Another Bleeding heart nigger lover killed

by the same animals she defended.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Maybe you should’ve Allie, then maybe you’d be alive

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She got shot by 2 niggers

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Add her to the Wall of Toll Paid boys

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Nothing of value was lost

>>396070332Toll status: paid

Redditors. Hello. Comment please. C’mon us Chuds want to her your insight

>>396070710Lmao stupid bitch

Good riddance

Pretty much confirms it. Toll paid


>>396070516Toll status: paid in full.

>>396070332>>396070344>>396070399>>396070459>>396070516>>396070710She found out the hard way that people are racist for a reason. A good reason. It gets me how so many people naively think that blacks are hated for their skin color. If skin color was the only difference but the rate of criminality was the same as with whites, then there wouldn't be any racists (or extremely few). Too bad she's dead because this means she isn't able to learn anything from her lesson, and the Jewish controlled media aren't going to properly report this story so others aren't likely to learn anything from it either. She just ended up another statistic of many.

Attached: Nig driver kills 2 BLM protesters in 2020.webm (548x1080, 3M)

>>396070332She had the gain 100 lbs after settling down body. Look at the arm size, probably bigger biceps than most of you twink faggots

>>396070332Sounds like the niggers would have shot any white person. Doesn't really seem like toll paid situation.

>>396070332she wanted that baby money... he said NO.

>>396070344I don't see any of these posts on her account.

>>396070516>>396070516why would niggers pass right by the eye witnesses car, climb between trains and shoot a bitch on the other side? why wouldnt they get the white witnesses in the car they pulled up behind? doesnt make sense. it seems like a targeted hit, probably her nigger she was banging got mad at something she did im betting she knew at least one of the killers

>>396070332I said the same shit to my mother when they announced this coal burner's death on TV. Fuck her and I hope a Pit Bull eats her corpse.

>>396070516They shot directly through the windshield. She was targeted for something. Probably pissed off a gang or some shit. Likely fucked some gang banger nigger down in Louisiana and got the brunt of retaliation.

>>396071645>why would niggersStop right there

>>396071744No, he's right. Niggers are spontaneous as a motherfucker but not that spontaneous.

>>396071542It does when you openly advocate being anti-racist and that you hate white racists, who themselves are in reality just people that dont like getting ventilated by uncivilized animals


>>396071743>She was targeted for something>>396071645>it seems like a targeted hit

>>396070332Toll paid in full

>>396071744cuz jews

>>396071811>No, he's rightThat's you posting under a different ID

>>396071902I was reading the other posts, you ass. I knew that it was targetted when I heard the news report about it. And I'd bet my fucking Toyota that this nigger lover whore owed drug money.

>>396071973I use NordVPN, you fucking moron. Stop being a newfag. It would take me over 10 mins to reconnect.

>>396071842>It does when you openly advocate being anti-racist and that you hate white racistsWomen dont advocate.

>>396071388Amen. This guy gets it.

>>396072006The holocaust is going to actually happen this time.

>>396070459fuck she was cute, such a shame tainted by nigger the body still warm?asking for a friend...

>>396070332>around blaggs nebber relaggs

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>>396071887>likes>2020Ok, I'm retarded. I sat here scrolling her timeline back to 2019 looking for those retweets too.

>>396071388Atleast she won't give birth to violent criminal, whitehating mulatto children, so that's a positive thing, gotta stop having mercy/empathy for anti-white scum, even if they are pretty white women.

>>396071842You don’t know anything about this woman, you just hate women, specifically white women.

>>396070459Why does she look like a decade older than him

>>396071744>>396071811>>396071811if niggers were spontaneiously looking to shoot white people they would have just got those 2 guys that they were right next to. what im wondering is how did they know she was there on the other side of the train. maybe they had a lookout that spoted her on the other side of the road, or were tracking her phone. or maybe they just recognized the car but that seems unlikely if it was night time.

>>396072343Wow, you're pathetic, no one that hates mudsharks also hates white women, it's hating anti-whites, stop simping for people that ahte you, you get fooled by superficial crap just like low IQ women do, just because she's a pretty white girl, doesn't mean you should simp for a nigger lover.

>>396070459you reap what you sneed

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>>396070332....and why that's a good thing by schlomo shekelstein.

>>396072052>>396071973i use incognito on chrome. i thought VPNs didnt work with 4chan ? maybe its time i get one

Hilarious. I often wonder what the last thing that goes through these peoples mind is?Probably, "THAT DAMN NIGGER KILLED ME!

>>396072544I’m not simping, you literallly write the same thing in every thread whenever a woman is killed, it’s pathetic cope. Your mom should be shit by a Sudanese niggers kek, bet everyone would make fun of that coalburning whore here.

>>396071743She was probably pregnant by one of those niggers. Toll paid in full

>>396072166I hope so.

>>396072564Would a straight man wear those shoes?

>>396072564She must have used a hard R

>>396072564Why did Jews bring them here again?

>>396072601Gee, I wonder how I'm posting.

>>396071842>uncivilized animalsAnimals are beneficial though.

>>396072687No I don't schizonigger. My mother doesn't fuck niggers, yours probably does, simp you simp for niggerlovers so damn much.

>>396072601Depends on the vpn

I can’t even feel sorry anymore. I used to. Thanks Jews. Thanks niggers, thanks white women. Fuck you all.

>>396072849So what if she doesn’t? Holla Forumstards will say she did and hail her death as a great victory.

>>396071388'member when this got framed as an anti-BLM attack?

