September 2022 - THE Happening

Are you folks ready for possibly the greatest happening in human history? What the elite have in store for us will drastically change the world and divide us more than the death shots ever could. We are all are bound by a feeling that a narrative shift needs to occur and we are on the precipice of civilization-changinging events. Nobody will be able to claim that "nothing ever happens" ever again.False Flag -> Chaos (manufactured) -> Project Blue Beam -> Revealing of the AntichristThings need to get worse than we can imagine before they can get better (create the problem, offer the cure).You don't think Google blocked out the Red Dragon for nothing, did you? Mass Formation Psychosis+Graphene Oxide in Shots+5G+Transmission of Low Vibration Frequencies=?Choose wisely when you start to hear the voices and do not trust your eyes, but let God, your gut, and your intuition guide you. You will have an incredibly difficult time if you have not already found God.Thread>>

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Other urls found in this thread:>>396069023i

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>>396061902Bump for ayylmaos

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BZ stands for:>Bump>Ze Thread

why? is there any particular astrological happening on the 24th?

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>>396061902Nothing will happen.

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>>396061902Two weeks.

Rare flag! Rare Pepe!

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For those that want a simple explanation, we will see a major false flag that will make 9/11 look like a joke. That sets the stage for the staged alien invasion. The shots contain graphene oxide, which has already been proven. It absorbs radiation and it reacts to and transmits signals better than silicon. Using 5G, low vibration signals can be transmitted to everyone to influence their thoughts and actions and it will be used in conjunction with the fake alien invasion. This is how they will try to usher in the New World Order. This is how society is going to be split. Some are entering into the next level of slavery, a techno-dystopia, and everyone else is ascending.Find God now. Tomorrow will be too late.

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>>396061902>folkslarp discarded right theretry not being a tremendous faggot

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>>396063486how the fuck is this even possible how did we do this


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>>396063119It might not be on the 24th. We have to be careful when focusing on specific dates as sometimes our attention is enough to alter the course of reality. The Great Deceivers will make their move before the US midterms.

What can I do to help?


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>>396061902Is it yellowstone? Asteroid? Admittance of vax aids?

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>>396063630Nah it’s just that all the vaxxies full of graphine oxide will fry when the EMP goes off 2 miles up in the sky, the resulting deaths will be called “nuclear” casualties, nukes are a fake and gay psyop. Nukes don’t work here anymore .

>>396063853Timezones mean that it might be a day late or a day early, but on which hour?

>>396061902Jesus is King

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>>396063486lmao, either we channeled something, or outrsight manifested a cosmic pepe.

>>396064045All faiths? Can I come tell you about my religion?t. I worship Satan

2 more weeks- the post


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>>396063913Can confirm. A flock of seagulls flew over my house in central wi. Have never seen a gull, not even at the landfill.


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>>396063913The rug pull (vaccine truth) has already occured. Truth and logic mean nothing to those that cannot see, those that are separated from God. It will be an event unlike anything we have seen that they blame for the economic crash. Once our situation looks like it cannot get anymore dire, that is when we will be in communication with visitors.

>>396064464the vaccine opposition has been part of the dialectic the entire time, they are just building it up to release it to fire a metaphysical identity gun at everyone who depended on the lie, which will create the demand for the next stagealso people be aware of the nobody/kek threads, they are antichrist grooming

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>>396064382The Roman would have never needed to say that or be worried. The fucking jews killed the Christ, you fucking insufferable faggot. I would bet that you are a fucking jew. kys.


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>>396061902Have you guys ever watched a movie called "The Signal" (2007)? Do you guys think something like this will happen? Highly recommend for horror

>>396064612does this make the meme easier to understand or are you still caught up in race?the reason the jews are "the synagogue of satan" is because they reject christ, not the other way around.

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>>396061902>PicThere it is! I have the other one from the other telescope.

better happen this time.I was in the 2017 september threads

>>396064382Jew bullshit. Look we're special we said so. Look at our jew letters. Scripts are artificial.

