Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?How did you handle it?How should you have handled it?
Office Politics
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Jews fuck children and trade pictures of this sexual abuse
>>380660231Ended up fired and walked away. Should have hired a lawyer as I was fired for calling out married partner banging a skank intern.
>>380660231Yes. Never apologize. Act righteously and indignant of them trying to tell you an apple is an orange. Never bow down and claim discrimination whenever possible. I lost my job once by backing down, being apologetic to dumb niggers but now I just don't give a fuck and Noone fucks with me. As a bonus, even lefty women get wet when. You stand your ground against their bullshit.
a 6 year old meme, gay>>380660231
Yes a group of gurls held me down and tried to get my unvaxxed sperm. It was very tramatic.
>>380660231I got told by a coworker that they didn't like because I was White. They did this in front of what basically amounts to my boss. I tried to file a formal grievance, but the boss (who was there the whole time and admitted to me personally that he heard the guy say it) ended up recanting during the mediation. Does that count?
>>380660231I had a short guy become my supervisor. Day one of him taking the role, he came up to me and told me he was coming for me, “just to show my dominance.” Not even making that shit up. It was an annoying situation that wasn’t stopped. I told him to go fuck himself one day. He put me on admin leave. Had a chat with the suits. He almost lost his job over it. He was moved to an entirely different shift. I’d leave my job before dealing with that bullshit again. However, if there was middle management in place at the time that actually cared like at the end, could have just went and had a chat with them and they would have ended it like they did.
>>380660231No, thankfully I've never worked at a liberal shithole. I live in the Midwest, the liberal SJWs absolutely hate the culture here.Easiest way to spot liberal shitholes these days is if they are still requiring vaccines.
>>380660231yes but in moderation
>>380660231No, I’m not an insecure sperg that is dumb enough to reveal his power level.
>>380660231Yes (sorta). I told a negress to do some work in front of a room of 30+ people (she needed to go piss in a cup for a drug test and was in the waiting room and pretended not to hear her name being called). I was accused of racism, an investigation was launched, and despite there being 30+ witnesses I was only saved because my pay/current bosses were both based blacks and said it was bullshit and there’s no way (blue pulled) me was a racist. Nothing happened to her for lying to ruin my career though. Dealt with other SJWs (purple haired schizos) at other companies but they were mostly harmless. Play into their delusions, give them attention, and laugh as they’re constantly sidelined for promotions because they’re dumb, useless cunts.
no but i had a black woman accuse me of racism at a car dealership once
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?I was accused of racism by a mixed-race non-binary faggot. The idiot mother fucker was mad with me because I told him I voted for Brexit. He put in a complaint of racism and got his friend to put in a fake statement saying I hated immigrants. What this dipshit didn't know is I'm in a mixed-race marriage (I'm white, waifu is a Chinese hottie), but even more than that, I had published journalism on immigration and had written extensively on aprtheid in South Africa over the years. I got pulled in and confronted with the racism allegation, and as I'm pulling out these facts and journalism you could see the faces of those doing the disciplinary dropping. They knew I wasn't racist, but they didn't expect me to pull out a mountain of evidence and a marriage certificate to prove it. But what happened at the end was they offered me a slap-on-the-wrist and explained the situation needed to be handled delicately because the dipshit who caused all this could bring legal action if I wasn't disciplined. I fought it like crazy and won... then quit my job. I wanted to quit the moment they made the allegation but couldn't do that as it implied guilt. It really fucked me off that I had to fight so hard against an obvious fake allegation. The upside is I've now become a soft-racist in that I'm in a recruiting role, but don't hire leftists or SJW type. I identify them at the interview stage and get rid of them. I now have a team of high-performing right-wing cunts and I love them.
>>380660231Lmao never been really targeted by one, but I have a coworker who is a super loud, whiny SJW who is always doing stuff like trying to move black clients to the top of the stack of files to work on because muh systoomic rayscissism, etc. She got super triggered a couple of years ago because someone left a voicemail that she called "hate speech." She played the message for me, and it was a perfectly normal message from a nice lady wanting to book an appointment, and she was listening to Rush Limbaugh in the background. He wasn't even saying anything remotely controversial or rude, my coworker just recognized his voice and automatically jumped to it being "hate speech" lol. She still wears an N95 mask all the time, even in the car by herself when she drives up in the morning
>>380660231Yes. Got fired because mocking trannies on my social media account. I vet my friends but apparently one troon at work was out to get me and added me on Facebook after creating a fake account of one of my friends which I accepted without a second guess. It didn’t matter he lied and manipulated my privacy to get to my PRIVATE page. The fact that I publicly share these ideas is enough proof that “I have been projecting transphobic microagressions”. >inb4 some spineless cuck tells me this is what I get for having social media instead of being outraged our freedoms of speech are being undermined by proxy platforms of socializing outside the physical world where our constitution matters
npcs going to npc dawg it's in their nature.
