Why can French be proud of Napoleon or Italians proud of Cesar, but you can't be German and proud of Hitler...

Why can French be proud of Napoleon or Italians proud of Cesar, but you can't be German and proud of Hitler?He was a conqueror in a long line of European conquerors. Not more, not less. Stop demonizing him you fucking kikes.

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>>396086493Nobody would care if you praised him for military successes. But you praise his ideology, which isn't quite the same.

>>396086493>Why can French be proud of Napoleon because napoleon was a liberator who spread the civil rights everywhere he went and fought almost only defensive wars>or Italians proud of Cesar,because cesar was a populist who gave tons of people in rome rights and citizenship like all the celts of the republic, went after the corrupt elites, and after road bandits, while promoting pro family anti degeneracy laws>but you can't be German and proud of Hitler?because hitler was a schizoid tyrant who went around attacking and enslaving other europeansThey are nothing alike, you cant just put "people who fought a lot of wars" in a single category as if they were all the same

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>>396086493For the same reason Hadrian is portrayed as a faggot and Antiochus IV forgotten, they genocided kikes

>>396087069>For the same reason Hadrian is portrayed as a faggot and Antiochus IV forgotten, they genocided kikesexcept hitler didn't>Werner Goldberg (3 October 1919 – 28 September 2004) was a German who was of half Jewish ancestry, or Mischling in Nazi terminology, who served briefly as a soldier during World War II. His image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier", and was later used in recruitment posters for the Wehrmacht.you can't make this shit up

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>>396087274Yes you can make it up, because it's made up

>>396086493What are you talking about ? Nobody cares about Napoleon and Cesar nowadays

>>396087366>Yes you can make it up, because it's made up>see information that goes against your worldview>ignore informationcult mentality 101or what about hitler's personal driver AND personal doctor who were both full blood jews? akward...

>>396086493Unlike Hitler, those others didn't fight the Americans/Jews who control the narrative of good/evil leaders today. End of story.

>>396087548Or maybe this is shit that I've seen since I was in elementary school and it's the most retarded jewish propaganda there is?This shit is more ridiculous than the six gorillion

>>396087548There is no point in arguing with hitlerists. It's an NPC cult that legitimately believes Hitler was some sort of infallible God. It's like trying to convince a liberal that LGBT is shit.

>>396086493Adolf said and did a lot of thing that where as truthful as it gets.And truth doesnt sit well in a jewish system of lies.

>>396087548>>396088044Yeah I heard Hilter had a jewish best friend and ate kids for breakfastThank God we can vote!

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>>396086493Based. Have a bump.bitchute.com/video/mZpeJkSNjcA3/

>>396087366>>396087643>google who was the founder of the SS>oh nooh yes.

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>>396088044>There is no point in arguing with hitlerists. It's an NPC cult that legitimately believes Hitler was some sort of infallible God. It's like trying to convince a liberal that LGBT is shit.its called a CULT of personality for a reason

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>>396086493>Why can French be proud of Napoleon or Italians proud of Cesarbecause they werent a jew who changed his name from Shekelgrubengoldgreenstein to Hitler 5 minutes ago and started an anti-european war responsible for 50+ million non jew deaths.

>>396088483>Oh no! His great grandfather was one fourth jewish it's the end of the world!And you're 100% jewish

>>396088562What surprises me here is that hitlerism really is a cult of personality, not a cult of ideology like a lot might think. I've seen hitlerists here say Hitler was OK with Africans marrying German women if they were decent people, just to prove that Hitler was tolerant and loving of all people.


>>396088562What are you kikes even discussing about, you're religion is the only cult here Jew

>>396086493Because jews own the west

>>396088762>What surprises me here is that hitlerism really is a cult of personality, not a cult of ideology like a lot might think.nazi ideology was never fleshed out, it's similar to the bible, a lot of stuff contradicts itself, and there isn't any policy on a lot of thingsso then the cult mentality sets in, people will fill in the gaps with things that match their personal beliefs, or will try to adapt their rethoric depending on who they are trying to convince

>>396088686>well ok he was a jew but but butXD>you're 100% jewishbut im not german.

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>>396089046By nuremberg laws he wasn't jewish, nor by jewish law or religion, being 1/36th jewish doesn't make you jewish

>>396086493the jews and their friends have 70+ years brainwashing everyone into thinking hitler = bad.

>>396086800You're right. It's better.

>>396086493jews get really mad when you have anything good to say about Jesus or Hitler, simple as

>>396086493I am proud of him

>>396089127>no no!>he was only 1/4 jewish!>he was only 1/6th jewish!>he was only 1/36th jewish!>he was only 1/6,000,000,000th jewish

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>>396089294His great grandfather was 1/4th jewish which makes him 1/36th jewishI know your slavic but just try

>>396087548Yes, Hitler's personal doctor was Jewish, it's a well known fact as well as the Aryan poster of the Mischling. And there were about 50,000 half-Jews who served in the army and a couple of high-ranking partially Jewish officers that served under the Nationalsocialist flag (note, though, that according to the Nuremberg Laws any half-Jew that was born in a marriage that took place after 1935 wasn't to be considered a full German citizen and was to be classified as a Jew). Most (((historians))) and (((academicians))) deliberately try to omit such facts because they go against the narrative of 'muh le evil nazis wanted to exterminate all jews'. The truth is that Hitler was ready to make exceptions if a person with Jewish blood was willing to work and risk his life for the betterment ot the German nation, of which there were very few Jews as most of them were mere parasites that corrupted their host. History isn't entirely black and white, user.