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>>396063630So do the vaccines spread to unvaccinated?

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>>396061902It will be a big day for me

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>>396063853What will happen to everyone who didnt get the shot?

>>396061902To m going to need a date here and I told you schizos if it’s longer than like 2 days I don’t want to fucking hear it.

>>396065475same thing you're saying just with your people.your playing the same "original chosenite" game they are

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>>396066127No pagan says we are chosen, we are part of nature, not separate from it. Our gods are for us, not for us to rule over others. There are major differences.

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>>396064604>anti-christ groomingSure would be funny as fuck if they accidentally groom the actual Messiah from if

I masturbated to pornography with satanic imagery the other day during a depraved session when I had seen all other porn and it was hard to get my dick up. It started with watching some halloween themed one on pornhub and went from there. Am I going to hell or can I be saved?

>>396064662The Spartans themselves wrote a letter to the Israelites calling them their brethren.

>>396066627Sure thing bud.

Nothing ever happens , mr bones ride never ends

>>396066627good thing jews were the homesexual caanaanites


>>396064104Be careful that image is just a longer exposure of Saturn. It was posted on /sci/ once and a legit knowledgeable space user found out it was Saturn. At least the two spheres are just Saturn at different places in time lapse. Idk what the red stuff that forms the "smile" is. Iirc space user said it was just some artifact.

just end it already

Don’t worry bros, being taken against your will by one of these things was pretty hot ngl

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>>396064320Did you run?

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>>396061902>>396061980>>396062055>>396063630>>396063853How is Google blocking the Red Dragon?

>>396061902Are all you fags gonna come back and admit you're literally retarded when nothing happens, like always?

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>>396067161No. These threads will bo 100% forgotten.

>>396061902Solar flash will break the chain.

>>396061902Oumamoua is a flare probe meant to signal us about the current approach of Marduk (Nibiru/Planet X) and the characteristics of its next passage through our System centre.


>>396063630>and everyone else is ascendingTo where?

>>396066627Protestant won’t believe you because the Maccabees isn’t in the Talmudic Canon.


>>396064135I don’t think they let Jews in.

>>39606401724th America, 25th Europe and Asia That's what I get through the pendulum and tarot.

>>396067367L user?

I want to know why Leonard Nimoy cock-blocked those nude photos of Valeris. Goddammit.

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>>396067643YesForgot the tripcode lolI'm not fag enough


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>>396066935Yes, could be Jupiter as well, one of those two. It was shot back in the eighties i think.

>>396061902I am ready. Strap me to a missile and fire me at the draconian star cluster

>>396066385Kabbalah is like having your cake and eating it too.

>>396066385May Christ illuminate your soul. דמב

>>396064464>Truth and logic mean nothing to those that cannot see, those that are separated from GodDo not so rashly throw them away, there exist those who will see but are waiting for a push. But, yea, there are those who simply have no love for the truth and without that there is no way that the truth can be seen by them. No words can be spoken, no example made, that will cause them to love the truth. Why exactly is that? I could quote scripture about it but wisdom concerning those who simply always turn from the truth is something that has yet to be given to me, outside that it is a real thing. I can however give some insight on the "mechanism" involved. In this world, in this life, we receive what we reach for. This can be seen simply in regards to the following examples:>the reward asked for by saying "I am a forever alone" is to be forever alone>I'm oppressed, always receives reasons to feel oppressed>I'm a loser, will never succeed>worried about being able to pay bills, continually struggles to pay bills>I want abomination (gaysex) receives abomination (disease)EtcFor anyone who reaches for the truth, it shall be revealed. And it shall be revealed at a pace directly correlated to the amount reached for. I say to any user who has read this far: reach for God. Reach for Him and He will reach back. It doesn't matter if you've been a terrible sinner, God is many things that sound bad... angry, jealous, vengeful, etc but it's always well deserved. He is also merciful, holding no grudge, repent and be saved. He is also faithful, once saved He is always there, even if you mess up, waiting for you to recorrect your path and continue forward.

