Meta Bread

What do you think about the board owner not allowing reposting images across the entire board?
As it stands, if an identical file exists in any thread, you can not post an image.

What do you think about the maximum 20 line limit per post?

This is what I think about it.



Changing 1 pixel takes time.

I honestly don't care since he's pretty much the best hotpocketer on Holla Forums and let's us do what we want as long its not spam or pedo garbage.

It forces the Masiefags to post different pictures of the monster. Unfortunately they never run out of pics of her.

I didn't change anything.

If you make a 1x1 image in whatever paint program of your choice, then upload it alongside an image that has already been posted, it will post regardless. Try it for yourself.

Stop defending him, if he was as good as you said, the quasimodo fags will be already exiled on /waifuist/ and the GoT general, CA and capeshit threads will be cyclicals

Now that GoT season ended, the thread must be cyclical if BO doesn't want to ban gifmaker and Co.

Go post your munter on the contaiment thread gifmaker

What is your obsession with cyclicals?

They can't be trusted to let their thread die before doing another one.

Honestly the recent uptick in bumplocking concerns me, in threads that have less shitposting than average, even.

Fuck you could just take the same image and resave them between JPG, GIF and PNG, and then resave them again and again with very slight changes to change the checksum of the file.

Those options are pretty useless without real pattern detection shit that Holla Forums (and indeed any imageboard) does not have.

don't give them ideas

Pretty sure Jewsh has that on 16ch because a while ago he said that he was working on something like that.

If someone wants to go there and check, fine with me. Most traffic he'd ever have, though I doubt the recognition works for obvious reasons.

Can we talk about all the Holla Forums false flag posts by Holla Forumsgoons/leftypol/ whoever. You know this is shilling right? And the fact there are no IDs here they can samefag the "fuck you Holla Forumseddit!" posts as well without even having to use two IPs.

Yes, there's some of that, it's best to ignore it or counter troll with The Emperor Trump.

Because they don't let the thread to get 404 before to create a new one. munterfag

That's why there was a plethora of /GoT/ threads at once just because the quasimodofags can't restrain themselves.

yes and is funny to get BTFO that fucker. What is funny to me is that he accuses any one who don't agree with him as reddit, just like the maisiefaggots.

They don't let their threads reach bump limit, so your solution is to create a thread that never reaches bump limit, and you think this will keep them contained?

Game of Thrones is over already. BO should just tell them to fuck off until next year at this point.

And this affects GOT shitposting how exactly?

We can't make the GoTfags go away since they're still Holla Forums related, but putting them in their own containment box basically stopped them from shitposting on other threads once and for all. Just look at Holla Forums and Holla Forums's mods who freely allow Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Undertale shitposters to spam or derail threads with their crap, meanwhile here we never get any shit from GoT fags who stay nice and orderly in their shitty little containment zone.

Good post 👌 👌 👌

But It will be ONE thread, no 17 in the catalog.

Gifmaker, Kingfag of whatever you want to be called, that's why I'm favor of a Cyclical. ONE containment thread, only One to be in the catalog, And one thread where posting the munter o talking about her (unless is about Arya Stark and Arya in the plot of GoT) is derailing and must go to the board dedicated to waifus.

You brought Maisefag on yourself. You lot deserve him.

If the BO were good, he wouldn't have imposed these bullshit limits.

Yes man, everyone who wants to talk about GoT or ASOIAF on Holla Forums deserves 80% of posts of maisie williams with quality posts like "I want maisie to step on my face"

It might be easy to get around as far as posting pictures are concerned but it makes posting webMs really awkward


Holla Forums is one of the only 8gag boards that freech actually likes. The people stirring up shit are the "Holla Forums vs Holla Forums" and "/christian/ vs fedoras" crowds.

Maisefag is GoT's problem. Not ours. You wanna be fans of the show? Then by all means, but take the good with the bad. Our faggot mod is a good faggot mod.

But he's a faggot, tho

Better a faggot than a queer tyrant like /a/'s mod.

/a/'s mod is worse than queer. He's genuinely pozzed

Beyond pozzed. The man's a neatfreak. If he can even be called a man. The shit even bans people for shit like misspelling.

I like Holla Forums. It makes me laugh. It's so funny sometimes. XDDDD

Holla Forums's mod doesn't give two shits about low energy goon posts, just like you shouldn't either.
The only reason Holla Forums faggots are still even slightly relevant is because dumbasses like you can't help but bitch about them constantly instead of simply not falling for their obvious b8 and reporting their spam.

I bet you're one of those retards that go to /n/ and write those cringeworthy "cum is the seed of life" responses to cumfag posting.

This tbh. Anyone who gets annoyed by crossboard shitposting is worse than crossboard shitposters.

Nothing will stop the GoTfags and their secret leader Maisefag.

Why even go to /a/ anyway, more dead than the bottom 50% of the site and yet somehow actually has people posting on it. Paradox really.

Stockholm syndrome. The average /a/utist has been hotpocketed so hard and for so long that they have grown to love it. You see them sometimes on other boards crowing that their board is better because they are banned for the smallest transgressions.

As long as we're talking about other boards, where the fuck did /55ch/ come from and how did it get hundreds of users overnight. Was it a delisted board suddenly relisted?

55ch is another image board, when their site is down they come here.

They're good limits, just add a pixel or make another post. It's not a big issue.

No they aren't you fucking nigger.


You shouldn't be surprised that a Holla Forumstard acts like a Holla Forumstard