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Reported for sexism

Imagine what mankind could accomplish if people didn't spend so much time on non-issues…

misogynistic cis, pls

Women are half the audience, they should have half the movies!



where the fuck is this


This movie's going to crash so hard



You mean to say little boys don't want to play with an action figure of a fat middle aged woman?! Nooooooo.

Shut the fuck up you MRA shill


Those aren't the real ghostbusters.

Mind my protons, shit lord.

jesus christ how horrifying

You gotta love how the suit redesign, is itself the example of this shitty reboot. They took the old one and added neon stripes to it.

It's what they did to the whole movie, basically.

Nah, it's beyond that.

If they had just added neon stripes to Ghostbusters it would be better.

This movie is the perfect example of the fusing of progressive social engineering and corporate logic. What idiot would ever think female Ghostbuster toys would sell well? Who would think little boys would want one, or a little girl? But it exists because progressives demand it and because to corporate retards ghostbusters is a 'property' that they computed will make x dollars in merchandising.


One day you will accept that Capitalism is the root of all that you hate.


This is what happens when you randomize a red guard in the oblivion character create screen.

There are none so blind as they who refuse to see.

Yes it's capitalisms's fault. That's why they constantly double down on the propaganda while disregarding their profits these days.

Move to North Korea or Cuba, enlightened one. Have fun starving or not being able to acquire toilet paper.

Why does she have peglegs?

lol what kid would want to play with an action figure that looked like their mother?

you talk like a fag


Wow, the ghost and monster toys have really come a long way since the 80s!

Obesity-induced diabetes.

Now come on user, I'm sure they're just overstocked.
They only have one in stock

Who'd even want this?

Holy hell that's bad.

They look like bootlegs.

You… you… you… double pegleg!


Looks like it was re-purposed from Martin Lawrence's drag characters Shanaynay if they made a action figure out of her.


Commercialism/Consumerism/Mercantilism =/= Capitalism

lol fat middle aged woman, the toy.

Underrated post.



I just can't picture any kid actually wanting this toy. what the fuck were they thinking?

2 more weeks

I'm honestly more excited to see the reaction to this more than cuck awakens

Underrated post


INb4 China saves CISbusters


nah, it's not happening

What did they mean by this?

top kek

14 more days

They will not sell a single one of these.

And they wonder why vidya is carving up their market and stealing costumers away from them.

Same thing happened with Star Wars and Disney Negro Princess movie.

Black toys had to be discounted due to lack of demand.

Do the kids not get that it's Current Year?

Those damn beams always broke off within a week of getting the toys.

its clear their market is adult children who consume liberal media

It's not opening in China

Wow. It's like it's 1917 again

Also notice how each figure has its own ghost part, meaning parents/manchildren are expected to buy all 4 if they want the whole thing.

Why would anyone, parent or manchild, spend near $20 on this shit when they can just get a Batman for $9?



The movie concept doesn't work if the heroes are more horrific looking than the undead ghosts.

There is absolutely no fucking way anyone involved with making that actually expected this to sell.

China doesn't like niggers. China likes beautiful westerners.

This has a nigger in a lead role, and only features one beautiful westerner, who is relegated to a comic relief role.

That actually looks like it's made of spare parts they had lying around. Those hands look like they barely fit.

they removed the star wars nigger from all the posters


Why would anybody buy the cuntbusters figures besides liberal manchildren?

Also also notice that the most important part is in the sheboon box.

It's not even opening there.

China has 20 slots available a year for American movies. Assuming that Sony is delusional enough to think they could actually sell Cisbusters over there, the rival studios aren't going to let Sony outbid them for a slot when they've got much better movies that they could actually market to the Chinese.

Just two weeks to see if this flops or if people watch it out of curiosity. I'm a little nervous.