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>>396089372>trust my jew maths he was only a LITTLE jewish

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>>396089567I get why Hitler invaded Pooland now

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>>396088562At least we aren't speaking German right?

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>>396088970I suppose that is how every cult is formed. Some people are lost in life and seek some kind of godly father in their life to look up to. His ideology doesn't matter that much really. You can see this in Islam. If you talked to Muslims, you'd quickly find out they are much more dedicated to Mohamed himself rather than his teachings or even Allah.

>>396089664yeah, because he was only a "little" jewish, right? had to swoop in and save his ashkenazi brethren.XD

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>>396089754Didnt your country take the jews in first, centuries ago?

>>396089754Wasn't half your country jewish?

>>396089741>Some people are lost in life and seek some kind of godly father in their life to look up to.Like Putin? Brave coming from a person whose compatriots literally worship him as a god

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>>396089741>Some people are lost in life and seek some kind of godly father in their life to look up to. the germans suffered from incredible victim complex after WW1.just read/listen to adolfs speeches - the words "german victim" fallls in pretty much every sentence he ever said.

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>>396086493Hitler was a failure and is the reason Germany lost

>>396089826>>396089873I was quite shocked when I googled “Ashkenazi” and read up a lot about it. Ashkenazi Jews (/ˌæʃ-, ɑːʃkəˈnɑːzi/ ASH-, AHSH-kə-NAH-zee),[18] also known as Germano-JewsAshkenazi, plural Ashkenazim, from Hebrew Ashkenaz (“Germany”)The traditional diaspora language of Ashkenazi Jews is Yiddish (a Germanic languageThe term "Ashkenazi" refers to Jewish settlers who established communities along the Rhine river in Western Germany and in Northern France dating to the Middle Ages.[25] Once there, they adapted traditions carried from Babylon, the Holy Land, and the Western Mediterranean to their new environment.[26] The Ashkenazi religious rite developed in cities such as Mainz, Worms, and Troyes. The eminent French Rishon rabbi Shlomo Itzhaki (Rashi) would have a significant influence on the Jewish religion. HERE'S THE BEST PART:In the course of the late 18th and 19th centuries, those Jews who remained in or returned to the German lands generated a cultural reorientation; under the influence of the Haskalah and the struggle for emancipation, as well as the intellectual and cultural ferment in urban centers, they gradually abandoned the use of Yiddish and adopted German, while developing new forms of Jewish religious life and cultural identity.[30]Kinda explains why it is so extremely difficult to see the difference between a german and a jew.

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>>396086493>caesarHuge fucking nose.>napoleonFreed the jews from being second class shits.>HitlerFreed europe from jewry.Don't worry. He will be remembered positively.

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>>396089741>Some people are lost in life and seek some kind of godly father in their life to look up to. His ideology doesn't matter that much really. You can see this in Islam. If you talked to Muslims, you'd quickly find out they are much more dedicated to Mohamed himself pbhu bpuh bpbuuhbpubh pbuh kek, and they all name their sons after him>rather than his teachings or even Allah.I don't know if it's just a problem with the human/normie brain in this case (hard to think of an abstract concept or ideology, easier to think of a human/person/figure) some cults might be formed around personality cults mroe than the ideology, but I think it's mostly what I said, normies being much more easily able to relate to a human face and character rather than an abstract ideology and belief system with a long list of policies much more easy for a muslim to feel attached to that muhammed guy who made arabs strong and carved an empire while being cheeky and charismatic rather than to remember all the retarded laws about not eating certain types of fish and going to mecca (fun fact, muslims go to mecca because mecca only accepted to help muhammed during his warlord phase if he could pay them, he didn't have the money so he struck a deal that he would put in his religion everyone has to go there, so that he would pay back his debt in what is essentially tourism fees from his cult members kek)

>>396089679I don't think most people on pol deny an axis victory would've been preferable but this cult that worships hitler is strange. Hitler was not some avatar of vishnu or possessed by an aryan spirit, he was just a statesman who made some good and some bad decisions. His ideology was not some revelation by god or some crazy shit like that, doesnt mean I'm glad the axis lost

>>396089995What are you trying to prove? Most ashkenazi kikes lived in slavic eastern europe

>>396090034>Freed europe from jewry.by doing the following:>saved papa Rothchild>didnt kill a single jew>50+ mln dead non-jewsfantastic. great job, anti-jew.

>>396086493Hittler pray to the old god's that is why. the goya want u to belive in the new ones. the big 7 and wonders of the 7.