>>396061902>Choose wisely when you start to hear the voices and do not trust your eyesAs many times as I've tried to visualize what form this will actually take, I still don't get it.

>>396068230>but muh jew on a stick There is one thing that the Creator absolutely is not and that is petty. If the name Jesus feels foreign to you, if any name in the Bible doesn't sit right with you... ok, leave it for now, instead talk to him in this manner:My God, Creator of all, above whom there is no other, and whom is alone worthy of all praise and whom is the totality of all that is good and just and righteous. He will not admonish you for calling Him by such. Call upon Him to give you understanding. Ask Him to show you that He is real and worthy. Ask Him to cause you to see the truth. Ask Him to cause you to grow to be like Him. Ask Him to provide for you a way to receive those things that you need. And, when you realize that you've received the things that you ask for, go back and read the Bible, repeating those same requests so that you can read it and see the truth within that so very many can't see. God Bless ever single one of you.

>>396061902Something better happen or I'm gonna get real bored.

>>396061902oh and does this have something to do with those awfully evil a.i generated memes recently? i see them and feel sick.

>>396061902Nothing ever happens. Two more weeks. Tryst the plan. Eat the bugs. I hate the Antichrist!

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>>396068296At least we can make fun of these dummies when nothing happens, that will be entertaining... for like five minutes>>396068402Yeah, I don't like them either, very uncanny valley or something

>>396067871Been following you in the archives and trying to catch up to you all week man. So this whole solar flash thing is something you intuited with tarot cards? I'm not vaxxed but I got tested, not the nasal lobotomy one, they just stabbed 1/2 an inch of my nostril. Am I good?Also if you don't get flashed, what/ when are the other chances?Interesting stuff, I hope it's not a larp

>>396064320I'll bet you ran, you ran so far away

>>396061902I’ll be sure to post here on October 1st asking why it didn’t come true, OP.

>>396061902Get a life fag

>>396068236It's supposed to be an attempt to fake the Holy Spirit. But, my opinion of it, especially considering many of the other operations that we have seen over the past 2 decades is that it is a gate keeping operation "ignore that thing because it will be globohomo manipulating your brain waves" but in reality it is you starting to notice that God is real. The reason that I believe this to be the case is there is a wewlad tier revival going on in the church.

>>396067610I heard 24th Europe (because of what the German politician said back in february) and 23 America (because of all the predictive programming. Picrel is just a small sample)

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It's the Yellowstone asteroid magnetic cookie monsterAnd it's a big one and he'sBumping

>>396065521no way, you have to choose evil for yourself


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>>396064135we know you do, kike

>>396061902Kindly fuck off to /x/


>>396066474Even a complete edge Lord can repent and be saved

>>396068601Pendulum first, tarot about a year later.I started questioning the alternative narratives since some of the promises didn't line up with others, it was like staring at Swiss cheese.Through the pendulum I discovered a lot of it was a psyop and the rest was straight up the second beast.Similarly, when looking for a way out of the false narratives, I prayed to God to lead me away from temptations and evil and for God to lead me to the truth and God's divine light.That's when I started learning about how there's two different Q teams of which one is completely quiet and the other is false, how the Galactic Federation hasn't been founded yet, how soul contracts are illegal and won't stand in the court of God, and many more things besides.I knew of the rapture and when I was doing some other things with binaural beats (specifically one called feeling like anyone you want on youtube) i figured out I'm completely different in the future and so are others, and when feeling for specific times I narrowed it down to a small timeframe which got smaller as time went on.Earlier I learned of a sound event coming from the sun through other tarot workers, a solar event and other such things.Then using the pendulum, 16 years of 4chan experience and logic, I asked enough of the right questions to fill in the blanks and get specific.I don't know any whitehats.I don't know any darkhats.I don't know any "jesushats" (for want of a better term: the quiet team of legitimate warriors of God).It's just me, using a pendulum and tarot, directly asking Jesus and God.

