Let's kick it off with season 6 discussion, season 7 predictions & ASOIAF shitposting.
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Let's kick it off with season 6 discussion, season 7 predictions & ASOIAF shitposting.
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First for season 7 theories.
The fact that Westeros is under cunt rule, and Dany is coming with an even huge itching cunt, I think season 7 will be filled with cucks dieing for their queens and ladies, and when the ebil white walkers eventually shows up, all past bad blood is forgotten and all cunts unite against the patriarchy I mean white walkers.
second for my son Rhaegar
except for Jon. he'll claim his incest harem with Kelly C and Salsa.
reminder that originally gurm intended Arya to have a love triangle with Jon and Tyrion
fourth for human toilet sansa
will D&D earn madman status by making her pregnant with Ramsay's kid?
No, that would be too interesting.
Here, I think this is the complete set.
it's not like they have an awful lot of plot set up for the Norf. all they have for S7 is CIA as an antagonist trying to D&C Jon and Salsa. you know they won't bring down the wall until S8.
That's ok, because it'll all essentially be filler until the last 2 episodes of the season. Salsa having a Bolton baby would cause too many moral dilemmas, and have too much potential for political intrigue, thus it won't happen.
Has the potential to be a good piece of OC so not likely.
Yeah, I doubt they will introduce any new plot points now, they just want to tie up the loose ends and get it over with.
Fug. Try this one then.
yeah, knowing D&D you're probably not wrong. I can even see the Jon Targaryen reveal.
DUN DUN DUN ebin music credit roll
Naturally. God forbid we have anything interesting happening. Gotta finish Dany Sue's big conquering thing before the white men are allowed to go past the wall.
That worked. Noice.
"Lady Bolton" does sound cooler, doesn't it though
Prediction: We are about to get a subverted War of the Five Kings to take up the first half of the season, and just when it's about to reach a head, the Night's King comes and everyone who doesn't realise they have to work together dies, with the survivors taking down the final threat.
The survivors will likely be Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, with Daenerys Targaryen dying at the very end. The Seven Kingdoms will break up once more:
>The Queen of the Dunes Ellaria Sand Arianne Martell in the books.
Are we talking purely show? Because I dont see Sweetrobin surviving long.
Euron will bring the Others on his ships
I want to believe Sweetrobin will survive because GRRM has a soft spot in his heart for cripples, bastards and broken things. I think Sansa will keep him alive because of this too. However, if not, Harry the Heir perhaps, or another vassal House.
where is he supposed to be ruling?
Sansa marrying Robin, like planned in the books, therefore bypassing Littlefinger and keeping the Vale as allies?
I mean that would be the cunning and smart Sansa the show was supposed to portraying,so I don't see this obviously best way of doing things happening
Arlen, TX
Really can't see them killing off Queen Feminism.
what the fuck, I only meant to post the last image
King's Landing Crownlands area; their bastards are called 'Hill'. It won't be the Crownlands anymore once the Kingdoms break up, because everywhere will be a Crownland.
That's my hope for her; that Harry the Heir will turn out to be quite messed up as a person (and therefore they were semi-adapting that arc with Ramsay x Sansa in the show, so 'Alayne' will marry Sweetrobin and maybe pull a Doran and become estranged with him).
I can; that's why they've been building her up as invincible, so she dies at the very end due to high fantasy catching up with her. Maybe even a noble, self-sacrificial death so everyone's happy and feminists literally drown in their tears of joysadness.
wew lad
this shit annoys me to no end, I hope book Salsa stops acting like a Belieber following her tingles and starts manipulating men around him already.
*around her
The Winds of Winter chapter seems to hint at this; she pretends to ignore him because Littlefinger seems to have watched Scrubs recently, taking Dr. Cox's advice that men get turned on more if women play hard to get.
I would love to divide Sansa's legs and conquer what's between
but it was already past the bump limit fam
I like this. Sonso Cocklehead
What would cause you to be done with the show next season?
I've already dropped it in S4. I'm only back watching it so I can shitpost about it, so the answer is nothing, I'll watch it either way.
you need to shop Euron's BIG COCK in place of that hand tbh
I thought he wants Dany
They should have kissed, and then passionately fucked.
who knows, he looked pretty horny
there's always next season tbh
I know that you'll never deliver.