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?I target SJW coworkers
>>380660231Our hr lady likes to slip a few in. They're gone before the week is out. I demand a lot from my staff. In turn they are compensated well. If you under perform, I'll deactivate your badge access and you'll get a check when you try to walk in. No warning either. You signed my handbook and you agreed to my conditions for employment. One tried to sue but didn't realize all of my investors are powerful attorneys. They dropped the case.
>>380660231I find myself immediately hard
I work in the big tech globohomo machine. Let me tell you how to position yourself>Say you use "he/they" pronouns>Identify as "demisexual" (make sure you know the flag)>Talk about being neuroatypical (autism)>Pro tip: drop some money on getting an official autism diagnosis (you post on 4chan, this should be easy) - you now are legally disabled and 1000x harder to fire
>>380662474Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences, dumbass. Next time when someone tries to extort you, which is what happened here, you respond with violent force, in private. You work together. You know where it lives. Do the rest, retard.
>>380660231Uh, I don’t think we have those at my work. We do have a Japanese guy that I ruthlessly shame every seventh of December. I can’t believe that fucker has the nerve to show his face in public on that day.
>>380660231Yes.Had an autistic meltdown after being poked, prodded, and shit tested every day for a full year.Shitcanned. NEETed for a while. On the best trajectory now.
>>380663299>get a medical diagnosis that you are mentally handicapDo this if you like losing your rights.
>>380660231Started my own business. Write-off applicable expenses.Income isn't fixed. I take on as much work as I can handle.I don't draw from "one" well.If I get sick of dealing with someone, I finish the project, invoice them, and turn down their future requests.
>>380660231Wtf is that shit in her nose?
>>380660231of course I go look up the photos of these person named hailey leigh (leigh get it like lay). She is a video whore. Then I realize her arms are covered in tattoos and the trash is growing in recent pictures and her whole arm is filled with this trash. I have lost my boner the modern era sucks ass.
>>380663813It's a tiny stud, you puritanical spazoid.
>>380662272You should have quit and then sued for being forced to leave due to hostile working conditions
>>380663950Her fucking arm is filled with ghetto shit you degenerate faggot.
>>380663082Lol im part of the union. If you so happen to look at me wrong ill get your ass fired fagt
>>38066023190% of the time the answer is ignore them. It drives them crazy, and they get written up for making a scene.
>>380660762Yes, leftists view apologizing as both a sign of weakness AND an admission of guilt. Don't do it bros. Just explain yourself and MAKE them tell you you're wrong. Apologizing is literally doing their work for them.
I actually despise tattooed white people more than niggers. Wrap your head around that.
>>380660231Yes, a female coworker in the office said I was verbally abusing her by being "mean" to her, also said that whenever I had to talk to her I was "being short" aka only providing direct answers and not expanding into conversations about her dog, her husband, how was her kid, etc.>forced weekly meetings for 3-months>none of the other women in the office complained about me>none of the guys>no one on the shop floorthey realized after a while of me telling them the same fucking thing at every meeting every week for 3-months that it was because I was trying to work and not make small talk, gave me a raise, and moved her to another department where she didn't deal with shop workers because there was so much time theft going on, as people would literally sit in her office talking to her all day.
>>380662272so based
>>380660660How the fuck is that your business? You were the SJW here
I'm an engineer and work with mostly men, so there aren't petty issues in my office. It's one of the main reasons I stuck with the profession. The other main reason is that the core of the work is manipulating inanimate objects that objectively follow the laws of physics, not interacting with people that have retarded opinions I have to pretend to care about.
Why do white people get tattoos. It makes them look like trash.
>>380660660Faggot, mind your own business
>>380664110I'm not talking about her arm, you fucking retard.
>>380663299can anyone confirm if this is realistic?
>>380664848It's the same point. Tattoos are repulsive.
>>380662474That is exactly what happened. Desired scenario =/= actual scenario
>>380662272kek. i remember when chilis used to have free wings at happy hour. then niggers ruined it by ordering water and making meals out of the free wings
>>380660231I larp as a left leaning Canadian and make all the fat white women at the office squirm uncomfortably when tell them america is a third world dump.
>>380664813Subconscious desire to make themselves black. Internalized hatred of their own skin. Gotta cover up the white sin with the blackness of the people you are guilty of opressing.>I'm shitposting
>>380660231I quit my job and then started removing junk as a living instead.
Women should never get tattoos. They usually get tattoos that larp male tattoos. What they are trying to signal is that they are cool in a masculine kind of way. That tells me they are trying to signal they are masculine. I don't want to fuck somebody masculine. If anything I feel disgusted and want to kill this female with tattoos.
>>380665153Had a 24 hour free salad bar and fruit at my old job. They kept hiring african migrants and those people would eat unbelievable amounts of fruit, and if that wasn't enough they would fill their packs and take shit home. No more free fruits and veggies at work ;(
>>380665253It drives me insane. It is starting to ruin everything.
>>380660231No thankfully there are none of those types of people where I work. Where I work we get dirty and work with tools so it's too dirty for women, too complex for coloreds and it's real work, not some faggy desk job where all the males get girly hands. Any job that has an HR department is not essential and is a fake work job. Why every single one of those types of jobs could vanish overnight and no one would notice they provide no real service or good to the world.
