What emotion is this face trying to convery?

what emotion is this face trying to convery?

Other urls found in this thread:


she's disgusted by the patriarchy

"this is the airbrusher's best effort"

I need 2 pounds of cookie dough and a diet coke

Is it supposed to look like she's about to fuck you with it?



ah yes the classic dreamworks shit eating grin

why is this a Dreamworks meme when Pixar does the exact same thing?

It's the stupid smug animator face.

"I try to look confident but I'm actually scared."

She looks a lot like Theon's lezzy sister from GoT in that picture

They let her choose what face she could make, but she didn't know what face to make, so she's just making a blank, featureless, neutral expression. Like an aging schoolteacher in a class photograph.


yeah, what did she mean by this face?

Because DreamWorks was doing that shit before Pixar went downhill and started doing it.

whats wrong with her eyes?

lol it doesn't even look like her. The airbrusher must have been doing everything he/she can to make her look less fat.


check out the amazing effects!

guess who's cameo was released in a TV spot today?

Could they make it more obvious it was shot in front a greenscreen in a studio?

Why are they acting as if there is physical weight to the ghosts? Also, the ghosts seem to react before the stronk women even do their actions.

Also, christ I didn't how bad it was but Melissa McCarthy is a fat pig.

This just looks a like a parody we'd have made ten years ago about a feminist remake of Ghostbusters.

I like how they decided to just fuck it with the capturing ghosts too and just made it generic star wars laser shooting


Plus, there's no sense of danger from the proton packs. When the original cast used them, you felt like a wrong move could incinerate somebody. Remember the ominous hum from Ray's pack when they turn it on in the hotel elevator? Remember how their equipment would be smoking and looking hot to the touch when they were done? How the streams looked like an unnatural force a normal person really shouldn't be messing with?

Now they're just coloured rucksacks that ladies can wear inn their backs that lead to cute little zappers that shoot the nerf equivalent of the original streams. Plus, each "buster" gets their own moment? That's horseshit. They were a team for a reason. It took at least two to subdue and trap a ghost.

But I guess using the traps doesn't show how stronk they are, so they just kind of whip them back into the convenient smoke that surrounds the smalls set they're fighting on.

Yup, this is the Ghostbusters I know and love.

Mike will love it

just feels like they're desperately trying to have an 'Avengers' moment where they're all fighting in the middle of a city.

also whats with the girl rolling in slow motion too? what purpose did that do?

So they are weapons now instead of being like those collar sticks youd use on a rabid or wold animal?
And why did she roll?
Is the villain gonna shoot a laser and all 4 are gonna have to team up and push it back with their own lasers like an anime?

It's like watching the power rangers…

How dare you. Power Rangers was at least entertaining

"get ready to get busted, fuckbois!"

Fucking Luigi's Mansion was a better Ghostbusters sequel than this

At first I laughed.
Then I started to cry.


I wonder how much they paid him?


more like threatened if the emails are correct

exactly, fuck the source material. We're just using the skin of a classic over our generic laser guns.

how else would you know it was an action scene?

They're probably going to even push the villain over the edge and fall through some sort of 'glass ceiling'

I love that he says this and has Star Trek 5 front to the left.

The music is just as bland as…whatever that was.

if you actually bothered to watch his stuff you'd know he likes to set up things that came out at the same time to set the mood as if you were back in the past with him. Star Trek 5 and Ghostbusters 2 came out the same year.

Penis intake deficiency.

His set is supposed to look like an old VHS rental store. I'm sure he didn't place that prop there to announce his love for Star Trek V.

"Please watch."

That whole axe part:

What's worse is that both the less dangerous photon packs could simply be explained by the technology getting better and safer over time.

Which would have been fine, if they then did something new with it that forced the girlbusters to work together.

Say, and I'm just pulling this out my ass, they try out their new proton packs, on what seems to be a single ghost on a empty run down street. The ghost then tries to fly away and the buster gets pulled along with it, off the ground.

Now a whole swarm of ghosts come out of the woodworks and fly along with the first ghost, like a pack of birds. The other busters impulsively and latch on to ghosts of their own, to help the first buster

The problem now is that while crossing the streams doesn't cause a disaster, it instead cancels both streams, as a safety feature. This would cause the busters to fall to their deaths.