Fucking faggot.
top jej
I haven't promised anything, but here are some pics of them together
You said that you would do it, faggot.
great so more summerfags spamming shitty threads about a shitty show that isn't even on right now
Eat my shit.
Is George Soros the real life Littlefinger?
I am Gifmaker, and I deal in Maisies. I can't use photoshop, so the person who promised you something wasn't me
are you implying the jewish writers of the show are pushing some agenda? preposterous
Well someone did.
What did she mean by this?
She wanted smirkfu to smell her semen breath
Westerlands bastards are called "Hill", faggot.
Crownlands get the "Waters" epithet, like Aurane Waters.
What do people from the Lannister lands get?
will Aurene get replaced by Euron on the show?
are you being retarded on purpose fam?
>Lannister lands
That would actually be very interesting.
Though if they did do it, I'm sure D&D would have her abort it.
Is Jon a Snow, Sand, or Waters?
Oh yeah, I thought Joy Hill was born in the Crownlands, but she was actually born in the Westerlands. Sorry about that.
Depends on where his first name day took place.
You know they probably made Lyanna whisper his birth name because he's likely named after Jon Connington, and JonCon is cut in the show.
yes, you understood the meaning of "off-season" quite well, my autistic friend.
Still there's a chance this could happen
Things that would make the series interesting:
Something else?
you don't get to call others autistic when you post in GoT Off-season threads
Euron killing Dany.
Euron killing Tyrion.
Euron killing Cersei.
Euron killing Sansa.
Euron killing Jon.
Euron killing sandsneks.
Euron killing Euron.
right back at you fam
would you, /got/?
D&D are incapable to kill the mary sue queen. If some has to go is Jon. I even bet that Jon and Daenerys are the only ones remaining
He's more like Tywin Lannister
yeah, the loli lady of buttfuck nowhere who contributed 5 dozen men to a battle of thousands not getting laughed out of the room was totes legit.
I keep seeing this argument; don't you guys get that being shamed by a little kid who braved a battle whilst you stayed at home because you were too scared is a blight on your Northern honour?
It's the same reason Tyrion - a dwarf - gets the men to rally behind him in Blackwater - pure shaming.
You forgot the one with purple hair besides that thing. She's wearing a Daenerys T-shirt
Stopped watching the show 2 seasons ago.
How exactly is Cersei Queen anyway?
If every rightful heir of Robert is dead,what the fuck gives her right to rule?How long can she expect to keep it? IS D&D retarded?
Not very long.
D and D may be retarded but this is probably accurate to the books. Kevan has just gotten assassinated because Varys knew the Mad Queen would take the helm, whilst the rightful king Aegon garrisons his swift invasion.
But at least I enjoyed how loli mormont trolled sansa. When she said "No king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark", Sansa is grinning, thinking she will be recognized as queen in the north, only to be buttblasted as loli mormont then said "I don't care if he's a bastard."
Aegon is a thing in the books?
Jaime before and Jaime now.
For some reason no longer blonde.
Also is forbidden from looking as handsome as he did.
Why is that?
I don't think anyone thought she actually fought in the battle. as far as gambling goes though, there's merit to your argument - I just don't see a prepubescent girl commanding that kinf of attention among a room full of powerful men.
it was a power play/might makes right deal, the line of succession had nothing to do with it.
These are the only 2 kings that are not emasculated cucks
Stannis Baratheon did nothing wrong
Robert Baratheon did nothing wrong
Roose Bolton did nothing wrong
Tywin Lannister did nothing wrong
Ser Alliser Thorne did nothing wrong
The High Sparrow did nothing wrong
yes, but he's eaither a red herring or a set-up for the Targ civil war arc
What? Why? Naming the chosen one after your butt buddy is stupid
he got the JUST treatment
Basically everyone is fucking dead. In such an event, the administration would be defaulted onto the King's Hand and council until the event they decide to install a fit ruler. However, even they are all dead.
Cersei is basically the only person in any position to take the reins. However, her actually crowning herself Queen was an extraordinarily stupid move that would no doubt start a war.
We don't listen the name Lyanna gave to his son.
Ned was the one who put him the name Jon to honor Jon Arryn, because probably Lyanna gave him a Targaryen-like name and Ned thought it would be too retarded to name the child like that if she wanted to keep his identity a secret.
Because naming him Rhaegar would be a bit obvious, don't you think?
