Is he right?

Is he right?

He's not wrong.

if you work really hard and you're kind and you work in a competitive industry, odds are you'll get passed over for promotion your whole life and retire a mediocrity. conan o'brien is one of the luckiest fucking people in the world for landing the late night gig and being given the chance to keep it. if they had canceled him in the first few years his career would have fizzled into obscurity and he would have died a bitter old man. as it is he has an incredibly inflated ego and a sense that he didn't achieve greatness through dumb luck but because of his strength of character. History has plenty of strong men with good values who died working in coal mines, and are not remembered. And there are plenty of cynical assholes who achieve greatness through crime and betrayal and networks of power, and die in comfort, surrounded by children who love them.


That doesn't make him less of a faggot, though.

He's right, but not for the reason he gives. Hard work and kindness don't guarantee you a good life. In fact lack of cynicism virtually guarantees that people will take advantage of you. You should not live life with an open heart hoping to achieve some earthly reward, but because it is the only path to God.

So… you don't actually believe it or you don't care about other people- which is it?

what's so specific about kindness to your fellow man?


This hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend.
For I perceive the way to life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart; let's neither faint nor fear.
Better, though difficult, the right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.



This is like writing a rational, agreeable post and then throwing "cumskin" at the end.

Do you feel smug and smart enough yet or are you going to embarrass yourself further by more displays of the arrogance which you pride yourself on?

You faggots are getting old.

Gee, isn't it odd that advice like this always seems to come from people who run into money relatively easy?

Only idiots want to be cynical, the rest are cynical because that's the correct response to their life.


Shitposting aside, I think atheists and christfags can both agree that
"agnostics" are the scum of the earth.

Don't! Just listen and believe.


This is what christcucks actually believe.

That's what your strawman thinks, unfortunately I'm not your strawman. It honestly sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself that your deluded way of thought is the right one more than you try to persuade anyone else. It's funny that the militant atheists are the ones who are most in doubt.

Are you ten years old or something?

Stay mad, kike-worshiper.

Cuckold fetish is exclusively atheist.
Look at Sweden, they're all heathens.

It's because you think it's offensive and edgy that I think you're ten, not because I'm offended. It's infantile.

If you reread your reverse-strawman from the perspective of an atheist then you would probably be laughing right now too. Also:

/christian/ is a wonderful example of the higher moral values christcucks have over atheists. Yes, if only we turned to god then we could participate in such righteous shitposting as well.

To be honest, he got what he wanted; a reaction from you.

Then why is there a cyclical on /christian/ for unironically cucking yourselves? >>>/christian/262022

There is a divide between people that say just work hard and you will be happy and well unhappy people.

People aren't happy because they don't like the end result. A real alternative would be to gain happiness out of the work you do, and not bet your happiness on the result.

Well, he could have uploaded a pic of himself fellating a nigger and that would also have provoked a reaction although a slightly different one. I don't see how me calling him a child is a victory for him.

Are you for real?

Are YOU the one that is for real?

Christcucks can do nothing but over-dramatically scoff at the "character" of atheists, because deep down inside they know that their argument boils down to "Faith means believing in something even though all evidence points against it, even though christcucks only make up 1 third of the world's population and the other 2 thirds use the same exact reasoning for different forms of cuckoldry". The best part is that religion isn't even strictly race-based or geographically-based, you could have just as easily been born as any other religion if your parents were slightly different.

Holy shit they cry like fucking redditors whenever they jerk off

/cow/ should nuke that thread with unspoilered porn

Yeah, fuck western civilisation. We both know better, right, user? All these retards standing in the way of progress, how dumb they are.

>religion isn't even strictly race-based or geographically-based

Is this whole thread just fedoras baiting fedoras now?

No, I'm completely serious. What has religion ever done besides stand in the way of science and boypussy? We would be living on Mars surrounded by nubile young boys and have orgies every day if it weren't for christcucks.

Then you're worshipping idols, user. Did you know that a person can be an idol as well?

You faggots usually end up like this. Throw away your faith and end up becoming fanatics for some kind of celebrity or guru.


bitch pls, the only person I worship is me

You don't say.


There is nothing wrong in any of those. Try harder, heretic.



We Americans conquered space first and if it weren't for the Pope and those other faggy guys holding us back we would have spread our eagle wings throughout the stars.

if Jesus is so great, how come muslims conquered Constantinople?

I think you mean "Istanbul"

I like this post.

it wasn't Istanbul when they conquered it

Because the once great city had become rife with sin.

Threadly reminder that jeebus was a jew.

Threadly reminder that christcucks will attack any part of this post except for that fact.

Sure shitlord, if you're a white fucking male!

hell is too good for you

/cow/ is a bunch of no-fun faggot jews so they won't

this is why god hates you

What in the fuck are you talking about? The second part of my post was still right but holy shit, is this a new meme or are do you live in a mentally retarded fever-dream where random sentences are quotes from cartoons?


Only if you have a cuck fetish.

Jewsus was a bonafide Jew. His whole thing was to preach Judaism. Don't get mad about facts.

go watch season 12 simpsons on blue-ray faggot

seems he was just trying to give some nice, safe, bland advice straight out of buddhism or christianity that most of his viewers would have decent results from following

but the implication people get from his "amazing things will happen" line seems to be that hard work = key to worldly success like wealth, status & social benefits… which is not true at all… and if he actually meant that then he's 100% wrong and I think he knows it the cheeky cunt


When is he retiring like David Letterman? When Jimmy Fallon is forced out?