>>380660231Part of me realized "yea sure I do have some kinda racist bias in me" though its not unwarranted. No one EVER said "Man I cant wait to move into an all black neighborhood", im just saying. While another part thought "well I guess I gotta go do something else where I don't have to deal with this crap. The fact is if ur a in a large company u have to work with many different people. If it is worth it to you then you can comply and understand the greater message but not get bogged down with every claim of "he is racist" or whatever. Johnny Depp proves just be a nice person, you can fuck up, but just be cool and try to keep peoples lives and safety in mind and we can get huge complex things done with minimal individual effort. Which is great but you might have to get over whatever sense of superiority you may have. It's a team thing, a lot of people here wont get it because were outcasts etc, but its great and valid.
>>380663910Nipple rings eugh
>>380660231our coo came up with a terrible project that was going to waste the time of about 30 peopleI called it retardeda girl from marketing heard me and reported to human resource
>>380663910Agreed, gingers getting tattoos is asinine
>>380664729>>380664830>allowing such crapYou're part of the problem.
>>380665746this thread is about SJWs. Who gives a shit about SJWs. If most Americans are liberal then there is little one can do against this retards like that. But tattoos bother me on a personal level. They have invaded every white space.
>>380660231Act as dumb as possible around woke liberals. Most liberals lack commonsense on many levels. Always remember a part of liberalism is built on fantasy, government intervention, and feelings. If you want to be proactive. Be as pragmatic as possible talking to liberals. They could give two shits about the constitution, laws, societies, their personal safety, or your personal safety.
>>380660231i got my ass grabbed by a coworker but she was prettier than me so it good
>>380660231First say something they like to calm them down, then double down. Now that they are calmed down they have to huff off as they can't get angry to the same degree again. Loses them a lot of favor.
>>380665790I didn't go all the way down the hardcore porn route. So she has nipple rings. Total human trash.
>>380665873No woman should get tattoos. I have seen female tattoos go from having a purely sexual location to litterally larping male tattoos. The women look fucking stupid and it's not attractive on any level. I litterally want to kill them.
>>380660231i dont work with sjws
>>380663299I’ve honestly told employers that I’m autistic during the interview and it worked each time
>>380660231The female body is feminine for a reason. If tattoos are blocking me from seeing that body then my natural protective feeling changes towards them.
Some soifag overheard me and my friend/colleague talk shit about muslims. Most people were gone for the day already. This was right after the Brussels bombing.Next day he loudly talked about hatred against muslims skyrocketing and stared at me, baiting some sort of reaction?I ignored him and he looked like a total fool as the office went silent. I later learnt that most of my team hated muslims as well.
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?>How did you handle it?>How should you have handled it?Yes. A fucking trucker dyke who kept forcing the idea that her marriage was legitimate into every conversation did her best to ruin me at the company when I was merely professional toward her statements rather than enthusiastically celebrating her queerness.I handled it by reporting her to HR. When HR tried to make me out to be the bad guy, I filed a hostile work environment claim and contacted the EEOC. Seeing the writing on the wall, HR and the director of our division advised me to formerly resign promising to hire me into another department. Obviously, they had no intention of hiring me into another part of the company, or they would have offered me a lateral move. This jewish trickery was to get me to quit so I would receive no UI or severance. I ended up negotiating a separation from the company with a sizable severance package under the condition that I cancel my EEOC claim.What I should have done is fucked the dyke's lady (she was bisexual) and then send the dyke photographic evidence of her "wife" loving on my cock. When the dyke invariably assaulted me for being a better lover/ proving her woman still needs real dick, I would get the dyke fired and then sue the company. Oh well...The lesson her is that lesbians are all shitty subhuman filth and should never be given positions of power, as they will abuse any authority they are allowed.
>>380660231Asked a girl out that I worked with a while back, she said yes. Very next day I'm called into the boss's office and was told she claimed I was sexually harassing her. Luckily didn't lose my job, but still... never since then have I had any involvement with girls I work with. I guess the saying "don't shit where you eat" is a thing for a reason.
>>380660231i told them to shut the fuck up and stop watching cnnand they shut up
>>380660231I was harshly dressed down by an uppity "equity" negress in management because I used a shortened form of her name in a meeting (which I'm pretty sure she uses most of the time anyway).It was so over the top that multiple other people apparently reported it to HR. Shockingly, they contacted me later as part of an investigation. Of course, nothing actually came of it -- she's still politically favored and getting promoted higher despite having no obvious skills or responsibilities.
>>380664813>Why do white people get tattoos. It makes them look like trash.Tattoos are cultural. When used to represent culture, such as nordic or celtic culture, they are fine. When they are used for the purpose of drawing attention/ looking different/ trying to appear edgy, you are correct- they look like trash.Also, all porn/ onlyfans women are trash, regardless of them having tattoos or not.