>>396063486We need to fix this right now. We got tricked.

>>396068601About the nasal swab.All that did, was take a DNA sample.That's not going to prevent you from ascending through the solar flash.Jesus is within you.

>>396068907>24th September 2022The Christians are saying this date is the rapture, seals opened, earthquakes, solar flares, volcanoes.The cryptofags are saying this will be when we officially enter an economic depression of epic proportions. The conspiracy chaps are saying a false flag event or blue bean ayyliums.Possibly on the 24th is when GESARA gets rolled out.

>>396069641>ascending through the solar flashQRD?

>>396064045its an invalid link homie

>>396069641We don't know what that test was for so we can only guess. It could have been so they could inflate the covid numbers and help push the jabs. Because if nobody was getting tested then they couldn't issue fake covid statistics

>>396069919I believe he's talking about the new age galactic federation crap that says space ayyliums will bless us with a cosmic energy burst that will make us ascend to the 5th dimension

>>396069641Good to know I was worried about the Terra grippers, black threads and cattle vaccination method. Not worried about them having my DNA, my name was unironicly in a report that landed on Obama's desk for some bull shit I pulled on an island in the pacific. They know who I am and I am unafraid of them.What's a pendulum and how do you see/scry/divine or what ever with it?

>>396069641God be with you too btw

>>396069641Ive seen tye vids where it leaves barbs in tissue.

>>396069919Basically put, the solar flash will induce a lot of energy into your DNA through harmonic resonance and both unlock and activate tonnes of genes that have been recessive and dormant for thousands of years.It's also going to split timelines along various delineations. Jabbed and unjabbed. Jabbies who got saline and jabbies who got the real deal. People who embrace the QFS and people who embrace Jesus. That kind of thing.Earth as we know it is under quarantine, has been for thousands of years. You can think of it as a prison break.>>396070316That shit? I don't believe that either. It doesn't come from Pleiadians or Andromedans or Arcturians.My information doesn't come from a channeler or the truther community. If anything, my info comes because I disagree on a soul level with almost every single thing they say, from Jesus within.If you'd like, you can grab a pendulum or any type of weighted item on a string and learn which way of swinging is yes and which way is no, and then ask Jesus and only Jesus may answer the question, if I'm wrong.

>>396069843>The Christians are saying this date is the rapture, seals opened, earthquakes, solar flares, volcanoes. Matthew 24:35-39Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.>nobody knows the day or the hour, but the Christ and the FatherDid the Christlarpers just forget about this? Also, false prophecy is a grave sin.

>>396061902Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens.Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens.Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens.

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>>396070316Also +3inchs to all dicks, so the new average is 9inch.

Oh hey! I remember this one from 2017! "See you in september" amirite?I was 5 years younger and swallowed all that bullshit hook, line and sinker. Thankfuly I'm not a retarded anymore.NothingEverHappens

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>>396070729I heard they were doped with sodium azide.

>>396070536A pendulum is just a weight on a string.You can have one with a crystal or a jewel or just a lump of metal, it doesn't really matter.The pendulum reacts to your own energetic field.Just gotta hold it steady by the string and try not to move when asking the questions.Then when you ask the questions, ask Jesus and only Jesus may answer the question. Malicious entities can interfere if you don't specificy that.

>>396070944No idea, i just saw vid proof barbs. Like 10% fall off or more.

>>396071126Where they slowly release their payload.