I just realized who they're fighting in the clip: Uncle Sam surrounded by ghosts wearing fedoras like 1950's men. They're literally fighting the patriarchy.


its like poetry

Wow, you'd totes never guess that Paul Feig had never directed an action scene before.

If you watch his tour of the room, it's set up as a movie rental store and that Star Trek 5 thing is an actual movie store prop that says "remember to rewind" or something.

I don't get it. The axe was CGI, so they could have placed it as close as possible to the two "ladies" as they threw themselves onto the cushioned mat below frame.

No; this piece of shit replaces the original canon, so those proton packs never existed.

They're smashing the patriarchy with their resolve.

That would be amazing and hilarious, so it's off the table.


Isn't that exactly what happens in the leaks?


I was with that user until that point.

To be fair, Thor had to say that

you can see his eyes screaming for help

No, Thor is known for sucking the cocks of frost giants. He's down with the progressive """""struggle""""".

There was a point where Sony was doing everything in its power to downplay his role in the movie. Are they really planning to sacrifice Chris Hemsworth's career on the altar of feminism?

Yeah, but the point is that to get beautiful women, you have to look far outside Hollywood's list of (((top actresses))).

Yep; I think he thought this would be a fun, little side movie to make in-between his Marvel blockbusters and his crazy, straight to DVD pet-projects. Now he's probably been instructed to shit on the very people that made Thor a success and him a superstar.

If they were really beautiful they wouldn't need to prostitute themselves

Silly user. The whole point is that the more beautiful a woman is, the more money she gets for prostituting herself.

The truly beautiful women play the long con

Fun fact. In the video title of

despite having zero Chris Hemsworth, it features him in the title

Actually in porn the more willing you are to do disgusting shit that nobody else wants to do the more money you get. Also the more you market your personality to either a mass of middle class beta males or to small groups of rich deviants like Saudi oil sheiks who want you to shit in their mouths.

Pornography should be illegal and porn stars should be executed.

what could go wrong?

If we don't get in there and spam it with questions about meme magic then what are we even doing?


And yet you're against the Saudis

Starving them the attention they desperately need?

They literally blow themselves up in order to obtain an orgy.

An orgy of virgins

They ain't virgins after the orgy.

Still doesn't change the fact you both have the same stance on porn you puritan ponce.

Could have potential, but it would fail either way. If we raid them, they get to play victim. If we ignore them, Sony interns will ask the questions.

Kek, degenerates like like this literally puritans still exists. Yeah I'm wearing a buckle on my hat and I call my neighbor "Goody".

You die on Day of the Rope with the rest of the tainted meat, herpes factory.

I don't hate the blonde haired dyke, she looks like she could actually handle herself and would of been great with 3 guys. But it's the fat tub or shit and gorilla that just fuck it all up.

Do we have a full rip or is this from a trailer?

That's a misunderstanding, man. Most of the time, the chicks doing that disgusting shit are only doing it because there's no demand for them in regular porn any more. Most porn stars are busted by their early twenties. Why do you think it's almost always aging porn stars that go crazy with the fake tits? They need a hook that the younger ones have simply by still having track on the tyres.

This is a honeytrap.


Nice Holla Forums parody, m80.

Yep. That day is coming aaaaannnnyyyy day now.

Seriously, the moment you retards try and take away the porn is the day you lose most of the support you manage to build up, and if you actually DID manage to get porn removed I'm pretty certain you'd all be dead in a week with the largest torches and pitchfork wielding mob the world has ever seen hunting you down.

Anyone hoping to establish a rule like you want does NOT take away from the circuses distracting the masses.

Luigi's Mansion was kickass.


Meh. It was a fun game and a great concept but I was always bothered by the lack of post-game rewards. It basically had little replay value.

Better than this shit though. By a long margin.

It's a movie mate and there is no reason she couldn't have her little pop guns and provide support. She looks like the type of insane bull dyke you get around goth communities. I never had a problem with the way she looked it was everything around her that fucked it up

Nah, mang. They're trying to push her as the tough one, and it's so cringey and tryhard that I cannot take her seriously not that I can take any of them seriously.

