much he used that shit in his crap.

That letter always pissed me off for several reasons. First, Night Thrasher was pretty rad. He was like what you'd get if a billionaire tried to create his own iron man suit without any of the technology or the fuel source. His suit was just sweet-looking body armor with compartments for him to pull out batons, tonfas and machine guns. I thought using a skateboard as a shield as an interesting idea as well.

Second, that's just two characters with the gimmick, hardly a trend or anything to whine about. He could have listed Rage, Luke Cage, Black Goliath, and Tombstone and written a letter about there being too many black characters with super strength.

Third and most importantly, MacDuffie created Static Shock, ANOTHER black teen hero on a board.

If I were a Marvel editor who received or saw that letter, I would have approached MacDuffie with a totally straight face, suggesting we go forward with this idea, and ask him if he had any artists in mind for the book.

Based chingchongs


Why would you live hours away from your job?

Every time that image is posted, it never actually talks about which belief is being discussed at the time. Both Holla Forums and SJWs agree that anything they don't like should be censored. Criticism of both sides isn't because someone is opposed to the very idea of "strong beliefs", but because those both of those strong beliefs are just different flavors of totalitarianism. Censorship denies the natural right of liberty, which is why a government engaging in it must ultimately rely on force instead of the consent of the governed as the basis of its authority.

And no, I didn't like the movie.

Everybody, because the world didn't end in a nuclear war.

They're all homos tbh

Fuck off secondary.

I feel embarrassed to say that if not for the dyke haircut on the second person and the fact that the dude on the far right looks like the guy from the gay lasagna comic, I probably would have thought the art was average.

nice meme