At least you revealed yourself as the disgusting faggot that you really are.

I'm an atheist and I'm utter disgusted that faggots like you who thinks that we condone your disgusting way of life, just because the christcucks don't let you get your rectum filled with AIDS and shame you about it. Thanks for make the bacteria resistant to medications you fucktards.



Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks

If there truly was one true god, this awful thread wouldn't have ever existed.

Anyone who isn't retarded takes an agnostic view on the existence of God, whether they lean toward theism or atheism.

Why the fuck would you want to be remembered so badly? Sounds like an irrational normie problem to me.

Yea you sodomite whatever, enjoy your anal gonorrhea



him expecting people to laugh at his shitty show is cynical

no, they have an agnostic view whether they like it/know it or not.

i'm agnostic, you're agnostic, the pope is agnostic. nobody knows and nobody ever will because knowledge is impossible. all knowledge. knowledge is a nonsensical concept. all anyone can do is gather as much evidence as they can and base their beliefs on the most accurate observations that they can find.

That's essentially what I'm saying. All you can do is lean toward the existence or non-existence of God (whatever that entails). To try and claim certain possession of truth is idiotic, and only a fool or a liar would do so.

*le tips fedora*

It's easy to forget that I share this board with 17 year olds who think they just said something really profound

I don't believe in God because I was never taught about him. What evidence is there for him/her/them/it?

Such shameless ignorance.

Do you pretend to be stupid or are you this dull for real? You can't rationally prove the existence of God no more than you can prove that rationality works with more rationality. You can't prove that your life isn't a dream or that you perceive it accurately or anything else really, you just have to assume. Same thing with God, you either assume that there was a divine prime mover or you don't.

So your belief in god is based on nothing, then?

Not at all, I have plenty of reasons for my faith. Just as much as you likely trust in logic and mathematics so do I trust in the divine. What you ought to ask yourself is without God as an philosophical axiom how can you say anything of meaning? Can truth exist without God? Morality? Beauty? Without the absolute you have no foundation for anything.

There is infinite amounts of tests you can run to verify the veracity of mathematics and logic. You can implement mathematical principles in the real world and use logic to reveal real deductive truth (e.g. Albert is king, all kings are men, Albert is a man). There is no such verification for God beyond your own self-delusions, internal emotional states.

No. If an entity proposed is self-contradictory (e.g. is all powerful and all-knowing- the latter meaning he already knows what he's going to do, meaning he can't change what he's going to do, meaning he's not all-powerful), then such an entity can not exist my definition, no more than a square circle can exist. If a proposed entity is not logically contradictory, e.g. a horse with enormous wings and a 500 foot long horn, no matter how unlikely this proposed entity, it could exist and it is impossible to say conclusively that it does not- if you search the entire universe, by the time you get done, it might have evolved/been engineered somewhere many light years away. If a proposed entity is logically possible, the default position is that it could exist, but there is no good reason to believe in it until evidence is forthcoming- a creature/entity which is logically possible, but fantastical, and that we have no hard evidence of, is as "real" to us as a leprechaun or a unicorn.

can not exist by* definition

You're trying to build a castle on quicksand. Beauty is a subjective appraisal, yes, people can have their own standards for beauty without bringing in an all-powerful flying spaghetti monster. Can truth exist? Yes, as I've already explained deductive truth doesn't rely upon God and the degree to which inductive conclusions can be considered valid is the degree to which, again, you don't need to invoke a 2,000 year old Kike on a stick that sacrificed Himself to Himself so He could forgive and not be mad a't be mad at the people He created.

As far as morality goes, even when everyone believed in God devoutly (let's just say 1000 AD-1700 AD in Europe), you still couldn't even get everyone to agree on the interpretation. Religion is at best a noble lie, a load of bullshit that gets people to abide by civilization-ensuring standards like don't touch other peoples' shit and keep your fucking hands to yourself. I'm not a utilitarian, but if that's how you justify morality (social utility), you can do that without God, too. I personally base my sense of morality on the axiom that every person has the moral right to use their own body (liberty), exclude others from it and without going into excruciating detail the logical conclusion from that is that people can homestead unowned resources and they have the moral right to use what they have produced and exclude others from the products of their labor (yes, exclude, even if someone else wants it, get fucked egalitarians).

And to elaborate on this, your only rights are property rights, a "positive" right (e.g. the "right to a car" or the "right to healthcare) is a "right" to enslave the producers of those goods/services or to rob a third party who possesses resources that can be traded for those goods or services.

he has the right idea, but the wrong ends. you should be kind and good for its own sake, and you should not desire that which you do not control.

his thing was actually reforming Judaism.

but this is impingement on the belief that the external world does actually exist, which is to say that in order to for truth to exist, you must prove that reality exists.

Prove that this world is real.
What are you doing away from cuckchan?

If you are going to be an cringy fedora at least do your fucking homework.


It is self-detonating to attempt to do so. There is certain truths presupposed by anyone making an argument. Arguing presupposes that the medium for the argument can deliver the message (e.g. the sound waves will not distort the spoken word randomly because there are no consistent natural laws, your words will not be scrambled), arguing presupposes that language is meaningful, arguments are produced only under the assumption that there is a consistent.

If I yelled at you, in person, "language is meaningless," that is a self-detonating statement. If I wrote to you on a piece of paper that "there is no such thing as written language, and there could never be a meaningful written language," that is another self-detonating statement. If I tell you "objective reality does not exist", that is a self-detonating statement, because my belief that you will receive the message is predicated precisely upon the existence of a consistent, empirical reality.