If history has taught us anything liberals who cry about misogyny and racism just like to cry and don't actually spend money to support a product that caters to them (as if they had money)

Sony knows it has a HUGE fucking stinker on its hands. Get ready

First couple of days people will watch out of curiosity, Sony shills and unpaid retards will run about smugly smearing shit everywhere, then when those people who watched out of curiosity tell their buddies just how shit the movie is it will tank, then the shills and unpaid retards will resume accusing people of being bigoted for not wanting to pay to see garbage.

the goal of this movie is to tarnish something that white men made in the name of feminism. whether that means completely obliterating Ghostbusters from public consciousness or reworking into lefty propaganda doesn't matter. they'll feel accomplished either way.

They are also giving away the movie with the videogame.

That is pretty much exactly what Pascal wanted (except she was delusional enough to think anyone outside of a small liberal clique wanted that too).

Well it's not like there was much left to destroy. Any desire for a third movie died with Harold Raimis.

Its funny considering the videogame isn't even about the movie because it wont move any units

And pic related is pretty much the closet thing people are ever going to get for a proper Ghostbusters 3

1) Low hype
2) Almost guaranteed sharp drop-off after day 1 for the people who do see it

i heard it was fun

And it sucked.

You faggots should stop praising bad Ghostbusters media to make Cisbusters looks worse.

Now suddently Ghostbusters 2 is a good movie despite it being trashed for years by the fanbase.

Why does Ghostbusters even have a fanbase? The original was nothing special.

Meh. It's not the worst. Nothing special, but hardly a disaster.

Well it's not like it has a die-hard cult following. It was just a funny movie and people like it.


Literally never happened. Fuck off with your fantasies faggot

Then why is everyone chimping out so hard over this shit? What's all this shit about "muh childhood memories"?
I don't even remember the movie, I just remember that I watched it when I was a kid.

I always liked Ghostbusters 2, but then I did see it before Ghostbusters 1.

confirmed never seeing ghostbusters

ghostbusters has some of the best deadpan ever put into a comedy

nobody trashed it you kike

was it the original? no, but it easily is one of the better sequels ever made

It's a funny movie that people remember fondly. It is being remade with retarded prog shit for no reason except to be prog shit.

When people say they dislike it, the kikes throw tantrums and call people shitlords, which predictably leads to a backlash from functional humans.

Nah, there is a space between the $ and the 9. Funny if its true, if shop its meh

looks like the Sony shills arrived a couple weeks early to start asking "why are you goy so upset about this, it's not like the originals were better. ;^)"

On labels, they leave space for two digits, the period and another two digits. It's a template for the printer, so that space you see is completely normal.

Dude, you can see the other tags with single digits don't have that. It's a shoop.

Materialism isn't the same thing as capitalism. Materialism as it is understood in the modern context relies upon capitalism but it is not the same thing. Fuck off with your false equivalency, Holla Forums. If you want to know who is responsible for modern materialism look no further than your own tribe, kike.

clearly shopped

Well there you go, not familiar with the store.

Yeah the chief complain about Ghostbusters 2 seemed to be that it felt like they just reset the setting which irked some, it was still a very great movie.

Amy get out

Seriously?! Don't bullshit me.

Yeah, it's a shop

Something about them not being able to depict ghosts/spirits/supernatural shit or something


Victory Adachi shall be posted.

It's bad mojo to depict the dead because it is dishonorable toward them or something.

what about those hopping vampire zombies

1)I think it only became regulation around 2008 or so
2)That film's from Hong Kong, not China

I don't know user, maybe they don't have a problem with their own lore or some shit?

"The Film Bureau objects to films with distinctly spiritual content, because they “promote cults or superstition” in violation of the Communist Party’s secular principles—a major problem for a movie chock-full of ghosts."
From an article talking about how Crimson Peak was also banned in China.

Basically it means this is going to flop even fucking harder, since China is often a good source of revenue for movies that are sort of floundering, I remember it helped Pacific Rim's box office a ton.

the gorilla is the only one with a warning on the front of the box, likely because the ghost head is the smallest of the ghost parts, but it's still kinda funny

build the wall

will this mean no more force ghosts in Star Wars?

So how does the bureau feel about beta cuck feminists faggots?

If they felt positively about them, the movie would be opening in China

It's a wonder the Chinese haven't overthrown their Government yet

Daily reminder

I don't know why you bothered to shop this when there are plenty of pictures of Cisbusters toys on clearance

This guy is gay right?

