Alien invasion flick


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Lmao nerd



oh shit, i thought i was dreaming when i saw this on tv last night.

i can't believe they actually did it, the absolute madmen.

People who use that image should go to freech too

Didn't that scientist get killed in the first movie? Why is he still alive?

He was resurrected by the power of a Hollywood paycheck. Couldn't save Will Smith's character.

That's because he would stop pushing Jaden onto everyone. It quickly got to the point where he became a Pariah.


Let me guess, next this we know Zilla appears out of a Stargate and a kaiju fight happens, right?


For some reason the designs remind me of XCOM. If they don't go C++-virus-on-mothership retarded it might be at least entertaining.



Is this an actually serious movie? Or is it trying to be as stupid and over the top as possible?

If the entire movie is just wacky hi-jinks with Jeff Goldbloom and Will Smith as they beat up aliens, it could be a pretty fun movie to watch.

that would probably be better than whatever actually will happen in the movie. if you want to have somebody read it to you like you're a child

there's also a prequel novel and some comics floaing around

Why didn't Will Smith do this movie when he did every piece of shit Men in Black film?

Godzilla couldn't fight through a Stargate you fag



Wow, I know the original one wasn't to be taken too seriously but having a QUEEN (cough cough Aliens cough) the size of a fucking Kaiju, just outta nowhere land on Earth and fight off fighter jets ala Godzilla really makes revaluate this flick.

At least the first one had realistic military operations behind the alien invasion (place the destroyers on strategic locations, use Earth's satellites to communicate directly between eachother without exposing the Mothership, etc.).





Can't wait, can't wait.

Nigger kike, nigger kike.

Patriotic nigger kike.

Schlomo's patriotic nigger kike.

why is it known as ID4. Where does the 4 come from.

iirc it had something to do back when the film was planned to be a two-parter, id4 is the production code name or some dumb shit.

Independence Day is July 4, you liberals.

My dad wants to see it, would it be okay for him? He's 57 and just wants to watch a fun film


Uh i guess it's not okay for him then?


Was pleasantly surprised by this webm


fuckin' Goldblum's dad's character is all over this new thing.

>"We're gonna kick a lot of alien ass!" is the end of the movie

Opie and Anthony is fucking awful. It's a Howard Stern knockoff and they managed to make it even worse than Stern is.

I'm pretty sure he can.

look how not dead Data's character is.






This cutaway scene lasts about 4 seconds but features the children of the main stars. It's the current year and louis CucK always needs new fap material. On a scale of 0 to BLACKED how much do you want to bet they return in the new movie as a couple?