New information about Jyn Erso (The Theory of Everything’s Felicity Jones)...
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Eat that, Star Wars Colon Subtitle!
Remember when the EU made an attempt to portray the Empire in a more gray light?
I miss that.
As in, not just some stormtroopers being just indifferent henchmen?
God forbid they tried to make a good movie first, instead of being proud about how many shit actors of color they could dig up.
You had TIE Fighter where missions involved pirate hunting and stopping a brewing civil war, if nothing else.
And there's a smattering of comics and books that showcase the Imperials as good men doing their jobs.
Oh, and the Vong invasion proving Palpatine was right all along.
Forrest Whittaker is Boba Fett.
Great, so now they're going to ruin Vader too. I don't even want to think about all the things they will do to pozz him. Fuck you Disney. Fuck you very much.
yeah nah
It's what the left calls progress. ((They)) can only know peace when all the white goyim are gone.
I can't even feel rage anymore. I just want to shove them all in the ovens and be done with it.
I read that as "Vader is black".
Oh boy, can't wait to watch another Death Star blow up for the 3rd or 4th fucking time.
Star Wars and it's fans are cancer.
Would people notice if they had passed it off as another "mainline" Star Wars movie?
If only RotJ didn't go furry and it ended there, we'd be fine.
This is what pisses me off so fucking much. They're so fucking BOLD now. Haven't even bothered trying to fucking hide it. Even HARRY POTTER was more subtle then this. Shit, this makes Harry Potter like like Triumph of the Fucking Wills.
Can't wait to see Space Vladimir Lenin BTFO Space Nicholas II by pozzing his Jewload in his neghole.
To be fair, we had wanted them to adapt the Thrawn trilogy, not rehash the OT so the new leftist fanbase can orgasm on their "lol im a nerd XD" and fake nostalgia, without having to watch the icky, too white, too straight old movies.
The motivation of Voldermort and his cronies never made much fucking sense to me, beyond them being "racists" for shit and giggles.
If Rowling wasn't some dumbfuck leftist prole she'd have at least attempted to give a bit more substance to their grievances, like implying Death Eathers are old nobility chaffing at the hugbox culture the Ministry is instituting or something. Or just people rebelling at their culture getting systematically destroyed by wave after wave of muggleborn, pozzed britcucks ala Hermione Granger trying to enforce her own moralist views on a foreign society.
Their chimpout makes particularly little sense when Rowling outright states that there is no inherent difference between muggleborns and purebloods (even though, genetically, this doesn't make sense either).
It makes perfect sense when you understand her worldview.
To her, "racists" are literally just chaotic evil overlords who like to kill randomly and indiscriminately. She can't comprehend that a person might have a reason to feel prejudice or hatred towards something.
As for the muggleborns and pureborns, that also feeds into her view on race: It doesn't exist. It's something evil whites made up to have an excuse to randomly kill people and steal their shit. There is no difference between Negroids and a Japanese, or an Aboriginal and a German.
The really sad part is that she's modeling them after the Nazis, when the primary motivation for Hitler wasn't racial politics.
Sure, the Nazis were racists, but their primary concern was "make Germany great again", not proving niggers were subhuman. Hell, I can't really think of any political movement that was solely motivated by racism, let alone one that based its whole existence around hunting undesirables.
It'd be almost, if not completely impossible to maintain, as well. If people are angry and bitter enough, sure, I could maybe see a movement maybe dedicated entirely to something like "kill niggers", but eventually, the people are going to expect something fucking more from their political parties beyond "remove undesirables".
That's why every single movement in history that has attempted, considered, or acted out a genocide or mass killing of some kind has always had an end goal in sight, something to look forward too once all that nasty death squad business has been wrapped up. A new, better life for the people.
The French Revolution, funnily enough, was a pretty good example of this, though one rarely if never cited. I guess the French Republic wouldn't be too happy if scholars use the foundation of their nation as an example for one of the earliest recorded genocides.
They did this for the fanbois.
You see, it magically makes the movie better when there's less white people in it. Because racism is bad we're going to be engage in racism by intentionally not hiring white people. Racism solved. Progress achieved. Quality movie made.
Does he have a fan from a desktop PC installed on his breastplate?
So are they ever going to make a new SW that actually stars a man again? Or is it all 90 pound women that look like teenage boys from now on.
I remember that episode arc. They made all of the Onderonians black for some reason. I think the usurper King had a Pajeet name as well for some reason.
Pretty shit, desu, only cool parts were the badass Tactical Droid General and the Droid Gunship scenes. (I pretty much watched the snow almost exclusively for the Separatists)
Shit all over KOTOR/Tales of the Jedi lore. Namely, there not being any white people on Onderon anymore.
Why is Disney so fucking stupid, Holla Forums?
They don't want appeal to only fanboys
I'm not paying to watch some 90 pound cunt point a phazer and bark orders. Women belong in 50 shades of gray getting spanked or in twilight getting fought over by dreammy vampires. They won't see dime one from me. They can make $1,999,999,990 dollars less my hard earned sawbuck. fuck Jewsney and fuck gender-nigger power fantasy pandering.
deleted scene from star whores
Lmao then basicly this bitch is a fucking g nobody that does nothing and gets praised for getting executed.
Vader is blacked.
May the forced anal be with you.
fuck RLM and the prequel haters for ruining the potential of star wars because "muh nostalgia".