L. black?



"Our vision for Death Note has always been to bring this captivating story to the screen for its longtime manga fans and to introduce the world to this dark and mysterious masterpiece. The talent and diversity represented in our cast, writing, and producing teams reflect our belief in staying true to the story's concept of moral relevance – a universal theme that knows no racial boundaries."

Other urls found in this thread:


Ay hol up? So you be sayin we wuz detectives n shiet?


inb4 get out Holla Forums, waaaaaaa

This is great for them. Now they don't have to worry about making it good.

Can't decide if this is sad or hilarious

Once again, niggers ruin something that was even sort of good.

Light did nothing wrong

Sure. Niggers…

The CuckKing strikes again!
Nothing is safe from the BLACKED

I wonder how asian people will react

With wry amusement at the silly gaijin, I imagine. They really don't care how we treat their IPs because 99.99% of them will never see the shitty western adaptations.

TRalent and diversity.
not talent found in actors that happen to be diverse.
It's Jew Jews mindset that no matter the acting qualities, the skincolor is more important.

It'll be shit.
Well, it probably would've been shit anyway, but now even the last bit of hope for it is gone.

I bet the Japanese don't care as always

Isnt the character British?

Guys, this means the token nig gets killed off, why aren't we celebrating this?



Oh right, how silly of me to forget the true puppetmasters.

Are you saying they should get Boyega?

Well, him or Idris Elba. Unless it's a villainous role, in which case I'm sure there's some really pale white guy they can cast, like Domhnall Gleeson or Tom Hiddlestone.

This means token nig can only be matched by the two brightest minds in the world working together.

They have their own abysymal live-action versions.

kira kills criminals
kira kills L
L is black
wew lad pretty racist tbh

Post your dream cast.


Dane Dehaan as Kira
and this
Don't know who would play a good L

8.5/10 max fam

You shitting me right? The ending explained it pretty well, he was a stormfag inmature extremist who happened to find a super weapon that gave him a lot of power, his sense of justice was rapidly skewed as shit since he was killing people without any kind of emotion in his own rope day and didn't gave a fuck about taking civil rights unless it favored him, became so addicted to being in power he couldn't possibly comprehend his own demise, exactly just like a jew stormfag.



Degenerate faggot detected.
He did nothing wrong and that ending was forced as fuck by season 2 bishies because it became obvious to the cuck author Kira was everybody's favourite character.

That does not mean bringing a nigger to achieve that.

So what anime/manga adaptation is next to come out west?

Well I guess it makes sense since L was an Orphan. Thought I think it will be hard to make a black person look like a pale shut-in. That just makes them more weeb than anything. Wonder if Amercians will be mad when the Black L dies even though that follows how the manga goes.

I think we can all agree that it should have ended with Light "Kira" Yagami winning over his ridiculous rivalry with L. Those two following detectives M an N was unneccesary. I guess you can't let the bad guy win in a shonen jump manga no matter how reasonable they are presented.

He used his own father as a tool for his porpuses and was ready to kill every single member of his family for the same thing.
He started killing for very minor crimes as if every single crime deserved death or didn't had a more humane explanaition like accidental murder.
The public was afraid to give their names installing a literal "If you don't have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" police state.
His closest followers were special snowflakes who sympathized with him because of personal events.
With his charisma and intelligence he could've easily gone for politics and change the law but decided to kill people.
By episode 2 he was already considering himself a god just because he found a super weapon.

Fucking newfag edgelord, accept your own degeneracy before complaining about others.

The ending was one of the biggest asspulls ever created. Mello is that you?


It wasn't just the ending.
When "L" started working with the police he also said this.

You dumbasses need to watch some Rorouni Kenshin.

He was a brave individual who was convicted in his ideology of justice? The horror.

You're just mad because a death warrant on criminals basically means all niggers, arabs, and spics get wiped out.
it's your fault, not Kira's

will the fujoshit women start a rebellion?

No, he was an individual who started outright killing people for being against his ideology of justice.
He was being convicted because his ideology of justice involved ending human lives against and outside the law.


Fucking newfags entering by Holla Forums.
The law can change to turn you into a criminal and you would've killed dumbass.
Implying isn't a society that started like that.

So they shouldn't have been killed or he should have gone through the proper channels to kill them? You're starting to get triggered so it's hard to make sense of your post.

They shouldn't have been killed, and if he really wanted to get them killed there were proper channels to propose the idea so it could be voted in a democratic way.

Standard marketing spiel, standard trash.

You know how I know you're a cuck?

kill yourself you fucking retard

Didnt you know L stood for Laron.

