Jay got a Just haircut.
Jay got a Just haircut
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The only good part of the show was watching her and Mike drift apart over time.
Just fuck it all up
everything, fam
Even for a doughy autistic manchild he was too good for her.
Are you a fucking bot?
she probably decided to go out with somebody who was slightly alcoholic rather than extremely alcoholic
(dating somebody who's not alcoholic at all is of course not on the menu in the midwest)
Why is Rich OK with the Pedophile jokes but get ass hurt over fat jokes?
I'd think because he's fat and not a pedophile yet
I don't like it when the Canadiens are there, they're awkwardness makes me un comfortable.
Anyone else think Jay and Collin are dating?
because pedophilia is good and its illegal, while being fat is bad and SHOULD be illegal or punished in some form.
Collins cool, the other guy is awful.
And yes, it's confirmed.
are they fags?
Gee, I always assumed she was just one of the guys! And that "the guys" were actual friends!
Have some gafs.
Rich is going to be on the news one day and Mike will be testifying against him in the subsequent trial. Rich has all the signs of a person who let their fame to get to their head. Even if it is internet fame, it's still unhealthy for his fragile ego:
I didn't quite agree last thread, but Mike really is the only thing that keeps the show going, even when his humor is just "I'm drunk lol". Jay's the support fag straight man, Rich has became a complete faggot, and everyone else are accessories.
They were already drunk when they started filming, weren't they? I think only Beardfat was sober.
During this one I would day they were drunk before they started. Usually the tape spin parts take no time at all. This one was over 10 mins.
Whats with all the digs at Christianity? Pandering to that Reddit fanbase?
Unironically the worst one I've ever seen. Red letter media is officially dead
They seen a few of these videos already.
This is the official moment when they jumped the shark – for me –
I didn't laugh along with them at all, turned it off after like 10 minutes.
Rip RLM.
Eh, I didn't hate it, but I do think this was BotW's worst episode. I think I chuckled like twice, and both times it felt like a really cheap laugh. They didn't seem like they were trying. I'm kind of fine with that though, I got the impression their friends from Canada were just in town and they were like "You guys wanna get drunk and watch shitty videos again?" I mean the show averages like 400k views, if you were going to do it anyway, why not film it and get $4k in sweet sweet internet money?
Kind of the point of these wheel episodes though, they have no way of guaranteeing they're not going to be watching total shit. They probably should have added a fourth video instead of trying desperately to milk laughs out of a seven minute video.
That Chinese(Japanese? Korean?) Christian recruitment film was a fucking goldmine though. Smiling Jesus on the cross, that bizarre segment about the mark of the beast, I'd totally watch that.
I like the Canadians.
Mike's humour isn't even very good any more, it's basically "do everything slowly and say how much you want to die".
It's "cool" to signal against Christianity, it shows you're a free thinking and now some drone who just does what your parents tells you to do.
The huge bearded beta ruins any episodes he's in. He's clearly a progressive and struggles with any offensive jokes that move beyond that. Rich has become an E celeb who thinks he's funny just for existing and Jay has always been the support. This means with no Mike at the table you don't have any one to push people's buttons so you just have support and an ego driven prick.
They got 3 very short videos, the first one gave them no material beyond LOL CREEPY DOLLS, the second was a more awkward version of the "Be cool at parties" video ft. the world's worst receding hairline, and the third had one thing that was pretty funny and fuck all else. The only winning move they had was to throw these videos out and spin again. Too bad they didn't do that.
Creepy doll jokes write themselves. They could have easily picked up some shitty action figures from the local toy shop and used them as props for jokes.
Christianity is for retards is why
come ooon
That cult recruitment film was scary shit. They need to just cut the crap and only put the obviously weird and insane shit on the wheel of the worst.
Who gives a fuck if someone made a bad 90's info for kids on every possible subject. That isn't fucking funny, especially not with mike. Anytime there's any kind of intimacy in any of these videos, you just know all they're going to do is make rape jokes. Rape jokes can be funny, but not if you just keep saying "rape rape rape rape rape" as if that's your punchline.
More exploding varmints and less drunkenly laughing at Video Toaster?
Exactly. I didn't word it very well, but if they don't have an exploding varmints or SOS, they're SOL without Mike there to carry them.
Seriously. Why do they give a video meant for elementary school students the time of day compared to shit like HIV/AIDS for old people or whatever it was.
It was a Japanese video promoting the Children of God organization, the one that River Phoenix was raised in. It got busted in the 90s because it turned out that child abuse was rife wherever it went.
How much will Holla Forums sperg out when Mike and Jay love Dickbusters?
Haven't they joked about it more than TFA?
space cop was garbage
They'll give some holier than thou "we don't care that there are woman in it, like those soggykneest manchildren" speech, and they'll find a few token things to praise, but ultimately they'll still say it's shit.
His idea of enjoyable trash seems to be the MST3K kind, but those tend to be unwatchable without the riffing
How much viewers will they lose?
Kill yourself kike.
They have to review it, or else they end up like AVGN?
It wouldn't be progressive enough. Too much talking about how fags, minorities are more prone to terrible diseases probably.
Or a pirate download?
is this his new thing now? saying that shit movies are likeable?
is he trying to be the ultimate contrarian, or is he just a sellout?
He always said shit that he knows will piss people off. Now he's just doing that because he's getting old and easier on movies.
It's like Yahtzee, that guy used to shit on games, now he's soft as fuck on them.
Why is Jay so perfect? He has good taste in movies, great jokes, and a gorgeous appearance to match his charisma.
Guys, I'm crying right now.
Just looking at his picture makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with Jay Bauman. I've lost interest in all guys, besides him. Guys who are considered "hot" by the general female population don't cut it for me anymore.
Jay really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with him. If only he knew I existed in this life, if only he knew my deep profound love for him. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at him. I'll never be with him, but I'll continue to love him until the day I die.
Have fun making the webm.
so that colin guy is like a legit fag right?
i have a hard time believing a dude could be so effeminate while being straight
I mean his association with Jay lends credence to your theory, but come on, he's canadian. They're like that.
You fucking parasites are sickening.
Literally PJSalt
Is this some new pasta?
When even the Nostalgia Critic and many other reviewers who liked the film but were able to point out its flaws, you know you fucked up. Literally the entire review was that they loved the fucking thing. How can you be so fucking blind?
What are you even doing?
They said it was decent for what it was
They thought the movie good with Mike even outright admitting that he loved it. Closest thing to a criticism was them making fun of Phasma which everyone and their grandmother was doing. Even the review itself was pretty mediocre and unfunny compared to their usual reviews with what's his face's Santa Claus skit being like a forced in holiday gag that really throws off the flow of the video while pretty much only poking fun at fans who liked the older movies and material. But even so the whole review felt dispassionate and devoid of their usual criticism or wit. Even their Plinkett review was meh as fuck.
I still remember them being more passive than that, like when they made fun of the final scene