Ernie is a fucking midget. He is 4'1 which is classified as a dwarf. He can't see over the counter at Hooper's Store...

Ernie is a fucking midget. He is 4'1 which is classified as a dwarf. He can't see over the counter at Hooper's Store. I once saw him at a firing range somewhere in Utah and his AK-104 were taller than he was. Why doesn't anyone say anything about it? The public is suffering from some sort of mass delusion. He's a midget, plain and simple. The Emperor has no clothes.

Let me tell you why that's bullshit.

You see Bernie is no midget. He is actually of average height amongst his kind and only appears to be a midget because he lives in a world of giants, such as 10 foot tall humans and 18 foot tall birds. By our standards he is as tall as your average shitposter.

OP is a midget.

Well OP? Are you a midget or aren't you?

So what does that make 6-year-old Big Bird?

Mentally handicapped and he is already an adult by his species' standards.

HIP 12961 is a fucking failed star. It has a spectral type of M0V, which classifies it as a red dwarf. It can't explode as a supernova. I saw it as a proto-sun and the ignition flash was so dim I hardly noticed it. Why doesn't anyone say anything about it? The public is suffering from some sort of mass delusion. It's a red dwarf, plain and simple. The Emperor has no clothes.

A member of the klan.

these captions are pretty weak tbh fam smh

Your kind is not welcome here.

Post something better then goy.

The digits are strong with this thread.

dude epic i love me some dubbiewubbie memes. kek 'em!

Normalfags even ruined dubs…




No wonder we had to switch to normalfag. Fuck, they even got Wojak…


They'll never get Travis.

Why would Grover (a furry blue yidd) be trying to disprove the Holohex?

… It's just not the same… That stupid frog has been with us for almost a decade. How can we ever replace such a stupid but easily moldeable dank meme?


No need to replace, eventually they'll just move on to the next hap thing and forget all about it. Same thing happened to baneposting which is still alive and well.

ugh…….those "average people" don't know our struggle with imageboard memes. fuck average people, man. they even stole our epic meme word for "average people". they dont understand its true meaning like us non-average, memeing people……..

fucking average people.

fuck off

He's a self-hating Jew.

It was the only one I had that hadn't been posted in the thread already.

You kike

Gee, I wonder who could be this butthurt. It's like literally anudda shoah! But wait…


Are you new here or something?






Hi facebook, I'm picking up on your sarcasm. While "average" isn't the word I'd use, yes, there is a huge divide between normal shitposters and the chan art of highly repetitive, unapologetically autistic meming. There's also something to be said for the mindset preferring to separate itself from the the ego and thriving in an anonymous environment bereft of upboats and societal head patting. Here the medium is not the message. Here it doesn't matter who we are. That may not qualify as above or below 'average' but it's certainly the polar opposite of 'normal.'





Ernie did nothing wrong.

He is the hero we need.




tbh fam i think im a special snowflake because i use imageboards smh



(Sieg Heil)
Be ashamed

The switch never happened. user uses normalfag. Normalfags use normie and try to pose as user.

They were wasted dubs.







This is the most summeriffic thread of all time



you can't be serious





If only it were in motion.



wow could you be anymore obviously jewish

i dont even hate kikes but anti-semitism can be pretty funny, you can argue its a cheapshot but anything that is "verboten"…well its easy to get belly laughs lets put it that way

Aren't Bertstrips a Reddit meme?

to all you faggots complaining about faggots appropriating your maymes..

stop being fucking retard, complaining about that shit is almost as bad as wearing one of those horrendous shirts

niggers have been dealing with this shit for ages now, they have some particular piece of vernacular they use, and some faggot wigger steals it and passes it on to his faggot friends

you dont fucking complain about it, you just come up with something new, or you steal something from some other group and alter it somewhat

tldr: all channers are niggers

i wonder how funny it would be to you if you're entire family had been sent to death camps, kid.




The normies get out shirt gave me a chuckle. See, there's a guy on a shirt who wants the normies to GET OUT. And there's a normie inside the shirt.

*Work camps that became death camps due to typhus and the collapse of German infrastructure (because the allies bombed it to shit, whoops)

Fuck you Hot Topic you piece of shit.

Top fucking kek. Hitler did nothing wrong, the holohoax never happened, and we know what (((your kind))) are doing to the modern world.