It's all fucking cringe, but imagine her along side say Doc Brown or Egon and Rey, she would work fine as the weird out of touch goth girl.

I could see the non-dyke/niggress/landwhale in that role. (Is she the one called Kristen Wiig? I've never heard of any of them besides McCarthy.) The others are irredeemable.

Science dyke
Fat dyke
Homely dyke
Gorilla dyke


Who thought it was a good idea to give Finn a JUST haircut?


Where is the joke?



I wonder how much he's getting paid for this and if he's going to refuse to do Sony movies after this

What do you think this is, a comedy?

Honestly, I have no idea what that is supposed to be. It definitely tries to be something but it fails in whatever it is trying to achieve.

Reminds me of a joke: how come so many niggers were killed in Vietnam?
because when the sargent yelled "get down" they all stood up and started dancing

Picture is wrong about the blonde - she is on SNL together with black one and plays Hillary Clinton on the show.

What else should be banned? Dancing? Guns? Alcohol? Bar codes? Tattoos? Robots? Anonymity on the internet? Cash?
When you ban porn, all you do is just give more power to criminals and women, especially ones who are willing to exploit their position like feminists and gold diggers. Look at banning prostitution. Only things that it did was making STD infection more common, contributed to human trafficking, and gave gangs one more profit source. It didn't cure society's ills - shit is now showed under carpet, but it still stinks. If someone wants to fuck a whore they still do.
I don't even have to mention prohibition. Coincidentally enough, both were in part initiated by feminists.

You can't force people to stop being degenerates. They must want to be better to actually become better.

If porn being legal bothers you so much, go ahead and move to Middle East. You can still be Christian and face no issues in Saudi Arbaia and Emirates, and laws on porn are exactly what you advocate for. In Europe you have England. They already have soft censorship on online porn and magazines, and in few more years it will be banned completely, as island slowly turns into hybrid of Air Strip One and Norsefire's Britain, more things get banned, and CCTV expands. If you don't want to leave the country, just move to New York or San Francisco - they are usually first ones to ban things under pretext of morality and keeping society healthy.

"Did you shit in my shoes?"

Nigga, you have shit taste.


this is so much worse than i thought it would be

Fuck this is so boring.

Even every fucking Luigi's mansion game from MFGG are better

i'm not sure why i find this more disgusting than anything else. the proton packs, and whatever power is being harnessed by them… it should be something that is impossible to make "safe", like they're fucking with a power beyond the capabilities of human comprehension. its not a motherfucking radio or car engine. they have devolved the proton pack to being technologically equivalent to a regular gun. the magic of it is gone. they took the magic out back, worked it over with a lead pipe, pissed in its mouth, and left it in a ditch.

confirmed for literal virgin who has never seen a naked woman, like holy fuck try not to embarrass yourself too much.


I'll probably enjoy watching a Half in the Bag episode on this since they may shit on it similar to Jack and Jill which was also a fun episodes of theirs.

I don't know. These faggots liked The Force Awakens. So…..

Jews lack creativity so does Hollywood. That face is "looks like we have recycle the same old shit over and over and I'm getting paid to look like a faggot".

It is breathtaking in how real people will have their breath taken by how shockingly awful it is before they get angry at this shit


The Force Awakens, despite its flaws, was a well made movie.

It was carried by the characters of Finn and Han Solo which made it feel like a decent adventure for the most part.

So while it was underwhelming in comparison to what many people hoped possible, it was still a decent blockbuster. The only serious flaw with the movie is the character of Ray, but it's easy enough to just look past her for the most part since she's barely a central character despite the obvious attempts at making her the central Mary Sue.

Well I am glad you enjoyed it, despite it was only decent. But if everyone is going to suck the Star Wars dick, especially those who are not Star Wars fans, it better be at least good. And it was not.

Why are they proton beaming ghosts and not even actually capturing them? Why are they slamming ghosts into other ghosts instead of capturing them? Why do that when ghosts don't feel pain? Why are they acting as if ghosts have weight to them, how can ghosts weigh anything if they're apparitions? Why are they doing elaborate stunts when they can just cross the beams (which they probably will do to stop the Abraham Lincoln looking ghost) on the ghost controlling everything? Why is a Boris Karloff film being advertised in modern day New York? Or is it modern day New York? Are they in the 70s? If so why are there digital billboards? I only say this because the cars and the aesthetics of that scene looks like the 70s.

