>-999999 social creditsPlay as China in game, gets angry over his tank AMMO bouncing and leaks the real specs on a video game forumTaiwan appreciates
Chinese tank driver leaks documents on War Thunder forums
>>380653755lol I remember a bong who was leaking info about a tank to win an argument on War Thunder forums. Autists gonna autist.
>>380653755is that a dilator?
>>380653755anyone checked the plague inc forums for covid truths yet?
>>380654428yes actuallyhighly effective too
this has happened multiple times already funnily enough. fucking love me some War Thunder but I wish they'd do a seperation between "interwar/ww2 tanks" and "cold war tanks" and "modern tanks" because high-tier gameplay sucks dick
>>380654428APFSDS round>>380654560He was literally just doing espionage in minecraft. He'll get off scot free.
This is 20 year old info of no relevance
>>380653755Are all of their documents little cards like that? That's the same type of paper that came with my end table telling me how to put it together.
>>380653924>>380654671>>380654692How crap could that round be ? /k/ thread says as strong as a RPG
>>380654428125mm APFSDS tank shell
>>380653755Posted a pipe with names of other components. If I post a screw and a 2d image of my desk could you rebuild it?
>>380654950/k/ is full of seething retards. It's a rod of tungsten and it'd probably punch through half a meter of steel armor.
>>380654869Made in the same factory.
>>380654950It would go through a lot if it's built right. Through and non frontal armor easily. War thunder is a dogshit game for retards tho. Real men would leak flight characteristics to eagle dynamics
>>380655194>>380655392Saving grace for the tank itself
>>380654950/k/ is a hohol-containment board, they don't know dick about weapons. Its a big ass pointy tungsten rod going super fucking fast, its going to destroy a lot of stuff
>>380653755uhm how do reddit mods know what is classified and what is not in china? i don't think you can just google it
>>380655815Can they find out how was the driver who leaked the info ? didn't knew War thunder could be played in china with the video game ban
>>380653755Imagine thinking they need tanks for Taiwan
>>380654560Fake headline
>>380653755>china specscould post specs out of my ass, the result will be the same.
I don't get it, what is it about totalitarian police states which subject their citizens to 24/7 brainwashing and require mindless obediance, which makes people keep betraying them to the West?
>>380656338It can be but iirc they get their own servers and have the National flags of other nations replaced
>>380656990>what is it about totalitarian police states which subject their citizens to 24/7 brainwashing and require mindless obedianceI don't know, you tell us
>>380657167Ah yes the west is so much betterKill yourself pentagon shill
>>380654950>/k/ saysThey're the dumbest board on 4xhan other than /out/ and Holla Forums
>>380657353Literally whatI was just explaining what the chinese servers in war thunder look like
>>380654428Everything is if you're brave enough.
>>380653755>1760m/snot badit has shit kinetic energy though and it's length is limited by the design. they have to come up with something else if they want to be on par with NATO
>>380653755Real specs mean absolutely jack shit when compared to the actual resources put into building those tanks.
>>380657315Wait is this real?I cant tell anymore with the current state of clownworld...
>>380657167They were merged with the eu Hungarian servers quite a while ago. Warthunder is full of chinks
>>380655392>Eagle DynamicsBased
>>380658430Did an AI just make a malfunctioned post at you? kek
>>380654671No, it's fun.
>>380654428penetrator actually
>>380653755>war thunder forums>sekret dokumentsNot the first time.
>>380656990It's because China doesn't have gay sex. We need to liberate them
>>380654950Nope. Chinks measure penetration at 60 degrees angle and against a higher grade steel, the west at 90 degrees. I dont recall the details right now but by the rest of the worlds metric it would be a lot more than that.
>>380665728I also echo the sentiment that /k/ is a board of the sodomite damned and plebbit tier retards.
Chinesium isn't actually a metal.
>>380654671If you're not playing Arma 3 or Reforger or at least Squad, WAYSA?
>>380656990Anon same shit happened with the lecrelec and challenger
>>380661030It's real BTW
>>380656060Isn't Tencent behind plebbit too?They will nuke anything the CCP tells them to nuke.
