Underrated actors

ITT: actors that are underrated and deserve to be in more movies/shows.

pic unrelated

not trolling, I genuinely think Aidan Gillen is an amazing actor

If I pull that scarf off, will he die?

it would be extremely unfashionable

you're a dandy guy

i couldn't name a single movie he was in after that harry potter stuff


what the fuck is that

That was before Harry Potter.

there's that sextape of him with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Actually after.

After Philosopher's Stone.

oh wait, i just googled it
i never realized the little ginger was him

let's say during the harry potter stuff

I liked him in Into the White

me too

Wasn't there one movie where he was a cuck?


i'm pretty sure that's not him

no shit you dumb nigger

this isn't a rupert grint thread, it's an underrated actor thread

michael biehn is a very underrated actor

Delete System 32 you daft cunt.

joke's on you, i'm on an ubuntu, i don't have system 32

He was fucking great in Castle.

ubuntu I'm cpu
