What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

What did he mean by this?

It really makes you think.

Is this the most powerful scene in modern cinema?

Why are actors and actresses so butthurt about paparazzi?

A brave man once requested me

MaaaAAhaaaaaAAa the frennsssccsch

Holla Forums is the most predictable of all Holla Forums boards. But, rest assured, this will be the hundredth time we have had this thread, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

What did he mean by this?

I believe he meant the Holla Forums threads have always been celebrated for their excellence.


What went right?

First for Maisie.

Death to Islam.

How do you go from THIS…


If you're white and have ever told someone
Fucking end yourself


>>>Holla Forums

Larry Linville's character was a very important element to MASH comedy. The moment he becomes "normal" he is worthless to the story.
He was symbolic of a clueless military.

Holla Forums is a embarrassment of a board these days.Being a shitposting meme would be fine if the board produced anything with even the most remote connection to humor. Unfortunetly all all we manage is desperate attempts at forcing shit memes, endless unfunny sniping between Holla Forumstards and those terminally offended by them, maisieshit, and when we do manage a discussion about television and film it mostly revolves around beating dead horses like capeshit or Holla Forums level shitposting that proves the poster has never actually watched the film/show. None of this will change.

What did he mean by this?

Producing OC and entertaining content is more involved than being a human parrot of worn out memes user.

Is this the most powerful scene in modern cinema?

Really makes you think.

Anybody else disappointed that they dont use this pretty cunt more in the movies?

What did he mean by this?

Well congratulations, you've got yourself caught, what's the next step of your master plan?

You are a dramatic fag but you have a point. The one faggot who thinks Holla Forums tier spamming forced shit is funny really needs to kill himself.



*Smacks lips*

Your post contains too many lines. This board only allows 20 maximum.

Blame the spergs who spammed the GOT threads for that one.

What did he mean by this?