No they shouldn't. They should pay a price placed by the law, decided by a democracy based on a law that was perfected under thousands of years of history by countless civilizations culminating in this point by constant fails and successes and that will continue to fail and succed into a more perfect law.

They're humans just like you, and in their humanity they found a way to commit those attrocities.
While you had a different life you have the same degenaracy potential, and the first indicative is your inhability to find the similarities in other humans to fufill your own selfish sense of morality that places a blind spot in ending other human lives.

I have a little sister, and if she was raped by some creeping pedo, Would I want to kill him? Well, yes. I would want to kill him, those are emotions and are human.
But that doesn't makes it ok, if I kill him it just only means that there were many oportunities for me to stop and do something better, like calling the authorities.
Humans aren't just emotions, they're also self control, and the moment you start putting one over another you start loosing your humanity.

Taking such extreme actions in response to extreme emotions is understandable but not excusable and murder biggest consequence is turning you into a murderer. Your inhability to see that only tells me your problems relating to other humans. Sociopaths aren't any better than psychopaths.

The majority of people are idiots and have nothing useful to say about the proper running of society.
See: people who think raising the minimum wage will help alleviate poverty
Killing criminals for a given crime is either moral or it isn't, regardless of whether or not a majority of idiots have been propagandized enough into believing that.

No, they're low-IQ subhumans who are net losses to society and humanity

Potential? Yeah, my arms aren't broken, but I'm not a piece of shit so I don't steal shit and have children I can't afford.

That's why I said fails and successes.

Wanting to kill them when they can be a positive gain either by real rehabilitation or prisoner workforce isn't particularly smart.

No, but you want to kill people that makes you angry, that's pretty degenerate imo.

Thousands of years of executions and torture, retard.

user, I clearly specified spics, niggers, and arabs.

Why not? You didn't make any argument for why it wouldn't be ok.
Maybe you fear these kind of philosophies because you have to go back.

Lol that's such a slimy way of phrasing it.
It has nothing to do with how angry they make you. They're criminals who have committed a crime. They are not fit to exist in society.

It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to handle/investigate/prosecute a single rape/home invasion. These people committing these crimes will earn less than 1 million dollars over the course of their lifetime, and the majority of that will not be going back to society via taxes. These people are net losses, again. Most violent criminals commit many violent crimes before even being caught.

More like I think violent criminals should be shot on the spot by law-abiding citizens defending themselves from nearly retarded niggers. Or degenerate whites. I don't care.

This is progwashing. A new kind of marketing used to evoke debate (marketing along with it) because MUUH MINORITIES or cultural appropriation. Don't fall for the bait and just fucking boycott it if you want to. And I will.

All evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, of course. Can't have facts destroy your virtue signaling gig.


So, you're saying niggers are not human because they lack self control? How racist!

You have to go back.

It's called diversity shielding. They cast a black guy, or a woman in place of a white male and then they can make the shittiest movie in the world and just say the naysayers are racist/sexist. It's like criticism insurance. Just look at The Cuck Awakens, terrible uninspired film that no one in the mainstream media criticized, all because of its diversity casting.



After what they did to dragon ball z i'm not surprised at the zero respect they have for anime fans.

I don't mind all all american version of japanese stuff is bad.

Hmm… I wonder if Shymalamadingdong would've still gotten the same amount of criticism for the last airbender if he casted niggers to play the fire nation people, instead of the pooinloos.

The main reason people criticized that film was because the protagonists were white. Critics would have sucked his dick forever if he made the exact same film just with no white people.

This is one of those rare instances where he actually would have. The movie is complete dogshit, even without having made the best faction (Fire Nation) currynigger central.

Back when they had announced the movie I was actually looking forward to it, not because I give two shits about the characters all that much, but because I wanted to see a (magic) martial arts movie with great choreography and effects.

I'm not surprised considering they casted (( Scarlett Johansson)) as Motoko for GiTS

Watch as everyone who was up in arms about "whitewashing" GitS goes suddenly quiet.

More like kikewashing.

But yes, it's okay when they replace a human with a pavement ape.

Good. Fucking overrated series.
Anyway, let the nigger take a glance of thr fanart, just so he can see the sheer amount of gay porn it spawned.

They want to put him there to have a cool, rebel nigger, but remember it was a skinny, pale fag with black spots under his eye. That's not cool, that's a basement dweller.

I wonder how the japs would react to this.

They wouldn't give a shit because they know its for filthy gaijin

It was pretty much fujoshi bait with a moronic plot bolted on top. Never understood why it got so popular.

