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We have to make this movie blow up and make it the most liked trailer on Youtube or something


You know ads on this site are like $5 right?

Begone, Sony shill


I remember when porn stars used to be hot


You're probably just desentisized user.

is it bad I only find the black one attractive of the bunch?

Yes but also no

I like heaven tits right next to her

But yes the black girl is the hot

that was legitimately a better trailer than CISbusters


the medium brown one is the cutest

It's because this one isn't a literal gorilla.

I's another porn industry tries to shill their degenerate porn parodies on Holla Forums episode.

Reported. Fuck off.

You've already revealed yourselves to be shills with the 4/tv/ porno.

The is definitely funny, but if you expect free advertising to "piss off le sjws" then maybe you should try Holla Forumseddit.

i dont usually fap to brazzers garbage, but i'll make an exception, the latex suits best me…

they're grannies, what did you expect?

to look good, women need to be under 15 or use 20 kilograms of make up, guess which category they belong to?

Yes goy, become addicted to pornograaphy. That'll show those SJWs! You don't hate freedom, do you?




I thought Jim rid of all the pedos.

Dubs of underrated posts.


Banging a 15 year old doesn't really make you a pedophile. It's morally wrong now that we don't drop at the ripe old age of 40 but it's pretty far from being a kiddy diddler.

It's shit.

go back to Israel, you Kikes, and take your degenerate, corruption of sex with you.

I like the sentiment, I'll watch it because that's funny, it looks like the entire cast has implants though.

I hope there's a cumshot montage with "cause bustin' bustin' bustin' bustin' makes me feel good!"

Wasn't there already a ghostbusters porn parody with Gianna Michaels in it, though?

yes it does

No, it doesn't, pedophiles =/= phebophiles
Ephebophile is just being a healthy man who want to breed with a healthy female.
Also, I don't know where you live, but I'm pretty sure in 80% of the civilised countries you can fuck a 15 years old legally.

I'm calling the internet police.

Hasn't there already been a Ghostbusters porno parody?



Gianna's are natural. The costars, not so much.

kindegarden now have wifi? Pedos can connect there now too?

Nikki Benz is great.


…actually contains a discussion I'd like to see continue on this movie. Porn always fosters friendly discussions.

Those "stars" look seriously busted all right

professional porn stars were never hot

Brazzers is 99% fake tits

Which pisses me off

Nice dubs, reddit.

this user has it fucking right

my sides


sorry. not giving you free advertising, fam.

The black chick looks way better than that giant nigress

I wonder if this will make Feig have a cuckattack.

You're damning her with faint praise.


Her hair is fake though. It's sad that black women are too ashamed of their natural hair not to wear a wig or a weave.

top kek, people actually think brazzers is shilling on here

i'll give you one thing brazzers, you know where your public is at. So kudos to you.

Still i would much prefer to see less plastic going on.


So "fake tits" you don't like but shaved to make the pussy look like a 10 year old girl totally does it for you. K.

It's sad that they're going the cheap way with flashy spandex and generic porn models.

Porn companies used to invest a lot in these parodies like Pirates of the Caribbean porn with cool sets and costumes.

Gianna is the best.

You mean stuff on natural adult bodies? Maybe you should stop fapping to little girls.

They don't make enough money selling them now to justify larger budgets.


We need a comfy general thread where we can discuss whorefus



That cartoon makes me yearn for the rise of a neo-fascist movement.

Crashing my sides with no survivors




This has more charm than anything I've seen from the new film.

Sony did everything they could to fuck things up and they had no good reason to. Even an average result would have net a few hundred million, now they'll be lucky to get a 100m.

i hope someone archived that thread. that was the funniest fucking thread in years

Who is this qt?

It's a Finnish Mongolian.

Is it too much to ask for pornstars to go to the gym occasionally?

I guess if you're fit you're more likely to have enough self-esteem to not be in porn.

Take your pills autismo

I feel the strong moral obligation to fap to this, link when?

Now this I'm willing to pay for. But I won't since it'll likely be available for free on motherless or xvideo in a few weeks.

my sides

I was ACAB before I joined the force

coke bodies and plastic surgery.

my fuckin sides

I know this is old but the fucking face of that kid will be with me till the day I die, its right up there with pics of shellshocked ww1 vets

It was like the perfectly tragic setup to mock the movie even more.


Are you into hair pie fam?

I'd watch it

At least something came out of this horrible farce.

Hello American.

Time to torrent the shit out of it.


It'd be better if we had a working archive.


It was 14 in Canada until I think 2008 when it was raised to 16.

You're a pedo if you're attracted to pre-pubescent children, not post-pubescent teenagers.

Someone post the link

rockin out to this!!! love it!!

I don't watch porn but I might make an exception with this one. Is Danny D in it? I enjoy baneposting.

spotted the low t faggot


is that jenna 'the worm queen' haze?

Most definitely.