He was the man's probable future Hand and best friend. It'd be like Ned naming his firstborn Robb.
this. Cersei created a power vacuum only she was capable of filling.
also this, most of the realm is already in open revolt against her, not even counting the foreign invasion or the fact the royal treasury is indebted as fuck. she's pretty fucked
but Jon Arryn was a father figure to Ned. Maybe the fact that both are called Jon was influential.
It probably added to the ruse.
Several months later when he arrives at Winterfell
I thought her name was Sandra Stork?
Dude. Jon is just a common name.
There are literally two dozen Jons in this series.
I think Lyanna wanted to name him with a retarded targaryen name like Rhaegar, or Aegon or Viserion or some shit like that.
Maybe Ned wanted to wait until Jon was old enough to tell him the truth.
Also take into account how house Arryn helped the Starks during Robert's Rebellion and how Jon Arryn rejected Aerys II demands of surrender to him Ned and Robert.
Why? That's stupid, user.
The only Targaryen name I could see that being is Aegon, but Aegon was already named Aegon because Elia and Rhaegar thought Aegon would be the Prince that Was Promised. The House of the Undying scene is meant to be symbolic; Rhaegar didn't actually SAY 'the dragon has three heads, it's the vision TELLING Dany that - Rhaegar thought Aegon was the one until Jon was born.
Nevertheless, I think Rhaegar may have been a bit soured on the Targaryen heritage after Aerys went full Caligula.
Too little, way, way too late.
So you support cuckoldry?
You're telling me, I remember reading what he said to Barristan and being all 'really nigga is now the time you decide to have a council because of dad?'
Because she was stupid. The "Rhaegar abducted and raped her" thing was a lie.
In reality she cucked Robert and tried to flee with Rhaegar who also cucked his wife Elia Martell. But things escalated because Aerys II killed Lyanna's Father and Brother.
Tywin plans were shattered because of Cersei and Jaime degeneracy and the only rightful son he had is a midget. So he was pragmatic. If Tyrion wasn't a midget he would make Jaime and Cersei get killed and tried to make Tyrion the new king.
you don't seem to understand what cucking means
So, if Jon is put ahead of Sansa and becomes the King in the North, does that mean that male bastards in the North inherit over their legitimate half-sisters?
What does this precedent mean for the future of Northern politics?
How do the Lords of the Vale feel that they were the only reason that Winterfell was even taken, and yet the girl sharing their blood who got them to come North was cast aside by her bannermen?
Why did the Vale lords start chanting for Jon to be king? How do they know who he is? Wouldn't they want their bloodline in power?
Did everybody forget that Jon is an oathbreaking, deserting bastard? What about that whole "undead" thing?
That doesn't really explain why she wouldn't choose, you know, a good Northern name instead of some Valyrian monstrosity.
And the solution to that is simple
Anyway the targaryen are polygamous so Rhaegar could get away with having several wives
What experience does Jon have with kingly duties? Wouldn't he be better suited as being a general of the North's forces? You don't send your king north of the wall to go fight ice zombies if you expect to sustain a dynasty.
Wouldn't it be smarter to let Sansa be queen so she can stay and guard Winterfell while Jon goes North to become Azor Ahai? The last time the KitN left Winterfell, it was turned into a pile of rubble. Did everyone forget that?
How does any of this make any sense?
False. The only Targaryans who had multiple wives, coincidentally, also had dragons to command. That gives you a lot of leeway with the culture and customs of wherever you are. Just ask Dany.
The one instance where GRRL POWAH actually made sense and they blew it. D&D are hackshit terrible writers
Couldn't they have asspulled Robb's will if they need to make Jon king?
The reason they couldn't was because of their struggle with the faith of the seven.
When you have the blood of Kingsadanorf for 8000 years, you get certain privileges, even as a Snow.
However, it made much more sense for Sansa to be proclaimed but Northerners listen to battle tested men, not sense.
but his jewish lawyers had already found a loophole
Yeah, the Faith disapproves very highly of polygamous relationships.
After Maegor, there were no more polygamous Targaryens. I mean, shit, GRRM comes out and says it:
She was in love with Rhaegar, so much to even run with him and trying to be together, despite the shitstorm that could imply and its consequences.
