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haha wow

Who would have guessed? A sequel to a movie that was only supposed to be an action flick to get that year's money, is worse then the original!

All you had to do was turn your brain off

Shit, I kinda had hopes for it.
The only way I believe it to get all that negative feedback is if it went full pretentious.
Or if we lost.
Anyway the trailer was great… as every Emmerich movie trailer though.
I'm gonna go watch it anyways, $8 including food.

They made Brent Spiner gay for some reason, killed people in the original with no care and they couldn't get Will Smith because they didn't want his son in the film. At least they could have turned Independence Day into After Earth.

They didn't want his son, his wife or to give him 50 million dollars, which is a quarter of the budget. Honestly, I don't blame Emmerich for telling Smith to fuck off.

Oh, shit, the Fresh Prince really thinks he can still draw that money? Lol no. That''s strictly Capeshit and Hunger Games-level pay, and even ten only for RDJ and down-to-earth-girl-who-is-actually-an-arrogant-bitch.

The kaiju fanboy side of me wants to know how the queen dies. I'm guessing the bombs killed her?

The audacity of these actors.

These scientists need to be fired.

annnnnnd dropping

I preferred the British release



I dunno what people expected. Emmerich is a hack. He's the Michael Bay of the 90s

What is geothermal energy?

it's nothing to do with the earth's core, that's for fucking sure.

What is parking over the sun?

It's a goddamn space ship that can survive a nuclear explosion ffs.

I'm pretty sure that using mirrors and such to take energy from stars would be easier and cheaper then starting a war

But that's why it came to Earth in the first place (going by the trailer). To start a war.


I just came back from watching it.
It was very comfy.
I understand why it was hated by critics and normies.
Well, fuck critics, and it was very unfriendly or aggressive to normies.
It had flaws too.
It was very unfocused and didn't know which protagonist should have more screentime, thus some character exploration conmes as half assed.
On a good note it had a lot of male comradeship that due to the lack of SJW agenda it will be perverted into "Give x a boyfriend".
Also the dogfights were rather unimpressive.



But then you wouldn't collect anything at night time

Well, half of the previous cast gets killed off unceremoniously.
The other half is traumatized at some degree.
Kind of legitimate tense scenes.
An even bigger feeling of how insignificant humans are than in the original movie.
A lot darker, not grittier though but definitely more pessimistic.
And took a lot more risks with the concepts it played with compared to the original, adding giant monster queen, "there's always a bigger fish", some imaginative ideas especially the fighter planes tornado shield.
Still some very bad focus on the characters.

And while I maintain is unfriendly to some normies is especially aggressive for die hard fans of the first one.

Woah,wait a second. This movie actually sounds good the way you described. I thought the first one was shit though.

Is this secretly a good film?

good, if he keeps this shit up no one will hire him

I kinda like Will. I don't want him to not work, I want him to not be a retard.

Is meh to entertainingly good.
Probably because my standards were set to expect the same quality as the first one and I was pleasantly surprised.
I don't know how good it is but liked it waaay more than the first one.
The only reasons I see someone liking more the original is, I know is the third time I said this but the unfocused mess and that is more pessimistic there's a lack of that human innocence that was in the first one when they meet the aliens.

Also, the unfocused characters, I believe that this was a good choice turned bad in order to avoid cliches from popping up.

Not to mention the very ending in which Humans are contacted by other aliens in order to join forces and take down the alien empire, I was kinda hyped for that.

You can make a film sound good, without it actually being good.

Except Michael Bay was around in the 90's as well, but was not as well known as he is now.

He was but he made like three films in the 90s. Then in the 2000s he took Emmerich's title for king of the explosions-over-substance film-making


Fucking dropped.
Why can't we have a movie like the first one where the stakes are high but not cosmic-high level? Always like that.

This movie sucked fucking balls. It felt so generic and stupid. Good luck with the whole establishing an Independence Day cinematic universe.


Damn I miss that show.

fucking kek

What did the friendly aliens look like?

Balls of light?

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Fucking checked and underrated post!

It looked promising up until

Retarded as hell. Fuck off. The design of the larger alien suits were really good and creepy and they sucked all the horror out by making it a big godzilla.

I love the destruction scenes, but yeah the script is kind of bland.

Fuck you, Bay is legitimately talented. Emmerich is only good at directing visual effects.

This is why movies about aliens coming to Earth for our resources always fall apart. Any species that has achieved multidimensional travel obviously comes from a post scarcity society. You have access to every single mineral, water and food source in the galaxy. Why give a shit about some tiny shithole rock in the Milky way when there are like a million Super Earths out there.

The only good films out of the ones you mentioned are The Rock and maybe Pain & Gain. In The Rock's case it's Sean Connery, not Bay's shakeycam style of directing, that made it good.

In the first movie its heavily implied the aliens are a sort of nomadic species and that the mothership is one big generation ship meaning they don't travel faster than light and simply move from planet to planet once they deplete all the local resources

But of course them doing all this for geothermal energy is just retarded

Nigger you serious? even the island was better than those

they looked like apple made this

Did not-Hilary Clinton get killed off?

13 hours not good?

I don't think you have seen it.

But the Island is shit.

She not only ordered the base to shoot down the good alien, she got tentacled raped/killed by the aliens. Then they got a man to run things and save the fucking world again.

it's settled.

I need to see this shit.


the normie colors are flying proud with this one


I'm pretty sure that its implied that the aliens go to worlds with intelligent life in order to wipe it out and they use the planets core as both a way of destroying that species and for refueling to get to the next planet. In the movie it makes them out to be highly focused on eliminating any and all threats to their existence.

I couldn't put words to it before but having so many protagonists all doing their own shit was annoying. Also the single big air battle was so short and they didn't do anything spectacular with it besides run of the mill action.

How many scenes did they copy from independence day?

Tonight, I go to the movies.

Yeah, they really let them out much more in this movie. Fuck this!

If you need to constantly hop from one planet to another you're doing something wrong.

How are humans who can only reach the moon at best a threat to anybody.

So they're space Jews?

Yes but for what purpose? They are a spacefaring Species. They have the ressources of a galaxy at their disposal. For what would an alien species need to attack a populated Planet unless the population is the ressource they are after?
Water? There's a whole asteroid cluster of Water ripe for taking in our system alone.
Energy? The Sun is one giant Fusion Reactor.
Ores? More than enough uninhabited Planets for that.

Really the only time this invasion scenario kind of works is if it's implied the human population is wanted/needed for slavelabor.

the movie makes it out to be less of them needing to fuel up to get to the next planet but rather as a way of regaining lost resources from invasion and the travel to the previous planet. I'm taking some leaps here but it's just what I gleamed from the movie.

Seems like they view all intelligent life as a threat.

They didn't get enough attention from their daddy and now they want to destroy all intelligent life in the universe to get back at him.


Anyone read this book? Its about a fuckhuge ship appearing next to the moon and earth to harvest its resources.

this is either pretty decent bait or you're a fucking retard

It hurts


Thor's brother, charismatic, role-model, brave and alpha nigger, cute chink and stupid (((white))) guy, guess what, steal a couple of alien ships and wreck her while she's running away with the only ~thing~ capable of destroying her race

Meh, I kind of cringed at the multicultural elite squad and the pretty much one world government lead by definitely not Hillary.

Meh, I actually thought their relationship was something like superbros who havent talked in 20 years.
At least they didnt kiss.