That's how they reacted to GitS

This guy should play the character

Pretty much.

They won't give a shit about any of their animes being adapted by Hollywood because they know it wasn't made for them and they have their own studios in Japan who could make it for them. I think the only time they'll raise a fuss is if one of their movie studios in Japan emulates what Hollywood does and spits in their faces.

The central concept is what made it popular. A notebook that lets you kill anyone in the world if you write their name down in it. It's fun concept with a lot of potential.

Isn't there a live action Nip movie for Death Note out already? Or was it a drama?

Too bad it's wasted on a stupid plot featuring shit characters.

But by far the biggest problem of Death Note is that the author thinks she's smart, when in fact she's not.

I can't speak on the quality of the series, I stopped watching it after the third episode. It seemed very pretentious and the main character was unlikable and uninteresting.

I guess it's Light vs. Dark then

Yes, the live action Death Note came out 10 years ago. They also made a TV show adaption of it last year

Like I said, the only time I think you'll ever see Nips get outraged is if a studio of theirs were to make a live action adaption of one of their animes. Lets say they were making a live action Higurashi but instead of having a Japanese actor play Ōishi Kuraudo, they casted Nicolas Cage in his place



There was and it was fucking awful.

Why do all the main characters looks like young fertile asian women. Holy shit is that near?


inb4 the tumblrspergs who got triggered over ScarJewbs being The Major are applaud this.

Nigger, Death Note is fujoshi bait. What did you expect them to look like?

They could just make Light a hood rat who goes around avenging Trayboon and his fallen homies with the Death Note.

Well the series would likely not be a big hit had the guys get /fit/ and gain some muscles because they've been fine with feminized males ever since Japan's inception

Maybe they haven't announced the westernized names yet?

ah who gives a fuck, let the minorites feel important. not like the movie is gonna make money anyway.

Could you just take a Death Note and write in "Kill all niggers", would it work?

don't know until you try, right? but it might end up killing you as well.

guys it's illegal to talk about the president like that
smh tbh fam

Fucking newspeak. Non-Whites are already shoved to the top of the mountain, the only push they need is off it.

Looks like Holla Forums is off their meds again, I'll call the doc.

t. Jews

But who would play Mion/Shion?

because the period of jidaigeki films are over, as well as that period of japan's history

basically, everything post-ww2 japan is feminized

Is this their way of showing Americans their boy pussy?


user pls, I'm only joking, don't give them ideas!

One could look at it like that.

yes, this is a great "ww2 in a nutshell" mural

It's true, then.
Things can always be worse.

fucking faggot BO turned on the "unique files per board" setting

Olsen Twins

You think this is going to stop with stuff that doesn't make money?

He was already Japanese why make him a fucking nigger

Asians yellow-wash series with European protagonists and diverse characteristics. Nobody bats an eye

Western filmmakers hire western actors for roles in an adaptation of an Asian franchise. People go crazy

I object to the fact that this is an indicator that L's character will be butchered. There's no way that guy will be playing an obsessive autistic shut-in. He will probably be a black 'Sherlock' who proves that coming from an urban environment without a stable family can produce exceptional scholars and citizens.

This show only worked as an anime, and it lost its direction in the latter half anyway.

You fucked up user. Read the Bible. Jesus out of all people states that pedos should be drowned.

ayyyoo we wuz japs

You shouldn't encourage people to waste their time like that.


Oh god I LOVED it.

SJWs always cry when white actors are cast in anime adaptations. Lets see if they will complain about a black actor stealing an asian actor role.


Thaaat's actually not right.
Priest here and if you read the greek it has nothing to do with children, it's about the jews that follow, not kids.

oh shit nigger my nostalgia gland

this is what will trigger me the most

Sounds retarded. Why didn't he just kill the officer?


Maybe he's protected from the death note by ancient Egyptian magic.

He attempts to. The detective goes by the pseudonym 'L'. He makes a live fake announcement live on TV using a death row inmate posing as him, revealing the inmates full name. The protagonist foolishly writes the inmates name in the book and subsequently kills him, confirming his own existence and thus starting this game of the protagonist trying to figure out the name of 'L' and 'L' trying to corner the protagonist.
Unfortunately I was bored by the anime by that point..

inb4 the first politician the death note kills are a Trump/Farage look-alikes, or kills, EEEEVIL white corrupt politicians, while the enlightened dindu/pooinloo/kebab politicians are shown as noble.

inb4 he doesn't even eat sweets like the original L, because that's unhealthy and he's not a child, yo.

inb4 his Butler is white and boy does he ever look proud and smug to have a white butler.

