Dat realization when you realize all the movies of your childhood were filled with jewish characters and references


Bad Goy

Nice merchant

German here.

Fuck you, America. You and your cinema.

I've only ever met a few jews in my life and they've all been rude, horrible and detestable people.

Nearly everything from my childhood is ruined now that I'm grown up because I can see the kike influence and it is everywhere.

I just wanted to say that I wish I could hug you for hours. I really hope that one day you are not going to hate me because I am associated with evil people.

I hope you get to enjoy memories from your childhood again, user. I wish you the best. I am sorry you met a few assholes.

pic related is a cheesy, but loveable movie I used to watch a lot from my childhood, I really liked the romance as a kid

Christian converts don't count do they?
I have never met a jew otherwise, though there is one synagogue in my municipality.



there's something pathetic in your concentration fam

I love G-d's Chosen.
I want to marry a Jewish woman so that my children may also be G-d's Chosen.

All right you antisemites now listen here. I forbid you from spewing hate speech against a brave and stoic people who have endured millennia of oppression and persecution. You should be producing funny memes to support the site you use for free instead, funny memes that normal people can understand like cats.

Here's a nice cat "Azrael"

Here its owner, he kind of looks like you, and he's chasing the Aryan woman smurf

Let's take a look at the director of the movie OP's talking about. Where's he from?



Tell me about how much money you got for your Barmitzva you tree kike.

Is this Ameriblubber oriental Asians or British "Asians"?


Whoa, jeez, thanks for this lesson in basic geography.
The point is, is that the British custom to refer to people from India and Pakistan as "Asian" is very unusual. It's very confusing, in all other languages when you say "Asian" what is usually meant is far-eastern. At least say "South Asian", then.

It's like calling people from Lebanon "Asian". Technically they are, but it's highly unusual and confusing, given its connotation with far eastern cultures like Japan, China and Korea.

you're welcome!

Where can I get the social welfare benfits???

any continent will do as long as you're in a civilized country



i smell meme potential

Wew lad.


Dad's a spic Catholic, Mom's a Presbyterian

Not muslim, asian.


I'm pretty sure nobody liked this fucking kid.


Not really, it was Didi's family that were jews. The actual Pickles family weren't, as evidenced by Grandpa and Stu's brother not giving two shits about jewish holidays.

Nothing funnier than watching cucklennials bitch & moan about things they will never be able to understand or change.

I can't go back and watch these movies again, without thinking off it.

Maybe not, but he ended up adopting a derivative shock rock persona in the '90s and putting out lame music that millions of people love.

boner, what are you doing

What did he mean by this?


I try to contain it. I dont like that fact about me either.

Why so triggered?

nice dubs bro


Let's not forget Hey Arnold, Rocko's Modern Life, and, much more subversively, Boy Meets World. Who stuck around long enough to see the main character lose control of his human mimicking abilities and go full OY VEY FUNNY JEW near the end of the series?

if everyone's been giving you shit for a millenia, maybe you're the problem. just sayin'


Well its more like a jew, nigger, hick, and rich white guy save the world.







I've grown up with jewish families from doing business with them. The ones i've met were pretty rich and really liberal.

Most were nice, probably because i'm a non-white. except for one rich elitist, all 5 were nice. Very wealthy. One moved to a southrn state with a black woman so maby he was a degenerate jew.

I wonder which group comprises those "elites" at a highly disproportionate level….

Theres this blue pill theory that only rothchild zionism are the evil jews, regular jew don't count.

your parents are disgusting tbh fam

Can we get a good jew thread ffs?

tbh there's also that drunk redneck who flies his plane right in the spaceship