It's impossible to argue that the world is not real, hence I have no need to argue that it is real. See above.

Triggering delusional cultists who worship a 2,000 year old rotten kike.

there are certain truths*

produced only under the assumption that there is a consistent reality*

what i believe to be true does not necessarily equate to truth. you literally just told me that reality is real because i have faith that it is real and that i can not argue a position that i do not agree with.

you are missing the forest for the trees here. let me make this a little clearer: provide evidence that reality exists.

No it isn't, I just have to make new assumptions about it. The fact that the argument becomes meaningless itself doesn't mean anything or say anything about the nature of the world. Maybe I am dreaming, maybe it's all just a simulation, maybe reality is inconceivable. I cannot prove or disprove any of these cases and neither can you.

No, you idiot, I proved that anyone producing an argument implicitly is acknowledging they believe in an objective reality. This means any argument they produce as to how reality does not exist is self-detonating. In the same way an argument for solipsism is self-detonating. This doesn't prove the existence of reality, it proves that no one can argue reality does not exist, and any attempt to do so is an implicit admission that they believe in objective reality or are professiong their insanity.

The fact that the argument becomes meaningless means you can't ever produce a cogent argument that reality does not exist.

By engaging in argument, your are presupposing the existence of an objective reality.
Everyone I will ever argue with makes this presupposition.

People who do not believe in the existence of an objective reality, if sane, would never attempt argumentation.

Because the only people I will ever argue with believe in objective reality, I have no need of producing arguments for the existence of an objective real world, because anyone who will engage in the act of argumentation ALREADY FUCKING BELIEVES THAT.

Me coming up with arguments attempting to prove the existence of reality is as pointless as trying to come up with arguments proving that written language can be meaningful, or that humans can communicate through sound.

You seem to trigger yourself more than anyone else. Try gaining more than a materialist understanding of the world before you try to be philosophical, kiddo.

Prove that proof proves anything.

Try valuing the truth more than the belief that your parents didn't propagandize you into a false belief set, one I'm sure they pushed on you early since it can (usually) only take hold if it was pushed on you from a young age.

The proof is all there, practice your reading comprehension ;)

and you are already repeating yourself. just reread my post and reply to it ad nauseam since that it what you wish to do. i will just say that your understanding of the purpose for arguing is flawed; the point is not to change the other party's mind, but to work together to reveal the truth.

Yes, I'm paraphrasing what I already said because you were too stupid to get it through your head that it's impossible to engage in an argument about the existence of reality since the only person you could argue with would have to presuppose an objective reality. When people are too stupid to understand a valid argument the first time sometimes I'm generous enough to try to say the same thing in a different way and hope that they get it.

I do not have a monopoly on the truth, but in this case you are not helping me to reveal the truth you are just failing to understand it.

Try not ruining threads with your obsessive desire to fedora tip and "pwn X-tians d00d". How about that? We get it, you're enlightened by your own intelligence and have become euphoric. And now you're supremely interested in spreading the gospel of not believing in God. Do you really think Holla Forums the forum for that? No. It isn't. And this is why everyone hates atheists.


There's nothing I value more, I am a Christian after all. It's funny how far off you are when you make assumptions about me. How arrogant you are to think you know everything. Indeed, if you so completely failed at even taking a measure of a person how could you ever hope of say anything meaningful about our very existence?

I don't think you even understand the argument.

Or what, your sky-daddy is going to bully me when I stop existing?
How about no :^)?
Better than being enlightened by 2,000 year old Jewish goat-fucking propaganda.
Remember that the person that first brought up religion in this thread was not an atheist? Selective memory is a necessity for you people given that you have to religiously believe in a document that contradicts itself "God knows" how many times.
Modern day society is more likely to sympathize with a pedophile than a white man that doesn't want to live around black people, do you think that someone being hated by "the majority" is actually an indictment of their character? If so, I'm sure you're on ""the right side of history ;;;;))))""

So you're denying being raised with religious principles or in a society where being irreligious is detrimental to your social capital?
What part of "I don't have a monopoly on the truth" was too subtle for you to get through your thick fucking skull?
I could be wrong about everything else and still produce a valid argument in
That's not how logic works, nice try though not even going to pretend it was a good attempt.

Indeed, in fact the opposite is true.
Falsehood as everything else you write, I judge by actions rather than words. Now scamper back to reddit or wherever you came from, if you can't at least be intellectually honest with yourself you don't belong here. You will get no more (you)s from me, two is more than your ilk deserve.

So you're saying I do have a monopoly on the truth? How flattering, it's unusual for someone to recognize their superior given the Dunning-Kruger effect.
All you have to judge me by is words, dumb ass.
Go ahead and cry.

lol youre the biggest virgin loser on Holla Forums right now :)


Christians are just pussified muslims without turbans, at least muslims don't keep changing their "interpretation" of religion based on developments in science/politics.


Not really. You can be a terrible cynic and an optimist, just look at all the death-worshipping nationalist closet-commies at Holla Forums.

Though I agree, cynics are fucking garbage-tier people.

Well, you know, math and logic have direct results. I'm not so sure about faith.

I don't worry about meaning. I make my own.

This is a meaningless question.

More platitudes to distract from the fact that you have no evidence of your beliefs, while mine are simply based on observable facts.

But it is true that you believe these things. So Truth exists, irrespective of our current reality being the truth.