>>396072195no but you can always heat it upstick her in cremation chamber for a very quick burnthen it would be like fucking a pork roastnice n warm

>>396072098>women can do no wrong!they 100% do you retarded simp

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>>396073070then YUO get the chance to be a literal coal burner

>>396070516>>396071645I live literally 20 minutes away from there. Word travels quick around here and Word on the street is she was fucking around with one of the niggers to get drugs and pisses him off apparently saying something about talking to the cops. Her family said she "recently got caught with the wrong crowd and started using drugs." Which around here means "she has been fucking niggers and fucked up on xanax since middle school and im too much of a lazy parent to do anything about it" This is all word of mouth of course. But everyone knows everyone around here. It's better than getting your news from the TV.

>>396071542She was probably buying drugs. >government stSounds like a niggertown street to meToll: Paid

>>396072343Yes, I hate retarded white women that brainwash and participate in/ glamorize nigger culture, which she clearly was, also a gun grabbing idiot

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>>396073239That whole area has been occupied by "inmates" for about 25 years now. She definitely had no business in that side of town. Besides the nigger she was fucking.

>>396070332She could have married a nice white guy, made a big beautiful family, and lived a long happy life. I hate the way the world so much bros. It doesn't have to be this way.

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>>396073336wrong picrel

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>>396073433Checked. How bad is baton rouge?

>>396070399it's ok cade, neither will the coroners processing your body when you are sent to the morgue.

God when me and my fiancé were visiting rural Minnesota I told her"You could shout there's no Niggers here! And nobody would care"Which I did, and nobody did care. Town is 93% white.

>>396072869>>396072788so nord works then?

>>396073646Nord is absolute shit

>>396070459Pol incels can't get a women even close to her looks, while an ugly nigger could.Lmao. You ugly genetic dead end incels.


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>>396073163now that sounds believable. they probably had some little domestic squabble and she thought pussy power meant she could just threaten the jogger with going to the cops. too bad she thought joggers are as civilized and non violent as white people. these women never learn the laws of the jungle

>>396070332>baton rouge ngmi

>>396070332I only hope she suffered

>>396070516My uncle was trains man. He get death threat but never rape


>>396073764At least my penis doesn't look like an acorn Chang. LMAO

>>396073336Women are literally being taught to do this anons. They are being taught this shit at universities and via social media.

>>396070332lol based, fuck women.

>>396074244See >>396074239

>>396072564That's my old lady. Damn, I hope the television and Nintendo switch still work.

I live in LA.> Baton Rouge (especially the area she was shot at) is notoriously dangerous> News is saying she was coming home from a bar at 2:00 AM on a Friday> Her social media reveals a race-mixing/blm-praising pastAll of this screams Darwin award winner. She bought the lie that we're all the same and it cost her her life.


>>396070332Did she go out happy?You guys know what I'm asking, right?

>>396070332>>396070344>>396070399>>396070459So depressing. Why do so many cute whites girls have a fetish for niggers? They’re so ugly and grotesque. It doesn’t make any kind of sense. Oh well. Rot in Hell, niggerlover.

>>396074394kill yourself commie faggot

>>396070344>>396070332You love to see it

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>>396074239Oh those poor women that fell for this insane propaganda! How could they resist the prospect of getting 20 instagram approvals doots for simply renouncing their own race, fucking tyrone and being whores. You can tell it spins them to do all of it and that the “propaganda ” isn’t only effective in the first place because it’s what they actually want to do in the first place and kikes are just giving them the approval to do it without consequence. There are plenty of women that didn’t “fall” for the “propaganda” user, it’s no fucking excuse and simps like you are pathetic for even allowing such creatures to have an excuse simply because you think of them as magical do good pure hearted ponies with no self conscious of their own

>>396071645Easy theory:Drug whore did stupid drug whore shit and got fucked up.She was probably at that stop to get drugs. That was probably the meeting spot. She was expecting niggers and was 100% relaxed. She knew her killers for sure. May have even fucked one or both

>>396070459Toll paid

>>396074816Im just calling attention to who is teaching them these toxic actions and beliefs. And it has to do with institutions likes universities and the media. They are young, stupid and being led astray.

>>396070332>>396070344>>396070399>>396070459nothing of value lost.

>>396073530It's bad. Baton Rouge has the 6th highest murder rate in the country. The city is officially 53.55% black, and that feels kinda low in the actual experience walking around and going to stores (many times when I've been one of the only white people in a store).

>>396074039It really is fascinating seeing their naive notions of racial equality do them in.>be used to the civilized way white people behave>shit on white people and choose niggers anyway>expect niggers to behave the way white people doMany such cases. Woken are so retarded. If they want a man who thinks like a white person then just get a fucking white man

>>396073163I'm disgusted when I hear people say>we're all equalWhen there's people like this in the world. Like seriously, how hard is it to not be a complete fuckin retard?

>>396074816I agree, but women are hivemind NPCs, and majority of young women do fall for leftwing propaganda, which is why they shouldn't be able to vote. Yes, I am still salty about seeing tons of young attractive white women support BLM when they were rioting and burning down buildings, I can't forgive that, anyone who saw that happening and still supported it doesn't deserve rights, fuck the cucks who simp for bitches like that.

>>396075272Whats the best state int he south?


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>>396075368North Dakota

>>396071388If it was a black male then her libtard friends can say it's toxic masculinity that killed her, but in that way that insinuates it was a white person who did it. Whitewash the whole thing so they can continue to blame whitey esp white males for their own and others personal issues.I swear 90% of leftists are nearly, if not legitimately, mentally retarded

>>396070710Is Coalfax still up?

>>396072601theyre just against the rules unless you pay for a good goy shill pass.

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>>396075368Depends what you want, and also what your definition of the South is.Tennessee is probably the whitest, Mississippi is probably the most based.All states have pockets of good areas though. The problem is, blacks start moving out of the bad areas and into the good areas. A decade ago my area was very white. Now more and more blacks are moving into the area every week.

