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Pure cancer.

He talks like a retard with a speech impediment, I don't want to watch it.

Literally the worst current reviewer.

Nobody should watch this bazinga faggot.

Summary of all his reviews including this one:

I don't want to take a stance on either side and lose subscribers, so it was okay and both sides are right. Please subscribe and follow me on social media.

We're entering desperate times when people are actually afraid to say a shit movie is a shit movie


Oh another instance of jeremy "i like the taste of mickey mouse cum in the morning" jahns

He gives it a C you retards


I created an account on imdb and voted it a 2/10 just to spite this paid off SJW douche.

What a prick.

webm or GTFO

How will kirk be happy? Kirk won kobayashi maru by cheating, this guy just went through kobayashi maru. go home normi.

Get this prick outta here.

webm, faggot

Jeremy you fuck, go suck the mouse dick and gtfo


I'm waiting for Coke Fiend's review.

How old are these guys?

They aren't called channel autism for no reason.


Nah. He's in the top 10 though.

Name worse (not irrelevantly obscure).

Doug Walker

This guy knows what I'm talking about.


He's not irrelevantly obscure, he gets as much hits as Jeremy does, is relatively known in the YouTube community, and has been influential enough to inspire other big name e-celeb critics.

How can this guy have so many likes? Although it could have been much, much worse.

In his defense, he never out right praised it and he's not particularly an SJW. I've seen him go politically incorrect and even piss off feminists but I've never seen him go bluepill.

Stopped right there. This guy's obviously a paid shill.

As bad as his reviews are since all of it feels kinda forced, his position in this one seems more neutral than most shills.



He's actually one of the better ones. I liked this review. He remained objective throughout the whole thing and barely mentioned the shitstorm this movie has caused.

i bet he laughed at the ghost getting shot in the balls

Fuck off jeremy.

Fuck OFF jeremy.

he doesn't

Minecraft letsplayers are more famous.


He has quite a few million view hits, he may not match up with subscribers but he does have views.
Such as?
JonTron isn't a big name eā€“celeb? Or possibly ScreenJunkies or CinemaSins?

It's impressive how much butthurt these "it's average" and "it's okay" reviews are causing

Only thing worthwhile he ever did was shit all over Bioware for Mass Effect 3. That riled up some SJW jimmies, alright. I remember MovieBob and HULK reviews or whatever he's called (the spastic that writes all his reviews in higher case and third person) labelling him an entitled shit and everything that's wring with consumers for wanting an incredibly hyped game to deliver on its promises.


With these faggots? I doubt it.

What do?

Break the balance. Tip the scales. Unleash chaos.