There aren't any genuine "atheists" on Holla Forums, it's why you don't see an /atheism/ board with any reasonable amount of users.

I'd be surprised if there were any christfags that weren't doing it for pol reasons or simply because they are normalfag as fuck.

They're just Goons, considering the 4th of July is coming soon they're stepping up their efforts.

Do you really think this is a Christian imageboard?

It is now.

You make modern day Christianity look no better than Islam when you celebrate mass rape and murder of innocent people. I bet you even think the "religious" element of the crusades wasn't just a political excuse to conquer more land (just like mudslimes).


One of the top boards is fucking /furry/. Do you think this is representative of Christianity? The internet is not for you, m8. Christians of all types got BTFO like 5 years ago. God doesn't real and morality is a fiction. This site is proof of that.

Why the fuck would you want to be forgotten? If your life isn't worth remembering to anyone, and you leave no positive mark on the world, then your life was literally meaningless in every sense of the word.

In the end, all of this is meaningless. All the achievements of all the greatest men will fade away like dust in the wind. We will all be forgotten. Worry about you.

seriously, libtard…

If everything is meaningless, then just fucking kill yourself.

Meaning only exists in the present. My existence is its own meaning. Once it ends, so does my meaning. It goes away with me. Quite the opposite, you should live your life because nothing comes after it.

ITT: Fedora pseudo-intellectuals that think they have everything figured out and only base their beliefs in the tangible, as opposed to the esoteric and supernatural in which they may find enlightenment.
I feel bad for you guys, I truly do. Even if you don't believe in God on a personal level, there is no point in trying to defile religion and shame the religious, because religion goes hand in hand with the Western traditions that have made us great. I used to be an atheist when I was in fucking middle school, faggots, but after growing up a bit, meditating, giving myself more time for contemplation, reading more materials on either side of the argument, I came to a more complete conclusion that there is a God, because after everything that has happened on Earth through the course of thousands, if not millions of years, there absolutely has to be direction and purpose in it all. Whether we have the correct interpretation of God is another subject, in terms of Christianity vs. Paganism and what not, but I have a hard time believing that everything lacks meaning, that there are no souls, that good and evil doesn't exist, morality is relative, etc.

So nothing that history has produced matters? All of the great things that have come of the Occident are meaningless? You have to be one cold, nihilist fuck to come to such a conclusion. I really hope you find purpose in life and try to explore the meaning that your ancestors and nation have found for themselves, so you may be enabled to find legitimate reason to continue existing.

Not to the people that made it. They're dead.

They will be eventually, when the human race burns out, which must eventually happen.

I'm a happy, loving nihilist fuck, but I came to that conclusion, nonetheless.

Looking for purpose is its own purpose. I have found mine, to journey forever until my light expires.

Any reason is legitimate if the individual finds it worthy. Some have enjoyed building the empire, others not so much. I live for myself. If others find an example to follow or one to avoid, then they will have found something worthy, but that doesn't affect me.

being a fedora tipping atheist is just as idiotic as being a christcuck.

Try harder

Agnosticism is not a position of claimed belief, it's one of claimed knowledge. Most theists and atheists are agnostics. You don't know that I am not Mark Wahlberg, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you I was. The same thing with atheists or many Christians. Many believe there is no way to prove god does/does not exist, but still believe/don't believe one way or the other.

I think you're giving both atheists and theists too much credit. Change many to a few and you'd be more accurate. I know 100% that you are not Mark Wahlberg. I have no proof of this which I can provide but I don't need it to treat it as such.

You don't. You have no way of knowing one way or the other.

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Of course you don't need proof one way or another. You have no proof that I am, so why would you believe me? No, I'm actually Tom Cruise.

It doesn't matter if it matters to them, because no shit they're dead, it matters what their impact has been on everyone else still living. Why you think death is this ultimate "gotcha!" is beyond me.
Besides, even if the human race were to die out a thousand years from now, why not invest your time in making life as it is worth it? I thought nihilists were all about "living in the moment mannn," but instead what they really believe is that nothing should matter at any moment ever because one day maybe nothing will matter. You're lying to yourself in this regard, either way, because you still involve yourself with pleasures and human needs by still being alive. Just by virtue of living and doing things you enjoy, you acknowledge that things matter to a certain extent. The point is that you push that extent beyond your preconceived limits so that your life will have value. Otherwise, you might as well stop living right now.
So which is it? Does life matter and have purpose or does life not matter and nothing should have purpose?
Literally "because I say so," which is the central argument of leftism and the blue pill.
You contribute nothing and (allegedly) wholeheartedly only care about yourself, which warrants death in my book.

Picrel is you. Just shut the fuck up and stop posting.

Yes I do. Much like most theists and atheists with their "belief"

Ok reddit

make me faggot

None of it matters, fam.

Yes, because only the living have meaning.

You're misunderstanding me. The reason I don't think shit matters after I am dead is because I'll be dead. Why would something matter once I die? How does it affect me if people remember me or not? It doesn't. It's a fine thing if someone can get something useful out of your life, but that matters to them, not you. It's not a gotcha. I'm just telling you that everything eventually fades away. Eventually life will fade away. What was it all for? Nothing. Once you die there is nothing.

I think it will be longer than that still.

But I am doing that. I am enjoying every second of my life. Even talking to you is good. If it becomes annoying, I stop doing it.

That's exactly right.

No, I just don't think I should place an emphasis on what things will be like after I am dead, or what people should "remember me for". None of that matters.