He's married to a woman.

Wouldn't be surprised if he came out and said he's been living a lie

There's no fucking way he's straight. Every photo I've seen him in screams queer.

Maybe he's just really, really, really camp




He's not a comedian or anything though. He has to be gay. It explains this female worship bullshit as well since he's obviously a honeypot.

Also checked

You don't have to be a comedian to be camp.

I think that's better explained by the fact that there was no one around to teach him how to be masculine

Camp is intrinsically linked to gayness. Especially that kind of camp. The straight people who make camp do not come off like the singer from the B-52s. Guy is a fag.

Pascal, and Sony in general, have been lacking a main thing all other studios have: Franchises.
As in, they have nothing. Why do you think the biggest offender of horrible remakes of films from the 80s and 90s is Sony made? They're trying to revive old, brand recognizable franchise to use today, that's why they remade Total Recall and RoboCop, they needed to revive a possible franchise.
And guess what? They bombed like shit and are considered a watered down version of the originals in the vein of trying to attract a larger audience, hence why both completely R-rated action films were toned down to PG-13.

Their other franchise have failed too, Men In Black is dead, 21 Jump Street is their only franchise with somewhat quality, Spider-Man is now a shared property, they even ruined their own good streak with James Bond and even tried to get their fuck-up hands on Nintendo's IPs for films.

This is where we get to Ghostbusters 2016, Pascal needed a new franchise for Sony to bank on that could become a potential mega franchise and shared universe like Marvel (and btw, they're trying to do the same thing with Robin Hood and his Merrymen.)
Pascal, however, is an idiot and she's delusional as fuck. I'm not particularly a Holla Forumsack, but she's what Holla Forums would think as text book definition
She wants to push diversity agendas into her films as much as possible.
That's why Anne, Spider-Man: Homecucking and Dark Tower are "diverse." It's ALL because of Pascal. Fuck, Peter Parker would be black by now if Marvel didn't put their foot down and say that Parker is white and only white.
And now that's all why Ghostbusters is filled with women. Because Pascal wanted an all-girl superhero team film and Spider-Man had been brought under the, albeit limited, protection of Marvel from them so Ghostbusters, which filled the criteria of old, nostalgic 80s franchise, big recognizable brand name, and able to be "diversed."
She's a monster and she needs to be stopped before she makes her Zoe Quinn film.
Actually, looking at pic related, she does look like a fucking monster…. or a doll from Team America.

I don't understand the comedian connection. What's being a comedian got to do with being camp, or just straight up gay?

It won't happen. Legal landmine + there's no audience.

It would be a bigger failure than this and this is a well known multimillion dollar franchise

Some comedians do camp as a stand up routine. Peewee Herman is an example. Some gay people come off as camp because that is their innate personality.

She's also responsible for butchering the Beatles to millennials besides from Glee.

Some of these corporations need to learn their lesson about putting dumbass feminazis in charge of huge companies. She reminds me of the bitch who has cratered Yahoo because she bought Tumblr and hasn't made back 95 percent of the amount they overpaid for it.

Didn't this movie have Evan Rachel Wood naked?

Can't hate her too much for that

That's a dude

literally who wants to see that ;^)

did the goons even come out in droves for 13 Hours?

you forget that economics is amoral; stockholders dont care what a company does, so long as it makes them money.


Yeah, yet they still put these stupid women in charge so they can brag about having a female CEO, and then they fire them after it's already too late. Same thing happened with Reddit.

So let me get this, she had to change publishers? Isn't that a big deal since she supposedly got a movie deal through the last one?

Reddit has been cancer since it's inception.

can't wait tbh
will be a comfy stream

I'm still scared this will turn out to be successful. Can someone tell me something that will soothe my fears?

they have to tell fat feminists REMEMBER TO SEE THE MOVIE
the dislike bar on every trailer is telling

50% chance it's going to be a massive bomb that will absolutely abolish and crash Sony's plans for a Ghostbusters movie universe, destroy Sony's film branch even further and will just result in SJWs going full damage control by saying evil misogynists are to blame and then use the inevitable "positive" reviews and Rotten Tomatoes scoring (if critics are paid off successfully or stupid enough it might be at least a 70% or 90%) as proof that the film is good despite the fact the audience rating is lower than hell and absolutely tanked.