>>396070332>a cup titsgood.

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>>396075805how would a remote site even know you are using a VPN? it doesnt make sense. you could litearlly just be a physical local user in whatever location taht VPN is located

>>3960703445/10 bitches, the lot of them.

>>396075062Well yeah user, i hate kikes too. What i’m saying is that it’s still no excuse to be a retarded immoral traitor. Yes the propaganda is strong, yes men are partly to blame for not stopping the jews, but women are just as culpable. It’s tiring seeing men absolve women of any self-responsibility or agency. If we hold literally sub 80 iq niggers accountable but not a 100iq white woman for doing more long term destructive shit than the nigger that’s simp behavior. Most know what they’re doing, they just now have a free pass to do it without fear of repercussion. Yes they also have incentive to do it now, and yes that’s because of jews, but not all women fall for it, and the ones that do should be shamed for it or else this will never end

>>396075582Seconded >>396075332>how hard is it?Hard. If you are here then you feel a weight pressing down on you that you must bear. For NPCs you can't look at a single issue in a vacuum. If they stopped being retarded they would have to start thinking about everything critically and it would be a lifetime of horror, as we already know.

>>396070332dumb cunt relaxed around blackstoll paid in full

>>396073163>Yet another product of failed boomer parentsEvery single time

>>396071842The more I experience life the less bad it sounds to be white supremacist. It's like it had a negative connotation when I was younger but now it's more like a fact. White supremacist. Yup exactly! Prove otherwise please.

>>396070710Toll status: paid in full.

>>396075917retards changing locations and posting in the same thread on the same browser on the same session. it really isnt a huge thing its just to encourage pass purchases.

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>>396070332Toll paid

>>396075363It really did hurt seeing so many white women support BLM while constantly giving zero fucks about white men. Some anons will insist that white women rarely ever fuck niggers, but even if that were true it doesn't change the fact that *politically* white women support black men over white men.


>>396072512Was probably her main niggaz nephew or something

>>396070459>>396070399>>396070344Oh no, anyway..

>>396074560It's weird. I had this totally cute girl in my last job. Slim body, feminine, eyes like a young deer. One of my former colleagues told me that she broke up with her bf to fuck some violent, dumb and ugly Russian at work. The kind of people you see in Adidas suits on the street. He was also a deadbeat dad, totally nigger tier.

>>396076083why mashed potatoes on a burger

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>>396076154dont be swayed by demoralization tactics and propaganda. the reality is that we have no way of knowing outside of our own intuition backed by our own personal knowledge. be in the world but not of it is difficult to do, but try to remember they hated Jesus first. if they loved Jesus and God your life and the world in general wouldnt be so fucked. so dont get discouraged by a godless world of satanic faggots and lost valueless women.

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>>396075862Also, if you want a good bellwether for how based a state is, look at how prevalent mixed-race kids are in that state.For instance, compare with

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>>396074394How did Baton Rogue get that bad? I was there 20 years ago and it seemed a little run down but safe enough. Did you get a bunch of Katrina niggers?

>>396076475its a remake of a dirty desire goyslop burger discontinued from burger king. the loaded steakhouse xl. it is not something you want to eat often or even semi often, but the combination of ingredients if tailored appropriately provide an unreal texture and taste compliment that is difficult to rival or compare to a traditional burger/steak and potatoes meal, even though its basically a nigger rigged burger version of a loaded baked potato and steak meal. i stand by it and recommend it to all frens.

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>>396070710haha nice

>>396070710im sending this picture to her dad lol, maybe he will reply lets see

>>396070459Toll: paid in blood

>>396070332she got nigger attention she wanted

>>396071388Yep, this. Thankfully you faggots made me see the light and I moved to a mostly black city not by choice and they taught me to hate them. It's like being in jail. You don't want to go outside.You could go on a bike ride today in a gated community.>niggers will still drive through and rob you.You could buy a nice house here for a decent price.>niggers will break into it at 3am and shoot at youYou could go to the store >niggers will have gun fights in trafficMaybe you could take your loved ones out to eat.>niggers hate working, will burn your food, and spit in it.Going to fill up gad?>better watch out for niggers What makes a bad neighborhood bad. What makes the hood, the hood.It's not poor people. It's NIGGERS.


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>>396076712I think it was a combination of that and white flight. I grew up in East Baton Rouge. Many of the areas that are familiar to my childhood are now heavily black. There's also a huge influx of Latinos that no one talks about. Extremely common to go somewhere and hear people speaking Spanish to each other. One almost t-boned my car a week or so ago.

>>396070710Made me smile.

>>396076538The other user is right we cant denied that whyte women suports non whyte men over whyte men

>>396070332The sadist in me hopes that in this cunts last seconds on earth, as she gagged on her own blood, as her life flashed before her eyes reliving going to her high school prom, that she saw the faces of the niggers who shot her. I hope that in those last seconds she had on this earth, she realized that a life that could’ve been was all for not because she let her pride blind her from the appalling reality of what niggers actually are. Sorry you dumb cunt; it didn’t have to be this way. Your dead, and it’s your fault too. You lived in the South. You see the same local news I see, but you refused to acknowledge reality and now you are dead.

>>3960761542020 marked the last time I gave a fuck about white "people". I hope they all die screaming, especially the women. I hope they have their eyes pulled out of their sockets while still alive.

>>396073679I can't post with nord.Please user help an user out.How do i use a vpn here?


