Are any of the people in this picture white?

Are any of the people in this picture white?

Other urls found in this thread:


what does white even mean

European native.

so a neanderthal like you?


yr a nimrod tbh


are you some kind of hermaphrodite

The one on the right looks like a kike, while the one on the left looks like a gypsy.

So, no.

It's Rove McManus, Irish and Tasma Walton, part Australian Aboriginal.

I am going to rape you, you soft pink little subhuman.

I will ram my neanderthal cock down your throat and make you my cocksleave.


I like humans. They are so soft and cute.

Sure they are, but more importantly, someone's gotta check dem sick dubs!



I'm not into that tbh, go be gay by yourself

I am a Neanderthal, you little homo (sapiens).

You called me Neanderthal yourself.
So it's not gay if it's rape of another race.

You may not be into that, but I am going to be in you. :^)

no you're not tbh
you're a member of an inferior race, homo sapiens sapiens wiped you out
average neanderthal height is 5'5, maybe if you come to my house you can look for cockroaches


Literally TV and movies.

You called me a Neanderthal though. So …

I am European. I might not be a full-blooded Neanderthal, but there is enough Neanderthal DNA in me to realize my dream of interspecies fucking with homo sapiens, user.

You are a homo sapiens, right? :^)

I believe you when you say that your parents were race mixers, and I believe you when you say that you can't manage to get a date with a human female. Believe me when I tell you neither I nor anyone I can imagine is interested. Maybe you'll have better luck with the cockroaches.

He might be homo sapiens but you are just plain homo, my friend.

okay, calm down now
It was a joke you started!