>>396067367I'm just concerned that the proteins shedding can affect unvaxxed and I've been to a doctor (reluctantly) recently and have a terrible headache. I don't know who I was around that was vaxxed. Also, while technically self spreading vaccines are only for animals, they are absolutely planning on doing it for people.It might seem unfair to me personally, but I feel like a vaxxine being released like that would be one of the plauges to be suffered if I don't get out of the city.>>396067434


>>396071213Yes, I get sick when I'm around them for too long as well.

daily reminder that schizos are literally never right about anything

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>>396071309I've always been right. I wrote stories 10 years ago about what's happening right now, and some fates worse than death that may be to come. Thwarting becoming the characters in my stories is the goal at present.


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>>396070761The new agers say the ray of loving light we are to recieve upon entering the age of Aquarius will unlock the full 100% of our brains and we will leave monke mode and be able to be like super hero god mode with telepathy and telekinesis and shooting fireballs from our hands and shit.

Thread theme


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>>396071722That DBZ stuff may come, but the entirety of the truther community is compromised with grifters and liars deceiving the lot.Those same new agers say that the quantum consciousness will gouvern the money system for you and restrict your income for naughty behaviour before you've even thought of doing something naughty, using looking glass to foretell the naughtiness.

>>396066990yeah. quite a distance.

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>>396061902im not religious but i avoided the vax i think I'll be right son

>>396061902Nothing ever fucking happens

>>396065521>is vaccine shedding realhere's a good thread for proving vaccine shedding to be>>396069023i still agree with this

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>>396061902What is Red Dragon?


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>>396063694fuck man. MGS2 had it all spelled out. nanomachines. meme warfare. the president not being the president. it's all in there.

>>396070891trenzinho da alegria happened 'tho.

>>396072480Would that mean that vaxxies are a like a permanently infected people to those who are not jabbed? Not spreading virus itself but spike proteins that will cause the same reaction to a healthy individuals? Man I hate the normies even more now. And my turboretard gov is shilling 4th or 5th (didn't care enough to pay attention to detail) booster now. Fuck.

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>>396071297What were your symptoms and do they go away?

>>396072939Japan put out a lot in the 90's to mid 2000's.Pic related, Blood+. About the Rothschilds.

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>>396072203Sounds like that's only for the jabbed. If the stuff is true about the jabs being filled with nanobots that build antennas inside people to connect their brains via 5g to the quantum computer hivemind motherboard which monitors and controls them.At least they'll be happy.

>>396073360I don't really feel like typing it out at length. I'm not really a representative sample given that my body was compromised to beginw ith, so you have modification of existing issues, and also new ones. Distill it all down, superficially there is brain fog, fatigue, headache, and so on. On a deeper level I think there might be something to the VMAT2 ideas. I had a lot of fairly extremely psychological effects, hormonal stuff, looping intrusive thoughts. I already had "depersonalization" and saw my body and mind as machines to use, puppets, but earlier this year I felt like the link was severed entirely. I was left to watch my body and mind with no real control. An empty vessel, the content of my mind was just whatever garbage the world happened to dump in there sloshing around, and I was just left to watch. No inner control. Unpleasant sensations. Felt pulled out of my body. Hard to explain. I'm only recently sort of rebuilt so to speak, but something feels very wrong.

>>396066862>>396066990>>396068643I am totally serious, there were seagulls everywhere

>>396073371Blood+ is super based and redpilled, hard to find a physical copy irl.Check out Gundam Seed/Destiny.Its about freedom of choice vs Natsoc, thats secretly space communism in the end.Gundam 00 is great too, but not as complex as Seed.The idea of peace through superior firepower when taken to its logical conclusion makes a great anime, also some super kino fight scenes. Movie is great too.>psychopass is what happens if they win.

>>396061980>>396063486It didn't happen in 2017, why all of a sudden it's in this year?

>>396073735If it works like the collective unconscious and sympathetic magic, you don't need 5G. Just a Quantum computer that can imitate your "signature" enough to start to contaminate and overpower your subconscious. Whenever the activity of two systems becomes similar enough, even across great distances, they become coupled and bidirectional information exchange begins. It's essentially voodoo. And it works, I've done it many times.