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>>396070459Good riddance

>>396070332Tragic that she had to go so far down that road. But still the toll just had to be paid, it always has to, it is written in the stars. She wanted to act like a man and be masculine and be around the gangsters and violent, also negroes on top of it. You do reap what you sow, even faster if you burned the coal.She could have been a sexually pure wife that only knew her husband, be healthy and natural, have multiple children that run up and hug her, and most importantly know The Lord Jesus Christ and being saved through his gospel.Instead she chose Satan and do what thou wilt, instead of God and Adam’s authority. She could have had someone that died for her (Adam), instead she went for someone who would kill her (Satan). Sadly this is the tale of many worthless 21 century western white women today. Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction.Hopefully this serves as a warning to all the women that knew her.

>>396070332Love how these threads bring out the most incel of chuds. Y’all are coping and seething harder than the trans folk.



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>>396072788Checked.How do post here with a vpn.Help an idiot out.

>>396073530Yea BR is turning into NO. All the crime in NO is starting to spread to BR and the North Shore.

>>396070332Toll paid.

>>396075917VPNs have IP addresses that are known. Either 4chan or the captcha services ban those IPs

>>396077405Noone cares spic nigger, go post in the Nic Fuentes thread.

>>396077184Yea that's happening in Kenner a lot. Most of Holla Forums doesn't know that Kenner, LA is basically Little Mexico. The entire town is infested with them. They pass out drunk in front of gas station at 9am and throw their plastic and Styrofoam bean and rice cups they buy from the fancy Mexican gas station there everywhere.

>>396075363>>396076154So many hot preppy chicks I went to high school with (class of 2013) marched for Burn Loot Murder. That was so fucking disheartening, especially the ones who posted social media pics and quotes just shitting on white men. You their dads, uncles, and brothers.

>>396071645>why ..derpTurn off your internet.

>>396071388fuck em.

>>396070332Imagine living in Baton Rouge. Literally top 10 murders

Assuming she was raised in Louisiana, her parents deserve it.If you value your children, you'll take them as far away from niggers as possible. She should have been raised in Montana or Idaho.


>>396078565why wouldnt the VPN service just cycle through infinite IPs from their ISP? why would anyoen pay for a VPN service that is using a static IP? i can literally change my IP by cycling my router, why woulndt a VPN offer this service for privacy?


>>396071388As much as 2020 filled me with rage and anger towards my fellow countryman, there sure were some kino clips to come out of that year

>>396074560I have a theory that white women are simply tired of civilized society, and now crave savagery. The whole "white women fuck dogs" meme is yet another example of this. It's not actually a very deep issue; white women just want their white guys to act more savage: be in touch with your impulses, act on them, give no fucks about "the rules". It's similar to how a bunch of guys were buying up sex dolls a few years ago: deep down, men don't actually prefer dolls over real women, but they would prefer women to act a little more like the doll: namely, shut the fuck up, obey, and give up sex on demand.

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>>396070332those damn right-extremists.they are responsible.

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>>396070332Should have become a zoo caretaker if she loved monkeys so much. At least the monkeys there won't shoot you.

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>As of Saturday morning, police have not identified a suspect or a motive>Toll: paidWait, where's the evidence that the perp was black?

>>396079898>hes winning at a game you didn't even know you could play. top kek, im gonna use that one day

>>396070344lmao - toll paid. good fkn riddance traitor. worth it.

>>396074171Stay brave, trains is hard.

>>396079596Because there aren’t infinite IPV4 addresses

>>396080417>Wait, where's the evidence that the perp was black?nigger you don't know how to read do you? Na im just kidding we know hes black because america is racist we just assume every shooting is by a black man.

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>>396074668Magicc tricks.

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>>396070332good, she had fat arms

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>>396076014This girl would rebel against her parents no matter what. She's indoctrinated by nigger propaganda. Nothing to do with boomers, retard.

>>396078701This is called lack of maturity.I wonder what they think about the current crime wave and district attorneys releasing criminals without posting bail?

>>396070399cool thing is that she did judge by skin color. She thought wrongly that black = okay.

>>396071489Nigger jizz is high in calories as well.

>>396079898Is she really a giantess or is he just sitting?

>>396070344Fuck, bros. Every.Single. Time.I'm not laughing anymore. I'm actually worried now. The White women won't stop chasing the BBC and believing the judeo-left's lies about them being innocent. What do we do at this point? Are we just going to wait for them all to get murdered by nigs?

>>396070332nigger loving gets you dead.they dont teach that in school

>>396071388summer of love always makes my peepee hard

>>396070332Poetic justice, every single person who is BLM should be killed by niggers.Sent from my iPhone.

>>396073147I can smell you a mile away you little Anti Defamation League faggot kike, you infilitrate our boards try to tell us that "it's over oy vey" trying to tell us that there are no good White women left, well lemme tell you this faggot more of your kike kind fall for niggers than any one of us white people. Almost every time there's a 'White' woman in a blacked porno it's almost always guaranteed to be a jewess. It's over for your ilk, I have heard God's call to go everywhere you go and spread the truth about your ilk, to follow you in every corner of the world, I can sniff out your foul odor from miles away... Deus Vult!"They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!"

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>>396081370I'll say it again: all white guys need to do is just act a little more savage. That's it. That's literally all they need to do. I'm not even saying full-blown Minecraft chimpouts, we're talking regular social situations here. Don't be afraid to call them "bitch", for starters. Don't be afraid to put them in their place or call them out on their bullshit. Know your worth, and get what's yours.


>>396080770Boomers obsession with individualism and freedom made it possible for the girl to even make these decisions. The nigger propaganda you speak of shouldn’t even exist and certainly shouldn’t be accessible by teenage girls, but muh freedom. Boomers actually think women are capable of making rational decisions. She takes a nigger to prom and I bet nobody around her gave a shit. She deserved multiple beatings in her life before this. Boomers are massive pacified cucks who only care about how the economy is doing. This girl easily could have 6 kids with a strong white man in any other timeline.

