Rank the Presidents
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>>380617479>averageFucking NPC!
>>380617790Oh, btw>FDR>legendaryschool propaganda is working well... I see...
>>380617479t. right side of history
>>380617479>FDR>LegendaryHoly shit you deserve to get raped to death by a pack of niggers.
>>380618004FDR is trash. I wish he was still alive so he could die slower and older after seeing how his country has fallen in part by his actions.
>>380617790Kind of like Johnson, the shit things he did (veto aid to farmers, not provide aid to flood victims, appoint retards to the Fed, not pursue entry into the League of Nations, not take meaningful action against the stock bubble) even out with the based things he did (immigration act, hoover and coolidge dams, highway construction, some regulation and antitrust work)>>380618004>>380618118>>380618159What's with third worlders hating FDR? For the Pasta nigger, Mussolini lost. Get over it.
>>380618060Why is Jackson so low?
>>380618363>What's with third worlders hating FDR?What's with mutts glorifying the epitome of cronyism?>not pursue entry into the League of NationsHow is this bad?
>>380618459Because he is not on the right side of history.
>>380618118not to mention fucking Lincolnalso Jackson isn't legendary? preposterous>>380618363you're a typical mutt who doesn't even know his own historychoke on nigger shit faggot
>>380618584>What's with mutts glorifying the epitome of cronyism?I judge each president by their record. I don't just arbitrarily assign them low or high scores because of who their family is.>How is this bad?Because even joining with something approximating Lodge's Reservations, which Harding or Coolidge could have easily done, would have deterred Germany and likely prevented WW2.>>380618606The same people who say this would argue the same of Washington, Jefferson and Wilson.
>>380618903For different reasons, which are wrong.
>>380617479Why is jfk bad??
>>380618877>not to mention fucking LincolnWhy do you have a problem with Lincoln?>also Jackson isn't legendary?He would probably be highest in "Fantastic" tier. He doesn't have quite the flawless record of the first five though.>you're a typical mutt who doesn't even know his own historyWhat don't I know about?
>>380617479Truman was a literal imbecile by the way, it's fucking hilarious bro. Korean War and Vietnam War would not have happened but for him
>>380618903>because of who their family isWhat are you even talking about? Who cares! Court-packing plan... just saying...>joining the League of Nation>would have likely prevented WW2Are you serious?
>>380617479For me, it's W'ya
>>380618944Do you want to levy exactly why you don't like Jackson then? I'd be happy to correct any misconceptions you have about him or his policies. I probably know more about him than any other president.>>380619005>conducts the bay of pigs even after it got leaked to the press and thus Castro, while not sending in the military to back the CIA up>this leads to the cuban missile crisis and nearly ww3>couldn't get any legislation through congress so his presidency consisted mostly of having affairs>was the mastermind behind the immigration act that johnson signed, but couldn't get it through congress>unlike eisenhower who practiced fiscal responsibility, kennedy was also the mastermind behind the modern tax cut, which lo and behold, johnson signed, which only increased income inequality
>>380617479why is JFK so low and the cripple and nixon so high?
>>380619141>What are you even talking about?I assumed you were referring to Roosevelt coming from a political family.>Court-packing planWhich was based. The unelected Supreme Court was dismantling his agenda, which had won landslides in 4 elections.
>>380617479Double-Ya deserves his own category.
>>380619016Anon the reason you are a slave to the system today is because of FDR. The reason you have paper money that is worth nothing is because of him. He literally confiscated all privately held gold (which at the time was money and was held by everybody not just rich people), The reason you have a fat federal government capable of disappearing you at any time is because of him. The reason they can make up regulations to justify expelling you from your land is because of him.He is the first and greatest soldier of the globohomo. He deserves to suffer in hell for eternity and you should burn right along with him.You propagandized ignorant fuck.
Woodrow Wilson and FDR at the top tier... This nigga trolling.
>>380619579interesting take on kennedy I always just assumed he was decent because he was a rabid anti communist
Just put all the English ones at the top. Job done. And you know I'm right.
>>380619016>Why do you have a problem with Lincoln? went to war with White people over niggers, jwb was a heroand you put fucking Wilson in the flawless tier too holy fuck do you know the first thing about anything?>What don't I know about?would be quicker to make the list of things you know about>grease>nigger cockthere
>>380618060literal choice of a leftist homosexual
>>380617479Lincoln was a traitor and this country is full of retarded faggots who think hiring foreign Irish mercenaries to kill Americans was a good thing.
>>380619774>why is JFK so low>>380619579>and the crippleUgh, I shouldn't have to explain why FDR is so high. Anyways, he immediately saved the banking industry and thus millions of people's livelihoods, implemented the minimum wage, social security, the 8 hour day, repealed prohibition, ended child labor, the TVA was responsible for constructing large parts of southern infrastructure and electricity, he resisted entry until WW2 and then won the war, while also saving England and took America from essentially a bankrupt, archaic shithole to the world's number one superpower and even if it wasn't finished in his lifetime, accomplished wilson's dream of a united league of nations.>nixonWas probably the best energy president between the clean air act of 1970, the EPA and the endangered species act. Ended the draft and signed the Paris Peace Accords which ended involvement in Vietnam, handled the inflation crisis as a result of the collapse of Bretton Woods incredibly well, btfo'd commies globally and would have accomplished even more domestically if not for congressional obstruction like the Family Assistance Plan and his universal healthcare bill.
>>380620509Was Teddy a Jewish puppet?
>>380619946he hated the cia and the fed too>>380618903>would have deterred Germany and likely prevented WW2holy fucking shit this nigger thinks ww2 was on Germany what the fuck are you even doing here?
Was Taft a good president?
>>380617479>Woodrow Wilson>one of the worst (probably THE worst) presidents>legendarykek
>>380619557Yes. Clank all fields.
>>380619869>The reason you have paper money that is worth nothing is because of him. He literally confiscated all privately held gold (which at the time was money and was held by everybody not just rich people)This is just objectively false. Citizens were still allowed to own gold, just not hoard large amounts, and they were financially compensated with paper money. The only reason why this policy was implemented was to save banks, and it worked. >The reason you have a fat federal government capable of disappearing you at any time is because of himThat's more to do with the CIA, and that's not even on Truman, as its power were greatly expanded by future administrations and even Truman said it went rogue.>The reason they can make up regulations to justify expelling you from your land is because of him.This doesn't even make sense.>He is the first and greatest soldier of the globohomoHe was one of the last genuinely socially conservative presidents. He was literally condemned as naval secretary under Wilson for exposing homosexuality.>>380619904Wrong.>>380620058based.>>380620160>went to war with White people over niggers, jwb was a heroNo, he responded to the Confederates illegally attacking and seizing Fort Sumter. Only the South fought the Civil War and seceded over slavery. >and you put fucking Wilson in the flawless tier too holy fuck do you know the first thing about anything?I know much more than (You)>>380620278>Lincoln a traitor>not the rogue seditionists who seceded because Breckinridge lost and violated federal property
>>380619141>>joining the League of Nation>>would have likely prevented WW2>Are you serious?Yes, absolutely. If Poland, who was in the League of Nations, had guarantees America would go to war over them, Hitler would have never invaded. And even if he did, the war would have been a lot quicker. >>380620665He was an early Zionist.>>380620688>he hated the cia and the fed tooNo he didn't.>holy fucking shit this nigger thinks ww2 was on Germany>what the fuck are you even doing here?I don't care if you sympathize with National Socialism, but don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, frog.>>380620747Yes, superior to Teddy in a lot of ways. He greatly expanded both conversation and antitrust cases, and did some really positive things like the Children's Bureau
>>380620623>he resisted entry until WW2no he didn't you fucking retard, pearl harbor was his fault he was looking for an excuse to join the war and he decided that getting shit on that hard would motivate the public>and then won the warfucking kill yourself
>>380621082the South was in the rightand nigger why are you deepthroating the faggot who created the fed?>>380621415>don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining,how the fuck is ww2 on Germany? is the current Ukraine war on Putin as well? fucking unreal
>>380620768Explain why he's one of the worst presidents, moron.>>380621423>pearl harbor was his faultExplain how.>he was looking for an excuse to join the war and he decided that getting shit on that hard would motivate the publicAh, so Pearl Harbor was a false flag, even though Japan took credit for it and both they and Hitler declared war on America right after. Got it.>fucking kill yourselfI see Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill in this pic, the three victorious major powers of WW2. How about you?