>>380660231all you have to do is ignore themhr roasties were spamming me with emails saying i NEEDED to set my preferred pronouns in the hr website and add fag flag to email signature, i just ignored them and they eventually gave up
>>380660231Yes a butch tried put all the work on me and I told to die
>>380667850Don’t dip your pen in company ink…
>>380660231Sneaky new hire started talking about her experiences in Japan: “Did you know that, in Japan if you agree to go to a man’s apartment, you’ve consented to having sex?” Told me everything I needed to know about that cunt.
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?>How did you handle it?Yes. They drove me out of the office and got HR to relentlessly target me. I didn't even know it was happening until I got fired and HR told me why. I never spoke to these weirdos in my life apart from polite small talk but they had a whole secret woke clique and got me driven out of a company for the crime of not having social media and posting woke shit on it.I will never work in the entertainment industry or an office ever again, fuck these people. >I ran in to my former boss who recruited me in to the company and was fired 2 months before I was driven out. She told me the same clique targeted her and she was making an animation about it. That was 3 years ago and I haven't heard anything about the animation lol
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?Yes.>How did you handle it?I fucked them.>How should you have handled it?Maybe i could have fucked them a little harder but overall i did good.
>>380668381*Oh yeah why did HR drive me out? It was the height of #Metoo, so I made sure not to go to office parties or interact with women in any way that might be misconstrued as sexual harassment. This got the women and gays and wokes mad, so they said I had a problem with women and made them and the gays uncomfortable. All I did was go to my cubicle, do my work, turn it in on time, and go home. For this crime, and also being white and heterosexual and in shape with a girlfriend, I was targeted by the women and wokes and HR and driven out of the company. I was also told by HR that they did not need any more white people any time soon a month before I was let go from my contract prematurely.
>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?Yes I was and I got a lot of great advice from this board. I was being hit on every day by a girl who considered herself “non-binary”. When she found out I have a girlfriend she snapped and reported me for every “inappropriate” conversation we ever had. I stood up for myself and turned it around on her. Left the job on my own accord 9 months later and I will never ever get another job as long as I live.
>>380665912Ok karen
>>380668143>>380667850Don't get your honey where you make your money. I try to bang other women in our office building though so not within the organization.
>>380668727>Yes I was and I got a lot of great advice from this board. I was being hit on every day by a girl who considered herself “non-binary”. When she found out I have a girlfriend she snapped and reported me for every “inappropriate” conversation we ever had.>I stood up for myself and turned it around on her. Left the job on my own accord 9 months later and I will never ever get another job as long as I live.They do this all the time. It is like college and media programs every woke woman in to being a honeypot and walking ticking time bomb. And then if you don't interact with them at all beyond work duties, they mass report you to HR for being "awkward" and "making them uncomfortable" until you get fired anyways. Working in an office is one giant shit test with everyone working to stab each other in the back to advance themselves. It's disgusting to me.
in my first office job after working construction i had such issues, i had no idea office drones were such fags.thankfully they never did anything major, just slandered my reputation to management but they didnt give a fuck, so i just kept ranting about fucking chinamen and how our ex-CEO was unjustly metoo'ed and so on.
>>380663950>tiny studThis phrase is triggering to me. Please stop the microaggressions
>>380660231Yep.Investigated for having a pepe in one of my emails. I walked.
>>380660231unironically yes>boss says city is in X county>I say it's in Y county>boss goes to HR about my mansplaining>HR tells her "Wikipedia says the city is in Y county">boss loses mind>embezzles over a million dollars from company to pay hackers to vandalize Wikipedia to change their article on city to say it's in X county>hackers get caught and rat out boss>boss pretends she doesn't know hackers>money trail leads back to boss>got to sit in on conference as boss tearfully pleads with CEO to at least fire me too because my mansplaining made her do it>am now regional manager>didn't even need to wear the raincoat
>>380668043Bacteria is cultural and meme flags are a disease.Tattoos are degenerate and forbidden by God. Defacing something that does not belong to you is punishable by the owner.
>>380665979I did this strategy, they still targeted me and drove me out of the company because I did not display enough woke values on my social media during my free time when not at work, and because I did not go to my office parties where they all got drunk and flirt with each other. I deleted all my social media 4 months in to working there, I think for some reason this pissed off my woke clique coworkers and made me a target. In my naivity, I thought deleting social media would make me less of a target and inconspicuous
>>380660231I was and they ended up losing their job because I work in a law firm with heavily conservative shareholder attorneys
>>380669366This story isn't real...r-right?
>>380660999Like this shit doesn't happen in the midwest too. Nigger.
>>380664523>whenever I had to talk to her I was "being short" aka only providing direct answers and not expanding into conversations about her dog, her husband, how was her kid, etc.is this real? Is not making waste of time small talk with women now a crime worthy of firing to HR departments? Are we forced to listen to their inane ramblings and pretend to care? This is a trap because if you pretend to be too interested in the conversation, the woman will report your for "making her uncomfortable by being too interested" which is basically sexual harassment and can be rounded up to rape.
>>380660231>Were you ever targeted by SJW coworkers?She was telling people I was a racist, so I took her out for drinks and fucked her raw for a few hours. Now she has nothing but positive things to say about me and I am still a racist.