50% it's going to be 2016's Jurassic World, becoming a smash hit, saving Sony's film production branch, allowing them to keep creating films like this, SJWs will be celebrating by posting on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook ect. about how men have been completely BTFO'd and "Male Tears" cups will be sold out nation wide, more companies will follow suit to copy Sony's smash hit, and remakes of more classic 80s films into shared universes with a diverse cast will be a new trend in Hollywood, for example, Universal finds a loophole and remakes Back to the Future with John Boyega as Marty McFly and Kate McKinnon as Dr. Emma Brown. Holla Forums and Holla Forums will be a laughing stock on the -chan imageboards and Donald Trump might lose the election

GTFO shill! Your kind is not wanted here, begone!

Why would you be scared? Are YOU going to watch it?

Probably wouldn't affect the movie deal. The author retains the option rights, unless Cunt was somehow so inept that she surrendered the IP rights to her own book.

Change of publishers is significant though. Most likely Simon & Schuster neglected to publish it because of legal issues, so she gave it to a publisher who didn't care/didn't know any better.

In either case, should her book actually see publication, expect her to get sued.

No. I'm done with this. I'm done reading bullshit posts like yours in every Ghostbusters thread.




Stop pretending there's even 1% chance of this being a success. I don't give a fuck how much Sony is paying you or how much of a cuck you are, there is no hype for this movie. No one wants to go see it. Advanced ticket sales are abysmal. They're already packing it with the Activision game as a bonus for buying it. How many hit movies get packed as a bonus feature with shitty video games?

The trailer is the most disliked video on youtube history. They've completely given up and totally changed the marketing to try to minimize mentioning what the movie is. It's not like AVGN is the only person saying the movie is going to be shit, that's pretty much the universal narrative from everyone, including even most of the SJWs. Only the most extreme of feminists dare try to defend this film.

Stop lying. Stop pretending you're stupid enough to believe there's a shred of a chance of this being a hit. There is absolutely NOTHING to justify such a claim.


What is most interesting about this clusterfuck is how it has laid bare the reality that SJW\feminists cannot admit when they are wrong, that they are so insulated from The Real World they hold the sociopathic belief that "it is everyone elses fault"

Whether this movie bombs or breaks even it wont stop them doubling down on the next project, but with each failure their edifice will crumble just a little more.

They are incapable of introspection, of learning from mistakes, until they eventually get too old to maintain the rage and disappear into mediocrity, being nothing more than a cringe worthy footnote in the history of cinema.

Is the Zoe Quinn movie going to be a biographical movie about Zoe? Or just a movie about some fictional video game developer thats inspired by Zoe?

it was going to be autobiographical, but at this point, (((they))) might as well drop Zoe and do something like the Law and Order episode turned up to 11.

Usually when an autobiographical gets turned into a movie, its because its of a famous person. Zoe isn't famous. The fact that they even considered making it shows that their business isn't about making money, but pushing agendas, even if pushing said agenda comes at the cost of losing hundreds of millions of dollars.

I was thinking of that law and order episode too, no way they are going to show zoe riding the 5 guys train to good reviews.

niggers, please. They cut her a check to "option" it, that's as far as it will ever go. It's no secret that most movie deals die in development anyway.

You're more likely to see Nic Cage as Superman than you are for this to ever see the light of day.


there are probably conflicting agendas with her story anyway. on the one hand, they'd be telling a "scary technology enables evil creepy MEN to stalk pure innocent wymyn". on the other, that doesn't help sell smartphones, social media, any gadget you can put a camera and GPS in, etc.

Fucking cancer

strictly speaking, I have, and now you are seeing it too. checkmate, atheists.

It's entirely possible that a highly publicized film being released on a weekend with no major competition would do well in the box office.
It's not a sure thing chance, so it's better to acknowledge it could succeed then going into panic mode and crying.

Ehhhh, it's not happening.