The real victims here are Robert and Ned as they had to deal with the shit Lyanna brought because she wasn't able to restrain her vagina tickles any single time she was near to Rhaegar
exactly, Jon would make sense as the military commander while Sansa leads the executive branch. then again, northmen are fucking retarded.
That was ridiculous; all D and D had to do was make the Valemen not cheer to cement the divide LF is going to cause later between the North and Vale.
None of that really has anything to do with what the girl names her son. Rhaegar would be the one pushing for a Targaryen name, not Lyanna. We're not even sure if Jon was the choice of Rhaegar or Lyanna. It could've been Ned who named him that after his foster father to protect him. We just don't have enough information.
Sansa isn't a Stark either, she's a Bolton.
Bran crosses the wall and fucks up the spells just like he did with the 3 eyed ravens tree.
Bran is going to kill everyone.
Wew, the femcuckery is strong in this one.
Exactly, if they bring the fact that he broke his vows to the Night's Watch, he could show him the scars of the stabbings and that proofs he was killed. So technically he honored his vows until his "death."
whenever I see women on top I just think of a slut riding my dickl tbh
Cool, I also have a dickl, what do you call yours?
That's why the Targaryens disbanded the Faith Militant, banned the seven septons trials and bring the tradition of Trial by Combat.
The line of succession not being followed is what got them into this mess, it's got nothing to do with Sansa's ginger flaps.
If you want to be like that, Sansa is a Stark, a Bolton, an Arryn, and a Tully.
Jon is just a Stark and a Targ. Sansa has much more dynastic connections that he does, and he doesn't even know about half of his!
Following the line of succession isn't femcuckery, mate.
Yes it does, women should never rule, under any circumstance.
Agnatic primogeniture is best tbqh lad.
Yes it is, women shouldn't be included in the line of succession.
Those are just silly old laws from a bygone era. Those stupid Targaryens just didn't think things through hard enough.
They should be over bastards.
But again, this is all moot because Bran is just like, right over there, guys. You all know he's not dead yet, what the fuck?
Unless it is agnatic succession.
Which states that if all male heirs are dead the title goes to a female family member.
this is a tiny lizard licking an orange
you got a problem?
They should never be allowed, under any circumstance ever.
He's a spoiled little brat, so no, he doesn't count.
No it doesn't, it states that the lineage dies with the men.
does it even matter where his name came from? I mean he obviously couldn't be given a Targ name for fuck's sake. I think Ned was happy enough with the fact he conveniently turned out to have dark hair instead of platinum blonde.
Again, irrelevant. That's not how things work. I understand your frustration, but that doesn't make you correct.
that sounds like a giant asspull tbh
The name Jon could be Ned's choice if Lyanna wanted the kid to have a Targaryen name, he deemed that too risky and Ned could excuse the name choice and pass it as a tribute to Jon Arryn. But as Phantasm said it could be a tribute to Jon Connington, Rhaegar's friend if she decided to not put him a Targaryen name. It could work both ways.
Anyway we have to wait until Bran finally meets Jon and tell him what happened in the Tower of Joy
It is now.
Well, I'm not the idiot who thought that Lyanna wanted to give her son a Valeryan name.
It's D&D fanfic. What would you expect?
Agnatic-Cognatic clearly states that Women can only inherit if there are no eligible males
Absoluate cognatic states that Women inherit on equal terms with men
I legitimately have no idea how politics in the North work anymore. They could choose their next king by pulling names out of a hat and I'd just accept it because of how retarded everything up there is.
Show tits
I said agnatic, no cognatic.
Only men, no women.
No women EVER.
It's less retarded than the rest of Westeros, because they chose a man over woman.
Hi, Randyll. I didn't know they had computers in the woods.
Bran is going to instigate the plot of GoT by going back on time and trying to stop it, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy
this. even though there are a few instances of female monarchs, it sure as fuck wasn't normal to have females rule medieval monarchies.
Well hi there, I think you've wandered off the path, >>>/tumblr/ is that way.
But it's the same in Westeros?
I don't understand.
Where'd I call you stupid, mate?
If you want to look for things to be offended by, you are correct, >>>/tumblr/ is that way.
Your comment oozed with femcuck indignation.
You sound like the ones who wanted Stannis to win and doesn't believe Roose Bolton could be betrayed by Ramsay. It's D&D fanfic. If something sounds retarded, implausible and illogical to you, take for granted that is how is going to be on the series.