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>>396070710Rest in piss slut. S.

>>396070332She def said Nigger.

>>396070516>government streetSo that is what they are calling Martin Luther King Blvd these days?

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>>396070516I guarantee you niggers thought it was an opposition gang vehicle because they were too fucking stupid to realize it was a woman.

>>396070710Maggot food in her best years. No more fitting punishment for niggerloving whores.

>>396075940yeah those are some run of the mill skanks. 18 beer girls

>>396072166If humanity hopes to survive it damn well better.

>>396082121Behold my numbers 21 21 For it is a holy number repeated twice. of it and rejoice knowing soon the kingdom of Heaven will be that of earth no more pain, and the demons known as Jews will be forced back into hell where they shall stay for all time.

Niggers are America's gods. Americans fear niggers like a mortal would fear God. They're not allowed to curse or speak ill of niggers, like how you mustn't blaspheme God or take His name in vain. They devote entire institutions in academia and media to remind themselves of their sins against niggers and beg for mercy, like you'd beg God for forgiveness for your sins. The only landmarks and monuments they're allowed to revere are parks, schools and statues dedicated to famous niggers, immortalized in marble like gods. While their ancestors expressed devotion to gods through offerings of food and drink, present-day Americans created food stamps for niggers for this very purpose. Jesus gets two annual days of reverence, while niggers get an entire month plus MLK's birthday. Americans prostrate themselves in the streets to appease niggers. This is because nigger worship is the official religion of America.

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"Should someone think I am saying too much—I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks . . . No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses—as he possesses the Jews."

>>396072006> I'd bet my fucking ToyotaWhat the fuck is wrong with you?

>>396083380Be gone you filthy kike, remove yourself from this world before the Lord God smites you go back to hell from whence you came, you're but a parasite upon this land to demoralize and corrupt the humans known as the White man, and woman. "Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1,400 years ago during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem! . . . Yes, we have and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism, and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish they were in Jerusalem with the other Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them."

>>396079898>demand more rules>insist that men don't follow them>support punishment for men who disobey>refuse to have sex with obedient menSo like always, it's women being retarded.>support #metoo>expect attractive man to metoo her

>>396083546Seething can't think of a more cucked country You can kick your feet, piss and moan all you want but nothing will change the fact that Americans are the most cucked of the bunch.All Americans can do is larp and play internet tuff guy.But deep down they're bitch made pussies too scared to do shit

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>>396071388Point in case: Asians are mostly chill/not barbarians in the West and thus aren't hated.

>>396070710Paid in full.

>>396082443Boomers hate niggers more than anybody else alive. Gen X loved niggers to rebel against their parents. Millenials somewhat do the same thing. Now here we have zoomers, fully integrated white niggers. Boomers made the mistake of thinking schools were legit and not sources of propaganda fit to hijack their kids. Nothing more. Boomers worked all their lives, and were too exhausted to investigate and protest the schools. People today now KNOW there is propaganda in schools and still nobody does anything about it save for some parents who got put on FBI lists. Face it. This country has been trying to subvert kids for decades. The US is basically a soft version of China.

>>396082121If this isn't a copypasta the blackpill is going to hit you like a semi. Only 5% of people nowadays are married virgins. Stop simping and realize women are less than human. Women are below men and seeing them as equal is jewish feminism

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>>396075530No he is right, they parrot what's mainstream, women don't really think for themselves, they'll adapt to whatever is trendy and aiming to change societal to have a larger selection of mating partners.

>>396070332Please tell me her death was slow and very painfull.

>>396070332Appears that women aren't so good at pattern recognition.

>>396083753God has come to me and told me he will take down the Jew, that he will not stop until every last one of you is rid of this earth and sent back to hell. You can kvetch all you want, you can cry, but it will do you no good, there is no salvation for you my child."Therefore the blind Jews are truly stupid fools . . .""Learn from this, dear Christian, what you are doing if you permit the blind Jews to mislead you. Then the saying will truly apply, 'When a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit' [cf. Luke 6:39]. You cannot learn anything from them except how to misunderstand the divine commandments . . ."I will teach all of God's mighty children the evil of your ways Jew, I am on a mission from God, and nothing can stop me... For soon the end is upon us, and your kind will be gone the way of extinction. I know you work for the ADL and you're working overtime, I can tell you're afraid, you're even asking your supervisor what to do, what to say but your words have no bearing upon me, no weight, for they are the words of a demon and I only answer to God, and I serve his people alone so begone ye foul kike.

>>396084355Are you knew or something?It's just a cope from cowardly Americans, an excuse so they won't have to do shit >>396084553Lol no I don'tSeethe Death to pissrael and their obedient mutt golem, eternal docile slave of the chosen people of pissrael

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>>396084277I see another kike trying to battle me, you're paid to demoralize, you hold many flags for you have infiltrated, this is no copypasta I am just spreading the word of God, you heathenness creature you're as ugly as your maker satan, and you shall burn just as he will in the end times. "Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them."

>>396083380>>396083753Fuck off DGSE, stop ruining my flag with your D&C you kike.

>>396084553>U-u are scaredLmao nobody's scared of you you're just an impotent retard screeching on internet You will never do shit >>396084745Suce moi mange merdes

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>>396084623Look as the kike pretends to be a man of White, when really he is a Jew and nothing more, he spreads lies to demoralize, I know all of your tricks... Soon he shall shine his light upon you and reveal your true form for all to see, I was put here on this earth to help spread the word I am but a servant to man which God hath created, but I am no servant to your kind demon.Your words are useless and have no meaning, your penis small from the rabbis cleaning. However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it. But for us Christians they stand as a terrifying example of God's wrath."You will burn in hell while God's children rejoice.

