What do you guys think of Alien^3?

What do you guys think of Alien^3?

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The nog preacher criminal was good. Pretty badass to go out boxing a xenomorph while calling it a pussy.

terrible idea, it was like david fincher saw Alien and thought "This would be great without all the special effects"
resurrection was better

After Aliens nowhere to go storywise.

cept AvP maybe.

Did anybody else think that she looked pretty sexy bald?

she looks like a dude in that picture, I'm pretty sure you just want to fuck a dude

Top projecting lad, all the cool kids know that Siggy is best waifu

Shit. Alien is great, top tier. Aliens isn't very good but had to try something new as Alien hit it out the park.

keep telling yourself that tbh

rude :^(

I really, really like this emoji

Best film in the series, pure kino.


Do you work in a gaybar or something? Do you live in Sweden? Where can I find boypussy that pretty in such amounts that you think that's how men normally look?

you'd like to know, wouldn't you? but you won't, because I'm not a fag enabler

You strike me as the kind of faggot who would crawl through a perfectly good whorehouse to get to a fat boys ass.

go be gay somewhere else

sucks but still not as bad as resurrection

You're through, user, I can wrestle down women so big you wouldn't believe. How about you fite me irl and see what happens? You'll never sit comfortably again.

god damn faggots make me sick

It completely negated its predecessor just to make a fag friendly horror movie about AIDS. Ruined the franchise, Fincher's made some good stuff since but fuck that guy.

I really, really like these gifs, mind if I save them?

It's not quite as good as the first two, it sucks they killed off Hicks and Newt like that, and it would have been a lot better without the studio meddling…

…But it's still vastly superior to anything we've gotten since and I would have been perfectly happy with that ending being the finale of the franchise. It would have been such a nice, clean-cut trilogy. It also added to the lore in a clever, responsible way by showing us the xenomporhs take on the likeness of their hosts. I'm pissed they're about to retcon it out of existence for Neil "Every last white must be exterminated" Blomkampf.

What? I've never heard anyone make that connection.

Go ahead user, they're all yours :^)


Thanks fampai, have a rare one on me :^)



It's a good end to the trilogy. Alien can't be topped and Aliens is for brodudes and normalfags. I like it a lot.

Terrible, waste of time, "Cpl. Hicks died for no reason", the Colonial Marines game was better.

I don't like it

"Its talk of contagion, viruses and the iconography of the prisoners all point to what the film is about for me an allegory for Aids"


I think this movie is to blame for my love of all the porn with Belladonna where she has a shaved head.
Too bad she's got the aids though.


It was important for the tone and themes of the film, it would also have been dumb to have a little kid running around in the prison colony. It's a pretty grim but yet hopeful film.

Pretty sure it's securely under wraps, assuming it's true.
But she had a herpes scare a while back, and quit porn because of it.
Turned out to be a rash and she instantly went right back to porn.

She last quit with no real explanation though, and said she is absolutely 100% done with porn, but then went on record to say some shit about how the testing needs to be more strict with porn actors and such.
It could just be that she has herpes but there was some podcast where she talking about people in the industry with aids and the risks about it.

I'd probably still fuck the shit out of her though.
She eats ass like a champ too.

She's a real semen demon. Had some of my best faps to her.


8/10 would bang

It's pretty good. The only problem is the CG hasn't aged all that well.


it's probably in a museum or something

my nigga

It wasn't CG, the special effects were rushed so the alien stood out too much making it look fake.





Is that the actual prop or is someone into some kinky dildos?


Pure shit! An insult to everyone who enjoyed the first two.

The second film was a terrible sequel. It was fine on its own but it was a shit follow up. Alien 3 made a great job of capturing the atmosphere of the first one but put a twist on it and did it's own thing. It was also a great end to the series.

Last I checked, Aliens didn't shit all over Alien within the first five minutes

What the hell are you talking about?
I actually like Aliens and if you had argued that Aliens is good because it's a fun actionmovie that tried something different in the franchise i would be with you, but you sound like some pretentious fag sperging about muh Alien Lore.

Alien 3 is pretty much back to the formula from Alien 1 , the effects are trash and parts of the storry are iffy but how is it an "insult"?

You don't kill off major characters like that. You just don't.

The same way TFA was an insult to Lucas. Screw his characters, screw his ending. He even killed off Ripley at the end as an extra fuck you to the audience. Easily the worst movie in the franchise and arguably one of the worst sequels ever.

Yes you do, faggot.


Kindly fuck off

Aliens raised the stakes by bringing in the Colonial Marines and revealing how the Xenomorphs operate. It also made Ripley grow as a character becoming a mother figure for Newt. It's one of the best sequels since Empire Strikes Back.

Alien 3 was just a boring retread of the first movie. With the exception of the nigger preacher, all the characters are a bunch of inter-changeable bald British guys. The entire movie was a slap in the face to the fans you got invested in the whole family thing Ripley, Hicks and Newt had going on by the end of Aliens. The only good thing about it were the effects and the sets.

So the reason Alien 3 is "bad" has nothing to do with the quality of the movie itself, but because "MUH CHARACTERS"

Also funny how you guys think the reason the director killed them is because he wanted to attack the fans (lol) and not simply because he wasn't interested on them. Fanbases and their persecution complex, go figure.

Not really. Have you only watched the theatrical cut?

Here you go, user. Sorry for the wait.

The production of Alien 3 is much more interesting than the actual movie.

I actually turned Alien 3 off after the first 5 minutes because of that. I've actually never seen it to this day.

That's even worse.

I actually watched the alien films backwards, so it wasn't as depressing for me

Like, rewound?

Why? I never thought Hicks or Newt were particularly interesting characters.

They basically said "fuck these two characters over here, they don't fit in with my 'gritty prison sci-fi standalone' idea so I'll just kill them off". Didn't even bother explaining how another alien got on the ship. Lazy, disrespectful hack shit writing wrapped in a sepia drenched downer of a boring movie. Ptooey.

Calm down, Cameron.