/got/ GENERAL -
~Who will Salsa choose as her lover~ Edition.

Ep 10 - The winds of Winter.
Dir. - Miguel sapochnik

Frey wedding
KL Blowup
Euron outta nowhere
Bran returns home
Jon/Sansa secure Winterfell
Wall falls down

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1st for Kelly C

Should have been only 3 books.

its a squashing parties boys

bravo d&d!

i m just waiting for the lesbian sex scene between daenerys and Yara Greyjoy

it was originally going to be a trilogy

five books and 20 years later, he hasn't gotten to what was gonna be book 2 of that trilogy

feels good doesn't it

D and D have me missing ADWD Tyrion.

I never thought I'd say that sentence.

Season 1 was a 9/10.

Season 6 is a 4/10.

To be fair, it doesn't seem like she can bring anyone back from the death, only characters important for the plo- I mean, "the Chosen Ones".

To be even more fair, this series is dumb shit and I almost feel bad for it.


In the logic of the world and characters Jon should have been mainly concerned with grabbing Rickon's body and taking it back to Mel but the characters aren't acting on any logic just going where the plot takes them.


I think the show has inadvertently spoiled the books. My predictions:

You should just write your own book. It would be a better way to spend your time.

I am. I hope to get it published, I envisage it as a comic book also so I'll turn it into a script when I'm done.

what a handsome man, that attractive smirk, that delicious outfit

why would Sansa deny him?
he would make her scream with pleasure, like he did her aunt

So who writes the Pink Letter then? Does Mance go all Sam Fisher in Winterfell and force the Maester to write it to bait Jon into attacking the place?

Too bad he's a small guy

gee, you think so?


I think he means the books that are yet to be written.

"Fuck you internet people, I'm not that much slower than King! R-r-really, I'm not…"

yes, I'm aware

That's the best they had? A straight rip from some Hannibal story?

Fuck this fan fiction wank

for u

Trips confirm Black Men Love White Women.

Also, it confirms that D&D are hacks.

I indeed do, I meant specifically. Just trying to retard reverse engineer them.

Ramsay wrote it, he's only lying about Stannis.

Simplest explanation; Ramsay's a sick fuck who lies to bait Jon because he thinks he has fArya.

Wow this show is shit. I don't think there was a single twist this season. Everyone did exactly what they said they were gonna do, and everything just goes according to plan. People have become really honest in Westeros these days, Euron even admitted his guilt toward killing his brother. Honesty really is the best policy after all. The height of intrigue has been "I'm gonna kill my dad lol! BTW tell everyone he was poisoned by our enemies." Brilliant scheming right there.

Just fucking bravo D&D.



Don't forget the extremely necessary storylines of "Aria Mongoloid as theand the fat cuck, totally not boring at all and completely vital to the plot.

It's pretty funny how much like his character Stephen Dillane is without realising it

Let me try this again: "Aria Mongoloid as the skilful assassin" and "the fat cuck and his wife's son"



Good slash to open both their throats at the same time tbqf

So, 6th season confirmed for most unentertaining?

aka least entertaining

The only entertainment I got was complaining on the internet. Stupid is one thing, but the show is actually getting straight up boring to me.

Did you say the current year?


A simple, and poorly executed story done solely so normalfags don't get confused is pretty bad, yes.

I'm sure it'll go real well on the Iron "we've got no resources" Islands, and no one will make a fuss.

Everything happened that Holla Forums said would happen…

forgot pic

Holla Forums is always right

Will be this a reverse red wedding with delicious pies sent by Lord Wyman Manderly?




Don't worry user, she's going to tell them not to, and they'll listen to her.

Of course nobody will make a fuss. She's a stronk leader who can give orders to men and they will follow them unquestionably. No means no, you pigs! Teach the soldiers not to rape!

It's like poetry, isn't it?



remember, if it's so stupid you don't want to believe it, then it's probably true.

69 Minutes, also the last part I suppose will be Bran at the Wall and the invasion of the ice spooky scary skeletons

You summarize very well D&D hack writing

This is some Ferngully-tier shit.

