I Hate This Movie

I knew I'd hate this movie going into it, I've hated all of the X-Men movies, because I liked the comics -past-tense, they suck now, partially from the influence of the movies- but I know I can't fairly say "I hate this film" without actually having watched it. I'm just going to trail off everything that's irking me as I go along.

First though, to be fair, let me list what little I did like:

-The scene with Cyclops, Jean, Nightcrawler and Jubilee plotting to sneak out. I hated how it fucked with the chronology because Jubilee is supposed to be way younger than these characters, but I still thought it was a decent team-building plot, and Scott wanting to show Kurt what a 1980's mall was put a smirk on my face.

-Angel's transformation scene. Most of the CGI in this movie was awful. This one was kind of impressive. The music fit, and his wings looked great.

Onto the negatives:

-Apocalypse isn't even slightly intimidating. How much of that giant nose is prosthesis and how much is the actor? It's distractingly huge, comical even. I see him with Storm, and he's basically any taller than her, and it just feels pathetic. I also hate how they've written him as just having powers from different mutants he's absorbed, what was wrong with his comic book powers? That wimpy voice, god damn it.

-Just, in general the costume designers for these films are fucking awful. The scene at Auschwitz, when Apocalypse walks up to Magneto his arm looks tiny in his armor, to the point that it was almost comical. Beast's furry form looks ridiculous, the Mystique make up has looked awful since the first movie, they couldn't even get Magneto's fucking helmet right. When they first showed it I was like "Oh cool, it's got kind of an Egyptian motif going because Apocalypse made it" but once he put it on, the proportions were all wrong. It looked awkward and scrunched on his head.

-Who the fuck is the hairdresser on these movies? Everyone's hair either looks like no effort was put into it, or like they're wearing a cheap wig. I remember in the dreadful DotFP movie Sunspot having this faggy 90's poof of curls on his head in the opening scene, guess Angel's doing his part to bring it back. The worst though was Jean. I know that's her hairline, but couldn't they have done something to make it look thicker and prettier? She's a pretty girl, but with her hair pulled back… less so.

-As with all of the films, this movie has this infuriating need to undo things that had perfect explanations in the comics, and then explain things which needed absolutely no explanation. Storm's powers are enhanced by Apocalypse? To what extent? How much of her abilities are from him, then? You don't need to explain shit like her hair and eyes being white by changing the story to say he changed those things, SHE'S A FUCKING MUTANT, that's kind of the god damned point. This along with wasting three god damned movies with a sub-plot that boiled down to "This is why Xavier is bald." No asshats, he went bald when his powers activated. This way they could write him as being as young or old as needed without it seriously effecting his appearance. Why must you fuck everything up?


-I'm still irked Havok has been re-written to be the older brother, it's just dumb, but I'm more annoyed that in this movie both their parents are still alive and on Earth. They were planning to make a Cyclops solo film, how are you going to pull that off when you've just erased his origin story entirely? He's supposed to have grown up in an orphanage run by Mr. Sinister and have bounced from abusive foster home to abusive foster home having his powers misused for crime until Xavier finds him. Bryan Cranston expressed immense interest in playing Mr. Sinister, and you just wrote out the perfect way to introduce him, fuckwits.

-Angel's wings have talons now, okay. It would be one thing if this was just a change from the comics, but this is a change from the previous movies. How did the slight change in the timeline cause this?

-Fuck Jennifer Lawrence. I think this movie would suck a third less if not for shit relating to her. She didn't like wearing the make up, so she demanded more scenes be written for her without it. So she spends half the movie walking around disguised as herself. If they weren't going to use the make up (which in fairness looked shitty to begin with) they should have had her switching into other actors. It's unbelievably aggravating the other characters constantly regarding her as a hero when she barely did anything, and her power absolutely sucks. Shapeshifting just appeals ridiculously to the lgbt crowd for some reason.

-Cyclops's optic blasts produce heat. This is such a basic thing for them to fuck up, but they did. They're not supposed to be hot, its just pure force shooting out of his eyes.

-Professor Charles Xavier's entire claim to fame is that he's "the most powerful psychic on Earth" and he's beaten in a psychic mind battle by Apocalypse, who wanted to take over his body specifically because he didn't have any psychic powers. If he could defeat him in a mind battle it makes no sense he needed to take over his body.

-I'm just going to say this a second time, Jennifer Lawrence was truly awful in this movie. Seeing her lead the team, give the big oorah speeches, be looked up to by everyone, it was fucking nauseating.

-This is the second film they've had Psylocke in where they got her powers completely and utterly wrong and made her a villain. Why not just make a new character? WHY NOT JUST MAKE A NEW CHARACTER?