It's not my fault that you think Randyll Tarly is stupid. That says a lot more about you that me.
I think it's a mix of respecting the ancient bloodlines and great warrior virtues. basically they want a super duper kingfu they can go to war with, who's also descended from the oldfags.
The origin of Jon's name isn't D&D fanfic. Are you serious right now?
That other shit was stuff they made up for the show to fit the plotline, why on EARTH would Jon's name have anything to do with that?
Missed the reference.
oh jesus christ fuck no
Gee, it sure would be a problem if their heirless king died in battle.
I mean they shouldn't be that easily convinced to have female rulers. then again, the other option is having to write extended power structures for the regions with distant claimants and shit, which is obviously beyond D&D's capabilities.
Because even if they know beforehand how is going to end in the books, D&D could make changes, retarded and stupid changes.
Dude, like, 3 people "died" for her to even be in that position to begin with. If people thought they had a proper male to choose from, then they would. But as far as everyone knows, Robb, Bran, and Rickon are all dead, leaving the world with very few legitimate Stark heirs.
It's not like they have any extended family to choose from, either.
This argument is retarded and stupid.
pick one tbh
say that to my fucking face not in the Neck faggot and see what happens
but they have a legit Stark heir. his name is Jon, he has Eddard's blood (as far as they know), and he's a 10/10 retard war hero.
again, pick one fam
So it's simple, he just has to impregnate a woman.
Sansa is already there, would make a good bride.
Pureblood Stark chilluns.
>Jon Snow
Congratulations, you are just as retarded as the show's Northmen. Not even the ones in the books are as blatantly idiotic as you are. Good job, you fucking moron.
Yes they do, the Karstarks.
The reeds are the mud people who live in the swamp on a wooden float.
… the ones that fought for Ramsay?
They're part of the North, dude. They swear an oath to Bran as their liege lord.
even feminists don't give a fuck about phasma
That's like saying mexicans are part of the US.
Yes, exactly.
Mexican citizens don't swear fealty to Lord Obama.
The ones that died for Ramsay?
You think they have a better claim to Winterfell than Sansa?
Do you think they'll introduce a tranny next season? That's the only thing except Dany getting impregnated by a dindu that's missing from the SJW checklist.
They vote for him
We have to wait to see, but look at the scene, Why they muted deliberately when Lyanna said the baby's name to Ned?
Maybe D&D being the fucktards they are, is just playing with the viewers and you're right and Lyanna chose the name Jon for his baby.
But because that couldn't be "dramatic", D&D decides that because she loved Rhaegar so much, she wanted the baby to be aware of his Targaryen legacy and chose a showy name. Ned knew it was a bad idea and renamed him Jon.
We have to wait and see.
She already was in the first season m8.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one, then.
Show me your tits.
Phasma is not in charge nor edgy enough.
well, I was channeling the northmen's POV while writing that post so I'll take that as a compliment.
Oh right. I guess adopting a nignog or something then. She will need an heir and I doubt D&D will allow that heir to be white.
Ah, well, in that case, excellent job, user. You really fooled me.
Timestamp it.
Already done.
>yfw Salsa didn't tell Jon about the Vale army on purpose because it was a power play on her part and she'd hoped Jon would die in battle
Fug. It's seems that dabid is ahead of me at every turn. But they still need to include a tranny for full pozzing.
The fat man could still go along with his original plan, Jaime is apparently getting halfway competent with his left hand, and he's gotten pretty fucking sick of Cersei. Jaime taking the throne by killing everyone who stands in his way seems like it could be rad. Ain't the Lannister army also still the biggest?
Why didn't anyone tell me that fatbitch browses /got/?
Your tits look saggy tbch lad.
half of that army was whipped out by Robb Stark.
Why are smirfu's tits so sad?
Probably from having to feed all those disgusting mulatto children.
Of course it is, she miscalculated when to arrive though, and that's why she's not Lady of Winterfell nor Queen of the North.
Am I supposed to find this humorous?
Lady Lo-Lyanna rules
not if they have the combined forces of the Reach and Dorne with Dany's Unsullied army and Khalasar against them. also, the North voted to exit and the Vale is with them too, while the Riverlands just got plunged into chaos. if you really think about it, the Lannisters have no allies, and one army can't solo half the kingdom. they also couldn't defeat Robb in combat and needed the Tyrellls to bail them out against Stannis
I dunno. It's too cute for the seriousness of cannibalism and murder, but it's also cute and it's sort-of-Maisie
a lot of qt actresses have surprisingly bad tits tbh. it's just a thing
Fuck off with this shit, frey pies was manderlys doing and it was executed a lot better.
