There's a deleted subplot from ET where ET wants to fuck Elliott's mom.
There's a deleted subplot from ET where ET wants to fuck Elliott's mom
Ayy's know how to operate.
It's how Lena Dunham was born.
Hey, you take that back!
ET is way prettier than Lena Dunham
Prepare your anus.
What did he mean by this?
I normally just lurk on Holla Forums, but before this thread gets redditted, I want to congratulare everyone for making me actually laugh.
I understand it can take months of shitposting, and thousands of failed threads to get this right, but bravo.
10 posts of perfection, even that understated "bump" that made it possible.
5 pics and proper use of green texting.
If it were up to me, I would end this thread, and pin it at #1 for at least a month.
It's like the perfect sonnet or haiku, I can't compliment it enough.
It's all downhill from here lads.
Perfection, the thread.
Is this the beginning of a new epic copypaste?
No, just an epic prophecy
E.T. is sweet and childlike. Spielberg would want to add his paedophilic fantasies in the film. He grew more cautious as his age grew and the creepiness factor shot up but he is what he is.
Redditfag instantly proving right by meme shitposting.
Thanks for redditing up the thread.
Build that spacewall, President Trump.
Perfect munter burn gone to waste smhtbhatmtbqhfam