>>396089754The Germans organized anti-masonic exhibitions across Europe and had anti-masonic policies too. What's your point?encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/freemasonry-under-the-nazi-regime

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>>396089995My guy, you had over 2 million jews in your country. No need to push it on to us. While we fought the jews and their army of golem

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>>396090137>check the german population>thats the jewish populationeasy.

>>396090166whoa, an exhibition?!WHOA!>>396090215>yeah we germans are all jews but.... but uhh.... we uhhhyeah? what?

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>>396090237>check the eastern polish population>that's the jewish population

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>>396090316So the nazi party was jewish? Why did they incamp their fellow jews?

>>396090382copity cope cope>so this dude who just changed his name 5 minutes ago from Shekelgrubengoldgreenstein to Hitler is now talking about how germans are the chosen people, better than everybody else, and pathetic non-chosen cultures need to be subvertedXD>>396090583>Why did they incamp their fellow jews?hahahahahah

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>>396090615>Hitler was jewish!XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAGas yourself

>>396090615The holocaust didnt happen, i ment the working camps. And why did your country have 2 million jews?

>>396090745It was 3.5 million jewsAnd he himself is jewish

daily reminder that anyone who claims hitler was a kike puppet is a jewish shill

>>396090772I just dont get his point. Why would hitler be a jew, when he kept demonising them?

>>396090097It's exactly that. Ideology is something abstract and usually vaguely defined. Like Hitler went back on his words constantly, making his ideology a total mess that changed depending on what political goals he pursued. Same with Islam - praising some guy that really existed and walked on Earth is easier than putting faith in some omnipresent being with no tangible or even defined form.We can see the same shit go down in communism, btw. The cult formed around Lenin went hand in hand with the ideology even surpassing the latter at times. National Socialism is the same with their obsession with Hitler. If closer to the end of life Hitler started preaching communism, his fans would change their views accordingly, since the leader can't be wrong.

>>396086493>Why you can't be German and proud of Hitler?Pourquoi?

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>>396090745>>396090772>And why did your country have 2 million jews?>It was 3.5 million jewsno no no, it was 6 million jews XD>Poland joins the 144 country club and kicks the kikes out>adolf swoops in and saves every single jew from the antisemitic polaksgood job, adolf the jew.

>>396086493We can't be proud of Napoleon either.

>>396090906So you deny your country had millions of jewish citizens? You really are a rodent arent you

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>>396090316Does photoshopping stars over old pictures make people Jewish?

>>396090866>We can see the same shit go down in communism, btw. The cult formed around Lenin went hand in hand with the ideology even surpassing the latter at times.I wonder what would have happened with stalin had he not gotten a brain tumorstalin massacred any opposition to him, would he have done the same with lenin? it was pretty early on so he could maybe have gotten away with it, especially with an "accidental" death and him crying crocodile tears at that poor comrade who was taken too early during his burial>If closer to the end of life Hitler started preaching communism, his fans would change their views accordingly, since the leader can't be wrong.he didn't come far from that, he went on record saying he wished he had an economy like the soviet one after he started losing hard to the t34spam

>>396091056>So you deny your country had millions of jewish citizens?where?do you deny that every german is a jew?You really are a rodent arent you

>>396090122I can agree, and same. In Mein Kampf, he said cult of personality is just a Jewish slander label for the people's love for their leader, which is retarded to be honest. Still, I think he was right about the Jewish menace, and the future is going to be a brown nightmare for Whites living in the west, especially if you're young.

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>>396091120>he went on record saying he wished he had an economy like the soviet one after he started losing hard to the t34spampost those records

>>396088044There is no point in arguing with semites. It's an NPC cult that legimitaly believes Hitler was some kind of horrible devil. It's like trying to convince a liberal that sex is biological

>>396091156Germans are better than poles. Explains why millions of you live here

>>396086493Hitler didn't conquer anything, it was his generals.

>>396089149Let me guess, none of your ancestors had to experience life under nazi regime.

>>396090316Weak bait.

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>>396091224copity cope cope

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>>396091120I believe Lenin's wife was the one that said that had Lenin survived into the 30's, he would have been executed by Stalin as an enemy of the people.


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>>396086493Hitler isn't vilified because he was evil. He's vilified because he lost the war. Look how they paint the nazi as the most evil regime, the same people who allied with commie Russia and commie China. the biggest nazi haters are german jews like Klaus Schwab and Kissinger, and these guys are the biggest shil of the chinese communist regime. You won't hear them say a bad word about Mao.

>>396091194what I could find on the subject after 2 seconds on google that you could have done

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>>396087062the eternal frenchcuck strikes again

>>396091473>I believe Lenin's wife was the one that said that had Lenin survived into the 30's, he would have been executed by Stalin as an enemy of the people.I mean there is no doubt, he did that to anyone who threatened his power, the question is wether the lenin personality cult was strong enough at the time to let him get away with it or notbut to be honest, if he did that, it would turn a bunch of commies against him, but he would just use that as an excuse for another purge