No, I'm being honest because I know those are the only things that can have meaning to me. I live to live and be happy. That is not to say that I am a hedonist. Even sacrifice can make you happy.

Yes, I don't discount that. But they matter only so long as I am there, and only as much as I want them to. I suppose you could call me an egoist.

My life already has value, the enjoyment and wonder that I extract from it. I don't need to do anything to make it valuable, especially not for anyone else. Let them extract their own value at prices they set for themselves.

I enjoy living. This is the only point in life. If I did not enjoy it, I would die. This in itself would be a new experience, and the last.

My life matters to me. Yours does not matter to me except in how I can enjoy it. As for purpose? Objectively no. Subjectively, maybe. I have no purpose other than my own, and you have no purpose in my life other than that which I give you. After I die, the purpose I found in you is dead and so is mine.

Of course it's because I say so. I am the master of my life and everything in it. I don't need to find a "legitimate" reason to live. I have that reason and it is mine, whether you find it legitimate or not doesn't matter.

I contribute that which brings me pleasure and care only for that which gives me pleasure. If that warrants death, then it only proves my point, as we all will die. I have earned my sentence.

Belief is different from knowledge. Belief isn't grounded in evidence, otherwise it wouldn't need to be believed, just observed.

I didn't know reddit had originated that. I always thought it was Hitchens.

It's derived from knowledge. Thus it is grounded in evidence. And most treat it as the same.

But you picked it up off the pages of reddit

No. It's independent of knowledge as beliefs can be false as well.

Do you believe this? Or do you know this? Seeing as how I don't like making accounts, I'd never visit reddit. Maybe you strongly want to believe that this is true. But that isn't an argument. Prove that I'm a redditor.

"Because I say so," part 50.
So nothing Julius Caesar, Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. did matters to anyone and doesn't matter for any reason in any context? You are so fucking dense, it makes me mad.
You are an absolute idiot. So basically no inventors or cultural contributors throughout history matter despite the fact that we still use what they've made to this day?
The world isn't all about you, you fucking leftist. Do you have any feelings? Any soul? You should be executed.
Well, it's a good thing that I care about what other people think and realize that the whole world doesn't revolve around me. You literally take everything that has ever existed for granted, even the website we're posting on and the internet we're using right now.
Does life have value or does it not? You are continually contradicting yourself.

But for you, it isn't even about "the moment," just your moment. You willingly accept the horse blinders that evil has placed on you.
Keep telling yourself that, scumbag.
The only things that have meaning to you are your own pleasures and human needs? I hate you, and I hate even more the fact that people like you exist in great numbers. I want to smite evil off the face of this earth.
You just said nothing matters multiple times.
Yup, because the whole world is only about you.
I call you the lowest of the low that deserves to be put to death.

"Things only have value because they affect me! Everything is about me!"
Keep telling yourself that, you waste of life.
A lack of hardship never produced anything great in all of history. I swear, this is like talking to a caricature straight out of Brave New World.
You full and well acknowledge that life on earth matters, but only in how it serves you. This is why I hate you. I feel like I'm talking to Satan itself.
Objectively yes, cretin.
This I can agree on, because obviously empty souls like you find next to no enjoyment in partaking in the great experiment and experience of life.

Genesis 3:5. My hatred for you and the ideas you produce is absolute.
"Because I say so," again.
It's farther than being about my personal judgement and conflict, it's about the entire world around you. We are supposed to be an organic unit as a species, and evil seeps in and sucks life away from types like you to make it no longer work.
You gladly accept death, and this is the true mark of your character. I'd kill you and smile while doing it, knowing that I helped the world.

Of course!
There is the key to it, fam. You must have someone else to evoke meaning from history. Without that, it doesn't matter. But for me, those histories can have insights that I had not thought of, and that is their meaning I give them. For many in this world, they have no meaning and might as well not exist.
Then be mad.
They only matter insofar as we can gain utility. Their individual names don't matter to me. I don't, for example, know the name of the man who invented the toilet, and yet I use it every day. That is the meaning of things. The man does not matter.
Of course it's all about me. Maybe to you it's about something else, but my life is about me. This is my story. I make of it what I want.
No, I am beyond ideologies. In them I find no meaning.
I am nice man, with happy feelings. All of the time.

I would guess not. What is a soul? Can you show me one?
And some day I will find my executioner, whether it be my own body or a chicken bone from a drunken meal.
If that is how you find meaning, then do so.
Should I pray to it instead?
At some point I posted on another website much like this one. It has now lost its meaning. This site will also go in such a way one day. Why should I ascribe anything to it other than the value it has for me now?
My life has value, which I gave, and yours does too, which I also give. Your life's purpose in my life is to have this conversation, maybe more in the future, but that's all. Why would life has value without one being given to it? I am the one that gives that value to both your life and mine. Maybe you do the same, but your opinion is of little value to me in this regard.

posts a chart showing otherwise. wew

So can knowledge.

Your posts have already done that. The question now is why are you here?

Of course. I can only exist in my moments and have brief visits into yours.
I decide what is evil and not evil. It cannot control me, for I make it or unmake it.
I'll tell you too if you care to listen and maybe even if you don't.
What is beyond that?
There is none like me. There is only me.
Then go out and make it happen, or don't.
Nothing matters if I don't believe it matters. I give and take meaning. When I die, all that matters dies. So too it must be for you and everyone else.
It is. I have made it so.
We will all be put to death eventually. Even the universe must die.