Dr Pavel, I'm Cavalry.

Mæster Qyburn I'm House Arryn

This last episode was seriously fucking retarded, they literally had an entire army travel across 1/4 of the north in a couple of hours, because remember that Sansa had to travel the entire distance down there just to tell them to come, and then they had to travel back to Winterfell.

Seriously, how retarded are D&D?





Fucking normies, every single time


we're all just in this to watch the trainwreck, user.

I wonder if this poor kid knows he's being cast as "the downiest looking kid we could find"

You mean Tumblrites.

Everybody talks about how big army they have, but every god damn time they meet in some distant location with like 5-10 men each and have some mad bantz before something unexpected breaks it up.

Sophistry, the TV-show..

I thought that was Maisie

that was unintentional


nah she's just deformed.

not to mention the army managed to get to Winterfell without anyone noticing

How did Theon and sister end up in Mareen?
Pure luck?

did anyone else fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at ramsay using the fucking pike wall vs a FUCKING GIANT?

not only did it feel completely out of place lore-wise but the whole point of that formation is "lol can't touch me". all the giant had to do was pick up a large object (why the fuck wasn't he wielding a weapon?) and wade through the enemy line. Just to add insult to injury the vale knights come in and do the exact same fucking thing minutes later.

So fucking stupid.

D&D + logic = lolgic

because BRAVO D&D

I'm sorry I meant 1/4 of Westeros.
Which would be roughly 1/2 of the North.

Wait, are people actually shipping Sansa and Jon? They are brother and sister for fucks sake
Also both of them deserve to be flayed.

I thought about it for a minute and realised that there isn't a single character that I want to succeed besides the Hound. And that's not a good sign.

the only sensible explanation is that the entire show world is about the size of France

He can wield a door (HOLD THE DOOR XDDDDDDDDD) and just absorb a bunch of arrows to get close
Jesus fuck what a shitty show. Even MTVs shows for 13 year olds are better written then this shit.


They are cousins at most.

sorry to break the news for you, but Jon Snow is Sansa's cousin. He's the son of the old Targerian king and Rob Stark's sister.


I was under the impression that it was earth as we know it, and that whatever sea they are crossing was the atlantic and thus pretty fucking large.

That's not true, he is the son of the targaryen meister from the black watch and ned stark.

No, he's the son of Raehgar and Rob's sister, Raeghar was never king and died before the mad king, so he was only crown prince.

Only Boltons shot arrows. Davos demanded they don't shoot in fear of hitting his own men. So he ordered the archers to go into close quarter combat.


Which of Rob's sisters, Arya or Sansa? Maybe Jayne? the man is joking

clearly it's not, when they can cross it in a day or so

you're thinking of Planet Of The Apes

fucking kek if they actually end the show with WOMEN ON TOP WORLD PEACE, I'll die laughing

Tumblrites are the normies of today

It's probably more like the ancient world from south-European perspective (stuff around Mediterranean sea, near east).

Bow down to Queen Daenerys Born With the Cunt on Fire! And his consort, Queen Yara Greyjoy! The Age of Men is begone!



Damn, I messed up the pronouns. Of course I mean Queen Daenerys and xir consort.

Why does everyone feel the need to kick Theon? His sister, Tyrion, Dany, fucking everybody. I understand that he is a broken man, but he still has a significant amount of power.
I don't understand why his sister kept making fun of him even when she needed his political support. I don't understand why Tyrion made fun of him when he brought them hundreds of ships for free, just for help in taking some shitty fucking rock nobody but Greyjoys even wants. If he'd turn around and walk away Dany would be fucked.
He also keeps saying that he is unfit to rule, but Asha is not better in the fucking slightest, she lost every mission she had and she isn't respected by her people.
Also how the fuck do people know he has no cock? The only people who knew about it are Ramsay, Balon and Asha. Ramsay and Balon wouldn't have spread rumours.

On a second thought, Yara will probably end up marrying that niggress, you know, Danny's slave or whatever she is now. Interracial lesbian love FTW, am I right?

he's dickless, emasculated, wants his dyke sister to be queen instead of him.

he's like the perfect nu-male.

