Millennials care more about let's play youtube videos instead of the art of cinema


but it isn't user


Video games will become America's great techne.

tbh this isn't true, OP. If it weren't for millenials and the gen-x traitor filth swindling them the capeshit boom would never have happened.

a good let's play is way more entertaining than, say, Birdman

If anyone makes video games great something, it'll be the slavs.

Movies are shit compared to any art form, even video games. And I don't know if video games are art at all.

Yet I still watch movies because I get called out by normalfag friends to the movies. Movies are cancer. Kino is pretentious decadence. I hate it all.

I find it gratifying that you used that word, but also depressing that you have to go to that length to not trigger the autism of people who get triggered by the word "art".

Sometimes the Nips too.

The US is pretty much exclusively to blame for this, but the Semitization of film is a pretty recent event. You can pretty much pinpoint the decade that non-Jewish film culture ended:

What does the white man have left in the world of cinema at this point? Herzog has gone senile, Godard is secretly Jewish and nearly dead.

pick one

virtual reality will become our greatest artform and I'm completely okay with this
I'd rather fuck Ellen Page than watch Rainn Wilson cum in his pants


A combination of gameplay, painting/drawing, 3D modelling and animation, design and architecture, sound, music, voice acting, writing and programming isn't art. Because user here said so.

Is advertising art? Is porn? Games are closer to either

you bet. just look at this brilliant piece

It's all going to merge in the future. Movies will become more immersive and video game technology will become more virtual until eventually we have the holodeck or that thing from the movie Existenze or whatever it was called, a Cronenburg movie I think. Movies and video games will be like theater and radio, still around, but less relevant.

Yeah just like movies "killed" literature.

Video game doesn't make men receptive to good.

There is no meta-language in gameplay. Everything is very mechanic to the core, it is meant to to be understood practically and give your brain jolts of excitement rather than spiritual experience.

There is no logic of poetry in gameplay. Again, they're all very straightforward, mechanic, and symbolic. From level design, enemy placement, character behaviors that affect the gameplay, they're all engineered that way to be logically coherent to be understood (not in an emotional way) by the player rather than poetic. Otherwise it won't be a good game.

People need calmness in order to turn on the frontal lobe part of their brains and appreciate the spiritual experience of art. Video games are way too fast paced and autistic to be enjoyed spiritually.

Video game is closer to science than art, because intuition only comes after you win a move set by the computer.

Empiricism plays a very large part in the enjoyment of video games. "You have to git gud", some Holla Forumsirgin said. There is no dynamic of revelation, there is no infinite metaphor to be found in gameplay.

Therefore, it can be concluded that video game is a much worse form of art than motion picture. There is little to no art in it's practice, it doesn't make you question the meaning of your finite life and the existence of the infinite. It does your soul NO good. Video game is kitsch entertainment, not true art.

In a way they did. When did you last see a human with an actual book, not counting a trendy "bestseller" that they can read on their tablet?
If you read a real book in public you get the weirdest looks. It even happened at fucking university.

Normalfags are confused by books.

Boo hoo.

Autistic grinding simulators and the same shitty nintendo game released for the 50th time are not good games.

America makes the best games, weeb.

It was bound to happen. TDKR plane scenes are a diamond dozen.Why else do you think Holla Forums is mainly shitposting?

There, I just shortened your post considerably.

How does that apply to Yume Nikki?

How is Civilization fast paced?

Not all paintings, sculptures, books and movies do that either. Since that's the case, we must conclude that paintings, sculptures, books and movies are not art.

not that I disagree with your point that games are not art, but often if you find an 'infinite metaphor' in films, you are searching for something that isn't really there. Most films tell a story, and that is all.

Art =/= high art

Most modern movies, despite having good cinematography, are very idealistic and weak. The old ones are pretty non-PC and pragmatic.

This one was made by a j00, but he's redpilled about the KKK.

OP plz

You're right. Depression Quest truly is art. How wrong have I been. :^)

I didn't say anything about Depression Quest. :^)

you're right. You didn't mention the GOTY. Clearly you don't appreciate quality art, scum.

You're the one who brought up Depression Quest. I never mentioned it let alone defended it. It has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

This is the most pretentious load of bullshit I've seen all day.

Both movies and games that try to be art are shit and only a pretentious faggot hipster would actually enjoy them.

but muh kino


To strawman Depression Quest to represent games as art is like strawmanning Fateful Findings to represent film as art.

Kino means German cinema, unbeknownst to e-celebrities whose parameter for old movies is Star Wars.

Define high art in objective and tangible


Not only did you take him seriously, but you also seem to know that the shirt in that absolutely irrelevant reaction image has something to do with MLP. Are you perhaps a brony yourself?

kino just means film in at least 30% of europe fam

I know the tripfag you got this from. You are missing the tarvosky pictures.

The amount of bullshit this guy can spew is incredible.

If a youtuber told you so, you better believe it. Meanwhile in europe, every country has a different name for arthouse films.

Kino means cinema in my country.

"Kino" is just a 4chan Holla Forums meme.

in my country it's Bio

no idea why tbh. not like movies have anything to do with biology

Art films are great. The problem is, what comes to people's mind when they hear art film is experimental films. Experimental films are shit with no clear direction. Tarkovsky is a contemporary filmmaker, that's why his films are very well praised despite being art films.