Yeah, it was well made.
Meaning that the picture and sound wortked.
Everthing else was shit though.

Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), a physics teacher at Empire State University, has her opportunity to receive tenure jeopardized when her old friend, amateur paranormal researcher Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), publishes a book they wrote together several years prior, positing the existence of ghosts. Erin visits Abby and her new partner, nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon), to ask Abby to remove her name from the book, and is persuaded by Abby and Jillian to accompany them to the Aldridge Hotel to investigate claims of paranormal activity made by the receptionist (Annie Potts).

Arriving there, the trio encounters the ghost of Madame Aldridge, the hotel's late owner, who vomits ectoplasm on Erin. Abby records the encounter, including a terrified Erin claiming that ghosts are real, and uploads it to youtube, leading to Erin being fired by dean Harold Filmore (Charles Dance). Abby then persuades Erin to join her and Jillian in opening a ghost-chasing business they call "Ghostbusters".

Meanwhile, subway worker Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones) runs into Rowan North (Neil Casey), an introverted engineer who has created a machine that amplifies paranormal activity, intending to open a breach between the world of the living and the world of the dead and release an army of ghosts to destroy the human race. After an encounter with a ghost that Rowan releases on the subway system, Patty seeks the Ghostbusters and volunteers to become a member and lend her street-smarts to the team. Together, they succesfully capture the subway ghost.

The team sets up a base of operations in a chinese restaurant and hires a dim-witted receptionist, Kevin (Chris Hemsworth), while Patty's uncle Bill (Ernie Hudson) provides them with their vehicle, a modified hearse known as the "Ecto-1". Meanwhile, Holtzmann attempts to make amends with her estranged mentor Rebecca Gorin (Sigourney Weaver), who disagrees with her career choices.

The Ghostbusters become increasingly popular as they capture more ghosts unleashed by Rowan, despite numerous attempts to discredit them, particularly from notable skeptic Martin Heiss (Bill Murray). Recognizing the escalating paranormal activity in New York City, the government secretly authorizes the Ghostbusters' activities, while publically denoucing them through their spokeswoman Jennifer Lynch (Cecily Strong).

The team ultimately confront Rowan himself and prevents him from using his machine to open the portal. Rowan chooses to commit suicide rather than let himself be captured. With his death, paranormal activity in NYC subsides, adding credence to the Heiss' claims about the Ghostbusters being frauds and damaging their reputation.

Going through Rowan's belongings, Erin and Abby learn Rowan attended the same school as them and his obsession with ghosts was born out of their own fascination with the subject. Rowan returns as a ghost and swears revenge on the Ghostbusters, possessing Abby and attempting to kill Jillian. After Patty beats him out of Abby's body, Rowan possesses Kevin and heads to Times Square, where he activates a second machine he had secretly built, opening a portal between the two worlds and raising an army of ghosts that begin wreaking havoc in New York City, while also powering up Rowan's ectoplasmic form. To display his dominance over them, Kevin/Rowan leads the ghosts in a performance of "You Should Be Dancing" by the Bee Gees.

The Ghostbusters intervene despite the government's attempts to stop them, venturing into the evacuated area in the Ecto-1. After fighting off numerous ghosts, Erin manages to exorcise Rowan out of Kevin's body. Rowan demands that the Ghostbusters choose a form for him, and Patty absent-mindely thinks of a spraypainted ghost she saw on the subway line. Rowan becomes a towering version of the graffiti ghost and begins rampaging through the city.

The people begin evacuating the city to escape Rowan, although a lone cabbie (Dan Aykroyd) refuses to leave, claiming not to be afraid of ghosts. Heiss is also killed during the rampage.

The Ghostbusters fail to defeat Rowan by crossing their streams, and instead Erin and Abby venture into the portal, with ropes tied around their waists, and trick Rowan into directing his forces into the portal to kill it. Jillian and Patty then close it by destroying Rowan's machine, but manage to pull Erin and Abby out, while Rowan and his army become trapped in the world of the dead.