It might draw a small crowd on the opening weekend out of morbid curiousity, but if it makes back its costs I'll be surprised.

There's no way word of mouth is going to be kind to this movie. Mad Max had a feminist ad campaign (which hurt it) but word of mouth was good and it did well anyways.

This? It's just unfunny.

I expect the usual suspects to rave about how great it is, but no one will say it is funny. You can't fake funny.

Jimmy Fallon's been doing it for years.


Kek, I thought that dress on the gorilla was added in paint judging from the thumbnail. Because she whined on twitter that no designer wanted to make her a dress

I didn't watch the new Star Wars movie either, that didn't stop it from being financially successful.

Is this movie actually going to do bad or are you guys just pretending?

Yeah, that's a good point.

Life sure is hard as an actress.

That chink bitch was put in charge of reddit with the express intention of being able to blame all criticism on soggy knees and racism during reddit's "restructuring". Which reddit duly did.

Never underestimate the beta's desire to virtue signal.

All Paul Feig movies had positive reviews. His last movie has a 90% of positive ratings on RT.

This one won't be different.

A PG-13 Robocop? What the fuck?

[citation needed intensifies]
unaccompanied minors and I am David were critical bombs, and by the way Heat BARELY scraped by


PG-13 is their way of trying to attract as many groups as possible. Its pretty much R at this point but without visible blood

stay flustered fam

You forgot Bridesmaids with 90% and Spy with 94%

Sony have the final word on Spiderman.

They are already preparing terrain for Miles Morales with all latinos in Homecucking


How did Jurassic World fare? Movie was a low cash grab.

Yes, I am mad. Mad you're trying to shill this piece of garbage movie, trying to sew depression and hopelessness. No one could believe this movie could succeed at this point. The actresses are in the same position as Bill Murray, legally forced to promote this movie. You can see how miserable they are in some of the interviews. A couple of them are acting out of loyalty to Paul Feig or because they know this movie is going to kill their careers, but that's it. Specifically Leslie Jones. I almost feel sorry for Koko.

It's Pascal's influence that has made the movie what it is. My fear is that Zendaya is there to play Black Cat. Although they'd have to be pretty stupid to raceswap a character with that name.

When Amazing Spider-Man was just starting production, it got out that what Sony wanted was a high school film with a love triangle plot. That's what this is shaping up to be, they don't even have a villain yet.

Ultra-progressive single moms and their bulls will brainwash their non-gender binary kids+ into wanting one for Ramadan.


Yes, but they managed to not turn it into a overt piece of political propaganda. The masses are stupid, but if the masses feel insulted they wont go see your movie. Jurassic World was trash, but it was inoffensive trash with dinosaurs. Ghostbusters has 0.000% of being a success.

It will very likely fail.

Early projections say 40mil opening weekend on a 140/150 mil production budget.

Following weekend Star Trek and Ice Age open.

It's also not playing in China so there's that.


could you at least try to read the thread?

What I said I didn't give a fuck about was why you were shilling. Whether you worked for Sony or were a cuck or just a typical hipster goon devoid of a sense of humor.

do you really need a refresher on the definition of the word "all"

Trep kek

Stop your gets are TRIGGERING ME

Nobody was trying to shill it, Mr Autismo. There's a reason people make fun of salty fucks like you.

Go back to Tumblr or freech, faggot.



You came to the wrong neighborhood, bolshevik.

Thats bitch is like the best looking 1% of socjus-kind

There was some mention that Zoe had talked to Pascal about making a movie based on her autobiography. Problem is, that means actually writing an autobiography which would be work. If she does write the thing, she then runs into the problem that she needs to not commit libel or at least be able to back up her claims. It's not the same as when some clickbait writers put up articles on the internet (which can be easily deleted or modified at any time), because book publishers don't want to get sued for having libelous statements printed out as though they were fact.

Leigh Alexander actually stated that she wanted to write a book about GamerGate over a year ago, but ran into this problem that she'd have to back up her claims so the book plan was killed.

is that really such a problem? libel suits are notoriously difficult to win in the states

Dubs and this Marxist movie will put a huge dent in Sony.