>>380621660>the South was in the rightExplain how a rogue nation seceding because a candidate they rigged the election against won, then refusing to negotiate with the doughface president whose cabinet officials had been secretly supplying them, then subsequently attacking and seizing federal property is in the right?>and nigger why are you deepthroating the faggot who created the fed?Explain the meaningful differences between the Fed and the Aldrich-Vreeland system, the Independent Treasury and the Second and First National Banks.>how the fuck is ww2 on Germany?Are you baiting?
>>380619557Having FDR, Adams, Wilson and McKinley in F makes you a nigger.
>>380619946He was an anti-communist, but he was also a retard. And that position wasn't unique to him, all of his immediate contemporaries starting with Truman to Ford were also hardcore cold warriors.
>>3806217051st off youtu.be
>>380620623so basically FDR was a huge faggot and economically illiterate, and Nixon was a retard. gotcha
>>380621994>Explain how a rogue nation seceding because a candidate they rigged the election against won, then refusing to negotiate with the doughface president whose cabinet officials had been secretly supplying them, then subsequently attacking and seizing federal property is in the right? they weren't niggerlovers>>and nigge>Explain the meaningful differences between the Fed and the Aldrich-Vreeland system, the Independent Treasury and the Second and First National Banks. the fed put the money supply in the hands of the kikesWilson himself said he fucked up too lolseriously, did you get here yesterday?>Are you baiting?are you? you don't seem to have the slightest clue about anything, it's like talking to a gaydditor tgsnt.tv will do you some good
>>380623145>1st off youtu.be
>>380618363fdr was a communist puppet and he achieved fuck all to fix the depression (other than successfully blaming Hoover for everything).
>>380617479why do you need so many presidents
>>380624436term limits to (theoretically) reduce corruption. you don't have to worry about it.
>>380623750>they weren't niggerloversThey actually were, which is they seceded at the prospect someone could end the institution. Keep in mind though, Lincoln was proposing no such thing and the extent of his public remarks on the institution to that point aired on the side of colonization >the fed put the money supply in the hands of the kikesNone of Wilson's Fed appointees were Jewish, but I'll ask you again, how was having a central bank with the name "The Federal Reserve" any different than having a central bank named "The Independent Treasury" or "The Second National Bank?">Wilson himself said he fucked up too lolIt's a completely false quote.>are you? you don't seem to have the slightest clue about anything, it's like talking to a gaydditorKek, I admire your firmness in your delusions.
>>380624148watch 10 min for pearl harbor>Pearl Harbor wasn't a false flag never said it was>and neither was 9/11.kek why were mossad agents dancing while taking pics in front of the burning towers then?I'm not surprised you don't know about pearl harbor but come the fuck on, 9/11 is babby tier>it absolutely was.I'm sure you're very pleased with your tranny kids sucking off niggers, you deserve everything you're getting>metastasized decades later holy fuck are you for real? Nathan Meyer Rothschild already owned the bank of England the day after Waterloo >and can be solved if nations elect the right leaders. like Hitler?>Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone wolfoh yeah just like Marc Dutroux?frankly baffling, even fucking normies know this is not true
>>380617479>Woodrow Wilson as legendary
>>380624526Every president who is elected thinks only about how to win the next election and does not monitor the situation in his country
>>380624343>fdr was a communist puppetHe wasn't, he was to the right of someone like even Huey Long economically. >and he achieved fuck all to fix the depressionBoth poverty and unemployment fell massively, not to mention the thousands of banks he saved, the work programs he established and the ability for people to retire and work human shifts with livable wages.
>>380624148cherry picking to the max. we had stable money for nearly a century under the good standard even if the economy was unstable, at least the money was stable
>>380624436Most of these guys only served one term, which is four years. Many of them didn't even serve for that long. The nation has also had elections for over 230 years.
>Lincoln >LegendaryPublic school education
>>380624805His staff was riddled with communists and he gave stalin everything he wanted on a platter.>Both poverty and unemployment fell massively, not to mention the thousands of banks he saved, the work programs he established and the ability for people to retire and work human shifts with livable wages.it's pretty conclusive that none of the new deal programmes had any significant impact and only massive war spending pulled america out of the depression.
>>380617479>FDR = Legendary Tier
If you think Lincoln, FDR and Teddy are good presidents, you have been brainwashed.
>>380617479Remember when trump commuted ultra corrupt former mayor of Detroit Kwami Kilpatrick’s sentence?Yeah Trump is average at best. freep.com
Wilson gave your women the right to vote. This is one of the most damaging mistakes a nation can make.
>>380624736>watch 10 min for pearl harbor>>Pearl Harbor wasn't a false flag>never said it wasNo, just tell me your argument.>kek why were mossad agents dancing while taking pics in front of the burning towers then?Pics? And even if 9/11 was totally fake, it has nothing to do with Pearl Harbor.>I'm sure you're very pleased with your tranny kids sucking off niggers, you deserve everything you're getting/pol/ has rotted your mind, bro. Trannies and miscegenationists make up like 1-2% of the population. I agree these things are harmful to society, but they have nothing to do with WW2. America was a generally moral and conservative country for about 60 years following the war. The tranny stuff is even newer than that.>Nathan Meyer Rothschild already owned the bank of England the day after WaterlooThe Rothschilds were also invested in the First and Second National Banks implemented in the 19th century, as well as the Independent Treasury. This is why I asked you if you could explain the meaningful differences between the Fed and past central banking institutions. >like Hitler?Hitler's the reason why millions of white people died, why communism took over half the planet and why nationalism and criticism of Jews is frowned upon in modern society.>frankly baffling, even fucking normies know this is not trueI think you'll find the more you align with normies on things, the more wrong you are.>>380624741Yes, absolutely.>>380624861FDR didn't eliminate the Gold Standard. It was still active until '71.>>380625045>>380625195>>380625214Explain why they're not.