>>380669776thats office jobs, you can get around it by just hanging out with the sales department, they're mostly bros and the women that are in sales are usually cool since they have to perform.
>>380664409Ignoring them is a “micro aggression”.
friendly reminder to anons that you don't have to burn in hell for your sins after you die. it's easy to be forgiven and go to heaven. watch this short video explaining the gospel if you want to receive God's free gift of eternal life and be 100% sure of going to heaven.youtube.com
>>380664813Porn stars get them as a form of self mutilation like cutting because they subconsciously hate themselves. Probably the same for a lot of others as well.
>>380670284>>380664409this. I literally got fired for mass reports of all the thots and roasties I ignored and didn't pay attention to. I thought the only way to beat the #metoo game was not to play, but they got me anyway and HR helped.>>380669956it's all so tiresome
Imagine speaking to your coworkers about anything other than work...
>>380670605yeah its fucking annoying, at least now i can work from home and yell slurs with my mic muted.
>>380669520details expunged because I don't want to doxx myself, but yes, totes happened no cap mah G fr fr
>>380670683That's what I did, and I got fired and targeted by wokes for this crime.
>>380670473Jews have convinced many that the only way for a white person to be cool is to engage in some form of self-degradation.
>>380660231I'm Latino and so I use my brown privilege to express views that oppose the diversity/equity shit. A coworker once told me that I'm oppressed, and I said that I have actually never felt oppressed in my 32 years of living, and if I have been, I wasn't aware of it. His brain kinda short circuited and when he gained his composure, he said I was an exception (lolwut). I also pointed out that I was relatively low income (if not poor) and my parents worked their asses off to help my sister and I to go to school and college, graduate and get good jobs. I'm an Architect and was able to pull the family to middle class pre-inflation.
>>380669004>It is like college and media programs every woke woman in to being a honeypot and walking ticking time bomb This is obvious but I never looked at it just like this. Interesting. They have them working against their own biological programming and self interests. It will destroy a lot of businesses by rotting them from the inside out.
>>380660231Be Christian. They can't do anything to a good Catholic youtu.be
>>380670810I doubt this very much. You can't be fired for being quiet. What is the rest of the story that you are conveniently leaving out?
I used to work with two millenial women, both very woke. They were very active in social causes, including registering brown people to vote. At least one, maybe both, were lesbians. I avoided both, never said a word about their politics, and I still had a manager take me aside and ask me if I had a problem with them. This was years ago when #metoo was gearing up. Sometimes you can't win and you just have to cheat the simulation.
>>380660231anything more boobily please?
>>380671451I believe him user, thats the state of such jobs.Want to hear something wild? When I did a similar thing my manager complained about it and told me of the 'P.I.E. Model'.She was complaining I just worked, she wanted me to just walk around and talk and bullshit, I thought it was some kind of ploy to get me fired but I took her advice and spent my days shooting the shit with the sales team. Instead of being punished for not working i got a promotion.These jobs are fucking retarded, I would happily quit if the pay wasnt so good and the work wasnt such a joke.
>>380671451I didn't go to their parties or hang out with them outside of the office when they all got drunk and flirted with each other. I was not in their clique, so was driven out, and because I didn't bother to make friends, I had no friends in the company to speak up for me when my head came on the chopping block. They fired my recruiter and boss 2 months previously, she was the only person in the office I spoke to regularly because I was working on the project with her and another person out of office. I was told by HR they "did not need any more straight white people anytime soon" a month before they let me go.When I was first hired to the company I went to one of their after work company parties and it was held in a fucking mason lodge. Despite my misgivings, I went in and tried to have fun. Within an hour, they were all drunk and getting handsy and flirting with eachother, even the art design nerds. This was the entertainment industry and the height of #metoo so I noped out. That was the last out-of-work event or party I ever went to. I thought going to those events would be too risky but it turns out it made them angry and made me a target.>my boss who got fired confirmed they did the same to her
>>380660231I only have 1 funny story.There was a black woman at a call center job I had, and I actually admired her, but one day she turned to me and said, "You think I'm stupid, don't you?"I was fucking blown away. I said, no ma'am I do not. And she would not believe me no matter how much I tried.It was really weird, man.She quit not too long after that.She was actually really cool until she snapped like that.
>>380671656>They were very active in social causes, including registering brown people to vote. At least one, maybe both, were lesbians. I avoided both, never said a word about their politics, and I still had a manager take me aside and ask me if I had a problem with them. This was years ago when #metoo was gearing up. Sometimes you can't win and you just have to cheat the simulation.exactly. During peak metoo era you were fucked no matter what you did. Talking to them too much got you fired for sexual harassment. Talking to them too little got you fired for being a misogynist who hated women. I work for myself now. I can't even imagine how retarded woke office environments are, with enforced speech pronouns and trannies and furries running wild.
>>380672062>>380672198I still think you're leaving out the part where you sperged out about something or sucked at your job
>>380672043love your work froganon
>>380672062Fucking lol. The actual work you do is worth 10% of your value in a company. We are doomed.