Lynch once again discredits the Ghostbusters in public and they don't receive any recognition for saving the city, but manage to use their savings to buy a new base of operations in an old firehouse. Erin and Kevin develop a relationship, Holtzmann earns Gorin's respect.

In an after-credits scene, Patty analyzes tapes recorded during their battle against Rowan, during which paranormal activity was at its peak, and asks the others "who the hell is Zuul?"

TFA isn't a good movie by any means. But it's looking like it'll be Laurence of Arabia compared to this trainwreck.

Bill likely insisted on it.

As I'm sure you and everyone else is aware, most people going on about enjoying the movie mostly liked it for Han Solo and most of the merchandise sold has been related to the original trilogy.

I imagine they were paranoid enough about making sure this movie didn't seem like a muddled mess like the prequels that they tried to be as conservative as possible with the story and just rode the nostalgia wave as hard as they could.

So the major question in my mind, is how in the hell they're going to make a sequel to it. They've relegated Leia to a sort of command position where she'd be in the background and Luke is poised to being mostly a side character, which is a recipe for disaster since it means they need to depend on the original characters to pull the movie along and none of them had much (if any) charisma.



You can solve it easily by actually going after criminals. Look at the Philippines under Duterte.

uhhhhh…..Copy and paste The Empire Strikes Back script?

low tier bait

I can almost guarantee it'll go down something like this

He'll then go on to say it was better than Ghostbusters 2 and make excuses for the movie because of it's shlock factor. Just like he did for Independence Day 2, Jurassic World, Ninja Turtles, Wolverine, X-Men Apocalypse, and many other pieces of junk. Remember, this is the guy that thought Escape From New York would have been better if it was a generic action movie.

Jay will think it was bad and talk about what didn't work, but carefully make sure to emphasize that the actresses did a good job.

At some point Rich will come out playing a loudmouth strawman of a "misogynist" who hated the movie because it starred women.

this movie has no schlock factor, it is indeed more comparable to Jack and Jill - a cheap lazy shit

lets see if you're proved right in a couple of weeks.

You could be right, but its possible that you're wrong. The bad action in Cisbusters may be enough for Mike to think its loveable schlock. Ninja Turtles also had a lot of bad comedy scenes and he loved that too.

This has no action. They just stand around and point cgi guns. Tmnt at least had a lot of actual dumb schlock action and was technically well made to qualify for a dumb summer blockbuster. This looks like a b-tier TV episode on top of the putrid writing.

You're one of those liberals huh? Who don't think authority matters and solves no problem?

Read about facism and the italian mob.

go back to the basement Holla Forumsirgin

No it isn't. It established no planets and the settings were generic trash. The plot itself lacked any sense of danger or urgency, the protagonists were never in danger to begin with. The bad guys commited frickin' genocide on a planet and nobody cared, the planet wasn't even named.

That's the thing, not only was it a shitty Star Wars movie, but it was a generic piece of trash that makes Michael Bay's movies look like masterpieces. But people still praised it, probably because they had nostalgic factors of Han Solo, Leia, Luke, Millenium Falcon and Chewie in the movie.

What a commitment to quality.

Remember the Dreamworks face? Well, it's not just for animation anymore!

Is that your way of admitting defeat? Okay.


dont know about this dude but he seems like a blue pill cuck

he hates the film anyway tho

Isn't that even better? Even they hate it.

holy kek, if chris hemsworth really comes out being the funniest thing out of this movie, how triggered would feminists get? Everything Sony does seems to be biting them on their ass

That explains actually a lot.

be sure to attach this next to the rotton tomatoes score when its out

my sides

The other user cited a specific example. Don't dance around it.

This seems disturbingly likely.

I love how "performing a role for which you were hired" is now GURL POWAH. Imagine if men acted like that?
>"Nah; I just did the absolute bare minimum required of me. Sometimes less! I really deserve to be lauded for dat, don'tcha think?"

Does this mean that NuGhostbuster will bomb?

The level of awfulness is far greater than anything I'd imagined.

It will bomb for more reasons that having a shit final battle, but yes.

Most likley, unless all the negativity propels the idiots to go and watch it, just to be able to talk later on about how bad it actually was.


