Also, anyone planning on going see this? I have a snaking suspicion it's going to flop.
How long until people start calling this the Big Fucking Giant
it's already happening
Will they be daring enough to go with the legend of the giant and his human friend who accidentally kills the human with a well meant head pat and then dies of heartbreak?
Holy shit, is that how this story ends?
I sorta feel like they almost have to, because without that it doesn't look like there's any real hook to this. I mean, what the fuck even is the story about?
But of course, if they do go with that ending it's going to depress the fuck outta people and it'll definitely flop then.
if it doesn't make money in box office returns then they'll get it back by selling some grood child actors to the feds.
For fucking you
Witches was badass, but the other Dahl adaptations I've seen were made by morons, since they took an exciting and fascinating kids book and somehow made it boring
At my school we would call it "Big Fat Gay".
This wasn't originally Disney
Well congratu-fucking-lations, you get yourself fucking caught! What's the next step of your fucking plan?
I'll crash that fucking airplane
And fuck all survivors
No brother, they expect one of us fucking in the wreckage.
No, I won't help him hurt any more children!
Have we started the fucking?
Yes, the fucking rises!
I wonder what ancient esoteric psychological sorcery is behide the words BFG that made them keep such a dumb title.
Even James and the Giant Peach?
What the movie should have been
Ronald Dahl is an overrated shit
And it flopped.
I mean, shit's not rocket science. Incomprehensible story, at least based on the trailer. No familiar "hook" that people can latch on to. Not even a big "oh wow, look how cool that is" moment.
Most damning of all, critics are absolutely savaging the thing.
The man tried to get kids to read and this is all we have to show for it.
Kill yourself.
Who gives a fuck what critics think? It's been proven millions of times over they are about as in touch with the people as politicians, celebrities, and jews.
10/10 will watch
Holla Forumsirgins do, but only when a movie they hate get bad reviews.
I predict massive loads of butthurt after the positive Cisbusters reviews.
So how badly does it shit on the source material?
People have made that relation for years. Since as long as I even remember first hearing of the story as a kid.
It's actually pretty faithful to the source, though the giants besides BFG are redesigned, which is understandable. The problem was how it tries really hard to not make it too dark, like the film tries to make the giants look like goofs instead of nightmare fuel monsters from the book and animated film. Also the climax was weaker. The military came in and took the giants away without a fight unlike the book, which had the fucking girl stab the leader giant with a pin. Also no Jack and the Beanstalk reference.
But I really loved the Dream Country sequence and I like how it tries to be heartwarming in the way that's just like Roald Dahl's book instead of emotionally manipulative techniques modern "feels" movie tries to do like Inside Out. Probably explains why critics don't understand it. Overall, it's faithful but the execution could've been better. I liked it.
The man eating giants need to be fucking terrifying. I mean, the books made them seems fucking horrifying.
did it have the farting soda scene?
They were pretty nightmare fuel in the old animated movie.
Care to explain? I didn't watched Inside Out.
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The phrase predates that site.