>>380617479I don't know who half these guys are
>>380625118>His staff was riddled with communistsThere were less than half a dozen.>and he gave stalin everything he wanted on a platterSo was Churchill also a communist?>it's pretty conclusive that none of the new deal programmes had any significant impact and only massive war spending pulled america out of the depression.No it's not. That's Libertarian/CATO propaganda. The economy significantly improved ever year under FDR before WW2 barring a brief recession in 1937.>>380625575The President has no authority over Constitutional Amendments. The 19th passed after enough states adopted female suffrage. Wilson had nothing to do with it and was hated by suffragettes
>>380617479Can't we have just one president in recent times to hate kikes, niggers, and debt?
>>380621660Well no, that's also Germany, as is most of the post-WW2 American cancer. Bloomed like a diaspora or something.
>>380625582>Explain why they're notI'll give one for FDR. His brand of socialism led to the great depression. The damage his policies did before being bailed out by a well timed World War caused rather than solved the Great Depression.
>>380626016best one so farAny chart submitted that doesn't have Jackson as S tier was made by a tranny.
George Washington and Andrew Jackson S tier JFK Nixon Trump A tier
>>380626587JFK pushed the immigration act which led to your country being overrun by spics and niggers while curtailing immigration from Europe. Of course the average Pol/tard only has hatred for the Jews while forgetting the Irish American elites have been behind much of the Globohomo policies ruining The US today.
>>380626016I get the mutt education is shit, but how could you not know WWH from the Battle of Tippecanoe and the War of 1812, Taylor from the Mexican-American War, Polk for getting us the West Coast and having dozens of counties/streets/cities named after him, Buchanan for secession, Johnson from reconstruction, Garfield for being assassinated and Cleveland for serving two nonconsecutive terms? And if Wilson is a kike lover for implementing a central bank, then you ought to greatly lower Van Buren, Madison and Washington.>>380626252>His brand of socialism led to the great depressionFDR wasn't a socialist. At most you could call him a Keynesian/progressive capitalist. And then the idea that he caused a recession which started four years before he entered office is just ludicrous. Even ignoring the fact the economy improved every year under him from what he inherited.thebalance.com
>>380625582FDR confiscated privately owned gold. you have some good points itt but your defenses of FDR are disingenuous at best he was a horrible leftist authoritarian president
>>380620509>fuck around and find out>James Running From The National Capital On Fire Madison
>>380626976fdr was a jewish cocksucker look up his advisor list all jews all wanted a war on germany hell even his speechwriter was a jew i know i know im a nazi for noticing
>>380625582>No, just tell me your argument.I'm not typing a wall of text on this for a swine like you>Pics? even betterarchive.org
>>380617479i don't even remember anyone but biden.#ridinwithbiden
>>380627067>FDR confiscated privately owned goldIt wasn't confiscated and you didn't have to turn it over. People had the ability to swap gold for cash at their local bank and be equally compensated. It's not like the police were going door to door searching under the rugs and in the fireplace for hidden gold. And this was done as the banks were running out of gold, and then end result was a stabilized currency, the saving of banks and the citizens having zero net loss of wealth
>>380626453>Any chart submitted that doesn't have Jackson as S tier was made by a tranny.Damn straight, the man was a legend. Kill the kikes, kill the banks, kill the indians, and kill the fucking traitors.
>>380626453>Any chart submitted that doesn't have Jackson as S tier was made by a tranny.factual and heterosexual
>>380619557kek, the dreaded biden-tier
>>380627392>All persons are hereby required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, to a Federal Reserve Bank or a branch or agency thereof or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System all gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates now owned by them or coming into their ownership on or before April 28, 1933>you didn't have to turn it overGo look up the people that feds performed sting operations on to literally steal their gold.
>>380626976Sorry but this is just the usual smoke and mirrors FDR cope that interventionists and democrats present all the time. I think the argument that FDR's intervention hindered recovery is far more compelling:>While the economy had somewhat recovered, it was far too weak for the New Deal policies to be unequivocally deemed successful. In 1933, at the low point of the contraction, GDP per capita was 47% below the trend before the stock market crash of 1929, and by 1939, it was still 17% below that trend.The unemployment rate in 1939 was still at 17% and would remain above pre-Depression levels until 1943.6For some economists, the weakness of the recovery is a direct result of the Roosevelt government’s interventionist policies. Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian argue that the anti-competitive policies of linking collusive practices to higher wage payments made the recovery much worse than it should have been. For them, unemployment remained high because of the increased bargaining power of unionized workers and the high attendant wages.7Ultimately, Cole and Ohanian argue the abandonment of these anti-competitive policies coincides with the strong economic recovery of the 1940s
>>380624528>They actually were, which is they seceded at the prospect someone could end the institution. no they just didn't want to free thememancipation was a fucking mistake and lincoln should've sent them back the very next day if he was going to free them>Keep in mind though, Lincoln was proposing no such thing and the extent of his public remarks on the institution to that point aired on the side of colonization erred* and words don't matter, actions do >None of Wilson's Fed appointees were Jewish,not the point, read Eustace Mullins> but I'll ask you again, how was having a central bank with the name "The Federal Reserve" any different than having a central bank named "The Independent Treasury" or "The Second National Bank?"the name is irrelevant, how would the kikes have had the power to bring you cunts into ww1 if the fed hadn't existed?>It's a completely false quote.no, only the first 2 sentences are but it doesn't matter since the substance is still there>Kek, I admire your firmness in your delusions.how long have you been here? seriously
>>380627267It's possible he had a few Jewish people in his cabinet, I honestly haven't looked into that too closely, but he was quite anti-Jew in his personal beliefs. He thought them collectivizing in areas was harmful and he denied lots of Jewish refugees admission into the country, which gets him a lot of flack from kikes today.>>380627300>I'm not typing a wall of text on this for a swine like youcope>archive.org
>>380626976Harrison sounds based, I'll have to learn more. Garfield I know about, but didn't remember what he looked like or I would have put him in a new category labeled "did nothing".When the fuck did I say "Wilson is a kike lover for implementing a central bank"? Buren gets a pass for being one of the good ones born after the war. Madison for being a Founding Father.FDR was a retarded kike loving globalist faggot. Bent over backwards and further destroyed the nation. After Woody "I accidentally ruined my country" WilsonJFK was one of the only one in recent times who began to attempt to dismantle the kikes power.
>>380627985>>you didn't have to turn it over>Go look up the people that feds performed sting operations on to literally steal their gold.This didn't happen. Again, the government wasn't going door to door searching people for gold. Also, here's the other part of the EO:>Section 4. Upon receipt of gold coin, gold bullion or gold certificates delivered to it in accordance with Sections 2 or 3, the Federal Reserve Bank or member bank will pay therefor an equivalent amount of any other form of coin or currency coined or issued under the laws of the United States.