>>396070459Every.Fucking.TimeWhile women would rather get with a ugly nigger instead of a nice white guy

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>>396084840CopeAlso the jews would be nothing without their obedient amerimutt golem, eternal docile slave of the chosen people of pissrael

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>>396084623I'm not knew, I'm anonymous.You probably are, welcome to Holla Forums we don't want brother wars here but you don't really care about that do you? Chudjack poster.

>>396084277The idea that men and women are equal is the lie at the heart of many questions surrounding all manner of discussions pertaining to gender these days. People love to point out the double standards between men and women, but few follow it to the conclusion that gender equality is a pernicious lie. If there's one idea that I wish Holla Forums would spread like wildfire is that women are beneath men in the spiritual hierarchy.

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>>396084925New* ta gueule

>>396084793>oy vey no ones scared of you goyimThe Jew seethes as he continues to defend himself, only those that are guilty and that of the blood curse will defend themselves so vehemently only those that lie and sneak their way into the land of man will do such a tactic.Notice my brothers and sisters, I do not attack this man, I simply shine light upon his lights, I simply quote the bible, yet he attacks for when you name the Jew they know nothing but to attack.

>>396084793Post hands with timestamp, now.

>>396084981CopeNobody is scared of you you're just an impotent retard screeching hidden on an anonymous basket weaving ICQ chat

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>>396084919I need not cope Jew, for I know I am on the path of God, you can keep lying all day if you so wish, but the people of God are waking up soon your corpses will litter the streets, you hide behind the flag of France so if you're not a Jew then I guess that makes you a Muslim another false child, another tool of Satan."If I had to refute all the other articles of the Jewish faith, I should be obliged to write against them as much and for as long a time as they have used for inventing their lies—that is, longer than two thousand years."

>>396085055>Post hands with timestamp, now.Wanna see my cock too?

>>396070332Toll paid

>>396070516> 5'10 and 5'11Never relax around manlets.

>>396085108>I worship Yeshuah bar Yossef the jew from Nazareth, checkmate jewsLolLmao even

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>>396085090My name is Jerrod, for I am he who descended my middle initials are Mark for I am of the kingdom of God a warlike warrior, and Adam for I am the begging and your end. I hide not behind my keyboard, I dox myself for I am a child of God and my life is that of the righteous... Can you say the same Jew?

>>396085127>Suce moi>Wanna see my cockObviously you would be a faggot at that.Post hands, with timestamp, go on DGSE.

Any news on where she got shot? Would be a shame if she died instantly and didn't learn a valuable lesson in the end.

>>396084661>reddit spacingSo who is really the jew here? Feminism was literally created by jews, dude. Look at marriage statistics or how any "trad" woman acts and tell me they would be more faithful to you rather than a nonwhite with higher status or is better looking. And if you're a Christian, you should agree than women deserve to be subservient to men. You're letting pussy get in the way of what's really important. Just look at Ukraine and the women that fled, they couldn't give less of a shit about what happened to their country and immediately moved to dating apps. I can tell you're a newfag, and the woman question is just as important as the jewish one.

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>>396085225You continue to kvetch but you get no where, you do not phase me child. "Alas, it cannot be anything but the terrible wrath of God which permits anyone to sink into such abysmal, devilish, hellish, insane baseness, envy, and arrogance. If I were to avenge myself on the devil himself I should be unable to wish him such evil and misfortune as God's wrath inflicts on the Jews, compelling them to lie and to blaspheme so monstrously, in violation of their own conscience. Anyway, they have their reward for constantly giving God the lie."

>>396071743She probably cheated on one of "exciting" niggers she was fucking.She found out just how exciting he is.

>>396085228>>396085306>>396085244Coping and Seething You will never amount to shit except screeching and finding excuses

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>>396070332The ironies of life. Loved niggers. Murdered by niggers.

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>>396085301Where did I mention feminism? I never said that they should not, I just say that they are also children of God. You distort what I say and make it what you will.But my truth will set you free.

>>396079898The problem with that is two-fold. A) it’s fucking stupid, and B) if a white man acts like a savage, he’s punished severely and has his livelihood torn asunder. They pulled our fangs out and nobody fucking cares.God, I hate women.

>>396085346I see only you coping and seething, you continue to kvetch child... What is the matter? I feel a great pain from you, that forces you to lash out, sure on orders of your masters but again your words have no meaning to me.I care not for what you say child, for your life will soon be over.

>>396074560They're taught, and psychologically abused from birth, that they will be punished in multiple ways for not treating blacks as at least their equals.

>>396070332Pigs get what pigs deserve.


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>>396085466So is every American since the 90’s, blockhead. You don’t see guys running out in droves fucking sheboons though.


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>>396085462You will never amount to shitNobody's scared of an anonymous retard in the sceptic tank of the internet All you can do is make stuff up hidden behind a computer like a coward KekYou wouldn't dare to say half the shit you say here in real lifeBecause you're a pussy

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>>396085346You are deranged and going through a rite of passage to come to Holla Forums and aggravate the Nazis or something.Tonight I will have finished that boeuf bourguignon stew and will feed my family with it, we won't talk about what separates but what link us as we praise Christ for doing for our sins.You will still be mediocre, you will still be alone and will still value money more than your kin.I will pray for your soul tonight.

>>396070332>>396070344>>396070399>>396070459>>396070516>>396070710HAHAHAHAHAHAHA dumb whore

>>396076435Nice try hoholnig.