With every new press release it becomes more apparent that this movie isn't just going to be bad. Oh no. This is going to be one of those movies that is so legendarily infamously terrible, it's going to enter the official pantheon of "Worst Movies of All Time". The kind that people will mock for years and years.

I am going to have the biggest case of blueballs this week waiting for this trainwreck to be birthed onto an unsuspecting world.

Ben "Fapper"

Why are they holding nuclear positron colliders with their bare hands???

I think we know who what movie will win the 2016 Razzie award.

The Razzies were wrong though about 'All About Steve', it was a very funny movie and Sandra Bullock was at the top of her game.


Thats sexist, depicting one of the ghostbusters as a man. Smacks of cultural appropriation too.

It's just shills, user.

In the end, even feminists admit, all they really want is our dicks.

I don't see that working as all the best parts in TFA are related to Han Solo and Finn to a lesser extent. Luke is in a position where he can't do much in a sequel nor Leia.

It was shitty as a Star Wars movie, but it was a decent movie. An average person going out to see it would likely be at least somewhat entertained for the evening.

Which is markedly different from Ghostbusters 2016 which, from what's been seen, has uncharismatic actors, poor action, unoriginal story, and so on.

I noticed someone implying Jurassic World was some terrible movie earlier as though it was in the same league as Ghostbusters 2016, but even Jurassic World had an incredibly charismatic lead which helped carry the movie.

Another major difference is that while both TFA and Jurassic World were trash, they were inoffensive trash about starshit and dinosaurs that basically just repeated old ground. Cisbusters seems to actively be trying to piss on the original film and insult the audience with its gurl power message, so it will bomb because while audiences like dumb shit, they don't like being insulted.

Jurassic World holds up better on rewatch because it doesn't simply bank on nostalgia.

Jurassic World holds up better on rewatch because it doesn't simply bank on nostalgia.

I am in the middle, I guess.

One one hand I support less restrictive gun laws for lawful owners, less taxation, less regulations, no affirmative action, and keeping marriage as an incentive for men and women to form families, nuclear power, regulated immigration, and see importance of well funded and maintained armed forces.

On the other hand, I support labor laws, keeping abortion legal, legalization of marijuana, limiting reliance on fossil fuels, and social programs that help people find employment.

Then there are things that no parties support, like legalization of prostitution, eliminating subsidies for corn that is used for HFC production, adjusting fines and healthcare costs based on person's income, elimination of mass surveillance, introducing more transparency, overhauling central banking system, and getting rid off fiat currency.

Yeah Jurassic World and even Ninja Turtles are dramatically better movies than TFA and especially Ghostbusters 2016. They might seem like silly and stupid movies, but they try to at least be a bit original and take their universe's seriously.

TFA makes its universe a joke, but it's a nostalgia romp so it doesn't feel like it matters cause you get to see Han Solo again.

I love the character concept. A hot guy gets hired by a bunch of dumb desperate chicks and does whatever he wants because he knows they will never fire him.

The joke is that those women are so sad and desperate that they can't say a single negative thing to an attractive man.

Isn't it supposed to be extremely sexist for men to do that?

Yes it does you autistic faggot. That's literally all it does.

No they fucking don't. Kill yourself.

Ninja Turtles, perhaps.

Jurassic World is unforgivable, though. I agree.

Angry Birds was released by Sony and t wasn't bad. Not sure if that counts.

Just because you can't understand such cinematic masterpieces doesn't mean everyone else has such plebeian tastes.

You'll be the first to go on the Day of the Rope.

Angry birds was distributed by Sony; not produced by them. Big difference.

Not really, it was animated by Rovio with Sony.

What I love about this picture is that almost every crew position there is one that, for most of cinematic history, has been traditionally held by women anyways. You could take almost any movie, round up all the chicks who worked on it, and it would look exactly the same. Why are they acting like this is somehow special?

Oh right, the narrative they're trying to push…

They hired Sony. They weren't working for them.

Greenscreen: The Scene.

Fuck that. The cunts have had their fun, now it's time to remind them they owe their race their dues. They won't get to whore around until they hit that magical 2.1 replacement rate again.

