Trippy/dreamlike/surreal movies

What are some good movies that put you in a trance and immerse
you in a dreamlike/surreal narrative where weird things happen and you start questioning what's real/what just happened? The narrative doesn't have to be a multilayered mystery or anything, long as it's absorbing.
To me personally, these were the most effective in achieving that feeling
I just DLd Alejandro Jodorowsky's movies, so hoping those are good.

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You might just say anything by Satoshi Kon, I think that except for Tokyo Godfathers everything he did was surreal.


What's with all the categories relating to one crossdresser on the article? Not even blacks get this kind of privilege on Wikiedia.

It's only four, and lets' face it…special snowflake syndromes and the like probably made a lot of those to justify their delusion. Just don't hold it against the movie, it is not a bit of propaganda and it was made before this whole PC craze.

This is what you want OP


Santa Sangre
Dark City
The Tree of Life
The Fountain
Black Swan
Perfect Blue (anime)

I don't blame the movie. I like all of Kon's works. I just find it funny how Wikipedia talks about equality and non-biased shit yet here they are rolling out the special snowflake carpet for just one group of minority fags. You'd think with a category system like this they'd also have numerous categories on black people in films based on their country of origin.

There is a sequel.


Pretty terrible tbh

When will people learn that "lolxd there are misspellings" isn't funny?

Prepare for pretentious horseshit.

In Pan's Labyrinth it's ambiguous throughout the whole movie as to whether the fantasy stuff is real or just imagination, and they play it extremely well at the ending.

But outside of the ones you listed the only other example I have is a video game: Metal Gear Solid 2.


That's it, I have had enough of you RLM tier popcorn munchers. I don't expect you to even know about high brow films but I thought you'd at least appreciate good entertainment but no. You only want to watch flicks that spell it all out for you and bland directors who never uses the medium fully. You scoff at good cinematography and disdain symbolism and more than rudimentary drama. You can't deal with anything more advanced than capeshit, terrible genre works and soap operas.

There is no cure for your pozzed groid brains.

RLM was a mistake.


underage faggot detected

I've been watching a lot of Mr Robot recently and I think this is one of the best examples I can think of that makes you question how much of what you're seeing is delusions created by the protagonist. I'm half expecting a plot twist that reveals that one or more characters aren't even real.



I honestly hate it when they make it ambiguous since it leaves very little option for a sequel or spinoff material.