Why did Emilio Estevez always have such a shitty attitude in 80s movies? Did women find it sexy or something? Because as a woman I personally think guys like that are fucking losers.
Why did Emilio Estevez always have such a shitty attitude in 80s movies? Did women find it sexy or something...
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Trannies are not women, faggot.
Don't lie faggot
That pic is from Repo Man user. Breakfast Club is an "80's movie". St Elmo's Fire is an "80's movie". Repo Man is a fucking timeless classic - like Brazil or The Shining, the fact it was made during the 1980s is completely incidental.
Sage for dumb manlet related thread by probable tranny
Show tits
lol repo man is the most 80s movie of all time tho
Look at OPs pic, everything in the background is generic. Otto is a generic miscreant dissatisfied with modern life. Everything else in the film is a melange of anachronisms - from the clothes to the old cars to the dialogue. You could argue the soundtrack is "80's" but even there you're dealing with underground music well outside mainstream of the time.
Tits or GTFO
Show us your feminine penis.
you are all focusing on the wrong part of my post, which was about emilio estevez's attitude problem in thte 1980s
ITT: Holla Forums can't deal with the fact that it's 2016 and women use the internet.
looks like women just liked men who acted like themselves (cunts)
You don't get to decide shit, cumdumpster. Show tits.
what do you expect, we are on the same forum as 13 year olds, and not the smart ones but the social rejects
Fuck off
hey why don't we all watch repo man together TV?
Tranny please.
a stream would be comfy af
if someone does please use a html5 streamer. I'm not installing adobe exploit player
Tits or GTFO
Repo Man is a solid film although the plot really falls apart during the last 1/3rd
It's a solid film and I'm not going to critique the ending I just think the script needed another rewrite or two.
It's full of really good scenes like that one when Sy Richardson is shooting his gun into that dude's house and he tells Emilio Estevez "You're still on the job white boy"
I agree the 3rd act falls apart a bit but the end itself is still good, especially "what about our relationship? Fuck that!" Something eIse I always notice about the end that nobody ever notices or talks about: the First Interstate Tower is shown multiple times in the last few seconds of the film and is literally the last thing you see before the car goes up into "space" and credits roll. A few years later that building caught fire and burned out of control for several hours, destroying 5 floors and injuring dozens of people. It was bad enough that afterwards sprinkler systems became mandatory in high rises, HOWEVER you'll never hear about it since nowadays we are meant to believe fire can cause such buildings to disintegrate into dust and/or collapse at freefall speed. A nice little unintentional redpill easter egg there for future generations.
So, a "fem"user got banned from /r9k/ and wants to shitpost here I see.
You got that backwards. Betamales fap to twinks on /cuteboys/ because they're too autistic for real women while betafemales are becoming lesbians who are into boyish girls.
Why would you just on on the internet and lie like this?
And if you were a real woman, instead of a degenerate trap (which is what you are), then your panties would be off so fast you'd shit out an Emilio Estebabby. Chicks love assholes, especially ones with mighty ducks.
He's a talentless hack who got typecast into the one role he could do because he sucks.
That would be badass. I loved this movie growing up. Wasn't there supposed to be a remake or something? I hope to God it doesn't happen. What the fuck would the soundtrack be like?
Fuck off, tranny harpie.
It's comforting to know you will never pass on your damaged genes
Emelio Estevez swear to God! I was like…. Emiliooooooooooo!!!!
You know the routine. Tits or GTFO.
Repo Man: Hey kid, you wanna make some money?
Estevez: Fuck off, faggot.
From that point on I knew Repo Man was a golden film.
you mean the unnecessary part that adds nothing to the topic, and was obviously shoehorned in for no reason
samefag damage control mode
Nah I think it's more that Alex Cox is not that competent, but occasionally manages to draw in some professionals to help him. Like Gilliam; a meme director who ends up taking the credit for other people's work. (although obviously not as egregiously as gilliam).
Thay's not even a thing. Women are like cats; they think the universe revolves around them.
The book was better.
King is a hack who writes bloated modern day penny dreadfuls that haven't a single ending that could even be charitably called mediocre in them. He should have fellated Kubrick for making his trash into a treasure instead of passive aggressively sniping at a superior artist.
i thought we had this discussion a while back?
king writes good stories but shit endings, because it generally reflects on his awful life of drug abuse, and yet he always feels as if there's a road for redemption.
this is why you can't take the man's personal views on life seriously, he's a pile of shit.
Kraut or burger? The only two countries with low enough standards on literature that would call King a good writer.
burger, and i only base that off of the movies i've seen tbh, never actually sat down to read any of his books (pic related)
Says the Britcuck.
you write like a fag and call king a hack kek, he is, but don't try and write like some kind of
I personally think King's past works were pretty okay. Later on it just started to get shitty. Presently he's a pretty uninteresting person.
When did "early" become "later"?
That's the thing I don't think the fiim's directing is the problem. It's competently shot and well paced. I just think parts of the script were really clumsy.
To be fair how much of that was based around the Director's input on the project nobody can really say. I'm just basing it off what I saw.
as a german-american, I felt insulted enough by this to put down my timeless palahniuk novella and respond
schäm dich
I'm just going by his other stuff. repo man is his best, easily. But yeah. Can't really know unless you were there.
Was she ever a man?
August 1992.
I mean, she (if a she) was asking how woman could be attracted to that style, then throwing in her opinion as a female as a relevant anecdote.
It's an imageboard dude. "Unnecessary" could describe 40-60% of the posts that the male userbase here generates on any given day. One chick's relevant anecdote is not gonna plunge us into Tartarus.