He actually looks like this and you are full of shit
wouldn't it be sick though? I know D&D are too dumb to write such levels of intrigue, but still.
Bookfag, bookfag
This is tv
I know, Arya doing in the show was laughably, pathetically weak.
Poor form on D&D's part. Way to fuck up the strong start the last episode had.
That's the kind of scum will find those "jokes" funny
you have no power here, showfag
How could I forget this
at this point I just want Olenna to steal Drogon and purge the shit out of everyone
Danarys is pretty ignorant about her families past. She most likely doesn't know
Don't be mad, bookfags
It's not like she has an adviser who knows a lot about her family history who she can ask or anything.
I am banking on that. I wish this were a different show, and she finds out, summarily executes them, and then installs Dickon Manwoody at Sunspear.
I'm purely talking the books here, I really don't think it's worth trying to anticipate shit in the show based on army size, as the doublejews will obviously stick to inconsistensy.
I wasn't including Daenarys' army, as it ain't in Westeros atm.
The Riverlands has the BWB, and blackfish escaped, but otherwise the conflict there is pretty much over, the Tully army surrendered.
Jaime obviously wouldn't be able to hold onto the north unless Bolton wins big, and in the books the Vale has stayed quiet so far. The only people that could really contest the throne at the moment would be Aegon or maybe Stannis.
In the books. Sure. They killed him off in an alley for the show though.
Why should we? Is that you try too hard and fail miserably. Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time?
Everyone signal boost this awesome listicle
Maisie is the only ture answer, so I can't be wrong
show Stannis already happened so good luck with that
maybe Dorne will join up with Aegon? if Arianne ever gets there
Or the actor who played Stannis having no idea what the fuck D&D were doing with his character
At least Dillane had the guts to admit it.
I refuse to believe Sophie has any fucking clue what they're doing with Sansa. Half her scenes she just contradicts herself and falls silent so it looks like she's plotting something. I'm positive this is not the case and D&D just have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH HER. She's just sort of there to cause drama and bail Jon out at the end of the season.
Lena Headey, Maisie and Sir Onionhead go to welcome rapefugees
I suppose that's highly likely, I wonder what their reaction will be to Quintyn getting roasted though.
It was a secret mission, so there's not much they can do publicly, that's for sure.
lol no
He's somehow more blatantly evil than show CIA.
he kinda brought that one on himself though
Shoo shoo feminist goblin!
Try to lure her away with dolphin food
Well I doubt they'll suppport Daenarys over Aegon anymroe, at the very least. Aegons claim is better, as he said himself, so they don't need to explain anything about why they're rejecting dragonbitch.
Unfunny munterposting is still unfunny
A Maisie for you and a Maisie for you
Keep it those heinous things to yourself you joyless shitposter.
I genuinely think these television and movie writers just aren't very intelligent people at all. There's a tendency to read too much into their retarded writing decisions.
Remember those extended editions of the LOTR movies where Peter Jackson turns Aragorn into a violent murderer who kills an unarmed ambassador?
These people have shit for brains. The minds of overgrown children. How they always get their fingers on projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars is beyond me. It's a bit frustrating tbh.
If Jon is a Targaryan then why he doesn't have silver hair?
Maisie is my joy
Because stark genes too stronk
Lots of Targaryens don't have silver hair.
Quads confirm
this. whenever I hear D&D talk in the post-episode commentary it feels like I'm listening to Michael Bay.
I can't embed it, but…
I'd not be surprised if the Fat Mans ego made him encourage them to make OC, I mean the OC started at a time when the books were still ahead of the show, yet at first the show tried to stick more or less 100% by the show, they fucked with Catelyn a bit, but otherwise nothing.
someone should webm this already
I think he stopped giving a fuck around the time he realised there was no way he could finish TWOW in time.