>>380628197>I think the argument that FDR's intervention hindered recovery is far more compelling:So when do you think it would start improving under Hoover? Because GDP was sinking and unemployment was rising every year under him.>>While the economy had somewhat recovered, it was far too weak for the New Deal policies to be unequivocally deemed successful. In 1933, at the low point of the contraction, GDP per capita was 47% below the trend before the stock market crash of 1929, and by 1939, it was still 17% below that trend.This is incredibly dishonest. They specifically chose 1933, a year where he wasn't president for the first two months and his policies didn't have time to take effect and 1939, a year where the economy was in recession to cherry pick. Nobody reasonable would expect him to immediately fix a country with 25% unemployment and 26% GDP decline in his first year.>For them, unemployment remained high because of the increased bargaining power of unionized workers and the high attendant wages.7>Ultimately, Cole and Ohanian argue the abandonment of these anti-competitive policies coincides with the strong economic recovery of the 1940s>It's the unions!What a load of tripe. The stronger economy in the 40s was a result of the defeat of Nazi Germany and the wartime production, but that doesn't negate the economic success FDR had in the 1930s either.
>>380628728Yeah it's totally a fair deal to give away your gold, which would preserve its value to this day in terms of what you can buy with it, for some inflationary currency.
>>380628336>no they just didn't want to free themNobody was proposing this in the 1860 election.>and lincoln should've sent them back the very next day if he was going to free themHe was discussing colonization with Benjamin Butler three days before he was killed. Keep in mind, the Civil War had just officially ended when he died.>erred* and words don't matter, actions do>not the point, read Eustace Mullinscope>how would the kikes have had the power to bring you cunts into ww1 if the fed hadn't existed?Arthur Zimmermann brought us into WW1, nobody else. And not our fucking banking institution.>no, only the first 2 sentences are but it doesn't matter since the substance is still thereYes, part of the quote is true, but it's from when he was running for president in 1912, before he won or implemented any policies. It's a totally bogus quote.>>380628624>JFK was one of the only one in recent times who began to attempt to dismantle the kikes power.He didn't though.
>>380629560Inflation was like 0% for most of FDR's presidency, especially early on.
>>380628484>copewith what? I provided the necessary info, you just refuse to look at it>I'm not clicking your links. IT'S A FUCKING ARCHIVE YOU FUCKING BOOMER NIGGER FAGGOT>But dancing Jews doesn't prove 9/11 was a hoax, it proves prior knowledge>especially from what I've read, they were detained by the CIA and heavily scrutinized. kek the kikes investigated themselves and were cleared of all wrongdoing, envision my amazement >Completely irrelevant as they were never denied by their perpetrators. lmao watboth can be true, you know? and by that standard, shouldn't LHO yelling "I'm a patsy" tell you maybe he didn't act alone?>Not really. yes, reallyI'm fucking floored you would question that>We've moved decidedly to the left socially, which has specifically ramped up this past decade.all based on the moral lessons we supposedly have to take away from ww2>It didn't go to shit, and the 60s chaos carried out by a minority of people resulted in Nixon, who ran on a conservative platform.and he did basically fuck all >Transsexuals have always existed, but they weren't promoted in America until the past decade.it doesn't mean academics weren't already working on it, which they were>No, just that wealthy families tend to invest in large banks. how about presenting 2 different (but substantially equivalent) projects into congress in order to get what they want no matter what then sinking the Titanic to get rid of the major opponents and bringing the US into ww1 so that they can get their hands on British Palestine? is that what wealthy families do?>kekby you I meant muttland in case it went above your head>Not really, no. you call things conspiracy theories, doesn't get any more normie >There's no proof he was. there's ample proof LHO was not alone>Why would they kill a reliable stooge who let them invade Cuba and perform coups in Vietnam?because he wanted to abolish the ciaalso LBJ was a much better slave, do you know about the USS Liberty?
>>380628728>This didn't happenIt literally did, and even wikipedia's faggotry has a section specifically about it. >The Supreme Court upheld all seizures as constitutional, with Justices James Clark McReynolds, Willis Van Devanter, George Sutherland, and Pierce Butler dissentingWhat, is this a lie too? FDR was trash, and is the root cause of the vast majority of our modern Monopoly money printing bullshit.
>>380629654>Executive Order 11110>Calls them out without naming them>Says Hitler was a legend and superstarYou are a retarded kike defender.
>>380629654>Nobody was proposing this in the 1860 election.then he shouldn't have done it>He was discussing colonization with Benjamin Butler three days before he was killed. Keep in mind, the Civil War had just officially ended when he died.so? he still fucked up royally>copeI'm trying to compensate for your abysmal mutt education and there's only so much I can typedo it>Arthur Zimmermann brought us into WW1, nobody else. And not our fucking banking institution.holy shit this faggot doesn't even know about the Balfour declarationagain, when did you get here? and from where? answer me>Yes, part of the quote is true, but it's from when he was running for president in 1912, before he won or implemented any policies. It's a totally bogus quote.1913 actuallybut if it's fake it just means he was a traitor and not an incompetent retard so that only makes it worse lol nice self own faggot
>>380620665What a stupid question Roosenveld is a jewish name (and was one of the biggest slave ship owner)
>>380629781>the policy that ruined the currency in the long term wasn't a big deal in the short term so who cares FDR was great
>>380630722hey at least OP has like 30 replies unlike the majority of 1pbtid shill threads plaguing this board
The 1stThe 2ndThe 1st Eltzyn - a drunktard but he ruined the Soviet and gave us democracy, legendary person probablyThe 2nd Putin - a strong ruler, maby he is the person your Trump ever wanted to be with his "GREATE AGAIN" thesises
>>380617479>Woodrow Wilson and FDR in legendary tierinto the trash it goes
>>380631295credit where credit is duethat's why I'm staying btw, I think maybe I can get him to see the light on a few topicshe refused to click on this link though lmaoarchive.org
>>380626819I always assumed this was LBJ the biiig texas sized faggot. my opinion of JFK has plummeted since reading this thread. LBJ and FDR still take my top spots for gayest nigger presidents though
>>380631511>my opinion of JFK has plummeted since reading this thread. he wasn't great, he was a liberal and a degenerate who most likely stole the election in Illinois but they had to kill him because he didn't like Israel getting nukes (amongst other things) so that still counts for something imho>LBJ and FDR still take my top spots for gayest nigger presidents thoughI'd add WW but pretty much
it seems OP was BTFO so hard he fledsorry
bump to share OP's shame with everyone
>>380634566>>380633739>>380633053>>380632164based frenchman
>>380627352>i don't even rememberneither does he desu
>>380634913kind of a shame OP couldn't handle the bantz, he was kind of growing on me
well, since I defeated OP this is my thread nowI'll go run an errand and I'll try doing a tier list when I come back
>>380617479is is an objective listthe rest of them are somewhere between F and Biden, but i cba to put them in
>>380617479I don't necessarily like the presidents in S tier, but I put them there because I believe they oversaw/represented a major shift in America - whether through governmental policy or social views or anything else.
>>380617479>Andrew Jackson>Not a legend
>>380638007>Jackson below S tier
>>380618363>What's with third worlders hating FDR? For the Pasta nigger, Mussolini lost. Get over it.LMAO pasta niggers. BASED
>>380624343Communists can only thrive when capitalism crashes, so actually preventing people to die from the reccession is the most anticommunist thing you can do
>>380639957I mean nixon was a better version of FDR and TR was a based anticorporatist, so I could agree
>>380639572I originally put him there, but I felt that he was really a continuation of Jefferson's legacy and so swapped him with Jefferson.Jackson is still one of the most influential presidents, and is at the top of A.
