What are some other films that accurately portray cumskins?

What are some other films that accurately portray cumskins?

Pretty much the best example of how cumskins will act if they don't have a boot on their throats keeping them in line.



What are you talking about? Louie is an above-average cumskin, he already knows his place and he isn't afraid to tell other cumskins.

ITT: OP and himself

Still pushing this failed "meme"?

Butthurt cumskin is butthurt.


You can go home to SA now, goon. Your fellow cucks probably miss you by now.

Why would you use that as your example? It's a movie all about "cumskin" superiority. White cop pulls a nigger and his sheboon over, cucks him by basically raping her right there, then at the end saves her from a car wreck and is her big hero.

Also you should give cumskin a rest. Honkey, cracker etc nobody white is ever going to wish they were anything but white. Polite sage.

it's fucking glorious to see the mental illness sperg out over "da goons" whenever someone uses it




what's being spammed? you seem to have a very weird definition of it.
in addition to an obvious mental illness that anyone who pushes your buttons is Holla Forums or da goons or whatever other boogeyman of the week you're pretending exists



you seriously need to see a shrink

triumph of the will because their ebil nazis lool rfucking white males

Proved his point

Get back on your meds, schizo.

nothing funnier than a mad reddipol beta male.


nice tits


What a bunch of retarded autists.

nigger pls

weird brown nipples


I recommend the so called "flight scene" of The Dark Knight. It has the best plane crash ever filmed.

What's with this zionist cumskin meme?
Cum is nothing like human skin. there's none of the peach or yellowish hue that makes skin look like skin.

Are the anti-whites really this desperate?

Cumskins, when will they learn?


You can try this all day, but it won't work because you fags don't have any semblance of truth on your side.