I fucking hate this ugly jew. Why is he so popular?
He's not funny, he's a fucking hack. He stole his whole shtick from sam hyde.
I can't go anywhere without seeing hoards of drooling retards spouting "vape naysh V/\ xDD".
Whenever I look at his disgusting fucking recessed jaw and his beady little jew eyes I feel enraged to my very core
I fucking hate this ugly jew. Why is he so popular?
I don't know who this is.
David Cross?
Is this guy like filthy Frank?
I saw a ep or 2 of filthy Frank they were funny but then I got tired of his act. Same shit over and over.
So are you Ethan attempting to incite harassment for views and sympathy, or are you just some faggot blogging about some mildly popular YouTube you don't like?
Nah. David Cross is way uglier and impossible to look at.
He's one of those people who "ironically" spout shitty memes.
Seriously, who is this guy?
same youtube network
Memes memes memes MEMES. Is this all you ever talk about? Fucking memes? Is your existence so trite and pathetic that on a website with individual boards devoted to a litany of diverse interests you choose to fixate on the most trivial, ephemeral aspect thereof? I can just picture you: a fat, pallid, slovenly excuse for a human bathing in the glow of your dusty monitor–the only light thereof in the ill-kept basement belonging to your parents who long ago became disillusioned with their child's future prospects. I bet your mother is thinking right now about what the fuck went wrong, and your father is ashamed that his seed spawned such a lowly organism. How many years of your life have you wasted with your ass glued to your chair, expending all your energy in forcing your inept fingers to type in an ineffectual attempt to discuss fucking memes? How many opportunities to do something more with your life have you turned down because you thought discussing memes made you cool; how many memes have you bemoaned the death of when they became common, as if you penned their inception when in reality you were only a tool of their inevitable spread?
I'm serious, you may be the most pathetic person I've ever seen witness of in existence; there may not be a more accurate representation of a waste of life than you. If I were you, I may have killed myself years ago. Frankly, suicide is the only route left open to you. You will be happy. We will be happy. Your parents will be happy.
Kill yourself.
But seriously, who is this guy?
Are we getting raided?
Who would want to raid us? And why?
Holla Forums
no idea but they're not really subtle
But why would they raid Holla Forums?
But seriously guys, who is the man in OP's picture?
ethan klein
Now I've seen it all.
Because we've been talking shit about Sulu. They hate that.
Great. You ruined the running gag.
It wasn't funny anyway dubsman
>iDubbbzTV was one of the only good youtubers left until he joined their fucking clique and started making sensationalist clickbait
But are shitty youtube ecelebs even Holla Forums-related?
RLMfags invited them here.
You fags are funny
What the hell is wrong with you? RLM was never funny. Only reason anyone here like them was because they made fun of sjws a lot. Seriously, you use this same retort everytime someone says RLMfags. If you keep this up people are actually going to think you're a shill or a genuinely uncreative autist.
His wife looks like a tranny.
You keep saying that but I don't see it. Explain.
He literally got famous by watching thousands of videos a day and leaving a comment on every single one.
why does 8ch even have this """"""""""feature""""""""""
it's just dumb reddit bait
this one video spawned the whole genre that h3h3 is based off of
ethan just stole his formula and kiked it up
iDubbbzTV is still pretty good. At least he only produces 1 video a month to keep the cancer at bay. I wish he would have fought that nigger Jonx.
There's allowed to be a right wing sentiment on it and that's the prime evil to them, there being right wing thought allowed anywhere in the digital and real world without ultra-leftist thought being dominant.
Oh fuck off stormweenie. No one gives a shit about your irrelevant hugbox. They are just tired of having every fucking thread derailed into your inbred mouth breathing conspiracy theories about DA JOOOOOOOOS
Fuck I would rather have ten stickied Ghostbusters thread than have to deal with one more drooling Holla Forumsedditor spilling his spaghetti everywhere. The mod needs to get off his ass and do his fucking job
Your next line will be "fuck off /leftypol".
You done with your temper tantrum?
Good. Now back to your containment board.
fuck off with your antisemitism kid, we accept all races and creeds here.
Holy fucking shit, get a load of this fucking kid. Tell me, how mad are you right now?
Really, how fucking mad do you have to be to google "ball pit", save the image as "leftypol.jpg", and then post it on an imageboard with a witty quip? That's a real question, I'm not being rhetorical: how upset are you right now?
Top fucking kek.
You will NEVER EVER get that $10 back.
What connects these channels?
Only H3H3 can be interpreted as having any political message in the videos, yet they're all connected.
Are they just friends who happened to hook up in Jew York?
They're friends, but in the end it all comes down to money.
Seriously what is this a creepy gypsy?
a jew
$0.30 has been submitted to you account
Seek help.
Preach, OP, h3h3 is a money grubbing talentless, ripoff hack.
I'm glad people are noticing this. The guy is literally using a fucking cabal of Jewish lawyers to destroy anyone who dares disagree with his arbitrary($) stances on things, and they're even trying to push around Google itself.
Stealing all of Sam Hyde's methods and ideas is just surface level with this kike. The most hilarious part is how he got his dumbshit goyim fans to GIVE HIM the money to buy HIS LAWYERS for him, so that he could make money for him and his wife… it's no wonder the Jews despise goyim when they're that easy to fleece.