The only worth that you find is in yourself, and the only trust or knowledge you find is in yourself, and this is why you are fatally flawed. Forever.
What is your point, and what do you mean? History doesn't just magically start mattering once somebody interprets it that way. Have you no scope or scale in your world view? Oh wait, I already know the answer.
What I gather from all of this is that things only matter once you say that they matter, so I might as well stop talking to you right here because my words will eternally go through one of your ears and out the other until you and you alone decide to change your mind, because apparently you're God. According to you, we're all God of our own realities, which warrants that all humans are equal, all humans have value in life, and that all humans have the ability to reach complete and absolute enlightenment, which is unequivocally false. I am only replying further to make sure that nobody takes what you say seriously, because it is unadulterated poison on the minds of anyone that reads it.
But you wouldn't have that invention without the man, don't you fucking get it?! You just refuse to understand anything.
You are ridiculous. Even if your personal worldview revolves around you, there are still elements being put into play from others that matter the most to influence everything you do. I somehow highly doubt that you even came to these conclusions on your own. Satan came into your life dressed up as an individual and painted evil as freedom, and good as slavery.
You don't find meaning in anything outside of your worldview, and that is the common attribute of all incarnations of the blue pill and leftism. I've read into it.
You're a zombie.

You are learning. But we all play the same trick. We assign meaning because we like mold the world to our desires.
My 25 years of life have been full of wonder and discovery. I assure you that I am not wasting a bit of it. I spend it as I see fit and in ways that bring me pleasure.
Ah, but I never said I lacked hardship. Struggle can be pleasurable. I was not born wealthy and still am not, but still I am the master of my world. All of it is mine to take.
I think you misunderstand. All things you do must surely bring you pleasure or the promise of pleasure in one way or another. Fulfilling your ideals or overcoming your weakness. These are all things humans do. But I exist for me and make all the world serve my purposes or be discarded.
Not just life, but the stars and the rest of the universe and that which is beyond.
No, you are talking to a man who must die.
Can you tell me exactly how much value your life has?
On the contrary, I find only enjoyment.

You're supposed to feel it and know it, not just have it shown to you. You are a zombie. A minion of the devil.
Let it be the hand of God himself.
It's not just about my own specific interpretation. This is how everyone finds meaning, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not.
Yes. Life is beautiful, and history has been written in this way for a reason. We all lead our lives to our final day for reasons beyond ourselves.
You literally go from one thing to another without considering any of it's value past the specific moment of using it. You are a fucking zombie, holy shit. I'm in disbelief reading the words of such a naked nihilist.
You aren't God, so stop pretending to be Him.
And? You yourself are describing what purpose that I specifically have to your life. That means I matter in this instance, and the memory may carry with you for longer, unless you really are the empty-headed zombie that you depict yourself as to others.
Life doesn't have value by volition of it existing, you're right. If anything, that is the stance that you have taken, because you view everyone as a God of their own reality.

hahaha what a bunch of bullshit

Le I'm so happy! Only enjoyment

When your world is that of a minimum wage hipster there isn't much there to begin with.

Nick Bate would have been a more appropriate picture for that song.

That doesn't somehow juxtaposedly devalue everyone's life on earth simply because they don't come into direct contact with you.
That is what Satan wants you to think and lead yourself on about, that you are a God and you control your destiny unwaveringly. Nothing on this earth makes that world view or idea correct in any sense, however.
I fully understand your world view, and reject it because I have good in my heart.
The supernatural & spirituality, and other peoples lives also being made better.
You say that, but I know that it isn't true, because I have talked to this same exact evil spirit multiple times over throughout the course of my life.
So if you hold a belief and bare witness to an idea that you know with all of your well being to be true, it stops being true simply because others don't share this enlightenment? That's BULLSHIT. The truth will out no matter what you say!
The good souls will be raptured, and your zombie ilk will perish. If life had no meaning, we wouldn't be around to contemplate philosophy right now.

I believe you'll find that hatred can always go higher. As for Genesis, it's another meaningless book of fairy tales.
You continually grasp the same lesson only to let go again. Yes, all of the meanings are those that I give. It is because I say so.
What of it? It exists for me.
Ah, you think I do nothing for the rest of you, but you are wrong. I will work with you. I may even die for you, but I will do so only because it brings me pleasure to do so. If I saw you drowning, I would risk drowning with you, but only because saving you would please me.
We can choose to greet death with a smile or to run from it, but it will come all the same. I chose not to fear death because it doesn't matter. Where I am death is not, and where death is I am not. Why should I fear death?
You would try. But I have faced death before. Nothing makes you feel more alive than being close to death.

Wow you've transcended the human condition. Always happy. No fear.

Are you a wizard? A robot? A god?

How can you accept this idea that everyone is after the same thing, and then at the same time ensue the idea that nobody should care about their fellow man due to your fragile concept of everyone's world view being narrow?
And how does that help anyone else? That is what you should be asking yourself. People have undoubtedly helped you along the way, yet you have literally no plans to give anything in return, because evil commands you to believe that it doesn't matter.

Then come and take it, you fucking devil.
I understand this, but what you miss is that people should work together as cohesive units and societies to seek a better life for their fellow man. Not just "pleasure." Not just cumming all over yourself and smoking weed and succumbing to vice.
You are a selfish prick. Things don't instantly lose value in the grand scheme of things just because you warrant their lack of value in your own head.
Yes there is, whether you acknowledge it in your hedonist mind or not.
The universe doesn't owe you that much. Fuck you.
Now you're just running out of thought provoking things to say completely.
Value knows no systematic way of explanation. I contribute to other peoples lives, and they contribute to mine, whether it be through building relationships like everyone else, or doing my 9-5 job like everyone else.
>On the contrary, I find only enjoyment.
Brave New World.