You feel it too, don't you?

I know this is a novel concept to many people, but something isn't "bait" just because you don't like it. Fujoshi also aren't the only women who are into pretty boys (2D or 3D).

The pretty boy aesthetic is not new and predates the war, and not all popular male celebrities today have it. Jidaigeki movies and shows are still made.

Counter-point: Hiroshi Abe.

No; if it fails it will be perceived as meaning that there's no market for this in the west, even though there might be if they didn't base their casting on affirmative action programmes.

Any other failure will also be "credited" to muh racism, which only means we need even more forced diversity to battle this scourge.

Wasnt the main character of the show a teenager?
What, are they saying they couldnt find one pale kid to cast for the role?

What movie is that? Juriusu Shiza?

memecuck thread?

Aתd? L's race has תever been importaתt.
Oתly Holla Forums cares about this. the board Holla Forums is very a silly gay

Good pick!

But casting white people as ancient Egyptians in a dumb fanstasy movie is another holocaust.

Thermae Romae.

Because they're CULTURAL icons.
Think it through, Holla Forums.

No Holla Forums….no you can not.


Back to your containment board.

if only he wasn't a shit actor. he looks exactly like Light


I don't understand what the big deal is. If they were going to set it in Japan, then yeah, casting a nigger as L would be retarded. For whatever reason, though, they're setting it in America, and while that does lend to a host of other problems (can't the NSA figure out who Kira is within a week?), L's blackness isn't one of them. As a musicalfag, I've seen a lot of racially inaccurate castings, including two black guys as John Wilkes Booth in two different productions of Assassins. This is nothing new to me.

And speaking of musicals, when the FUCK is the Death Note musical coming to America? Broadway's already littered with musicals based on movies. We might as well throw an anime on there. And this is written/composed by the guy who did Jekyll and Hyde, so he's not without credentials.

>>>Holla Forums

You can do better.

Because nothing says anime introverted young asian androgenous nerd with yu go oh hair like a black guy with wildly negroid facial structure and afro hair

Is like they want to be socjus but end up being even more racist

Problem is it was an action movie

Nobody gives a shit about action movies with an all non-white cast

Else asian and indian action movies would be super popular instead of fucking unknown outside that part of the world


Why you had to post this user?

I don't want to feel this feel again

Guys you forgot one detail: This is Hollywood making an adaptation and adaptations have rarely been faithful to the source material in a long time.

I predict they will change the story to find the narrative they push:
1) L is Black
2) Killing a black is seen as racist these days
3) Based on 2) then they won't kill L and might either make him get away with everything or make him the good guy and his opponents the bad guys.

Hollywood is too predictable

This (( Scarlett Johansson))?

He IS the good guy. Light is the bad guy.

Don't tell me you don't understand a Villain Protagonist.

They never do pick an Asian or a Latino. Always Black.


He thinks Light is the bad guy.

It's an improvement im telling you

Death note movie already exists and it was made by the japs. Why do you care about this kikewood bullshit?

Get out of here, Schlomo.

Do anyone really care?
Kikewood has no more ideas so now they look at anime and manga since most murican comicbooks are shit with storytelling now.

I just read trough some comicbook called wytches and it was so meh. Manga's are better sometimes, with deathnote I can't see it translate good into a film. also if L is black which makes no sense, have you ever seen a nigger puzzle a riddle? I've not, so now kikewood is going after the popular manga's or anime.

Just like ghost in the shell will be shit so will this. The only manga adaptation to film that was good was Old Boy the South Korean version, I've not seen much of the adaptations from nipponland with manga.

So this will be fun to see how shit it will be.

So now it's going to be a battle between Light and Dark?

Same reason goku was a pretty boy white guy. It sells. Back lead roles is in right now cause muh white guilt


It's because everybody hates niggers


I got it from a Redbox. Ohhhh boy was it shit.

Why not? Death Note is shit anyways so this is exactly what it deserves.

They should have a transsexual midget in the lead role, too!

Honestly, I would watch that movie. As long as it had nothing to do with the manga.

Wow. That is DISGUSTING. Racist, Homophobic, Fascist, Ignorant crap. It makes me sick. Inhuman. VILE! NO!

It would look like shit

If I were japanese I'd also be gay.

It was already shit, going this route is just funny to watch.

Especially since they probably spent millions to use a dead IP that absolutely nobody cares for anymore.

The real ending was after season 2. The part about Mellow and Nero was such bullshit.