>>380639957nixon was a globalist faggot kike-puppet
>>380640304seething libcuck
>>380636393His efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes.
ngl idk many of these guys, I skimmed a few articles and some of them sound interesting so I'll read up on them eventuallyTrump is A because his candidacy was the catalyst that started the mass redpilling
>>380641933> Teddy> TraitorKill yourself frog
>>380640289that makes sense in your system ig, it's just that he's the coolest imhowhy did you put Harrison there btw? was he really joe tier?
>>380640676unless we're talking about another kind of trap
>>380642172>why did you put Harrison there btw? was he really joe tier?Within a month from his inauguration, he got sick and died.
>>380642050why? I admit I put him there because I misremembered the Lusitania sinking date but he's a Roosevelt so how bansed can he really be?>>380642568sounds like he was much better than joe then
>>380621957+1 for accuracy
>>380642945TR was a based anticorpo chadI would vote for another one
>>380618363Go back to plebbit, nigger faggot.
>>380643166that's a bit lightI was considering upgrading him but>During World War I, he criticized Wilson for keeping the country out of the war; fuck that kike
>>380617479did you put the asshole who made the FED and IRS in legendary status lol?
>>380643747You are right. fuck warmongers
>>380618017Andrew Jackson saved the Union in 1832, and did it without blood. If we had a weaker president the civil war would have started 30 years earlier (still in South Carolina)
>>380644113right on
>>380644028dw I humiliated him so hard over it that he hasn't posted since
>>380617479save us Bernie Sanders. break the wheel Alexandria Cortez
>>380645827Doesn't bernie support FDR, except that he is against international interventionism?
>>380645963I saw how both the RepubliCunts & DemocRats worked togther hand in hand in order to sabotage his election camping and try to stop him from being elected. If the Democrats didn't give preferential treatment to Biden and if american negros didn't simp for Biden because of Obama (and if boomers weren't so misinformed) then Sanders would have EASILY won. He would have been the president and would have had way more support then either Trump or Biden.
>>380645827lol how is bernie going to save you form zionism?
>>380618017Lincoln ruined this country forever
>>380617479This is 8/10 grade A bait.
Definitive list
>>380646938he called out AIPAC on it's bullshit all the way back in 2015. I'm pretty sure he was called "a self hating jew" by multiple politicians. just because he chose not to play along and submit his asshole to (((them))) like the rest of the US politicians
>>380617479Wheres Viktor Orbán?
>>380647424he was actually serious though kek>>380647441you got a few traitors up there, see my list>>380641933
>>380647585>he called out AIPAC on it's bullshit all the way back in 2015. its*and yeah that's true but he's still a complete faggot cuck on everything else and it's not like congress isn't already bought and paid for anyway
>>380619557I agree with this user, only I'd put Jackson in Ultra-Nigger-Slayer-Tier just for the amount of British to be deceased by his forces' advances in New Orleans alone. And nothing on this God-damned Earth can argue that nothing is more American than murdering British people and their ork-tier inbred genetics.
>>380617479All faggot masons and kike golems.
>>380649139come on, Jackson was cool
>>380617479FDR, Lincoln, and Washington were the only top tier presidents.Everyone else is mid tier with the far right nationalists like bush, reagan, Eisenhower, and Andrew Jackson at the bottom. Pretty much every other president is mid tier. Also John f Kennedy was a bastard and idk why everybody glorifies him.
>>380650067If we talk domestic, eisenhower, nixon and teddy were based too
>>380650218I put Eisenhower at the bottom because of his involvement in the Central American Banana Business>teddyDunno my history knowledge is limited on everything american post Lincoln and pre great depression
>>380650750Like I said, domestically. Otherwise there are definetely some kiked policies
>>380650067>FDR, you like getting robbed apparently>Lincolnmakes sense since you like niggers>>380650067>Everyone else is mid tier with the far right nationalists like bush, reagan, Eisenhower, did you just call these faggot far rigth?>and Andrew Jackson at the bottom. kill yourself> Also John f Kennedy was a bastard and idk why everybody glorifies him.because he was killed by kikes, obviously
>>380651234>you like getting robbed apparentlyHe only robbed faggots, however it is true that after he died some presidents abused the presidents power that was expanded by him to actually rob people
>>380649873Fair enough. Challenging anyone who slights you to a duel is pretty based.
>>380625118Communism was very very popular in the 30s and 40s user, and the socialist parties and unions had a lot of power back then because of the Great Depression. FDR had to work with them whether he wanted to or not. Besides, his policies helped pull us out of the Great Depression.
>>380651519>He only robbed faggotsonly faggots had gold?
>>380651881Yes. Chads use silver.You know who likes (((gold)))
>Lincoln, Wilson and LBJ in the top tierfuck off shitty troll
>>380617479>Reagan>Naturalised spics>Got rid of the neutrality requirements for newsThose two things probably did more damage than whatever any democrat has done in the past 3 decades
>>380652220True, especially the last one
>>380650067>Pretty much every other president is mid tierno you've got a bunch a literal traitors too>>380651743he fought the central banks too, without him we would've had a fed equivalent much earlier so you can only imagine how fucked we'd be today>>380652028gold standard was based>>380652173he was fucking serious
>>380652173nvm that's FDR now that I zoomed in on the imagestill just as bad
>>380617479S tier reserved for Jefferson Davis
>>380651842People won’t believe it but the american communist party and other socialist entities used to be quite powerful in the first half of the 20th century within america and were deeply involved in the labor movements especially during the Great Depression
I choose not to participate in this Freemason Popularity Contestyou should all be ashamed
>>380617479>Nixon >took us off the gold standard >good Lol op is a dumb retarded gorilla nigger
>>380652616Nixon privately believed in race realism but increased affirmative action to try and get nigs back in the GOP. I can't forgive him just for that.
>>380617479all lying jew serving free masons.
>>380652831Dangerous levels of based
>>380651842>is policies helped pull us out of the Great Depression.or they slowed down progresseither way he's a faggot who started lend lease and deliberately allowed pearl harbor to happenutter traitor>>380652831except Jackson
>trump above BidenNo
>>380653934kek why not
>>380617479>Average presidents category>Not even I'm the middleFucking burger education
>>380617479Now that's 2 propagandas mixed in 1 in your Chart.Woodrow Wilson #1 President? The one who sold America out to the Federal Reserve?JFK on the Bottom?The Recent Globalist Cabals are all on the bottom?Trump in the middle?
>>380656127phonefag>>380656351he's dumb but he realized it and fucked off, defeated
>>380657247imagine having to sit down at your desk to access 4chan.also what country are you im on mobile
>>380656127It is a lot like our grading system, now that I think about it. A 50%, which should be treated as middling, is almost never reached by most students, since it's easy to attain even a C by just showing up and paying attention.People are trained to view mediocrity as a good sign of competence, and to see incompetence as average.