I hate to admit it but I think a movie about Gamergate made by Hollywood cucks and feminazis might turn out to be a guilty pleasure. It'll be so terrible and so biased that it would be funny. It would be like The Room.

I don't think books typically make enough to make risking a libel suit worthwhile. Just hiring lawyers could be enough to make it not be financially worthwhile.

A news or clickbait organization often has lawyers on hand to help argue for dismissing suits under the pretense that those writing were just reporting what they were hearing was true.

With a book, people generally assume there's some evidence to back up a supposed biography. If there is no evidence then it makes it easier to sue.

With Zoe, a libel suit for some autiobiography filled with lies about Eron Gjorni would be incredibly easy if she tries the lies she told her friends. If she didn't use those lies, then there'd be nothing to seriously write about other than that she sat around posting on twitter.

But I'm reminded of the book Running With Scissors.

Article about the lawsuit:

Guy with an alcoholic mother who was out of sorts has a psychiatrist act as a guardian to her son, and that son then acted like it was this incredible bizarre experience filled with amazing dysfunction. The guy tried suggesting he kept a bunch of journals chronicling his dysfunctional childhood with this adoptive family (which he was with from about the age of 15), but would never release those journals to show anyone to prove they were chronicling anything to get an idea of how accurate they were.

The family actually sued the movie studio that made a film based on the book for some undisclosed settlement, as well as suing the author for $2 million.


So basically he just sensationalized a shit load of stuff as well as making up whatever.

Looking at this various writings it looks to be that everything he has written is sold as being a 'memoir', but after that one lawsuit he doesn't have anything else made into a TV series or movie. (Makes me wonder a bit what the nature of their settlement was like)

It seems unlikely most publishers would want to risk similar suits being brought against them, so it'd likely seem easier to just back the fuck away from it.

With Zoe, many that familiarized themselves with GamerGate and Zoe's insane antics know she avoided making any direct claims about the guy that dumped her, instead just sticking to insinuations for the most part. Which would act as a decent protection against libel for some news/clickbait sites that just want to write tabloid garbage, but with a book you'd have to write actual experiences. The entirety of it can't just be insinuations that things happened otherwise there is no story.

She probably won't even release the book. Eventually, she'll do a fucking Tumblr post about how it would be too traumatizing for her. This is a conartist trying to stretch out her two minutes of fame into 5 years of being paid for doing nothing.

You should be. Holla Forums warned you, Holla Forums. Why didn't you listen?

Why do the japs put up with her juden shit? Sony needs to step in and clean house.

I'm not even sure she's still talking of writing a book. She seemed to transition into doing her CON job now and has tried her best just to appeal to her sycophants moreso. Hence her kerfuffle with the anti-harassment project recently that wanted to chronicle whether or not someone had engaged in harassment so that people could look it up if they knew the person's name.


I think she is, but it's about CON, rather than a memoir, and the movie's probably not going to happen because nothing exciting actually happened. and she's already put her side of the story on tumblr.

no amount of agenda-pushing could sell a movie about a character going around being afraid of shadows, with nobody actually trying to kill her.

maybe if Eron showed up in Europe or broke into her house in San Francisco or Seattle, there might be some kind of thriller in there. or some people in luchador masks sneaking around the building where she and anita gave their UN presentation. or… anything but text on screens and "sinister"-looking extras who aren't actually out to get her.


Because Sony are juden themselves. No sane Japanese like this shit company. It would be dead without West.

Because juuden means recharge. There's an anime about "juuden-chan", cute invisible girls electrocuting people out of their depressions. No, seriously. Look it up. Shit's hilarious.

They could make a pretty good movie about a succubus who cheats on her man and tries to ruin his life when he tells everyone. Of course, this is probably not the kind of movie liberal Hollywood would want to make.

kill yourself faggot

Still lost money, though:

I love the syfy reenactments

Are all the other videos shitty pop music videos?

Brides maids was a romantic comedy and marketed as such. The only people who watched it where middle-aged white women who giggled at it a bit.