I agree, although I don't know how much you'd know about this subject considering all you do all day is feel good, allegedly.
"Because I say so!" strikes again.
It's you who is doing this, but I only continue on with this game of reply tag to reinforce your uselessness to the readers ITT. If you aren't going to take anything away from these lessons, it shall be anyone else. See, you and I aren't the only ones that matter.
Because you say so? I don't exist to serve you. I don't stop existing as soon as I step out of contact with you. Just because something falls out of your reality specifically doesn't mean that it doesn't affect anyone else's or my own. The logical conclusion of your beliefs truly is that nothing matters, so I hope you either kill yourself or snap out of this evil and seek righteousness and enlightenment.
This is like "Google voluntarism, fascist!" on steroids. Of course people will do things that bring them joy, but there will always be times in which people need to do things that don't bring them joy, in order to either get closer to enlightenment or help those that will later on help them. You only grasp the circle of life insofar as the world only mattering for you. Even if we kept going down the rabbit hole of self pleasure and enjoyment, you eventually will have to face the fact that realities the world over exist other than your own, and that not all of life on earth bends to your will.
The natural human instinct is to run from it so that you may have more time to leave your mark on this earth and find purpose.
I would smite you with the righteousness of God, surely.
"My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

And the things or people that please me.
I have found this in other people and things. Trust is the hardest to find, even in oneself.
That things must be given meaning in order to have meaning.
Of course it does. How else would it matter? It certainly cannot value itself. In fact, I suspect many histories, those long lost to time cannot matter because we cannot interpret them.
In what way?
Yes, but I suspect you do the same without thinking.
On the contrary, I actually am thinking about what you say. I am learning something about you, making it mine. Whether I change my mind remains to be seen.
That would be a meaningless existence. I prefer to be a man.
No, some prefer to be slaves to their reality, or to passively observe. But to me, there is only one reality, and it is that which I make.

I wonder about that. Sine I value people and things differently, it only follows that not all humans are equal and some might as well not even exist. As for enlightenment, I wonder if that exists at all.
Well, I'm glad we agree.
Words only have meaning if you give them meaning. Some will chose to ignore me, and some will choose to ignore you. Most will never see this conversation. I think you might give my words too much value.
But I do have the invention without the man. Where is he?
I don't get it. I don't get a lot of things. As for willingly understanding. That's tough. I've wanted to understand many things and I still do not. It might take a while for me to estimate the meaning of your words.

There are forces that I filter into actions, my actions. That is true for everyone. However, I am the one that acts and do so for myself. If what you are saying is true, then the world has decided that I must be the master of it all.
They definitely are my own. I have decided to own them.
Satan doesn't exist.
Of course not, for my worldview is everything and everything is my worldview.
I suspect you'll find that all people are like this. There can be nothing outside of what you know, but once you know it, you will also ascribe meaning, one which fits your criteria for meaning.
Zombies aren't real. And the last line was a joke, but you didn't get it.

Nigger hasn't even seen .000002% of the world

I only know that which I can observe. What is the feeling of a soul? I don't believe they exist.
The devil isn't real.
Let it be, so that you too may know that I am important enough to have to be slain by God himself.
Obviously not. I exist, don't I?
I see what you are getting at, but an unconscious meaning doesn't make much sense.
I do not doubt that history and life are beautiful. I quite enjoy both, but I do not pray. Maybe one day I will pray to myself.
I do not. I lead my life to serve only myself. If in that course I manage to help others, then good, and if not, then that is also good.
And what value would that consideration have? Do you wonder about the meaning of one pencil versus another? I value the utility of anonymity and conversation. If this is gone, then whatever the old thing was is also gone. Much in the same way that a body is not a person.

I choose not to dress things up which cannot be covered. My ego is far to great to be shrouded from others.
I am not God. I am a man that controls his life. As to whether God exists, that is highly questionable. He certainly hasn't complained to me.
Of course, I now own you, the one that is made to exist in my mind, the anonymous poster which I will never meet. I have a good memory, so I know I will remember this conversation for many years, so here you stay.
I think you may simply have failed to understand, but that's okay, some ideas are hard to digest. You may reject them, but that is your right.
Another misunderstanding. Not everyone is as I am, but everyone can try. I would rather not be a god, though. Gods don't have to struggle or fight, and I enjoy both. Gods cannot experience the new, but I can. In this way, I am better than any god.

Maybe not to them, but what meaning do they have for me? They are abstract, a number, maybe the name of a city, not even people.
If Satan existed he might have openly talked with me. I certainly might have listened, but neither he nor God have ever done so. I suppose it is because I am alone.
I am not aiming to be "correct" whatever that means. I aim only to please myself. Even the hard things and the temporarily painful things will eventually bring me something. It is rare when they do not.
I doubt you understand, but rejection is your right.
This does not exist, I am afraid. I once thought it might, but it doesn't.
Another false thing to lead to the waste of time.

