what are movies or tv shows with an /r9k/ tier shy NEET with social anxiety and his virginity intact that also features a very attractive woman taking an interest in him and being nice to him
sort of like that NHK anime but with a happier ending is what im looking for
Carter Collins
I prefer my robots to be miserable and alone. They produce better OC that way. I will not help you OP.
Asher Lewis
Adam Sandler is The Waterboy
Samuel Long
Dylan Diaz
40yo virgin
Brody Lee
Back to the memewheel with you. There will be no pleasant fantasies of happiness for you today.
Liam Parker
Why are you doing this?!
Alexander Collins
get your weird fetishes out of here you loser
Logan Perry
Ryder Ward
>>>/a/ >>>/r9k/
Dylan Carter
Jace Bell
Angel Nelson
None of them. Not even in fiction can you pathetic cucks get anything.
Joshua Clark
The closest thing I can think of is Adventureland with that jew who played Lex Luthor and Kristen Stewart.
I find her very attractive in that film.
Easton Phillips
The male protagonist in Career Opportunities is pretty much a NEET and Jennifer Connelly falls in love with him.
Disturbia is about a loser who's under house arrest and spies his cute neighbour.
Lincoln Cook
Desha Otoko
He isn't a NEET but he is a highly autistic office worker who gets the girl
Brody Ward
Juan King
If you're a cuck then that means you have someone you're at least having sex with.
Mason Howard
Samuel Perry
there is neet girl in this
Jack Rogers
fifty shades of grey - some random generic boring no-personality self-insert woman gets the handsome super-popular billionaire bad boy by being some random generic boring no-personality self-insert woman.