>>396085784>tonight I will worship the jew god, I'm such a Nazi you guysMdr

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>>396085761I'm no longer anonymous as I have revealed myself, you're so worried of what's to come you revealed yourself to no longer even be reading my replies. There is no redemption for you Jew, only pain and suffering. Only the Jew demoralizes and attacks the White man, pretending to be a fellow White man. Unless of course you're just a cuck? Well cuck and Jew are the same thing I suppose.

>>396085875You mean the God that renounces the Jew?If you Jews would just read the Christian bible you would see that God hates the Jew."And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of the first and the last, who was dead and came to life: I know your affliction and your poverty, even though you are rich. I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

>>396085926I'm just telling the truth anonYou're just a dumb overweight jew god worshipping retard hidden behind a computerAll you can do is screech, all your grandstanding won't amount to anything. Ever

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>>396085875Precisely, now the irony should had reached a normal man, but not you, that's why you're here, not to discuss but to aggravate ''the sceptic tank of the internet''.I'm not sure yet, kiwi farm refugee? Leftypol? Predditor? Glowie?Still waiting for those hands with timestamp, oh mighty, angry one.

>>396086101Cope You worship the jew god YAHWEH and his son Yeshuah bar Yossef from Nazareth

>>396071388I don't feel bad for people without pattern recognition. Society is hyper insulated from danger, which has allowed npcs to over-breed and ruin civilization. It would be great if they'd darwin themselves out of existence more often.

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>>396086130I already told you God hates Jews, I shown you proof and scripture, I am not fat either kike. I see you are showing us a picture of yourself, lose some weight so that way the battle we have against you will be a tough one, for I seek not a easy battle for I ask God to give my his toughest battles.

>>396086160I'm a pure bred poltard disgusted by my fellow retards Especially Americans

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>>396086290>Muh made up jewish skydaddy is going to come save me in...two more weeks!

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>>396085414Another demoralized, confused user.

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She retweeted this, I guess we found the reason on why she turned out like that.

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>>396086412". . . but then eject them forever from this country. For, as we have heard, God's anger with them is so intense that gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them!"I can keep showing you passages from the bible where God condemns you Jew.But you're not even reading this, as your reading comprehension is the same as your pets, abysmal. And yet you continue to attack anyways knowing you're inferior to me and everyone even your own pets for I would put a black person above a Jew, for at least a black person is easy to see their ways whereas your kind has deceived in such ways it makes it hard for humans to see.Your end is coming kvetch all you want.

>>396086290To triumph without danger is to vanquish without glory, indeed.>>396086341Prove it.

>>396086616Amen brother may God be with you.


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>>396070344Oh no anti racist bros...


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>>396086616>Prove itDeath to israel, the USA, and every single jew and his 1000 American golem, eternal slaves of the chosen people of pissrael.

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>>396076782following user don't let us down

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>>396086592>Muh made up jewish skydaddy is going to come save me in...two more weeks! It's written here in the jewish book!

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>>396086859you talk big, can you even defend yourself from the pack of niggers that's going to be breaking your door down? do you even own a gun?

>>396086859You still refuse to prove it even a Jew would renounce their God Moloch, just to infiltrate the human race. Post skin Jew like we keep asking or get off the board and kill yourself, yeah put that shotgun under your chin and splatter the walls with crimson for the only good Jew is a dead one.

>>396086667Amen, you too.>>396086859That's a start, keep going, what have you done today to better your situation? Cardio? Sports? Cooking? Reloading?

>>396086959God is not Jewish he hates your kind I keep telling you that but again you do not read for you are a Jew, you only know how to kvetch and attack when named.

>>396072564I would beat the shit out of him until he stopped moving if I saw that

>>396076782Also include >>396070516 with it. Need to drive home the point that niggers killed his nigger-loving daughter

>>396086991>At least I have muh gu-ACK >>396086993>>396087027>>396086592>Muh made up jewish skydaddy is going to come save me in...two more weeks! It's written here in the jewish book!>>396087021Today I am looking for a new house to move in, what about you user?

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>>396087218>Muh Moloch spreads my bussy daily oy vey

>>396087304Coping and SeethingImagine being so retarded you fall for a 2000 years jewish psyop

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>>396072195>cute>instagram filters>6lbs of make up>takes 100000 photos and only chooses the 5 best ones

>>396070332>>396070344>>396070459>>396070516>>396070710One less shitlib white woman, and maybe some people got redpilled along the way.Too bad she was actually pretty.

>>396087218Today I have received a new batch of Hornady Vmax in .308, 110 grains that I loaded in Lapua cases for .300 memeblk cut at 1.358" with 21 grains of H-110 and CCI 41, currently playing with the OAL, they still give me 2507fps average from my 16".The bourguignon stew too, it will take north of 7 hours to cook nicely.Once I'm done with this thread I have 30 minutes to do on the rower, that's possible thanks to all the raiders like you that come to shit the place and that kind of thread: perfect ragebait for more reps.

>>396087395>Oy vey I'm a massive kike faggot that tells lies about the bible to get more people in hell to do the bidding of my daddy Moloch.

>>396070344>>396070399>>396070459Dumb bitch. All the virtue signaling in the world won’t save you when a pissed off pavement ape is gunning for you. It didn’t have to be this way.

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>>396087624BasedWhat do you hunt? Sangliers?>>396087665CopeKeep making just-so feel good stories in your head about how you're winning. Retard

>>396086675based lena

>>396079898The white women fuck dogs meme is pretty much an ethnicel cope but the rest of your post is probably true, but white women are fucking idiots, because they hate on the white men who are willing to get their hands dirty and clean up society.

>>396070332and this is why i married a latina. into the trash white women go.

