Symbolism in Refn Movies

The final scene in The Neon Demon involves two perfect aryan models in a room, vomiting the cannibalized remains of another aryan girl they had just collectively murdered

During this scene, something in the background jumped out at me. The wallpaper featured prominent, blue swastikas throughout. I couldn't and still can't figure out why they were there, but knowing Refn there has to be a reason.

There was some controversy over the movie drive for alleged anti-semitism. The movie's antagonists were jewish, and explicity so, which is extremely unorthodox for Hollywood. They even mention it themselves in the dialogue.

Towards the end of the movie, one of the jewish mobsters breaks into the bodyshop owned by the schmucky goy charachter. A star of david is featured prominently as the jew goes to shake his hand and instead slits his wrist.

The symbology in Drive is pretty straight forward. The jewish mob controls Hollywood. They control the industry and the crime.

The symbology in Neon Demon is not so clear to me. The movie gave me the impression that Los Angeles sucks the lifeblood out of the rest of America. The most beautiful aryan women are brainwashed and funneled there to be fuckmeat and puppets for the jewish elite. The best of our race are spit up and chewed out by the kikes.

But this is all my own projection. Nowhere in the film, that I can remember, does Refn explicitly mention anything at all JQ. The agents, directors, and managers all looked pretty goyish to me. The only reference at all is the blue swastika at the end.

Maybe I missed something? I think Refn is like Kubrick; every aspect of a shot is curated by him, and everything that's there is there for a reason.

Symbolism fucking shits.

Bunch of faggy ass bullshit being spewed on this thread.

What's the deal with red-blue though (Refn does this a lot in Only God Forgives as well)

Who is Magneto and Shylock?

I said it was unorthodox for hollywood to have villains be explicitly jewish. I didn't say it never happened.

Lad, a villains a villain.

Within hollywood you've had black villains, asian villains, Russians, Irish, Egyptians, Italians, British, American etc.

The face of villany can change overtime.

During the cold war era there was a shitload of films against the Ruskies.

It's unorthodox for jews to be villains in hollywood movies.

Jews are disproportionately represented in movies and tv. An astonishing number of A B and C list actors, comedians, etc are jews, despite the fact that they're 2% of the population

The big six major film studios are all run by jews. The media is run by jews. Jews are thus very rarely portrayed in a disparaging light, save for jewish comedians who are 'allowed' to make the occasional jew joke.

So when Refn 'names the jew' through his movies, it makes me wonder how much he knows and what exactly it is he's trying to day

You're getting somewhere.

Yeah, no. You're lost again. The Neon Demon has heavy religious undertones that is very obviously shown throughout the film. This is nothing new. Refn does that with Only God Forgives as well. I've mentioned some of this bit, but I'll try again just for morons like you who can't even into basic symbolism. It's the story of a young, beautiful girl who represents the natural beauty and grace of God. She's basically an angel who becomes corrupted by her own desire and vanity. Hence the scene where she kisses the three apparitions that looked exactly like her. This is where she finally gives in to temptation. LA does its part with the culture that fosters those sins within the modeling scene, but in the end, it was her own fault that she was killed. The other models aren't "perfect aryan women" either. They're whores who made a pact with the devil/some demon in order to remain beautiful.

No shit. Although I do think the Drive stuff was intentional.

this level of POZ

Yes and the white man will go extinct, etc, etc.


user you're embarrassing yourself

dude jews lmao

dude memes lmao

Dude Kino LMAO

wait I thought the "evil kike jew commie liberal marxists" control literally everything, how did they allow evidence of their crimes to exist?
wrong use of "rhetoric" but i guess that word signals "SMART POLITICAL PERSON" to normalfags, i understand why you'd attempt it.

Because they don't think normies will believe it and they can ruin the lives of those who publically say they do. Much easier than giving it the Fahrenheit 451 treatment.


jews jews lmao

I never said they control 'literally everything'. I said they control the big six film studios, and they control most of the major media companies. All of this information is very easy to look up.

This is the second time in a row you've used a strawman. Either you're a shill or you just want to be irrational

spot the memecuck

I don't think that's what Refn intended, he "apologized for Denmark" when Von Trier made his "I am a nazi" joke.

Yes goy remember, dose ebil nadzees were so evil they were cannibals!


Salutations chosen semite! We all know that an ethnic group dominating an industry is absolutely more impossible than seeing unicorns. Just like how it's impossible that a large demographic of asians manufacture smartphones.

ur dumb

It's threads like this that make me glad that the /film/ anons left the board. How can you say so much about something without actually saying anything?

Who cares? It's just a bunch of pretentious bullshit shat onto the screen so faggots can jerk eachother off about how "deep" it is.

This to be honest. Its basically like /a/'s NGE. Tries to come off as deep but really it was nothing with the writer just being a depressed hack who threw in whatever he thought would draw in views while relieving his stress.

Oh shit watch out, you said something negative about anime so that one autistic guy's going to come in and shit up the thread for 30 posts


nice the kikes are doing our work for us


That was the best thing I've seen in a long while. I love Drive even more after seeing this.

Thanks kikes!