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well edit it back
Yeah, don't just come crying to us. Do something about it.
Come back when some overzealous admins are actively preventing it from being changed to be more unbiased
LMAO, and u wonder why ur all virgins ;)
0/10 b8
Don't you ever get bored of pretending to be an SJW for the attention?
don't u ever get bored of hating women and people of color for attention?
What are you talking about. I'm totally looking forward to watching an all female ghostbuster movie 0/10 try harder shill
Oh, tumblr is here. Everybody Tumblr is here, quick, time to check our privileges.
It's not like this isn't the first time Wikipedia has been biased about something. Even their Otherkin/Therian article is slowly turning into some pro-furryism crap.^tfw
Shills for any industry always go to Wikipedia first.
You fucked up your link
Same thing happened with the Texas Chainsaw reboot 3 years ago.
You can spin as long as you cite reliable sources?
rarely does anyone bother to look beyond there being a source at all.
Well fuck
Most of the citations in the references are either dead or just lead to a generic page on a site that supposedly used to have an article on the contents referenced in the wiki page.
sure. the article on the Holocaust is very well sourced from various Jewish publications
who keeps pushing this meme
Libruls and marketers.