Photoplay Classifications

Joint: Pure schlock that are usually enjoyed by druggies under marijuana influence.
Example: Pulp Fiction (1994)

Flick: Pure entertainment, little to no substance.
Example: Transformers (2007)

Movie: Like Flick but with more focus on the plot.
Example: The Black Knight Rises (2012)

Film: Focus is on the complex puzzle like plot, story, and characterization. Tries to appeal to the pseudo intellectual (read: reddit) crowd by using a lot of symbolism and parallels.
Example: Akira (1988)

Cinema: More care is put into the aesthetics instead of the plot. Tries to present the artistic aspects of motion picture to the audience but still suffers from symbolism and deconstruction.
Example: Metropolis (1927)

Kino: The highest form of art. A recreation of life in audio-photoplay format. Every aspect of the motion picture flows like a poetry. A spiritual voyage for the director and the audience.
Example: Zerkalo (1975)

Is this right, Holla Forums?

What motivates this pointless shitposting bait?

To discuss motion picture's role in the development of art.


Reddit wasn't around in 1988.

Your definition of kino sounds an awful lot like pornography to me.

Movies are movies.


You mean audio theatrical motion visual cultural artifacts.



Truly kino of kino

Is this thread kino?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


It's kinoesque. 🎭

Don't give Spike Lee vindication by making "Joint" a real thing.

what about Tarkowski style Toddscapades that are all about the experience/atmo, not necessarily the plot but are still intellectual on some level?

This thread is cinémáa

Forcing his faggot kino meme, this guy must be extremely autistic


Oh, sorry, I think you assburguer sufferers call it Le Pepe Le Freug back in Reddit Dot Com, Le Internet's Front Page. Please post some Le Rage Trollface next, that maymay is almost as funny as le funny banana

Your faggot kino meme will never be a thing

definitely not from a porno
it's from a pornographie

I really, really, really like this spoiler.

Kino's a pretty good meme, but this flick, movie, kino etc shit is pretty garbage

Kino is legit.


Kino means German cinema, as in movies by German directors.

You guys should stop listening to braindead youtube celebrities whose cinema knowledge starts at Star Wars.

Palme D'Or at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival.