How did he un-just himself so much? I thought he was done for after that horrible movie seemed to destroy him...

How did he un-just himself so much? I thought he was done for after that horrible movie seemed to destroy him, his SJW wife, his retard baby, he got fat and balding and seemed to lose his will to live. It might be the biggest comeback I have ever seen.

He was honest, and crucially, stayed off the internet.

i don't know
but brendan should take notes

He rediscovered his actual passion.

Maybe all that unsourced stuff you read about him on Holla Forums was hyperbole.

you blasphemious fuck, Holla Forums is always right

The movie was mostly fan service for the show fans… although that shoehorned nigger shouldn't have been there, motherfucking Mike should
besides the shoehorned nigger i haven't hear of his Wife fucking up anything else in Cinemassacre. Maybe James put the leash on her after she fucked his movie
how do you know his child has mental issues?
It's called aging user, motherfucking Mike seem to be aging a lot better than him, but considering his Wife fucked up his movie and if the rumors of his child being retarded are true anyone would take a hit form that.
Avoiding a bad movie that everybody knew was bad is a comeback? not apologising to the outrage brigade is a comeback?
To me that is just the common sence of a sane individual, i'm glad he didn't bend over like so many other e-celebs but praising him for it is like praising someone for not being retarded, it should be the norm, how far have we fallen that we belive being sane is something worthy of praise

These days, it's sadly commendable.

Was the movie he made and released hyperbole?
Because his movie is the biggest evidence for him being a cuck, and the reason I still believe he's a cuck.

His wife actually did write and post this.

Why post the whole thing? Only one or two paragraphs are actually relevant to her being a dumb SJW bitch.

That attempt at comedy at the beginning always makes me cringe though.

that's meant to be funny?

jesus christ. women should not be allowed to speak



His new setup with him talking about movies is comfy as fuck. I hope he continues this.

It's depressing that "it looks like shit so I'm not going to pay to see it" should be considered a controversial opinion.

Dont they just look like the perfect couple. No trouble in paradise there.

She looks sooo in love with that. That face is totally from a woman in love with her man. Considering, of course, that her man is Tyrone the Bull

She looks like the bitch of the dentist in the first hangover.
If she acts like it as well, it would explain a lot.

Also, she has the worst taste in AVGN episodes.


Its only a controversial opinion if the movie is on "the right side of history".

He said what he really thought without concern of what his dumbass fans and tumblr white knights said. He didn't go out of his way to offend and simply said what he really thought. He's a pretty cool guy.

Its a good thing the Critic was cancelled. It probably would've ended up worse than the Simpsons.

You know, I've always had a weird relationship with that channel. I liked the AVGN episodes for covering old games, some I knew and some I'd never heard of, but I thought it was incredibly puerile and unfunny at the same time. The humor was something I got used to rather than enjoyed.

But then anything where he was out of character he just seemed so personable and genuine.

And it's funny how at first I really didn't want to like Mike. I thought he was trying to weasel in on the show in some capacity, but I realized he was a pretty nice guy too, they were genuinely good friends, he was perhaps more of a vidya expert than James -who has slightly more passion for film- was good at vidya, and was creating those extra videos to help out with the channel.

I like the way they both think, I like James's passion for filmmaking even if it's kind of amateurish there's an innocence to it I really enjoy.

Yeah, I mean it's clear everyone he has on the show is a friend of his, what does she expect him to do, go find some minority friends just to fill her quota?

for a brief moment, I thought you meant the Nostalgia Critic had been cancelled

way to get my hopes up, m8

She can't even spell 'Caucasian' properly

well, even autists don't watch him anymore, so he's kinda cancelled.

Take into account the vitriol he created by stating the obvious in the most calm and well argued way, specially by the cuck of picture related.

Devin Faraci insulted James by calling him a Limp Dick Loser, and despite hacks like him trying put James down, he did the correct thing. He ignored them, didn't apologize and even explain with more detail with femsbusters is an offense to anyone who liked the original movies.


I had such a hateboner for her.

Has a movie coasting on Internet fame ever been worth watching?

