What's the most redpilled film ever made with zero Jewish influence, Holla Forums?
What's the most redpilled film ever made with zero Jewish influence, Holla Forums?
Another Holla Forumseddit thread
Don't you have a loo to not poo in?
Maybe it is Holla Forums but even so I agree with them on this. You joyless, tunneled visioned fags need to fuck off. You fuck up every board you touch.
Stop trying to make Holla Forumseddit happen. It's never going to happen.
Stop trying to make cumskin happen. It's never going to happen.
Stop trying to make "everything is Holla Forums happen. If they're in every thread in every board they're not on Holla Forums are they? If they were you could just go over and see who they were raiding, couldn't you? And even if there was some IRC led conspiracy to D&C in low effort shitpost threads on a slow board that would be the work of generic goons and not Holla Forums wouldn't it? FFS
Seems the only ones who fuck up the board are those like you who seek to argue with them rather than just ignore their content which inevitably causes pointless flame wars because of your faggotry. Nothing's stopping them from posting whatever they want, whether we like it or not. Telling them to fuck off and not post shit we don't like basically goes against the very foundation of Holla Forums. Besides, the thread is still Holla Forums related since it asks for movies just with little Hollywood jew influence, you silly cunts.
Last time I went to Holla Forums it was full of nothing but furry spam.
t. Holla Forumstard
Go post quasimodo in your containment thread gifmaker
Why do people socially signal on an imageboard anyway? The sender and receiver are faceless, there's no content to the message, and largely it's irrelevant when a certain percentage of the local humor somewhat edited photos of various individuals shooting civilians or said civilians engaging in very non-vanilla sexual acts that would ordinarily ostracize them from society.
Don't bump this shit thread.
They Live.
Holla Forums should stay in Holla Forums. Your mods ban any Holla Forums-related things that are also Holla Forums or Holla Forums related, so don't whine when your political bullshit isn't accepted on other boards in return.
Our shit is accepted on other boards because we make up a huge chunk of Holla Forums and your mods are weak willed fags or one of us. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it either except whine and take it.
I find it pitiful that you all think a Holla Forumsack made this thread.
It's fucking degeneracy, and the cuckold spammers get their stuff deleted on Holla Forums whenever the mods are awake. This is clearly just someone trying to start shit.
It's The Cuckold, for fuck's sake. You all can't be this retarded to think Holla Forums thinks this is redpilled, it has a nigger fucking a white woman cucking her husband. It's fucking disgusting.
You all in this thread should be ashamed of yourselves.
-t. a guy from Holla Forums
I find it easy to believe Holla Forums made it. Everyone knows that you guys have the biggest cuck fetish on Holla Forums. What's pathetic is that you think you are fooling anyone.
your the one that should be ashamed of youreself for going to a forum full of racists, MRAs and Holocaust deniers.
Hi Holla Forums
What does playing this multi-forum metagame even accomplish? Everybody's on the defense, trying to expose the shill from wherever, but even if you correctly guess the browsing habits of someone else, is there any result besides shitposting?
If anybody in this thread, including OP, was actually genuine, OP would have known before making this thread that the answer to his question is obviously Nazi film propaganda. One of my favorites is Jud Süß, because my guilty pleasure is stories where hedonistic characters overindulge and it eventually leads to their downfall. Scratch that, there's one genuine post in this entire thread:
Why the hell do people care so much about only consuming media that aligns with their worldview, anyway? Are you all afraid that you might get immediately brainwashed if you watch something that you don't agree with? I've watched well-made propaganda films from all across the political spectrum. Because I can separate fiction and reality, I enjoy the story but my position on actual real-world issues remain unchanged. The only thing that could affect how I perceive the world is real-world events and trends.
he's right tho ^_^
What is the movie even about
Like I doubt you could have one and half hours of interracial porn and be recognized as a movie so I assume they try and include some """"""ART""""""" bullshit
your designated pigsty is there >>>Holla Forums
This is now a holohoax redpill thread
I don't think this site works correctly
Anything that goes against the Holla Forums hivemind gets permabanned nowadays.Your retarded hugbox and every closet-commie in it should be burned down.
I've found they've either misidentified someone as G-ds Chosen, or they forget to list one. The entry for The Replacement Killers staring Chow Yun Fat forgets to list Brad (((Grey))) and Bernie (((Brillstein))) as producers.
That's because it was fronted by one of the Jews' favorite pet monkeys, so their involvement with cuckoldry isn't apparent.
The joke just went over your head like that?
It's all part of the Jewish conspiracy to divert Holla Forums's dutiful eyes from the truth. Believe me, I know some people that have been paid by some big Jew names in the past months to launch a counter-intelligence op on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums to discredit and silence the more redpilled individuals on those boards as to not interfere with the big Jewish plots that are yet to be unfolded on the next months.
>>>Holla Forums
no you aren't
This board needs ids. There are one, maybe two anti-Holla Forums shitters in this thread relentlessly samefagging/
There's a board for that already, you know: >>>Holla Forums
This is why you were cast out of Holla Forums like the kikes you are, /int/.
Go back to deadch–I mean freech.
/int/ is not that bad since Holla Forums faggots seceded
Yeah, remember taht time when Lying Ted was almost winning the GOP nomination? Me neither.
Holla Forums needs to create its own forum that requires a real name and address, a blood sample where the admin and mods are present when its taken, and a pedigree going back at least three generations showing pure Gemanic heritage. Then they'll finally have a place that's completely 100% white and natsoc, and they won't have to deal with any dissent.
I haven't liked /int/ since it became Holla Forums with flags back on 4chan way before the exodus.
This is just getting sad Holla Forums. At least post a screenshot where you've edited out the (You) in MS Paint.
Take off the tinfoil hat and go back to your paranoid-schizo meds, friend.
fair enough, but it sure isn't responsible for the ">>>Holla Forums" shitposting in here
Yes yes, and that might be a problem if this were Holla Forums, but it's not.
You need new jokes >>>Holla Forums
next up some pol-tard will claim it's just some boogeyman pretending to be Holla Forumstarded
This is Holla Forumschan.
Everyone who isn't a complete newfag or an Holla Forums raider knows that and is happy with it.
Low effort as always. You gonna start calling people cumskins? Maybe switch from pol-tard to Holla Forumsedditor?
Now THIS is shilling, holy shit. Never in all m years. I would write his name but my post would probably be censored, sorry. This place is confirmed dead. Identity politics reign supreme.
/reddipol/ mad as fuck.
Holla Forums mad as fuck.
Feel free to fuck off back to reddit/tumblr/SA.
all me
all me
all me
new meme
not him but oyu're le deum XD
AaaAAAAaahhh the Frenssssch
squiggle will dominate the world
what did you mean by thisXD???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????