>>396074786To clarify though, the remote biometrics and 5G, IoT, etc, are required to gather that signature to begin with. It's also why they want to make a digital duplicate mirror world. Is the same method I use. You take a snapshot of a person and create a version of them internally, place them in your subconscious, and have that world interact with them. You will see real effects manifest in the real world.

>>396073974Christ, that's horrible. I really hope we can heal from this. You really feel, nothing at all? Hunger, desire, longing?

>>396064662While I agree that there is a lot of fake Jews there are also real Jews here In Israel

>>396066935wrong faggot>this imagewas discovered during the great meme war when woke anons were enlightened to hrc sacrificing chickens in her backyard. Many of us realized these high ranking archons of satan, who have free roam and unlimited resources to do as they please, would not risk exposure as child torturing blood drinking cannibals unless the reward was unfathomable. After falling down many many rabbit holes while scientifically resurrecting actual fkn magick, we discovered our enemy bases everything around macrocosmic space meteorology because satan can only alter byway of logos - as he is trapped in the material realm and is thus restricted to influencing already created material things. This is why our memes from imagination defeated the satanists in the first war, we used creation which they failed to instantly corrupt. >back to this imagewe used memetic numerology and thermal layers to observe deep space egyptian constellations. Kek, who is the bringer of light from the darkness of chaos, lives within Orion. When we zoomed into his cluster thermal revealed said image, not saturn u dirty cube worshipping kike shill. Within 24hrs it was blacked out. So fk off faggot, u and the russian bot lose.

>>396073974Do you have passion still?

>>396061902The queen is still alive you fuck tards.

>>396075075Like a void, basically. I mostly feel compulsion and paralysis. I got rid of things like hunger, desire, longing, good and bad, and so on, long ago though. What happened was a loss of control over these internal systems. It's very similar to the state caused by smoking weed, which I only did a few times for that reason. No inner control, just an observer of a body and mind that something "external" seemed to be acting upon. It was like being in a dream bubble at times, all of a sudden I'd become aware and actually look at my thoughts, fight it off, and everything would instantly stop. Like the bubble popped and I was back in the real world, awake. I frequently had strange dreams and would wake up back in the strange state. Hard to explain in the abstract without significant backstory, like I said. It was actually a lot worse than I've described.And that's not even taking the jab. I really don't know what happened. Dental appointment, injection of lidocaine, but it had already started before this. That leaves one factor, the temperature sensors they point at your forehead. Was a cuck (ie needed them) and had them used on me twice. Perhaps it damages something via pulsed THz frequencies, perhaps it activates something, I don't know.>>396075258No.


>>396075816>Like a void, basically. I mostly feel compulsion and paralysis. I got rid of things like hunger, desire, longing, good and bad, and so on, long ago though. What happened was a loss of control over these internal systems. It's very similar to the state caused by smoking weed, which I only did a few times for that reason. No inner control, just an observer of a body and mind that something "external" seemed to be acting upon. It was like being in a dream bubble at times, all of a sudden I'd become aware and actually look at my thoughts, fight it off, and everything would instantly stop. Like the bubble popped and I was back in the real world, awake. I frequently had strange dreams and would wake up back in the strange state. Hard to explain in the abstract without significant backstory, like I said. It was actually a lot worse than I've described.>And that's not even taking the jab. I really don't know what happened. Dental appointment, injection of lidocaine, but it had already started before this. That leaves one factor, the temperature sensors they point at your forehead. Was a cuck (ie needed them) and had them used on me twice. Perhaps it damages something via pulsed THz frequencies, perhaps it activates something, I don't know.I have experienced similar and know others who have as well.I'm convinced the bulk of it is autoimmune encephalitis from the spike protein. It reminded me of when I had a really bad flu a decade ago and was watching cartoons on the ceiling and all sorts of stuff.