James Rolfe

Mike Matei

Hmm, I think you're projecting fam.


you're probably gay

Do you think the AVGN movie would've been better if he'd never crowdfunded it and made it on the budgetary equivalent of 2‒4 AVGN episodes? If James were operating on a shoestring then I wonder if he could've cobbled together something more thought-provoking than what we got. The AVGN series would go in unexpected, surreal directions at times. Yeah I got that you probably can't use Bugs Bunny and Joker as characters in the film, but AVGN working at FuncoLand and having IRL friends (including a black guy we've never seen before) was a big red-flag at the outset.

That's one of the main problems. I thought the AVGN was going to be some unlikeable prick who takes video games too seriously, but for some reason he's famous in the movie.

It's more of a rumor started by ED and 4chan when his baby was born, his wife had complications during the pregnancy that weren't specified so they had to do some further treatment at the hospital. Probably some health issues that most babies get from birth.
She's hinted to be a bit of an SJW and probably was more sexually attracted to dark skinned men but he was never "cucked" in the sense he let another man fuck his wife while he willingly watched.

I'm pretty sure it was originally going to be something like that.

Sounds to me like you're the gay one.

Thank you. I really want to know if he was added because of James' wife or if that really was a bad decision James made.

I'm almost 100% certain it was the doing of his co-writer, and professional hack kike Kevin Finn. If you didn't know, aside from making shitty movies, he writes for reality television.

Most C-Sections are considered complications. Most people here had complications during births. It's why the infant mortality rate in the West is so low compared to how it was in the middle ages.

Haha oh wow

What an obviously bad decision to include her.

Is there evidence for this, or is it just some supposition?

I think OP and the others are referring to some shit a few years ago where his wife made him change some shit. There was some drama about it but I didn't pay too much attention to it since I always thought AVGN was unfunny shit. Only thing I occasionally watched was his old movie reviews.

What drama was that?

Like I said I don't know. I don't follow AVGN. All I know about it were some shits talking about it in youtube comments and on Cimeamassacre. Just google it or ask an user here who follows that drama shit because OP seems to be dead.

The movie he was writing for over 7 years, his magnum opus features him getting cucked.

The movie was such a fucking mess one can only wonder what made him think making it was a good idea.

Same here.

He desperately wants to make movies, but he knows most of his fans only care about him because of that character. It was a compromise. I think he was hoping it would be successful enough to set him on the path of making real movies.

For a man who spent his life understanding the art of film making and only watching the best films out, he somehow couldn't make a barely decent film and instead made one of the worst out there which pretty much killed his fanbase since it gave him very little time to work on his AVGN shit.

If RLM can't make movies for their Internet audience, how could he?

Well to be fair, if you read about the development of his movie it wasn't really his fault besides being a beta male who needed to tell his wife to fuck off
He was always trying to make a cheesy 80's so bad it's good shlock, but his wife thought it needed more diversity, and turned into just pure trash.
If he thought he was ever going to make a serious movie without putting way more work in then he did he's kidding himself.

He had put so much money into this including that of his fans along with pretty much killing his character's popularity in the process just to make this thing, yet he wastes it listening to his wife…

Ironically, pussy is what made him think it was a good idea.


Wow. Also how long until he has to start begging Jon Tron to save his ass?

Was the AVGN movie really that bad? I expected a stupid, self indulgent film, yeah, but it wasn't God awful. It was pretty much what I expected from something called "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie".

Oh, wow. Mike is a total faggot. I had no idea.

Are you fucking kidding? The writing was abysmal from beginning to end. Only thing worse was the acting.

His best friend Mike couldn't be in the movie, "The Black Nerd", some unrelated eceleb, got shoehorned in instead..

And yet his fanbase is doing incredibly well.

James' vocal fanbase is full of retards who fill the comment sections of "James and Mike Mondays" with dick jokes about Mike.

Whatever happened to IrateGamer? Why does he get a lot of shit against him, especially on his like/dislike bar?

He was getting promoted by youtube instead of James, despite ripping off his gimmick. These days he does videos about Skylander characters mostly.

I kept asking myself who this ridiculous black guy who is suddenly James' best friend is. Most of the movie was less about James and more about the black nerd and that bitch.