This I am not against. This is like fixing something that is broken. They are made better for me, because I prefer them better.
Then maybe we've talked in the past, but I suspect not. I'd remember.
It stops mattering whether it is or not. What does a dead man care about these things?
But does the truth matter?
You place your hopes in falsehoods, my friend. Do not waste your time. It runs out every moment.
And eventually you won't be. Life may have meaning to the living, but once it runs out so does its meaning.

Better: a man.

and thread derailed.

As for OP's question, he's not wrong but cynism should be practiced in moderation. You wouldn't trust a known deceiver would you?

Well you must be the 1 in 10 million who doesn't fear death. Or you could be full of shit. Smart money says it's the latter.

Oh and nobody is always happy. It's not possible

Our motivations are different. Some find meaning in things "higher" than themselves, but they don't do so while not desiring to do so. In the end, we work the same way.
Did I say that? I care about many others, but I do so because caring for them brings me pleasure. If you want to care for others, then do so. At some point I was prepared to die for others. This is when I asked why and how I learned about myself.
How should I know? And what do I care? My life is about me.
And I have helped others. I did so because helping others pleases me.
I never claimed that. I return the favor bigger if I can, because it would make me proud to give back more than I take.
No, it matters whenever I think it matters. I assign the meaning that is to be had.

Listen bro, you can spout your existential hurr durr I'm so enlightened crap all day.


You're not successful.
You have little to no human companionship especially the female variety
You don't have any friends.
You don't have any hobbies besides shitposting
You try to convince everyone you enjoy life all day but you're truly miserable.

I suppose that's why you're spending the 4th going back and forth with a christcuck. Cause you know you've got it all figured out.

How sad. And embarrassing

I have already taken you. This little piece of you is now mine.
I have no problem making the world better, but only do so because it would please me for it to be better. There is no should. I have no obligations other than to myself and what I want.
I prefer not to smoke or drink. I don't like the feeling, and as for masturbation, I don't see anything wrong with it. It is my house and my bed, after all.
The grand scheme of things is meaningless as well. If you hold value on them, then do so. I see no reason why I should, nor how that would benefit you.

Too late, and whether there is or not doesn't matter.
And yet I take anyway.
I'm just clarifying what I am. I'm not possessed or misguided. I am a nobody to you, and when I am dead I will be nobody to everyone, but while I am here, I am the everything.
Then why your anger? I certainly do the same, but I do not pretend to myself that my actions are for others. They are not. They are for me.
Then what is so different between you and I? I certainly work enough and have enough acquaintances, only I work because I want to and love because I want to. It took me a while to find that which I wanted, but I have done it. This is how I find meaning.
I don't think I'd be at home there. There must be struggle and challenge to make me happy.


What exactly do you take? Work cause you want to? Yeah cause you don't want to starve.


Hatred can be a good feeling when working toward a goal. It is impotent hatred that displeases someone.
Guilty as charged.
Is it because you derive pleasure from doing that?
I'd go further the other way. I am the only one that matters. What do I care if others see something they hate in my posts? Will it kill me? Will it hurt me? No. It will do nothing to me. The others do not matter. They are as if they did not exist.
And yet it does. This is its only purpose in my life.
You might as well. If you died after we've had this conversation, do you think it would matter to me?
But what do I care? Your experience doesn't matter to me. It might as well not exist. For all I know, it doesn't.

What I say matters is what matters.
What is righteousness and enlightenment? More religions? More distractions? No, I have myself, to whom I will feed the world around me.
What? I am not talking about political ideologies, friend.
But you see, both of those are also selfish. They expect a payout in the end, but I haven't encountered many things that I did not enjoy and still continued doing. You might even say that I appear less selfish even though I am more so, because I've certainly done things for others which I did not expect to be paid back. I do it only because it strokes my ego.
Of course, what does it matter if not for me? I am the one that ascribes meaning to things, after all.

I do not doubt that, but whether that makes any difference to me is another thing.
No, that would make the world meaningless. Only gods may do that, and I am not one.
But my purpose is myself.
Then you had better do it now if God is so powerful.
Skyrim was shit.

But I have seen 100% of what currently matters to me.

Which is?

All the sentai shows out there.


Most people don't fear death. They fear what might happen after their death. They fear for their families, their friends, their reputation, and all sorts of other stuff. They may even fear the pain at the time of death. Most people don't want to die. This is natural. Everyone wants to see more, taste more, to do more, but we have only a short time on this earth. Once you accept the inevitable, you can move forward. Death will come when it comes. It usually catches you off guard, especially when you're young. First ask yourself, "Why am I afraid to die?"

For me? I wouldn't know. So I am not afraid. I've never found a satisfactory answer for that. I used to be afraid to die, but that goes away with experience. Hell, you've probably met some people that are just waiting to die.


I wouldn't starve if I didn't work. I certainly wouldn't have some luxuries, but I do work more than my share. I enjoy my work. As for what I take? Nothing. I don't drink, smoke, or use drugs other than experimenting with SARMS for lifting. You've never seen someone that enjoys what they do?

The same things most people have. I'm not some world traveler. I've only been outside the US a few times for work, but those were interesting times. I always want to see more, but until I do, I'm not going to let it bother me. Why do that? It's meaningless stress.

What is the point of setting a bar to begin with? There is no ultimate goal.


I've been LARPing in this thread as both an extreme atheist and an extreme christian, but I was not expecting anything near this level of ass-devastation from both sides.


I know I would rather be a psychopath than a faggot.

Fucking lol.



The amount of individual human moments wasted on this bait thread is so massive you should all be suffering existential fear right now.

I have a chronic case of existential shitposting.

wow…really makes u think