>>380658561>imagine having to sit down at your desk to access 4chan.imagine not having the comfort of 4chanx>also what country are you im on mobilekek mutts confirmed expert vexillologists
What is the main threat to free speech in political forums in 2022???????>>380659046
>>380659970fucking taft lmao what the fuck is your problem?
>>380619557Very based, almost exact same as mine. Sad that I share my opinions with a dutch memeflagging satanist though.
>>380652489>People won’t believe it but the american communist party and other socialist entities used to be quite powerfulNot nearly as powerful as you’re making them out to be. Everybody talks about the battle of Blair mountain but nobody talks about the miners in Montana who lynched Frank Little.
>>380656351>JFK on the Bottom?Wouldn't put him at the bottom per se, but if he hadn't been shot, he would have been the one to sign the 1965 immigration act, flooding the country with third worlders, and not Johnson. He got us into Vietnam, botched an invasion on Cuba, and nearly caused a nuclear war. The only real decent things he did was to lower taxes, and deliver a cryptic speech about traitors in our midst.Great orator, though.
>>380617479>not having Lincoln in the worst tierwhat the actual fuck, are you retarded?
>>380619579>was the mastermind behind the immigration act that johnson signed, but couldn't get it through congressTo be fair, the immigration act was brainstormed by some Jew appointed by Truman, even though he didn't want to and was forced to by congress. But, yes, Kennedy was all for it, as were his brothers.
>>380617479Imagine not having LBJ on the bottom solely because of the 1965 immigration act which caused all this.
>>380660498how do you know he's dutch? or a satanist for that matter? >>380660691he didn't want Israel to get nukes, he wanted to destroy the cia and the fed>>380660801he is
>>380617479Buncha faggots around here
>>380660801He was pretty bad, but he did at least state his intent of removing the negro from US soil after the war, and repatriating them to Africa. If he had not been shot, the war might have been worth it.
>>380617479>Woodrow Wilson>LegendaryPHAHAAH
>>380661387the more I learn about him, the more based he turns out to beany good books about him? I want to know more
>>380617479>bill clinton wasn't THAT bad>FDR and Abe lincoln were nigger loving faggots who don't belong on the list
>>380617479>fdr = legendary
>>380617479>LBJ>AverageYou a fucking nigger lover or something?Why does this thread have so many replies, your opinions are fucking dog shit anyways
>>380621082Why was the Union so important to Lincoln? Why was he so willing to spill so much blood instead of seeking a peaceful solution? Why did he disregard the antiwar sentiment prevalent in the Union?>Only the South fought the Civil War and seceded over slaveryWhy did McClellan run against Lincoln claiming the exact opposite? The only reason that Lincoln even won against him was because Sherman won bigly in Georgia.
>>380617479I thought burgers hated Woodrow Wilson
>>380662529>Why does this thread have so many repliesbecause I commandeered it after humiliating OP for his faggot takes>>380663028except for the bluepilled retards, who unfortunately abound
>>380617479Silent Cal Cooledge *and* John Adams: Legendary, and criminally underrated.
>>380617479FDR was a fucking commie. Nobody in history is more responsible for the downfall of America.If given the chance to kill baby Hitler I would find baby FDR first and save America
>>380663854coolidge was a faggot>>380663971why would you kill Hitler you fucking retard?
>>380629801People unironically forget that Kennedy was a complete degenerate mobster who gave favors to his mafia, influence peddling, friends.
>>380629801teddy was pro women suffrage, automatic traitor tier
>>380664283It is the deal I made to get FDR. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
I wish I could create a special tier to vilify Alexander Hamilton - the most (negatively) consequential non-President in US political history.
>>380620509>Jefferson owned slaves>Nigger lover>JFK is a jew puppet>Killed in broad daylight by LBJ shadow regime You're a disgrace desu
>>380664624I doubt it's a worthy trade off, kikes would simply find another traitor and nobody would even notice the difference (aside from Hitler not being there and Europe being swallowed by Stalin) >>380664700wtf is it with you niggers and fdr? also teddy was a war monger and a feminist, fuck that kikeand lincoln? come on
>>380665067I didn't put my list together for an edgy French retard who understands nothing.
>>380665351is that how far your arguments go?
>>380617479this is from real life historians
>>380665731Sorry I can't compete with the high rhetorical watermark of "wtf is it with you niggers and fdr?" and "come on".
>>380664869>Jefferson owned slaves>Nigger loverLiterally loved to fuck his slaves >JFK is a jew puppet>Killed in broad daylight by LBJ shadow regimeImplying he wasn't put in place and for filled his purpose and was disposed of.
>>380665869>Jackson on par with wwho the fuck are these historians? lemme guess, (((experts)))?>>380666084I'm sure you could if you tried, believe in yourselfI also notice you didn't address my teddy criticisms, I'll acknowledge that this one may be beyond your abilities but what about the rest?>"wtf is it with you niggers and fdr?" which was a questionwhat is it then?>and "come on".the faggot freed the slaves, isn't it self explanatory?>>380666249>Jackson in crap tiermongalso, Reagan killed cali
>>380617479>Woodrow Wilson>LegendaryMight actually be the worst fucking president the US ever had
Hitler was right and justified Jewish commissars like Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda (Him and his Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system) and Yezhov had an active Jewish wife making all of their spawn racial Jews. Just Yagoda was responsible for killing at least 10,000,000 people. Their Cheka in total killed upwards of 80+ million people. Yet FDR recognized the USSR his first year in office and immediately established aid programs to develop the troubled agrarian state into an industrial power which in turn supported Mao in the Chinese Civil War which the League of Nations said "Originated in Moscow" and cabled Roosevelt to ask him to "use his new ally Stalin to stop (the civil war in China). Franklin Roosevelt actually demanded that Chiang Kai Shek allow Communists in government or lose all US economic and military aid. Chiang had an emergency meeting with his generals who said to commit an all out attack on Mao's forces and sent them on their 1000 mile march into Soviet territory thinking if they were no longer in China that would negate his demand but it just made FDR even more angry. FDR says "There is no threat here in Communism, some of my best friends are Communists" while Dean Acheson at Harvard literally says "There is no inherent obstacle to implementing (Marxist) Socialism in America through a series of New Deals". The United States had it's first Communist President under Franklin Roosevelt. All of the damn near a hundred new bureaucracies he created were hotbeds of Communist recruitment, infiltration, and assignment. The 67th Congressional Investigation discovered that the Institute of Pacific Relations was a hotbed for communist infiltration, sending Communist Jews like Solomon Adler to back up Harry Dexter White and Henry Morgenthau with their plan to crush Chiang's economy by illegally fixing the price of gold and silver which they later had to legalize. Solomon Adler used US Embassies to pass out propaganda to the Chinese
>>380642172>>380642568He was also the product of the Mexican American War and his corrupt creepy relationship with Zachary Taylor.
