CISbusters defense force in a nutshell

At 3:37
Take that anti-Ghostbustets Sexist MRAs!
My fucking sides! How the fuck are not having Geekvolution generals like we do with CA? One of their latest videos is a literal neckbeard bitching about people disagree with Batman V superman is bullying for 20 minutes.

Thanks for sharing user.

Someone needs to caption those screenshots

Do they actually… *say* anything I'd be pissed at? I clicked expecting to thumb it down. I let it play, guy seems nasally and boring but inoffensive. The landwhale shows up with purple hair, problem glasses and a fucking Steven Universe shirt and I hove my mouse over the dislike expecting something odious to pour out of her maw any second, but your timestamp comes and passes and they don't say shit.

They are irrelevant, that's why no general thread needed

You know, for such a beloved nostalgic drink, I still haven't seen it anywhere at the supermarket. Hell, they don't even have Hi-C in general.

I hear you. I see surge more than echto cooler



kill yourself op

Literally nobodies. Am i getting rused here?

But more men than women have died

Spoony's getting fat.

So is OP the landwhale or the beta nu-male since obviously one of them showed up here to shill their channel to get views.

The fat chick dies at the end?

So Melissa McCarthy's character dies at some point.

i hope the cameraman is like 14. no adult should sound like that

um that's Doug…


That's what Doug Walker sounds like off camera I think.

They're not even saying anything funny, but I'm laughing. This actually feels like friends having a good time. When was the last time you had a good time with friends, Holla Forums? It's been awhile for me.

I think it's his SJW brother Rob.

Look what i found.


the slime family is actually a setup for a spinoff movie about them to appeal to kids which will get made along with a lot of other nubusters movies if it is financially successful. Their plan is to create their own cinematic universe like Marvel's.

When cisbuster is ashes then this thread will have my permission to die.

Yeah it's like when Noah see's the color of what he's been drinking and then just busts out "Good lord that's Anti-freeze!" Just makes me smile and chuckle.

Do these people not realise that the reason things like Marvel and DC can work as cinematic universes is that there's enough content there for them to work with? Ghostbusters is one thing. A single concept. This is like trying to make a good meal with only one ingredient.

They are laughing to hide the pain, to stop from pulling the trigger, to stop from putting cyanide in their HI-C ectocooler

why are there five?

Is this some kind of reverse psychology where OP posts his own shit video and claims its rageworthy to get people here to watch it?

Sony is both delusional and desperate.

No thanks. I'd rather have the real Ghostbusters.

One is Chris Hemsworth.

They do sound alike.

oy vey

shut it down

the goyim know











oen moar