>>396087858For boars and deers I have a good ol' Rem700, this is for less civilized times.Do not be upset or blame someone else the day your conscience catch up with you for you're guilty of the very things you blame americanons to be.Find solace in the fact that your undoing will not come from anyone but you.Rowing time it is now, farewell oh mighty, angry one.

>>396088087You are a cope, nigger. Shitskins worship white women. Look how many shitskins get mad at WMAF. They talk down the white man because white men call white women garbage. White women are garbage. Get over it. White men have moved on. Asian women are superior.

>>396087858I know I am winning for God tells me so you're the one that keeps attacking I am but a humble servant of God and of his people. You are but a demon in disguise as a human, otherwise known as a kike I know you work for the ADL God is calling to me telling me who you are Mr. Friedman you have no power begone away with your demoralization tactic and trying to push God's children to hell. God hates Jews and soon all Jews will die by his hand through his children.

>>396070332>>396070344Good riddance.

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>>396088087> they hate on the white men who are willing to get their hands dirty and clean up society.They hate them, yet they get wet by them. We shouldn't care what women think.

>>396088205I'm not the retard grandstanding and pretending we're winning because a misguided White woman got killed by niggers and that's a "toll paid" like most of the retards itt like >>396088240I know hardship is looming, I also know this place by heart and all its inhabitants

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>>396088497I agree it's a toll paid, but you're the one that said "we're losing" You're the kike full of lies, deceit and demoralization. God will bring you down kike. >>396073147You can not lie and say you did not post that. Your lies are easily caught you will perish in the lakes of hell.

>>396070332SToll paid in full

>>396084504Bullets hurt quite a lot, the damage they cause it catastrophic (unlike in the movies), even being clipped by a round can lead to amputation, and she didn't die instantly.

>>396088616>Th-they're killing our women! Jokes on them we're winning!Absolute state of this placeTouch grass, ghoulish subhuman

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>>396088497You know I speak the truth for why else would you continue to attack and kvetch, only a kike fears so much that he has to defend himself, while I only state fact and the truth.

>>396088779>caring about coalburnersngmi

>>396088779I never said that kike, as all kikes do their only defense is to distort the truth and lie. I see countless posts of yours trying to demoralize our righteous crusade, trying to demoralize the White race. Kvetch all you want the truth will shine for all to see.

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Toll paid

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>>396088798I'm not kvetchingJust making you seethe apparently as you need to double tap post >>396088849Women don't have thoughts of their own, they just follow the status-quo>>396088893Seethe harderYou will never do shit but screech behind a computer like a gay little hysterical faggot

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>>396070459My God. I can't believe he got to stuff, stretch, and orgasm that then teen. Imagine the pleasure she felt as that nigger was laying down pipe like a fully trained union pipe worker? Then again, niggers don't work actual jobs. But just imagine the satisfaction he was giving her. Damn. Shit like that gets me real fucking hard.

>>396088779So what's your plan of action to avoid death by coalburning monsieur user ?

>>396088978You finally admit you're a Jew, and I am not seething I am only showing others the truth. And I need not do anything but waken the masses to your evil ways, and once I do we will begin the crusades and put all your Jew heads on pikes so the other races may see and know to stay away from our lands. I am neither seething nor angry, for anger is of but an animal, and that is all I see before me, you attack the White man yet pretend to begone.

>>396089084His plan as he is a kike is to be part of the problem my child, read all his posts and see the truth before your eyes, soon we will drive these creatures and their pets away from our lands. But first you must go and spread the word, show everyone the kike make him come out of hiding make him show his hatred and vile tongue for all to see his deceit.

>>396087040Great, protect her so she can go on a fldate with another nigger.

>>396089084Organisation and taking back power>>396089171>More made up, just-so feel good stories from a faceless impotent hysterical homo hidden behind a computer

>>396087040die boomer, you've done enough

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>>396089388You've already proven yourself a Jew, all see you for what you are a hideous demon.And I've shown a lot of proof God and the bible are against the Jew, you just refuse to read the bible because you are a Jew see:>>396086592>>396086101>>396085306>>396085108>>396084840>>396084661>>396084553>>396083546>>396083313>>396082121

>>396088237and yet you are browncurious

>>396089724>More made-up, just-so feel good stories from an hysterical homo This is you

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She was found with a corn cob in her ass

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>>396089903>oy vey goy I only know how to use word salad to accuse you of what I amThat is you, you think he is made up but he is not I guess you continue to believe he's Jewish when my post clearly shows verses from the bible that shows he despises the Jew for he is but a puppet of Satan. You keep on kvetching knowing you have no way of winning I will bring more to my side than you will ever dream of kike.

>>396090131Post physique >Won'tThis is you >>396089903

>>396090207Post skin like we asked countless times kike.

>>396090262Post physique>Won'tThis is you >>396089903

I am off to sleep I will be back tomorrow to continue my fight against your kikery. For now I bid you farewell, and may God have mercy upon you child.

>>396090319Post skin >wontThis is you

Attached: 1663621422595404.jpg (833x790, 137.86K)

>>396090348>He thinks he's "fighting" by posting on an anonymous tranimé basket weaving forum Kek>>396090420Cope harder fatso

Attached: 1663664273768.jpg (712x1024, 84.27K)

>>396084504He was a big guy


>>396070332>taken out just when she was on the brink of "passable" to "fat"they did her a favor

>>396071388This video will never get old.

>>396071388>She found out the hard way that people are racist for a reason. A good reasonParents who teach their kids to not be racist should honestly get fined for abuse.

>>396083877they also pretty much only commit high intelligence crimes, i.e. embezzling money. not low intelligence crimes like killing others or beating them up for fun.

>>396076782All this will do is force the dad to go on TV saying that there is nothing wrong with niggers and he loves watermelon.