>>396061902>folksKill yourself reddit fag nigger bitch

>>396063934How are you all so clever?

>>396064958Based and truthpilled

Rolling for nothing will happen

>>396075816Find that light in you it's gotta be in there somewhere.

>>396075816I experienced something similar to this for the last 2 and a half years since I overdosed on tramadols. Pretty sure I cooked something in my brain

>>396077054Rollin for happenins

>something BIG is happening in x timeYou dumb newfag, happenings cant be predicted they just "happen". We can be aware of something, but never when'll occur.

>>396061902Whatever that is, it looks hilarious.Like some retarded, down syndromed demon.


>>396070769there are enough passages concerning the day of the rapture before the great tribulation for a studied christian to know the kind of day it shall happen on, but the very same will only know the general season of its comingI, unfortunately, am not there yet, though it is interesting to see that many things line up near yom kippur of this year

>>396068013Under rated as fuck. That’s funny.

If we can manifest Pepe, we can manifest this

Attached: The Time Line Change Experiment .jpg (2880x2880, 1.05M)

>>396063832What's with the kingdom hearts sword in the last panel?

>>396063486Kek watches. Waits. You will soon hear his calling up from the depths.

>>396077064Working on it. Your wording there actually reminded me of something.>>396077259I have little doubt I'm pretty damaged and whatever they're shedding simply accelerated an underlying degenerative process. I developed "visual snow" like a decade or more ago. Many suspicions, recent papers are confirming many of them. Have dealt with nerve pain, upper cervical issues, autonomic dysfunction, and so on.Perhaps I just finally broke under the torture and newly gained ability to look back and see how much I regret. Probably synergism of several factors. Whatever they're shedding definitely accumulates and has a dampening effect on the mind, executive function in particular.

Fucking murica faggots can't handle their niggers and come here pretending they can predict a happening, fucking nuke murica


>>396061902reminder that nothing ever happenssept 24 or whatever the date that's being memed will pass and it'll be just another nothingburger sept, just like the Queen's funeral was a nothingburger even though retards were memeing that Russia would nuke it.

>>396062055the elites will allow this to happen, the disclosures of how bad the jab actually is, so vaxies will suicide in larger numbers, so they can join the cabal on the astral (they forfeited their souls by taking the vax and have no choice anymore after ''death'')

>>396074159Raised in Michigan. I know what seagulls look like. I fucking hate them. I've lived in KC for over a decade now. I see them here every now and then in KC. Apparently some gull just are weird. They get lost sometimes too. I know it's weird but sometimes gulls show up in weird places it actually normal. Google it. Gulls are like rats they can live anywhere human are.

>>396061902>Happeningit never happens


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>>396078405symbolism.because the key is a sword (truth).also they are the oathkeeper and ultima(omega?) keyblades which reference Christ (the truth), which brings down the second tower of babelit's a modern riff on bible symbolism

Attached: license 2 fren.jpg (1035x831, 61.13K)

>>396064604>nobody/kek threadsPlease post archive. I saw some “nobody” general on x but didn’t notice anything interesting

>>396083629Thanks fren, that makes sense


Attached: AF2ABCAE-1ED6-4918-9E32-9D8782EA656E.png (828x1792, 585.43K)


Attached: 1662905054812539.web 3.webm (720x1280, 2.89M)

>>396083634you won't be able to understand from an archive or screenshot, it's very slippery and complex (it's magic. one of the more clear manifestations of it is through synchronicity), and even then, you need to look at ever-shifting keildoscoping contexts. it has a strong mk-ultra element (basically a scientific application of magic). it's very unique. great learning tool if you don't get sucked into it and don't try reduce it to a simple understanding

Attached: peter explains.png (1724x1851, 1.08M)

>>396073191>Would that mean that vaxxies are a like a permanently infected people to those who are not jabbed?Yes.