>>380660231I just preted to be an SJW. It's a fun thing to do because I like theatre and playing insane.
>>380672062This. Office environments aren't about doing good work, it's about kissing ass with the right people so they help you advance along with their career because you're fun to hang out with. The guys who worked the hardest in my office were abused by VPs and everyone. My manager told me that one of them just started covering for everyone's work 20 years ago because a deadline wasn't being met, and then he just kept doing it every week since because he couldn't say no when people asked him for help. This made him indespensible to the company, but he was also never promoted because he was too valuable as a grunt, and he never got paid what he deserved for all the work he did. This guy reminded me of Boxer from Animal Farm. I was brought in to replace him when he finally left, and this is when the woke mob came for me with their mass reports gay op. HR went along with it because HR wanted a woman in the role, and HR was friends and partied with the woke clique every weekend
>>380672043I feel like I haven't seen French Drawman in months. Have I just been browsing the wrong threads?!
>>380672463The wokes were the ones who regularly publicly sperged about political causes and Pride week and Unicorn smoothies from starbucks. I did not sperg about these things, which lead to resentment for some reason.
>>380672463All I can say user, is if you're ever in an office job always go to the happy hours and company events, they're never 'optional', and suck up to everyone. These jobs breed sycophants. I hope you keep these post in mind even if you doubt them.>>380672854Yes its insane, Im just happy I learned my lesson early on instead of turning out like those fucking mules that carry the company.
>>380660415hahaha fpbp
>>380672317were you friendly with her beforehand? Ive seen this happen with women/browns. Someone gets in their ear and tells them they shouldnt be so friendly to you. That's what happened if you were wondering.
>>380673014Every office environment has mules like this. I am convinced they are the only ones who are allowed to be silent spergs and get away with it long term-but even they will get targeted for being "creepy" if they step out of line or say no to helping a thot with her work even once. Office environments are a trap that women and now troons always win.
>>380660231Muh dik
>>380673272Well, basically we were on good terms, were in the same training class, and we sat next to eachother.
>>380660231Im currently fucking the HR manager at my job, a blonde 20something white girl with a boyfriend. My first conversation with her was about how many countries jews got kicked out of. Just be attractive. I do IT at my job and I'm a fucking outcast but I look nice and I wear good cologne
>>380662272>What this dipshit didn't know is I'm in a mixed-race marriage (I'm white, waifu is a Chinese hottie), but even more than that, I had published journalism on immigration and had written extensively on aprtheid in South Africa over the yearswow dude, so fuggin based lmao
>>380671251way to go beaner bro.
>>380660231Yes. And now I don't hire black women anymore. You can not do anything they don't like without 'dats raciss!' being whined to HR. It happened 3 times to me. And made me actually racist, of course.
>>380660231Not sjws but this one coworker of mine knows I have a power level. He recognizes NPCs and shittalks them but then acts like a total NPC himself. He also shittalks everyone behind their backs and is only friends with people he lacks respect for. The NPCs at work don't care though and like him. Never had a direct conflict with him but over time I learned just how much he'd instigate others against me, caused me lots of trouble and almost got me fired.
>>380662272that's based bro...
>>380660231So far they are all idiots and got themselves humiliated. Take it public and let them do all the work.
>>380660999No, you just exported all your libshits and concentrated them in cities that used to be free thinking places. Now places like NYC that were based for years have your small town morrally sanctimonious mentality but with a strain of resentment and opposititis towards their parents that they take out on everyone else. The way you spot a liberal shithole is by counting the number of 22 year old Karens from Shitthollasota that moved there after college to get acting jobs.
>>380663910>of course I go look up the photos of these person named hailey leigh (leigh get it like lay). She is a video whore. Then I realize her arms are covered in tattoos and the trash is growing in recent pictures and her whole arm is filled with this trash. I have lost my boner the modern era sucks ass.Her vag actually doesn't appear ruined and shes not stuffing a dildo in there are posting fuck vids.}SOMEONE could salvage her before it's TOO LATE to reverse course. So far just endless nudes. Needs daddy's love and approval.
>>380664729I can see that your brain surgeon fucked her way to the top at Costco Medical Center.
>>380668077thats probably the way. god i hate the pronouns thing. all of the shitskin foreigners i work with embrace it lovingly.
>>380675734>Just be attractive. I do IT at my job and I'm a fucking outcast but I look nice and I wear good cologneWhat would happen if you set your pronouns with HR to King/Master, requiring HR and all your bosses to address you as master instead of he/him?
>>380672463What part of >I was not in their clique, so was driven outconfused you? Do you not know women? Are you a virgin or something?
>>380676195Like if they challenged you and you strongly said your gendered identity was that of a King/Master, would they legally be able to avoid addressing you as your preferred pronouns without opening themselves up to a discrimination lawsuit?
>>380676208I didn't go to their after work and weekend parties where they all got drunk and hooked up with each other. I preferred my monogamous relationship at home and did not give these thots the time of day. This was peak metoo era when just looking at a woman could get you fired.