And besides all that, what is your opinion on niggers?

is this actually cheaper? Id hate to be those visual artists who have to go ever every fucking person in the bg to turn them into a ghost.

Why would you want the world to be more overpopulated than it already is?


I bet you you can stop tumblr being tumblr if you gas enough of them. Wanna give it a try?

To be a cuck again.

SA and the rest of the mudshit shitholes are some of the most degenerate places on the planet, but that's because they are filled with inbred, nigger tier Arabs.

Two liberal/Jewish shitholes that ought to be nuked out of existence with everyone living in them. Yeah, they do ban things, but only things that a healthy society could use.

I don't, hence I want the vermin dead.


Someone with the knowhow add "Duel of Fates" and some lightsaber noises to this travesty.

May as well get some fun out of it.

ah, to be fifteen and mad as fuck.




let me guess, had you tried to get them to watch either of the first 2 movies a little over a year ago they'd be hesitant.

The timing and the humor reminds me of Portlandia. It's that kind of awkward non-joke that's funny because it's awkward. I think.

redposting autists


Pretty much, got my niece to watch the first 12 minutes but she then said "Ew this is booorrrinngg yawnnnn" and left.

What other forms of shit taste do they have?



Dubs confirm. This user nailed it.


So all the ghost are humanoid?

holy shit they didnt even try.

power rangers was way better than this. and ivan ooze is 4 times the character than any of these clams put together.


Yes except slimer, some parade floats and the mascot ghost. Its as dull as you can expect.

They must be joking…

It's Uncle Sam aka muh patreearky

You're joking. You gotta be… This is too stupid to be true.

Get off Holla Forums, Nostradamus. I'm depressed enough as it is.



So true, yet so abject.

I think from the Sony emails it has been revealed that they planned out a Ghostbusters trilogy.

Essentially the second film would feature two male ghostbusters and Channing Tatum would be one. And they would fight the Keymaster and the Gatekeeper

And the final one would have both teams team up to fight Gozer

God that's fucking stupid. Gozers already been beaten. Makes her look like a pushover.

Could have made it Lovecraftian or a wink to 1950s b movies. But no. They're dead set on autistic feel good inserts and good enough plot swapping.

Why bother? They could just have Melissa McCarthy eat the Stafy Puft Marshmallow Man.

To me it's more disappointing they feel like they have to stretch out the plot of the original film into three movies. It reminds me a lot of Peter Jackson's hobbit.

Might have been salvageable if that was the actual ending to be honest

Its nostalgia pandering. Same as with TFA.



They don't feel anything. They just think they can get away with it.

Pretty much this. Redoing the Gozer plot requires low effort on their part, and as evidenced by this movie, they're all about low effort. Why would they waste their time on being creative, when they can give people familiar things like the gatekeeper and keymaster, and play on their nostalgia.

There's a really good episode of the Ghostbusters cartoon where they go up against a cult that's trying to raise Cthulhu. At the end of the day, these movies wont do anything awesome like that because they're not being done by people with a passion for, or even a passing knowledge of the occult and paranormal. They just said "WOMEN GHOSTBUSTERS!" and the supernatural threat is just window dressing with minimal thought put into it. That's why the villain is just "creepy nerd summons the dead to get back at people he doesn't like"

The cartoon had a lot of cool references to not just Lovecraftian shit (which almost every mainstream asswipe references) but many occult and horror stories that aren't even remembered today and they even had a fucking pedophile ghost. All of that combined with the disturbing ghost and monster designs just made the show better, that was the case of course until the second movie was released and they retconned a whole mess of shit and made Slimer an annoying Scooby Doo-type character with a cutesy Gizmo voice. Hell they even renamed that crap Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters. What an annoying little shit.

Hah, Slimer became one of those Jews that would turn in other Jews to their Nazi masters.


Slimer was pretty much a prick. How the little shit became so popular with kids is beyond me.

This is the precise reason why I post the below greentext in every RLM thread:


Oh, so you're that autist.


Gondola really is a man's man.

So it's Spurdo?

I'd disagree with you in the past, but now I'd say it's warranted. Curious, did you ever like RLM?

Sage for off-topic.


No. He's Alodnog

Bill Murray confirmed for next Jimmy Saville.