Nah I mean think about it, you write some popular books, get a tv deal were the tv show gets many times more viewers than you get readers, it might bruise your ego that the only thing you'll ever be known for will be overshadowed by a tv version of it written by other people. I highly doubt I'm the only one would've never bothered reading the books if the kikes didn't completely shit the bed. The fat man is old and dying, I highly doubt potential showmoney is that big of a deal for him, I assume that when people are saying "What the fuck is this shit? Why did everything turn to shit? What's going on here?" and people respond with "This gay shit totally didn't happen in the books, you should read them!" that might generate some interest.
thanks fam
i think whatever ego investment he had, he gave up on it when he got himself into the Meereen shit. ever since then it's more like a chore for him and I think the pressure from the worldwide exposure didn't help. though one might think writing a better ending than the dumb kikes at HBO gives him some motivation, it doesn't seem like a great achievement to aspire to.
Book Meereen wasn't all that bad, it wasn't particularly entertaining, but it wasn't the fucking cringey mess we got in the show. In the books it's basically Daenarys being an idiot who is able to hold onto a tiny sliver of power due to having dragons, a shitload of castrated nigger soldiers, and fucking one of her mercenary captains. Meanwhile everything goes to shit around her, and when she leaves Meereen she's being an idiot thinking everyone will be best buddies when the city is about to explode into war. Meereen is mediocre, not shit. Quite frankly though, I expect Meereen was never meant to last as long as it did, he basically shipped her over there because he hadn't gotten Westeros to the plot point were he wanted to ship her in.
Targaryen genes are weak, likely from all the inbreeding. The Stark ones took precedence.
I think the only nice thing GoT has it's the soundtrack at this point
yeah I think he originally wanted to have a 5-year timeskip but then he didn't because he wrote himself into a corner or some shit. the whole Meereen storyline is incredibly stupid and obsolete, but so is Dany's entire arc since she only enters the main story once she invades Westeros, making her POV in the books/show a prequel, aka pointless filler.
Costumes, soundtrack and decors, all of it bought with shekels. Throw in a passable direction and you can't fail.
Some of the sets are cool, the costumes too. Actually the only real problem is the writing and the occasional recast. It's actually amazing how many talented people work on such a shitty project.
I think Show Meereen was better than the books, but that's mostly because they've finished it off now.
George was planning a 5-year timeskip that would've skipped over the boring shit in Meereen and allowed Dany to get experience off-page, but scrapped it when he realized the Westeros plots couldn't all do the same.
The music is phenomenal, I'll agree, but I wouldn't say it's the only thing. The show is still relatively good and the effects are great.
Nah, it's not ruined at all. You're just being stupid.
yeah, they have like 10,000 dedicated autists putting their best effort in the show only for it to be ruined by a couple of dumb kikes who would be better off writing capeshit.
agreed, at least something good came out of bringing all those terrorists over to yurop
yes it is. I want to enjoy the ebin dragon shit but I'm constantly being reminded that Dany is a dumb bitch getting rescued by plot armor for the nth time.
So who's got the best genes from the remaining Starks?
top kek you can already see Sophie thiking about dick there
Well then you have brain damage. Sorry to break it to you. I don't see why you're surprised that a woman who has dragons, is fireproof, and relatively smart can get herself out of situations. Daenerys isn't the only one with plot armor either, most of the main characters still alive have demonstrated it.
Kek, you're that faggot who defends the show no matter what. She isnt smart, not even the show is cucked enough to pretend she is.
the problem is her entire storyline this season has been nothing but getting rescued by plot armor. starting with Drogon bailing her out of the arena, continued by her killing off all the khals and the Dothraki deciding to follow her instead of fucking killing her for her fire witchcraft, ending with her magically acquired ability to control her dragons now, just in time to wreck her enemies in Meereen.
many other characters have plot armor for sure, but come on, no one else has their entire storyline completely relying on it.
Which part of ASOIAF/GoT's world would you most not want to visit?
For me, it would have to be the Lonely Light. Being trapped on a tiny island in the farthest West of the world in the middle of a cold deep ocean filled with whales sounds terrifying. I have pretty bad cetaphobia. Pictures won't do it, but knowing that I'd have to go where whales are to capture fish to eat is nope.avi
middle of the Red Waste. knowing that I'll most likely rot to death out in the sun, and whichever direction I go the best I could hope for is to run into a bunch of savage niggers.
reptiles don't have tits
No, I admit the show has some problems, but you're just mindlessly complaining about a character you don't like.
shit tier b8
It's established that she has a connection to her dragons. Surprise surprise that Drogon shows up. This even happens in the books so I don't see the complaint.
