It's Happening Again


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She cut off her tits and made him act in her shitty movie, guy is a saint in my book for staying in the marriage as long as he did.

Dude could literally have any bitch in the world and stayed with this nigglet-collecting Billy-Bob cast-off this long. "Saint" doesn't even cut it.

Shame he's about to have his shit fucked.


Split everything 50/50, give her the fucking kids and no child support. Residence in Zurich where the U.S. can't touch your fucking money, move your accounts to the Caymans, claim bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, while Angelina is doing her shitty SJW work abroad, Brad can fuck off on an island without paying her a dime and still be a millionaire a hundred times over.

Everyone wins.







Rule #1: Do not talk about JUST Club.

Rule #2: Do NOT talk about JUST Club!

Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie blasted Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and his policies Monday. Jolie is a special envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and she slammed the billionaire businessman while speaking at a migration-focused event in London.

When asked about Trump’s comments about Muslims, Jolie shook her head and replied: “To me, America is built on people from around the world coming together for freedoms, especially freedom of religion. So it’s hard to hear this is coming from someone who is pressing to be an American president.”

Jolie, 40, also talked about the fear people have about migration. “Fear of uncontrolled migration has eroded public confidence and the ability of governments and international institutions to control the situation. It has given space to a false air of legitimacy to those who promote politics of fear and separation,” she said. “It has created the risk of a race to the bottom, with countries competing to be the toughest … despite their international responsibilities.”

I thought she simply got her implants removed and not her tits cuts off.

She probably did it for the publicity. How can something made of plastic get cancer?

the word you're looking for is cuck

She should get raped. That usually changes the liberal mind real quick

Time was, it did. Now the liberal excuse making for Islam is so ingrained that they just double think away any instance of Muslim wrong-doing

She is a boobless, femminazi, anorexic that let him divorce the best grill of the 90 and best milf of current year

I'm happy. And sad for the alimony

who cares

You apparently for posting :^}

She is/was hot, but she ain't no MILF

Do you even know when to use that?


Fair enough. I get a Milf stamp for any hot chick over 40 but under 50

It's ok, we love you user ;^*

To me a woman actually has to have children to be a MILF


Uncontrolled migration sucks.

Why are people defending this? You don't even need to like Trump to know uncontrolled migration is a problem.

I think she's more rich than Brad.

Their kids will all be with Jolie, though.

Then I lost the way of MiLf. Too much porn have made me have a wrong perception of it
I've sinned brother

I swear to god if Brad has to pay for all those niglets she adopted

Not all of them.

Holy shit, the Trump curse strikes again.

No it doesn't. Women reporters that are liberal get raped and still refused to change.

Decades of psychological abuse (school) is much harder to undo than a few hours of physical abuse.

kill yourself



The only thing that can help them is a bullet to the head.

There's no way that's real



that was debatable from the start.

Jolie was always crazy. She kissed her brother when getting an award. Didn't she threw tantrums about her father too? You have to be short-sighted to marry someone like that.

The nigger children did it lol

Wanting your nation's borders to be borders is racist.



virtue signalling. They want to look antiracist in front of their acquaintances

Moral relativism at its finest

Just a reminder that people that have to judge hottest/sexier have done the same with Megan "half thumb" fox, Madonna and tried with "300" selfieLaw

I'd fuck Angelina Jolie in an instant and take care of all those unwanted children for life if it meant living in a fucking mansion with maids and ushers and shit. But that is because I'm me

Why the fuck Brad took all that shit I have no fucking clue. My only kind of excuse is that Brad is totally into guys and needed her as a scapegoat

She complies and gets to live this perfect husband/wife life (because she is an attention seeker and needs public approval) while he fucks guys in secret

I think you should reshuffle your prioritys and be sure on top there is an hero

He was already married to Jen Aniston. She was hot, she was well known for being on one of the most popular sitcoms of the 90s, she was on every magazine cover. If Brad was gay, Aniston couldn't be a more perfect beard

I think Brad may genuinely love Angelina or some shit. It's the only explanation for why he'd put up with this bullshit.


By now I think they're just stupid and live in their own world.
If you look at germany and sweden you can see where uncontrolled immigration leads to.

The only question left is, how will it end?


It's plainly obvious that most of the people who say uncontrolled migration is a good thing are the ones who are least affected by it.

Fucking Mexicans and Arabs aren't going to come in and undercut Angelina Jolie for work, so in her mind she has no reason to care whether or not migrants do it to other, working class people.

It's a common rule of politics. The poor always get what's coming to them.

I don't like uncontrollable immigration or refugees flooding the border, but I think the solution is to unfuck the countries that the people originated from. That way, they have no incentive to leave. What does that make me?


A sane human being.
Something that need sd to be purged from the face of earth according to SJW.

Can't be done. It's above and beyond the scope of all reasonable western intervention.

The solution is not to be such a bleeding heart.


I want to hear about how Ellen mistreated, controlled, and humiliated Portia.

How fucking rich is Ellen Degeneres?

Good to see Brad's having a nice time.

I love how every 'true love' of Ellen leaves her for a man. She's basically a shitty beta male.

Ugh, those plaid shirts.

I swear, it's like a dyke uniform, I see it everywhere. Whenever you see a chick wearing a plaid shirt (disregarding the usual baggy jeans or cargo pants), there's a 99.9% chance she's a dyke.

Using it all bottoned up to their necks is just the icing on the cake.

Apparently the story's bullshit. But it's hilarious if it turns out to be true.


But Ellen already looks like a numale.

Love those shirts, why do lesbians love the Canadian Lumberjack look?

They wear plaid shirts because they want a brawny lumberjack of a man to take command of their bodies. In metrosexual betamax Nu-Murica he doesn't appear, so they subconsciously become the brawny lumberjack they so desperately desire. Thus plaid shirt lesbianism.

Who gets the niglets? I bet they're both sick of them.





Absolutely kek worthy

They're still together. That means Ellen could put her bitch in control


Why does anyone care about the uninformed political opinions of actors and actresses?



america was built by white christians, not sandniggers. besides, the block has nothing to do with religion, it's to keep out fucking terrorists mingling in with the riff-raff, goddamn it why do people eat this liberal shit up it just makes me


If I had to guess I'd say that it's because they're famous and successful. People naturally want to emulate successful people so they have a certain interest in what these successful people think about stuff.

Lesbians have a higher rate of domestic abuse so its no surprise her dyke fuckdoll felt misused. Homosexuals are just people trying to recreate their own trauma.

Because many people look up to celebrities, due to their high status in society. Most population is too stupid or ignorant to realize that celebrities are not any smarter than an average pedestrian.

Plenty of straight women wear them too. Lesbians tend to wear loose ones or men's shirts.

We need more porn based on this fact.

Girls abusing girls is the best thing, especially when it's completely sadistic.

Going to consult with Brendan?