-Same deal with Caliban. He's a minor character in the comics, but among my favorite because of his time in X-Force. In the film he's just some faggy Rocky Horror Picture Show reject. In the comics hes a thoroughly deformed Morlock simpleton with the power to track mutants like Cerebro. He falls in love with Kitty and kidnaps her, but then can't force her to stay and so releases her, becoming friends with her. Apocalypse turns *him* into one of his horsemen, morphing his body into a huge, muscular form that feeds off of fear like a psychic vampire. Released from Apocalypse's control he works for Cable and the X-Force, becoming a monstrous gentle giant who dreams of being Superman. Another completely wasted plot.


There he is!

Yeah, JLaw is complete shit.

Do you really expect me to read all this shit?




I sorta liked the movie as someone who doesn't give a shit about muh comic book contiuity so I don't really care about many of your points. I do agree that the movie was heavily flawed though, the main problem was just how incredibly simple the story was and they don't really bother explaining how Apocalypse found all of these mutants so quickly to be his horsemen. The stupid quicksilver scene was the high point of the movie and I did appreciate the strange shifts in tone for being unintentionally hilarious.

The movie really needed to make Apocalypse have a stronger presence (despite being a pretty simple character, Nolan's Bane did this extremely well) and give him a more cohesive plan that doesn't just resort to the generic "destroy everything and rebuild a new world"

Days of back to the future of the week to rewind zero time of the past was definitely better though.

The failure is yours.


Loved the comics, hate the movies, there's a difference.

Not really, you're still watching something you know you hate. And if previous experience taught you that all X-Men movies are 'in name only' why would you think this one would be any different?

I didn't think it would be different, I knew I'd hate it. However I had a meal I enjoyed and I downloaded it for free, so I lost nothing and now I can accurately say *why* it's shit. If I hadn't watched it, faggots not unlike yourself would instead say "How can you know it's shit if you haven't watched it?"

I can factually say it's shit and I had a fun time of finding out by doing other things I enjoy while suffering through it. Watching bad movies is a popular hobby these days, so you can't even give me shit about that.

It's time for you to stop being a faggot, user.

Why would you care so much about what some random person on the internet thinks?

the new kids interactions were the best part of the movie. I loathed how Singer cut the mall scene just so he could throw in his self felating remark about how X3 sucked and how he started it all.


not the hairdresser's fault but young Xavier looks shits bald



Why see all of them then?
I saw it in dubbed and they gave him a strong, deep voice, which sounded really scary at times, way better than the original

What's so great about that character?
Hand rubbing intensifies. Mr. Cranston really wants the money, right?

Add to it the fact that from the 4, only Magneto does anything really important. Storm just stands there, because she is the black female character, Angel is cool, but he is defeated so quickly, and Psylocke is unimportant, uninteresting. I don't get it, why does En Sabah Nur choose these guys in particular? Magneto is okay, but the rest?

Trips confirm


Take Batman and give him the power to shoot lasers out of his eyes and you have Cyclops. See image.

I will never understand this behaviour. It's like you hate a particular type of food, but you still eat it, and then write about how bad it tastes. It's mazochism.

The sad thing is that on this board, at least 45% of people are doing this, and they come here to connect with others who are doing this. Maybe they are doing it to connect to others, because they think everyone does it as well, so that's their only chance to be accepted.

I seriously think that a film's main goal should be entertainment. If it fails to entertain you, it doesn't serve it's purpose. And here comes the part I don't get: If you have the eye and the knowledge to see that the film in question will fail to serve it's purpose for you, then you are wasting your own time.

A movie does not become worse because others say it so. Either you see it's bad or you don't. And those who really want to see it will see it anyway. I saw Fantastic 4 on the tv, no matter what everyone said, and I've quite enjoyed it till the part where they get their powers. From that, it's downhill. Yeah, I didn't payed for the ticket, but saw it anyway.

tl; dr: This sounds illogical and mazochistic to me.

That's my point though. I downloaded it for free, I made it enjoyable by having a good meal and doing other enjoyable things while watching it, and taking note of things I did and did not like in the film.

The source material (clearly) does matter to me. I care about the characters. It's the same reason people watch remakes to trash them. When Robocop was getting remade people were so angry they made their own shitty version of it, and the remake while bland and far inferior to the original, turned out not to be *that* bad.

It cost me nothing, and now no one can claim I hate it unfairly.

Also the word you're looking for is masochism, and no, I'm just educating myself on the subject.

If you're watching it, it's for you.

Talking like a really big guy


16 years of abuse in the form of X-Men movies done mediocre to bad. I wish I could tell my younger self, which dreamed of live action X-Men movie, the awful truth that was to come. Actually to think about it this applies to nearly everything I ever held dear in the past.

Why did everything have to turn out so shit?

On par with Captain America too as a leader. Even Magneto bows to him

As much as I've disliked most of the modern X-Men comics, I really did get a kick out of Magneto's reverence towards him near the end. It was pretty awesome.

The acting in this shitshow is community theater level. Jean Grey is as bad as Jdawg is. Didn't get through a half hour.

Comics Cyclops was a loser. Some wrote him as an unbeatable Mary sue, yeah… But he always sucked


The X-Men movies have always over-hyped garbage.