Dothraki don't hate witchcraft, they hate blood magic. Daenerys didn't do blood magic. She defeated the khals, which going by tradition means that she absorbs their khalasars.
She "magically can control her dragons" because they decided to start listening to her again after she dropped the whole "peaceful breaker of chains" bullshit she got into, especially at Meereen. She's thinking like a Targaryen conqueror again, and Drogon/the dragons(who are said to be smarter than humans according to some maesters) like that.
One of the abandoned castles on the Wall
Teach me how to bait now that no normal person could love the mary sue Queen of Cheeseburgers so much. So you must be baiting
Do you believe the bullshit you are spouting?
You can't seriously believe this show is as bad as some of the absolute shit that has come on to TV, can you? And the effects are far better than most any other TV show.
Probably the Land of the Shrykes. Shrieking creatures just don't sound pleasant at all
But I'm not spouting any bullshit at all.
Plenty of normal people like Daenerys. You don't like her? Okay, that's fine. But that doesn't mean you complain endlessly about her or any other character you don't like. That's just being retarded.
No one in any position of authority in the production of this farce seems to appreciate that if you're going to go out of your way to include some truly outlandish shit in your story then appropriate steps have to be taken to make it at least somewhat believable.
For example, I know the thumb in the pie is there for visual effect but if you were actually serious about serving up a motherfucker his own kin then the way you go about it is by using a meat grinder. Even Cartman understood this.
Serving Frey his pie in his bigass dining hall at a time when conventiently there are no other persons present, nor any guards nearby stretches the limits of our suspension of disbelief to its breaking point. Why not have the pie be a midnight snack for a restless Frey, served to him in his private quarters?
Oh right I guess there wasn't enough of a budget for more than one set.
Not to mention Arya's teleporting, these muppets really don't know their way around pacing worth a shit.
she didn't defeat them in combat though, she murdered them with treachery. going by tradition their bloodriders were supposed to kill her. also, there's no culture where an outsider can just circumvent the existing power structure like that. it was Dorne-tier bullshit.
No, it's retarded to defend a character with many plot flaws and try to excuse those flaws.That's retarded.
new thread
>I don't see why you're surprised that a woman who has dragons, is fireproof, and relatively smart can get herself out of situations
All of dany's decisions are terrible and the only reason why anything ever works out in her favour is because the plot demands it. She is a textbook mary sue who can literally never suffer any ill effects her poor choices might have otherwise brough about because no matter what happens either fire resistance, drayguns or friendzoned sell-swords will be there to bail her out.
And as if that wasn't bad enough she's got terrible lines and is played by one of the worst actors in the show.
bump limit
ur mum das y
Well yeah, but this board is slow as shit and this just makes sure every single page has at least 1 got thread
Ib sounds pretty shit.
Bro, a textbook Mary Sue is a character in fan fiction.
You're telling me dany isn't? Bitch sure as shit comes across that way
No, she outsmarted them, technically defeating them. Their bloodriders were behind them and also died. She was technically part of them, or claimed to be, even if she technically needed to be judged by the khals. She defeated them and now lead them. She became the Khal of Khals. The prophecy of a person that would unite the Dothraki into a single khalasar.
But she has suffered ill effects. She lost Barristan, she nearly lost Grey Worm, she lost most of her khalasar in Qarth, she lost her husband, she lost the power that came with being the wife of Drogo, she nearly lost her city and life.
She does get out of some problems but don't pretend she circumvents all of them.
Emilia Clarke isn't terrible, but I won't claim she's good.
this is a society of savage warriors who respect battle prowess, not a bunch of jewish lawyers
And if she just burned down their holy temple and walked out completely unharmed then they're not going to try and attack her.
why not? she's a witch who killed their khals. she was already walking on thin ice with bailing on her Dosh Khaleen duties.
As I said, they don't hate all magic, just blood magic.
She beat them. And then burned down the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen without so much as a scratch or burn and walked out of it. They think she's some kind of god, or rather, the Khal of Khals.
Jon got his arm burned trying to save Joer from the zombie so by the show's own internal logic he's not immune to fire.
That means this is definitely going to happen.
The costume department does a better job with the characters than the writers. The costumes consistently reflect everyone's character development.