>>380669366>unironically yes>>boss says city is in X county>>I say it's in Y county>>boss goes to HR about my mansplaining>>HR tells her "Wikipedia says the city is in Y county">>boss loses mind>>embezzles over a million dollars from company to pay hackers to vandalize Wikipedia to change their article on city to say it's in X county>>hackers get caught and rat out boss>>boss pretends she doesn't know hackers>>money trail leads back to boss>>got to sit in on conference as boss tearfully pleads with CEO to at least fire me too because my mansplaining made her do it>>am now regional manager>>didn't even need to wear the raincoatand then everyone clapped
>>380660660just send an anonymous message to the wife next time
>>380675052>Jewyork>Based for yearsGTFO with that shit you retarded mutt nigger./
>>380663299my pronouns are it/its
>>380660231Pro tip: never take offence, at anything, ever. Make it highest priority to be a duck and all conduct of others to be water. It’s a fun challenge, and it keeps you out of pointless squabbles with people who you care nothing about.
>>380660231Read pic related if want to know more about such
>>380677167Also study history
>>380676320The first thing to do is tell HR that you didn't change them because you have "Legitimate fear that they won't be respected and result in you being discriminated against"That way you'll have documentation of them assuring you that they have zero tolerance for hostile work environments before you start demanding your lordly address
>>380662299>She still wears an N95 mask all the time, even in the car by herself when she drives up in the morningThat’s sad
>>380677274>The first thing to do is tell HR that you didn't change them because you have "Legitimate fear that they won't be respected and result in you being discriminated against">That way you'll have documentation of them assuring you that they have zero tolerance for hostile work environments before you start demanding your lordly addressso you get them to agree to accepting your pronouns no matter what they are before you reveal the pronouns? Will bosses and HR be forced to refer to you as Master and King in meetings and official emails?
>>380676320>What would happen if you set your pronouns with HR to King/Master, requiring HR and all your bosses to address you as master instead of he/him?it would be hilarious, and then you would be told to take them down
>>380677167What's the black line? Telepathy? Shared hatred of the clueless?
>>380664519Not just leftists - humansTo apologise is to admit you’re wrong. Get it?
>>380677599>it would be hilarious, and then you would be told to take them downyeh but what happens if you dig your heels in and autistically make it your hill to die on?
>>380677529I don't know, but it'll be fucking hilarious to try. I bet you get a settlement at minimum if you pursue hostile work environment shit, even if it's only a year or two of salaryBUT, it locks you into having to always respect everyone else's pronouns because you can't fall back on ignorance even once
>>380660231There are no women where I work
>>380662671Based bulgarbro, same here
>>380665435How do you like it? Make good money??
>>380677969>so you get them to agree to accepting your pronouns no matter what they are before you reveal the pronouns? Will bosses and HR be forced to refer to you as Master and King in meetings and official emails?the orgs that ive worked at - quasi-public labyrinths - would crack down on it, unfortunately. you good put silly pronouns on linkedin tho - ive seen people do that and thought it was funny
>>380660415Fpbp>>380660231I denied the Holocaust at work while talking to a old Trump supporter. I gave him every red pill that I had. He later started sabotaging my machines, stealing my tools, and trying to get me fired as well as gossiping about me. I found his address, marked his home for a robbery with some local gang associates I know (since he boasted so many times about his gun safe and collection), and then made his daily life at work a living hell until he rage-quit. I picked the lock on his locker and reclaimed my tools, plus some of his as interest - very stealthy and he probably thought he was going senile too. He was particularly salty when I started fucking the new blonde at work - a 7/10 easily - and it got to a point where he wouldn't even look me in the eyes. Fucking faggot. He's lucky he's too old for me to beat his ass.
>>380660231Colleague got fucked. Union abandoned him. Got lawyer, he will be back in a month with a years pay plus costs. Boss will be disciplined for bullying and probably let go.What I learned... lawyer up immediately. Ask for paper records of everything. Record all disciplinary interviews. Do not rely on unions or professional governing bodies. Lawyer up! Fight like a sub human cannibal.Option B is to find companies with zero tolerance policies on leftivism and globohomo.
>>380678232How can they legally crack down on it without exposing themselves to a wrongful discrimination lawsuit?
>>380660415CEO of Based is on the line for you
>>380660762>Yes. Never apologize. Act righteously and indignant of them trying to tell you an apple is an orange. Never bow down and claim discrimination whenever possible. I lost my job once by backing down, being apologetic to dumb niggers but now I just don't give a fuck and Noone fucks with me.This is exactly what happened to me word for word.
>>380678268>I denied the Holocaust at work while talking to a old Trump supporter. isnt it funny how those guys should be our natural allies, but their heads are squarely in their own rectum. the truth really does hurt, i guess.
>>380678358oh you know, theyre dumb but theyre not that dumb, they can tell you would be taking a piss by insisting your pronoun is KING
>>380660231Yup. Twice. Got fired both times for being a big white male (Violating some BS workplace policy) and yet I've witnessed those same SJWs get away with murder /s>He looks like a trump supporter. I heard he thinks Hitler did nothing wrong
>>380676480totes did totes, totally totes
It's usually women or communists targeting me, even when I keep my mouth shut and stay in my lane God Forbid!