>dubya under worst presidentsdubya is the only reason you can buy rifles retardhe allowed reagan's gun control to expire during his first term in office
>>380668020great post, one remarkits-not-its.info
>>380669312Basically Zachary Taylor was handed the presidency after the Mexican-American war and went on to lead one of the most corrupt administrations of his era. He got away with victory in the Mexican-American war because he had literally the best generals underneath him including people who would lead the armies of both sides of the civil war - Lee, Heath, Johnston, etc. It wasn't because of him, but his ascendancy was a given. He had people like Harrison who championed him as well, but Harrison was a military man who insisted that military be in charge of the presidency for the 'OPTICS' as we would call it today. The truth is he was weird about his relationship with Taylor to the point where it was suggested they had an insider bribery thing going on.
Woodrow Wilson and 1913 completely buttfucked us all
Hey op, I debated you last thread I think.I do appreciate these threads, as you put effort into them even though you are wrong. Much better than the zero effort shit threads the other shills put out on an hourly basis.Here's your fallacy to look at: FDR starting the second world war for power is the exact same thing as Bush invading Iraq to secure the petrodollar. You have one in S and the other in shit tier.
>>380661109Styx will say hes redeemed himself but there is nothing a satanist is better at larping as than a christian.
Not an expert on American history nor an amerimutt so I'm only ranking the presidents I've actually somewhat studied.
>>380660282I laugh and then jack off to the notion that he is stuck in the bath and cannot get out. I dont care what yanks say, it happened and I will forever kek at it.
>>380670095quite interesting, thx for the qrd>>380670570he does these often? kek he left because I fucked him too hard but he thinks Hitler was responsible for ww2 and pearl harbor was totally unexpected so your fdr argument wouldn't work on him>>380670677how can you tell it was styx?and I had no idea he converted, pretty happy for him if true
>>380617479>Agnostic Abe in top tierPublic school history class has been doing it's job
>>380670908you've been too lenient on the modern faggots and lincoln was a nation wrecker otherwise rather competent>>380671249kek I believe it >>380671302its-not-its.info
>>380619016Lincoln was the start of overreaching federal powers in the US. His rhetoric about banning slavery was what started the Civil War.Slavery would have been phased out because housing and feeding niggers is more expensive than just paying them.
>>380617479>nixon>completely removed gold standard>not worse tier
>>380617479The only right order! Deep down you know it to be true!
>Ulysses hyram Grant>Community B tierHow?
>>380673185why do so many people overlook that? they probably don't even know tbqh>>380673317you put all the traitors in the best tiers, are you jewish?>>380673552qrd on the lad?
>>380673617>they probably don't even know tbqhalmost no one knows this (at least in my experience). People also have no idea why we went off gold standard. I've had multiple people say "it must have been for a reason but i dont know what the reason is"
i dont know any of them but this feels about right
>>380673617Union General from Civil War. Constantly drunk and incredibly corrupt. Changed his name from hyram to S to be U.S. Grant. He is the most incompetent and corrupt president so far. The term "grantism" was coined after him, meaning corruption and greed.
>>380673799>I've had multiple people say "it must have been for a reason but i dont know what the reason is"kek seems like a pretty big deal tooNixon just announces one day that anyone who holds $ expecting to get gold can get fucked and people don't wonder what could have brought about a measure so drastic>>380673928not bad>>380674037kek I see>He is the most incompetent and corrupt president so farsomehow I doubt that though
>>380666593what's up with this french faggot pretending he knows anything about US history
>>380618060>t. butthurt nigger troon
>>380674737I definitely know more than the average mutt, not that it's a high bar but stillanyway, what's your problem with Jackson?
This is the way
>>380674440>somehow I doubt that thoughYou'd be wrong, but I understand the hesitancy.
>>380675476why the fuck are so many people overlooking the man who killed the bank? and why did you put a pro female suffrage war monger in b tier?>>380675482how many kids did he rape? how many elections did he still? how many wars did he start for kikes?
Joe Biden tier is for the especially tarded ones, not too early to tell.
>>380675845not that bad but I have the same question for you>and why did you put a pro female suffrage war monger in b tier?
>>380675841>how many kids did he rape? how many elections did he steal? how many wars did he start for kikes?Possibly many, 2, 1. Every chance to be competent he failed, and he engaged in corruption every chance he had.
>>3806174799/10To me Eisenhower is way underrated. The Interstate Highway System alone makes him legendary in my book, knee grows will seethe at their neighborhoods being cut in half but it's true. While I'm not a fan of FDR by any means he was probably the right man at the right time. Without what was essentially a center-left Dictator during the Depression/World War America probably would have had a Communist revolution. I would never have voted for him but I can see his historical importance in releasing some of the pressure built up during the Gilded Age and the 20's. To be honest I wouldn't mind an FDR for a decade or so now. Someone to break up the monopolies and redistribute BlackRock houses to young married white couples. A man can dream.
>>380617479This is the most accurate list I think I could give, but it's not really fair to say, because so much of the country is run by people other than the president. They're usually just figureheads for administration that occurs beyond their capability to manage. Take any of these with a grain of salt.
>>380617479I ranked them again this time based on how "Presidential" they look
>>380617479Lincoln was the greatest traitor in US history.What the fuck are you doing on Holla Forums
>>380617479actual list without butthurt faggotry>FDR isn't Seat shit faggot FDR was over-rated and just started shitty social programs. took credit for WWII economy.
>>380624805FDR had his nose so far up Stalins ass that when he learned about the Nation building the Commie bastard was doing with Churchill the disillusionment hit him so hard he whinef about it in his diary.
>>380620171>>380675350false, you're just on the wrong side of history
>>380676934>Possibly many, we got evidence for that?>2, he beat joe there>1several pres beat him there though>>380677055>9/10kek OP is too ashamed of his list to ever post again itt>>380677309I keep seeing teddy there so >and why did you put a pro female suffrage war monger in b tier?>>380677538that's actually not too bad>>380678420>lbj>fdr>ww>not kike tiercome on now>>380678676kek what a faggot
>>380679650He was the first president of his generation that seemed to recognize the plight of the poor. You have to remember he was sandwiched in between some of the worst "gilded era" presidents of his time. He was really the first to take active steps towards mandating work hours and minimum wages. He was the first that decided to act against 'company stores' and scrip for pay. Yeah, he was the big stick-women voter guy, but he was also the first labor guy that the US had.
>>380680031so he probably meant well but he was a progressive and we've seen what that kind of rot has done to the worldhonestly, I see your perspective but I can't get over him trying to bring the US into ww1 either
>>380679471>usg par>jkp and a.jackson expands US beyond the coast>"I am forgotten" consist of presidents that created important legislation and push US into stability>jackson on regretturn off the VPN juanito, I know losing all that land must be difficult topic to cover in your mudhut schools. Don't worry, with operation fast and furious, cartels will run your government and cause more instability. we can take over more of your land and maybe we might assimulate you. hope you're good at cleaning toliets.
>>380626016Best one saved for all future threads
Jefferson Davis
>>380680871That was horrible, the war part, but the working class needed a win. Plus, he helped create national parks to keep rich cunts from just buying up every piece of arable land and privatizing huge swaths of wilderness. He was also a real trust buster, and not a fake one like we have today. He really did go after monopolies, and it's unfortunate that they're being allowed to conglomerate again. We could do with such a leader again. We will never get that kind of leader again, and it's unfortunate.
>>380617479FDR ruined everything. Just saying.