Jurassic World wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. They could have done something really interesting but they blew it. But at least we had the equal which will more than likely involve dinosaur/human hybrid soldiers… if the rumors are anything to go by.

Wasn't that a rejected JP4 idea JW shat on?

The multiplayer was a lot of fun. Sucked when someone would pull a ghost across the entire map just to slam it on their trap for the bonus. When they could have.

1: Just used the trap that was already there.
2: thrown out their own new trap, because you had unlimited traps.

That didn't even sound legit. Jesus fuck, he deserves the lawsuit.

I liked Jurassic World. It reminded me of a 90s summer blockbuster.

The difference is Star Wars is wildly popular nearly everywhere with internet access, while Ghostbusters never had the massive appeal that SW has had for decades, and outside of a shitty video game it hasn't been terribly relevant since the second movie.

They 'could have made something neat with the concept, but instead they decided to shove fat, middle-aged vaginas in everyone's faces while telling them they're literally sodging women for not enjoying the rotten taste or the rancid smell.

she did escalate to claiming it was an "abusive relationship" but as far as I know, she never actually put his name in the same sentence as the word "abuse" even though everyone knows that's who she's talking about.

We were supposed to grow desensitized, and instead we got the generation of the perpetually triggered. Let me post the best episode in the series.



Even better when they instantly scream "COMMIE" as though there are only two economic choices. Small minds, full of mainstream media shit.

I wonder what it feels like to twist something horrible you did into being the focal point of your life to the point where you earn money from it. There has to be some coined term for that level of immorality.

Is being a con-artist not sufficient?


Bye, Harold. ;_;

What are you talking about?! It totally triggered feminist ally Joss Whedon!

Apparently a review embargo is suppose to be lifted for this movie today. I expect a lot of side stepping how terrible it actually is.


Who is this semen demon?

It's a shame. They'd make good lawyers if they could ever bother to study something other than hand basket weaving gender studies

Just imagine "Go home gaymergurrrrl!" on the big screen with a $100 million budget.

do you defend the "integrity" of your opinion from a blatantly bad movie, or give in to the popular agenda of the moment.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

it was

Even fascists/corporatists don't sperg this hard on capitalism like you're doing right now.

At least it was self-aware bad?

u w0t m8?

The only female hero character I cared about ever.


I want this to fail more than I've ever wanted anything in my life.

even losing your virginity?

I also must know. Who this be?

…there was a tonk grill film?!

problem is. Everything in the movie would have to be lies.

Every piece of "harrassment" Zoe Quinn recieved was a false flag

Weirdest part is that he continues writing bullshit about this family that tried to help raise him for several years.

I have to wonder what the later books were like if he got sued for the initial one.


wew Holla Forums really has gone to shit


Really faggot?

Japan had other asians to worry about. They didn't know the true nature of the jew until later on. They've clearly learned their lesson now.

sure got him there


Roy, you cheeky fecker.


Thinking a bull like me actually wants to be on board with shitty fembusters or that I would condone the sissification of their kids around me.

Nah, most of the "harassment" she received is real. The issue is that she has a very broad definition of the term. If you call her a liar, then you're harassing her. If you call her a cunt, you're harassing her. If you insult or disagree with her in any way, you're harassing her.




One day you will accept capitalism and marxism are the same ideology only different marketing rhetoric aimed at different demographics, and you bought it like a total rube.

They could be bold and try an original idea… what am I saying, that's stupid!

Beatles are Tavistock shit that was watered down copies of what better bands were doing. Listen to The Who like a real man.

Not saying mainstream=bad but its mostly watered down shit for the masses

Hahaha, you are so naive, kid: money is all fake, it's about agenda-pushing, controlling peoples thoughts and opinions and reactions, that's more valuable than gold, my friend. They'll take big losses of worthless fiat currency to push a message onto a population, interracial and most fetish porn is an example of this phenomenon.

The Who was great and innovative for a mainstream band of that era, the Beatles just copied the innovations of others and fagged them up. Plus I utterly despise John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

Early reviews are out. It is as shit as everyone expected, even worse.


Who would buy this? The anatomy looks abhorrent, not to mention the face.