>>380678943To me it is no more taking the piss than insisting your pronoun is xer or that you are a woman when really you're a man in a wig and a dress.
>>380660231Everyone in public thinks I’m a liberal. I never let on my true beliefs. It’s amazing how easy it is. These people are so dumb.
Yes I was accused of racism because of a discord server I was in. It was a server for a computer science program at my local university. Apparently someone said "nigger" in some channel on it. The guy who said it got banned immediately, but apparently the memory was so raw with people that there was a mass exodus of users. I was totally oblivious to all of this retarded drama. My co-worker noticed I was on this server at work (it wasn't even open they just recognized the server logo) and proceeded to call me a racist for "supporting" their server. They made a big fucking deal about it and went to management in a huge fit. Obviously they just thought she was fucking retarded but asked if I would leave the server to get her to chill the fuck out. Of course, I refused because despite not even using the server it would be a matter of principle for me not to give in. She was salty about it for like a month until she got a stick up her ass about something else.
>>380668302Did you ask her to come over to your apartment? Or are you gay???
>>380660415Not real Jews but they say they are Jews
>>380677648Real talk, overt master-slave talk
>>380668590Operation FSJW
>>380681421in europe poc were slave owners of whites for hundreds of years
>>380679175>To me it is no more taking the piss than insisting your pronoun is xer or that you are a woman when really you're a man in a wig and a dress.xer, you could get away with. but shit man, im in eastern ma. i know people directly and indirectly whose pre-pubescent children are opting out of their biological gender. things have gotten bad, fast. i'm talking about nice, regular people who would defend trannies, possibly to the point of fisticuffs. are demons real?
>>380660415well said
>>380660415fippy bippy
>>380660231Hailey Leigh was my favorite solo girl after Alison Angel desu familiams
>>380662299Top fucking kek. If you didn't already explain how she had a job, you could have convinced me she worked for Facebook or Twatter as a moderator
>>380670763Needs to be a movie fr fr
>>380681734demons are real
>>380660660>>380664729this is correct. you owned every bit of that for being a bitch. the fact that you admitted this womanly behavior so readily leads me to believe you didn't learn from the experience.
>>380662272If you weren't writing in support of apartheid you're a nigger-loving faggot.
>>380662474>using social mediareally user? what did you learn?
>>380663299>pronouns are Daddy/Daddydont give in on this
>>380669520>hired hackers to alter a country's capitol on wikipedia>is this realare you retarded?
>>380663586>Japanese guy that I ruthlessly shame every seventh of December.LMAOUsed to do this to a Kraut I knew on June 6th.
>>380678610Boomer have been trained to be slaves to the Jew since birth because they cannot stop watching TV
I know a guy who worked in a government office. Co-worker asked him to let people know that the co-worker was transitioning so that it'd be easier.Rest of the office thought he was spreading a 'trans-phobic' lie about co-worker and ostracized him.Later the co-worker came out as trans and everyone acted happy for them. My friend never got an apology.
>>380673496she wanted more
>>380663950Lol faggot
>>380668077Just say you're not liberal.
>>380660231Yeah some fat bitch in the coffee room said we all owe niggers for slaveryI said neither my family nor me own niggers anything. Some back and forth sperging and some pople probably like me less now. And some like me more.I wouldnt do it again tho kek
>>380660415Can confirm. Kikes are the sex traffickers, human traffickers, the child sex abusers and the porn and child porn merchants. Ivan IV tried to stop them in Russia-Ukraine; but they vilified him in history for with the propaganda moniker (((Ivan the Terrible))).
>>380660231It's always the Jew
>>380664813Tattoos are for military identity. In some cases tribal identity. Alternately, when a nation gathers its wits enough to expel kikes, it serves as an accounting device.
>>380668302Fucking lol. Reminds me of the time a girl I was dating when I was younger started calling me daddy and I simply didn't know what to say. Didn't realize she was asking me to take her virginity because I was straight retarded.
Yes several times, I now have a sue for any hostility policy.
>>380664813be wary of tattooed thots, they are an indicator of less aversion to risk, impulsivity and a sometimes even a need for attention. The more tattoos, the more this is true
>>380669421Edgy af.
>>380686431Go on.
>>380678114Name or describe such a magical place.
>>380686523Tatoos = an will of male atention. Prove me wrong
>>380686813Anything that involves people working who are held to production standards and quotas.
>>380660231yes, i told those fucks they were targetting all the white males in the office when they tried to fire me. They hired a $200 an hour civil rights jew lawyer. I left the shithole blue city, now the company's stock is down 90% and I work in a white area.
>>380686681Not much to tell, just roasties trying to sue entire departments of men for "wrong looks" and dumb shit like that.Personally I give 0 fucks about western woman at this point, their vile trash.
>>380687476Yep if there's a civil war anywhere in the west I'm considering joining it il certainly help fund the right either way, screw these entitled whores.