>>380617479This is my list according my lifetime and memories, KYS zoomers and millenials, my opinion is correct
>>380682298Sorry dementia made forget the image
>>380681883>he helped create national parksok that's fucking based, there are few beautiful landscapes on par with american wilderness >He was also a real trust busterok maybe he's not that bad but I still do have a few hang ups I doubt I'll ever get over>>380682298>KYS zoomers and millenialsok boomer there's no list there kek
>>380682404>ok boomer there's no list there kekfixed >>380682402Also fuck trannies and homos
>>380682402WEWLAD that's a proper boomer list if I've ever seen oneyou do realize some of these were not really what the media made them out to be?fucking FDR ffsthen again, you're probably happy that Hitler lost and think it was about saving Europe or something>>380682729I can see that dw
>>380683045>you're probably happy that Hitler lost and think it was about saving Europe or somethingNo one believe that, I can remeber how the american people don't want to fuck uncle Hitler, but you (((the media))) made them figth.
>>380621705>Explain why he's one of the worst presidents, moron.how could you be this ignorant in the internet age? America ended with Wilson.
>>380617479I know only 18 faces. Other are irrelevant
>>380683347>No one believe that, that's actually quite interesting because almost everybody believes that today, especially boomersbut yeah you're pre boomer so ig that makes sensedidn't anyone try to teach these retards what the fuck was up with Hitler?>I can remeber how the american people don't want to fuck uncle Hitler, but you (((the media))) made them figth.FDR initiated lend lease and was happy about pearl harbor because he could declare war over ityoutu.be
>>380684310>is that all you care about? cocks?And buttholes.
>>380617479>Legendary tier>A literal fictional character played by multiple actorsbix nood
>>380617479Can Biden even be good or bad when he does literally nothing but shit his pants
>>380629822>with what?With not having proof.>IT'S A FUCKING ARCHIVEI already know about it. I don't need to click your link.>it proves prior knowledgeNot necessarily, no.>kek the kikes investigated themselves and were cleared of all wrongdoingThey weren't cleared of anything, they were just deported back to Israel after being detained for many months. It's clear that if the government were fond of them, that wouldn't have even have happened.>shouldn't LHO yelling "I'm a patsy" tell you maybe he didn't act alone?There's an obvious difference between a nation or terrorists conducting war crimes and admitting to it and a random schizo denying involvement for a crime he just committed.>I'm fucking floored you would question thatNo you didn't. "Globohomo" is a product of the 21st century. Not the mid 20th.>all based on the moral lessons we supposedly have to take away from ww2No. The justification for modern moral degeneracy isn't "Hitler le bad" it's liberalism.>and he did basically fuck allNot true and you're moving the goalposts.>it doesn't mean academics weren't already working on it, which they wereMaybe they have, it has nothing to do with WW2 though and it was never widely taught or acknowledged until the past decade. Why do you think boomers who went to school post-WW2 are the most puzzled by this?>what then sinking the Titanic to get rid of the major opponents and bringing the US into ww1America didn't join because of the Titanic or the Lusitania, it joined because of the Zimmerman Telegram.>by you I meant muttland in case it went above your headAmerica joined the war after Hitler had already killed millions of whites, for starters.>you call things conspiracy theoriesSome things are, yes. Just because the term is overused to discredit things the left doesn't like doesn't mean it's not a real term.>there's ample proof LHO was not aloneNo there isn't.>because he wanted to abolish the ciaNo he didn't.
>>380685969You can do what I did and just put him in "F" tier. It's not him per-se. It's the fact that his administration is such a bumbling mess with no coherent policies or victories. You can just say he's worthless. >see tier list. >>380677309
>>380684616>And buttholes.that I can understandcocks are gay though>>380685476kek really? redpill me on this plsplspls>>380686421could your b8 be any shittier?>>380686456KEK he's fucking back at 298 postsnice one faggot
>>380617790Above average, he should've put a stop to the bubble that was building up, he was intelligent enough for it.
>>380617479Didn't you forget someone?
>>380617479Bush I above Reagan.Reagan and Carter on the same level.wtf user...
>>380686731our real President for at least 50 years
>>380629822>also LBJ was a much better slave, do you know about the USS Liberty?Again, three weeks before Kennedy died, he approved their mission to overthrow Diem. And no one will deny the USS Liberty was wrong, but Johnson wasn't going to go to war over something like that.>>380630078>>The Supreme Court upheld all seizures as constitutional, with Justices James Clark McReynolds, Willis Van Devanter, George Sutherland, and Pierce Butler dissenting"Seizures" in this context means the voluntary turning in of gold.>>380630579>Executive Order 11110Which did literally nothing beyond hypothetically replace silver certificates with Fed notes.>>Calls them out without naming themHe was a Zionist. >>Says Hitler was a legend and superstarHe admired Hitler before the war as many liberals did and acknowledged he was a pivotal historical figure, but was opposed to him and fought against him in WW2.
>>380618060Good placement of Theodore Roosevelt, but pretty much everything else is retarded
>>380686456>With not having proof.I gave you proof, watch it>I already know about it. I don't need to click your link.you didn't know about it, that's why you asked>Not necessarily, no.yes it does niggerhow else would they have known to stand there that particular day?>They weren't cleared of anything, they were just deported back to Israel after being detained for many months. It's clear that if the government were fond of them, that wouldn't have even have happened.they were just sent home for being involved in 9/11 how harsh>There's an obvious difference between a nation or terrorists conducting war crimes and admitting to it and a random schizo denying involvement for a crime he just committed.is there?>No you didn't. "Globohomo" is a product of the 21st century. Not the mid 20th.no it was in the works long before that>No. The justification for modern moral degeneracy isn't "Hitler le bad" it's liberalism.it's the justification for liberalism you twat>Not true and you're moving the goalposts.ok he revoked bretton woods aka kike shit>Maybe they have, it has nothing to do with WW2 though and it was never widely taught or acknowledged until the past decade. Why do you think boomers who went to school post-WW2 are the most puzzled by this?the ideological groundworkd was being layed, get a grip ffs>America didn't join because of the Titanic or the Lusitania, it joined because of the Zimmerman Telegram.no it joined because of the balfour declaration>America joined the war after Hitler had already killed millions of whites, for starters.Hitler never wanted the war, that's on Chamberlain>Some things are, yes. Just because the term is overused to discredit things the left doesn't like doesn't mean it's not a real term.it was made up by the cia, tells you how much you should use it>No there isn't.you know fuck all then lol>No he didn't.then why did he get killed ?
>>380630722>then he shouldn't have done itHe only did it after the south forced his hand, seceding and going to war over the issue. Had they not done that, it would haven't been abolished, at least not then.>so? he still fucked up royallySo he was killed by a Jewish Confederate before he had anytime to actually go through with it.>I'm trying to compensate for your abysmal mutt educationLiterally all you know is retarded Holla Forums memes.>Balfour declarationI do, but it's completely irrelevant to America joining the war. And America went to war before then.>1913 actuallyOne or the other. It's from his presidential campaign.>he was a traitorHow?>nice self own faggotYou're the one promoting debunked bullshit kek