Well that's a huge weight off my shoulders
You'll never grow up to look as bad as Jodie Foster
she's ok
She's still a qtpi.
no she isn't you liar
If only she hadn't gone down the path of liberalfeministlesbianism she might have been a reasonably attractive milf still.
This. OP is an autist in denial that everyone gets old.
Loli Foster
At least she's not Lara Flynn Boyle or Meg Ryan.
no she's not
Oh my god. I knew about Lara Flynn Boyle, but I hadn't seen Meg Ryan in a while apparently and was under the belief she looked about as bad as Jodie Foster. That is some Joan Rivers shit. She's only got a year on Foster too.
a woman whose career fell off the map at 40 has body image issues???
She looks pretty good for 53 tbh
She's probably lesbian because pedowood diddled her at an early age and has problem trusting men nowadays.
Probably has more to do with the fact that John Hinckley Jr tried to kill Ronald Reagan to impress her
Well, now I know who'll play Clinton in the inevitable biopic.
This is some gossip magazine level bullshit thread
I hereby declare OP a faggot and all the thread participants
Except , he cool
Fun Fact: Her mother took these pictures
And they claim homosexuality is genetic. Ha!
70's was more liberal about that type of thing.
The only thing she did right was star in Silence of the Lambs and be used as the inspiration for Jill Valentine in the original RE game.
Her mom probably turned her into a lesbian, if not her than her mom's dyke friends.
How old was she here? Truly a Goddess
are, umm…. are you retarded OP?
GOAT lesbian
She's still bros with Mel Gibson, for one thing.
I never realized how sexy she was
moi à droite
She's not all that bad, especially when you take her age into account.
Her personality doesn't seem all that great but I doubt yours would be either, if you spent your childhood getting molested by pedo kikes
are you just saying that or did ahe truly come out against pedowood?
She looks significantly better than the vast majority of women at her age
sage because celeb threads are absolute garbage, this place is even worse than Holla Forums
I suddenly have the urge to assassinate a politician.
now let's not exaggerate, user
I dunno man, there are far more garbage celeberty threads like this here than on Holla Forums, slightly more shitpost threads about stuff everyone hates like TFA/cisbusters, and the memes are far more repetitive and stale here.
The only thing it has going for it is that people have slightly more consistently decent taste here, but they also have slightly more unjustified hatred for movies that are decent/good just because they're popular.
this must be the real reason i like taxi driver so much
That's Loli Foster. She doesn't exist anymore.
Have you been there lately? Only place worse than now Holla Forums is half/v/ which is a total mess. This is probably the worst summer the places has ever had and even in march it looked absolutely terrible. Anons are actually buying Pokemon Go even.
wew I had forgotten about this.
You haven't been long enough on Holla Forums.
You see that one Tarkovsky thread that always got shunned? Decent taste my ass.
What President do I have to shoot to get a piece of that?