Lmao you pathetic schizos always make me laugh with your "OOH ITS HABBENING" threads. Face it, the average home for the elderly has more habbening in it than any of these shit threads ever could. You need to take your meds, deal wit it.

Attached: esq060122-cover-018-1653336458.jpg (480x603, 41.9K)

>>396063486My god, what have we done.

>>396083634memes are probably the best way to understand.look through these if you want.some of my more recent ones are more on point

Attached: __-min.png (3185x3135, 3.27M)

>>396063630Is the 5g shit why my tinnitus is so often.

>>396084109Thanks user

>>396075078So who are the real jews? Sephardic?And are the ashkenazis phonies or just eurofied mutts? And the khazar as well?

>>396069065Wut iz dis?

No.396065715sleepyness ,tired.worn out.sleep lots.generally keeping their head down.if youg ot the shot your a tratior to humanity.


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>>396069843>The Christians are saying this date is the rapture, seals openedWho is saying this? Which Christians?>earthquakes, solar flares, volcanoesNormal earth and galactic activities. Earthquakes happen all the time, volcanoes erupt constantly, solar flares are normal and all are common, natural occurrances

Attached: UK version of Joe and Jill Biden.png (417x384, 218.33K)

Remember vaxxies spinning videos ? It’s nano tech, as

>>396061902Based shizo.

>>396061902Yah Just like 2012 Mayan calendar right? gtfo with this conspiritard shit

>>396078847nicotine brothr

>>396083818What is the story behind this?

>>396061902I felt it, not this night but the night before. I can't be the only one. Anyone else felt the constant vibration for an entire hour?

Nothing ever happens, even though I want it to happen

>>396087282Just wait and you'll see, and then you'll regret not cherishing the days you currently consider bland and uneventful.

>>396061902i tend to agree that something big is happening. i think that our personal lives are synced up to it, too. for example issues at work, conflicts in the family, world events, they are all positioning us for something.

>>396061902See you next week

>>396072262What the heck is that catter doing

>>396069641Does that go for the lobotomy swab as well?

>>396062055Like they would tell the truth

>>396083923I actually made Philip have a heart attack, directly talked to him on 4chan /x/, so then they speculated I killed the queen. I didn't but I knew it would happen.BTW the Philip thing is when they knew it was me and now they're very scared.



Attached: slowthespread.jpg (1588x346, 113.58K)

Schizo or real?

>>396063119September 23: Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces. The US birth chart also has a T square (moon, mars, pluto) on the 23rd and 24th.This equals something big happening that causes grief and violence.

>>396090069>The US birth chart also has a TT?As in trajectory?

>>396063643Yes! Folks is the worst word in english history


>>396089292Quote that conversation verbatim, please.

>>396061902You're right about God, user. But you're wrong about bluebeam and almost everything else. They don't have a need to fake what will come to pass. If you truly believe in he that is, you should also believe in those who have tried to usurp his place in the hearts of all. I feel like you're trying to do something good, but your current perception of the world is getting in the way. Here's what you should worry about: the Mark of the Beast, what happens when mankind reaches the point of no return, and where you're headed because of your role in it. I have to tell you, as honestly as I can, if you spread panic and sew discord and hatred in that fated time, you won't be going anywhere good unless you have some powerful friends. There will be a terrible war, and a consequence of it will be irreparably damaging the Earth. Then they will appear in the skies, and they will offer to save us, if we just take the implant that makes us a part of their society. I doubt they'll tell you outright, but it's basically exchanging your soul to save your life. They are not what they will claim to be. They're spiritual predators that feed on the stress of beings, and their farming strategy is ultimately to traffic in souls. They ain't from around here, to put it lightly. Just remember what an old friend of mine commanded you to do: love God with your whole heart, mind and soul; and love thy neighbor as thyself. And you'll be fine. Let's just say, for now, that even though we face spiritual wickedness in high places, that we are not without allies.

>>396068230Blessed post, well said.