It was from the beginning set up as a fight between two masterminds. The one who lost died, the price was the fate of the world. After Kira won, they changed the premise for the third season. Also, season 3 was just worse written.

Whoopi for L. It will reflect their belief in staying true to the story's concept of moral relevance – a universal theme that knows no racial or sexual boundaries.

Didn't mean to sage.

I'm way more upset at "Light Turner"

like, holy shit, just pick a western name that means "light"
call him Lucas Turner or something

Death Note is totally workable as a movie, but it will be obscenely different from the anime (I don't read manga)

They will still be able to create the large scale chess match feeling you get from watching Light vs L. And if they merge the two halves of the anime they can cut out those useless and uninteresting genius children that come in halfway through, which I think will make it a lot better. From the beginning I expected L to be Light's sole rival, it was supposed to be a yin/yang thing with geniuses basically. I hated the second half (except for the last two episodes) because the new detective kids were totally unremarkable.

That all said, a nigger playing L will make this do poorly internationally and will contribute to it being overall shit. There's no point to this film other than a cash grab, there are no effects or anything in Death Note that would be made more awe-inspiring in a feature film. Like for example I can understand an Attack On Titan film, even though I didn't like it very much. I love giant CGI monsters, and that is definitely something you can do differently in a live action film compared to an anime. Not so much with pic related.

I bet SJWs dont give a shit even though they raged at Scarlett Johansen in Ghost in the Shell


There was some website that raged about GitS, and then had another article on the same site praising the fact that the FMA adaption, which takes place in Europe in a sort of World War I-esque type fantasy setting, doesn't have any white people in it, because we need to have less white people involved in entertainment.

I have a white weeb friend on facebook that shared both of those articles if I recall correctly

I'm not familiar with this actor's acting talent, but looks wise he would be perfect.

That's some high-quality bait.

Not really, the Hebrew image name instantly gives it away that it is bait…along with the text and the chosen picture.

There are no such thing as civil rights.

The director's average IMDB rating is 5.4/10 (aka horrible). His best movie scored a very-average 7/10.

The movie is going to suck and everyone is going to forget about it.

Wait a fucking minute. I don't see any casting for Ryuk. Is this the version of the movie that made Shane Black walk out? He said that the studio wanted Light to be motivated by vengeance instead of justice and for the shinigami to be removed.

And? Are we still arguing about this racist shit in 2016? For fuck sake Holla Forums…


I think he is the new flash in the DC universe?

Gotta clean it up for the normalfags, fucking hacks

This. Just give up and accept it already. So what if blacks are only 15% of the us population. They deserve leading roles!

I rather have pic related and her sister…

Jew twins? Gross.

Fat Jew has a twin sister?

The fuck?
L has an iconic as fuck design. Even people that don't care about anime can recognise him. What kind of shit is this!?

Nigger, what?

Not that guy, but his pose/posture, hair, and black eyes are pretty iconic and unique. Obviously the latter two elements exist elsewhere, but the combination of the three.

His hair, eyes and autistic thousand yard stare are pretty recognoscible if you ask me.

In other words you're seeing yourself.

>>>Holla Forums

Exactly. If the race isn't important why are you all worrying?

I have actually not watched the last season, I heard from a freind it ruins the entire series and that him winning is how it always should have ended.

Should I watch the final set?

If race isn't important why do diversity quotas exist.
Simple idea really, to protect self interest in a world that has people bias against you because you hold power. It's how you keep power and avoid falling into genetic obscurity. You're not ignorant in that regard are you?

The death note only works if you are picturing the face of the person in your mind while you write their name in the book, so it would totally work.

Nope. It's for reparations of the atrocities PoC's and Women have had to fucking deal with you entitled speck of dust. You have trifled with something you don't understand, can't comprehend because you're so fucking privileged.

It's not some fucking conspiracy theory, this is the real world, what's next it's lizard people or jews pushing it right? right? Honestly I mean I almost want to laugh at you.

You're like a child who thinks monsters are in the closet. Race is a fucking social construct, it's created by people and cultures it's not a biological thing for fuck sakes.

In all honesty, I can't wait till 2050 when all of you fucking albino sociopaths have died out. Pic related it's you.

You kind of went overboard with this last post. A shame too, you produced some exceptional baits.

You're too good for this board user, your shitposting talents are wasted here.


It doesn't look that bad, to be honest . I was expecting something worse.




So its set in Seattle, and he looks like a rioter. Looks like theybare "westernizing" it to the fullest extent.


He is never gonna be black guys. Japan is gonna nuke BLM if that ever comes out.

not surprising