>>380662142So that's why all my teammates who has imperial Japanese flag or Taiwanese flag on their planes gets TK'd.
>>380661030Yes it’s real.
>>380654788Kikes mad. Heil them du bs though. This is one of their excuses to ban people recently. "THAT ISNT THE NEWEST THING YOURE SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT!"
>>380666693Been happening with ukie flags lol
>>380665920This also fill to the brim with American superpower shills they were coping hard about Afghanistan lol the weapons were bobbytrapped and they are on the CIA's payroll now
>>380654692>APFSDS roundIt's actually a YWNBAW Round
>>380667352I wonder who could do such heinous crimes
>>380653755what an idiot
>>380654428copator, seethator and dilator yes
>>380654869Vaguely looks like DIN A4 standard paper, folded twice = A5 format.
>china >intellectual property rights j e jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
>>380659096Have you missed the part where it says it's made from painted wood?
>>380654950>>380655815>>380665728What I can tell is that it is segmented, which is an important consideration. Not a monolithic rod but, in effect, a series of conventional (= shorter) tungesten cores in series.This means it acts differently compared to a monolithic (=one piece) dart. Overall penetration will generally be lower, but it is more difficult to deflect, which helps at narrow angles or with some types of NERA. It also increases the behind armor affect = crew lethality.
>>380657388>outwhats wrong with out? I think you are expecting too much of autist. it's like a beginner level going camping board with a handful of people who actually do cool things. /k/ is actually retarded but /x/ is probably the worst and post 2015 Holla Forums is catching up
>>380675243>it's like a beginner level going camping boardThat in itself is extremely tragic
>>380674505what does this mean for the effectiveness against their own starving citizens.
>>380654950An RPG goes through a lot of steel user. They were the reason why at one time all tanks became "light" and focused on mobility for a while until composite armor was created
>>380675439tragic perhaps but I support autists venturing outside. I try to post there when I remember to answer questions. It's pretty low traffic and there aren't loads of shills.
>>380653755The information of that round isn't classified since It was revealed on national TV
>>380653755Kek. Gaijingles models everything incorrectly even, Russian tanks. >t. Tank gunner
>>380654869that paper is the regular sheet size, its the tungsten rod that makes it look small retarded unitedstatian mutt
>>380677826Lol wrong
>>380678312prove it then
>>380656990it wasnt betrayal, it was loyalty. the butthurt chink was so mad that the game stats were not reflecting the greatness of his glorious chink technology that he leaked the specs to prove how great chinas capabilities areif anything this just proves how good their brainwashing programs are
I'm surprised leaks like this don't happen more often honestly. The amount of Chinese hands that passes through their tanks must be bigger than the entirety of the American or Russian militaries.
>>380674300checked yes brother... I too am hate gooks.
>>380674505>Not a monolithic rod but, in effect, a series of conventional (= shorter) tungesten cores in series.Are they attached concentrically in each other, or is it more like 1 rod just divided into pieces?
>>380654560>in minecraft
>>380653755Bait. Bait and trolling are the most powerful weapons man has ever invented. Allied intelligence must be having a field day with this.
>>380679631>Bait. Bait and trolling are the most powerful weapons man has ever invented. Allied intelligence must be having a field day with this.They giggle like little girls making "Why do White women all seem to prefer muh black men?"I'll admit, this is one of the more uhhh, "clever" bait threads.
>>380654950those segments are made to collapse and force kinetic energy forwardit works like an automatic punch
>>380656338military gets access to the internet to push propagandahe was more than likely meant to dominate in the game just to enforce china numba wan as psychological warfare
>>380654671i can confirm
hot on the heels of their old Chinese technical partner getting fired and replaced with a new one.The governement must have figured out what was happening after that British Chally "leak"(edited manual page)>>380654950you can compare the 680mm of RHA equivalent at 0° to this wikipedia list of nato 120mm cannon roundsen.wikipedia.org
>>380653924I remember a bong photoshopping a Challenger 1 tank in order to make its composite armor coverage seem better.Bongs can't build tanks and are butthurt about it like no other.
>>380677185You have time to post here as a tank gunner in Ukraine?Or are you disenfranchised from your tank at the momentAnyway, please do tell more if you're legit
>>380677185Which army ?
>>380681035Maybe on break ?
>>380668946Hey hey happened with the challenger
>>380677185>Kek. Gaijingles models everything incorrectly even, Russian tanks.>>t. Tank gunnerAre you fightnin on frontline now?
>>380678415I mean it happened with the leclrerce and challenger someone leaked the entire tank specs lol
>>380654560>guys what the fuck the vaccine keeps making people better>HERE'S HOW IT REALLY WORKS GOD DAMMIT
>>380681357Maybe in a repair depo ?
>>380678415everyone with access to sekrit documents seems to that, the game fosters butthurt.
>>380680251>those segments are made to collapse and force kinetic energy forwardInteresting.
>>380656338>didn't knew War thunder could be played in china with the video game banafter they stopped supporting the Chinese game client loads of them come onto other servers.they like to cheat, like they do in every game.
>>380653755kek when will they ban tank tards globally from playing this game this is the 3rd time right?
>>380681656you can watch this to learn more, it's a very nice videoyoutube.com
>>380653755>taiwanew i hate woke nations
>>380681034you say that like the leopard hasn't proven itself incapable of fighting even insurgents, let alone near-peer, and the challenger 2 has only a single loss, and that was by another chally
>>380682202That's pretty cool. What about designing something like picrel for tonks?
>>380683594forgot pic
>>380653755>Playing as China in War ThunderI'd sooner play as Israel to drive the Armoured Chutzpah than the Chinese.
>>380684121>I'd sooner play as Israel to drive the Armoured Chutzpah than the Chinese.Kek, I saw an Israel-flag post an updated Killdozer yesterday>>380394371
>>380681034>>380683059Oh shut it both of you, the Abrams is the best.
>>380683059Is that some sort of camera in the top left of the tonk? Does it have self-cleaning windshield wipers incase someone decides to paintball it?
>>380678797Subdivisions, in essence, but it breaks quite easily. You could say the tip always breaks off if it hits at an oblique angle. This allows the next part to strike more perpendicular and the rest follows behind. Each layer of ERA or NERA could deflect another piece, but there's like 5 of them.This can also have a sort of shotgun effect on mid-tier armor, shredding it, which is very destructive.An MBTs front armor will definitely have a good chance of stopping it however.>>380675668Tank rounds are quite affordable. Only a few starving for each bullet.
>>380655815at this point it's not even /k/, it's nu-nu-nu-/k/
>>380685967>You could say the tip always breaks off if it hits at an oblique angle. This allows the next part to strike more perpendicular and the rest follows behind. Each layer of ERA or NERA could deflect another piece, but there's like 5 of them.Ahh, I guess that's basically what I was trying to say in:>>380683594>>380683755
>>380683059Challenger, Abrams, Leopard 2, is all the same shit.Abrams is marginally better because of DU, but fundamentally they all are invulnerable to each other on the frontal aspects.If you'Re trying to meme Leopard 2 performance in turkey service then you have to consider those were tanks from the first series, where NERA armor was not yet very advanced, and was not upgraded when they received the A4 package.It's like the Abrams' USA sold to Iraq, in effect.
>>380686587Yes, there is some truth to the video, though I would not bet too much on a simulation.Weapons still all is about real world testing.>except illegal stuff"Deflecting" an APFSDS dart isn't as significant as it sounds, the change in angle will always be small, but the N/ERA armor also deforms, crucially from the first hit, and is then "spent". Neither ERA nor NERA has any real multi-hit capability aside from depth. It's the kinetic equivalent of a tandem warhead.A monolithic rod will always have much better sheer penetration, but it has relatively poor behind-armor effect, being just a metal rod making a hole, albeit very violently. Even upon penetration it may become stuck in the armor and do little beyond, much like light ships survived hits from 16inch battleship shells because it simply went through without detonating.This won't happen with a segmented warhead.