First his big sister is cut from her own storyline, then his dad and little brother are murdered by the very people apparently trying to avenge their family making viewers hate his entire country, then his climactic scene is stolen from him by the dragons simply breaking out by themselves.

Even in another canon, poor Quentyn gets the short end of the stick. RIP buddy. You'll get to kiss both Drinkwater twins someday, don't worry. ;-;

Just watched it RIP in piece Ramsey.

Because that's what men deserve in the New Age of Westeros, user. That's only natural. Queen Daenerys has no need for a man with no penis (except for Fat Baldy). If she ever needs a Greyjoy with no penis, she can have Yara, which is also a stronk woman that needs no man!

Again, it's like poetry. Everything fits so perfectly when you start taking the penises out of the series. It reminds me of Zardoz, only worse.

at least Elizabeth I and Isabelle…

that's actually one of the rare examples od D&D being consistent, and as such I'm convinced it's entirely accidental.

Tyrion only knew Theon from that time they met in S1 and pre-Reek Theon was an absolute cunt.

If only he had twenty good men this time around.

why did Connery agree to be in it?

At least we still have CIA but if he dies the show will be unwatchable.

Theon is probably my favorite character in the books sincve it is not immediately clear what is going to happen to him. He was broken and nearly went mad, he is a crippl, but he isn't a pussy. He risked his life to save a girl he didn't even really know and pretty much gave his life to Stannis out of sense of honor.
It just pains me to see such an interesting character gets shoved into a "lol no dick" scene all the fucking time. He doesn't even fight back, this is ridiculous.

So which part of the world besides King's Landing isn't going to be held by the balls by STRONG INDEPENDENT WYMMIN now?

Ser Twenty of House Goodman was probably killed off-screen tbh

I meant that from Tyrion's perspective Theon is a very useful ally, in fact the only ally that could give Dany the ships for the travel to Westeros. Insulting him would be a fucking stupid idea for somebody who knows so much about politics.

I NEED maisie to step on my face

I agree with the travel time, but do you really think she didn't just send a Raven?

I could pretend to be Maisie for you

i suppose. but for me the show and book are both just nihilistic misery porn.
a lot of recent fantasy authors went that route, just to be edgy. which is unfortunate.


a-are you a girl?

Shouldn't Arya come home soon? Not that far :^)

Some speculate that she will kill Walder Frey next episode.

I guess it was D&D's attempt to give Tyrion some bantz but petty insults were the best they could do. seriously, ever since Tyrion arrived in Mereen his lines have been atrocious.

You mean normalfags.

in the dark, I'm whatever you want me to be

He probably hear his own sister calling you a dickless sissy boi somewhere off-screen and just wanted to take part in some fun, since he hasn't done anything useful since killing his dad.

"You have no benis :-DDDDD"
-Dyrion Lannisers

From where?
Who kept the ravens?
And how did she know where to meet them?

yea I'm not gay bro, I just want maisie to step on my face with her barefeet.

Why did this dude just slap at spears the whole time? He could have slapped them out of the way once, bashed through the opening, and then flanked the shield formation. Boltons would have to turn their spears on him, thus giving the wildling army an opening to push through. Instead he just stands here and slaps at the same spears.

and why didn't he have another giant tree to use as a baseball bat? With a few swipes he could have mopped the Bolton shields all over the place, it wouldn't have been close. There were plenty of trees around before the battle to cut down and make into a club.

and why did he just punch through the castle doors with his bare hands instead of using something big, like a tree, to bash the doors down? He could have thrown boulders at it?

he could have made himself a shield before the battle? Instead he acts like a complete moron. Don't D&D know that you don't have to kill off every fan fiction? When you try to kill off as many characters as possible, it ruins the gimmick of surprise killing characters.


Cersei will kill Bernie the next episode.

it's no gay if you're thinking of a woman

GRRM likes to take something away from characters to make them find a new purpose in life independent of what they're given at birth.

Theon may end up the most anti-nihilistic character of all in the books. Perhaps he'll find out he had a bastard in the captain's daughter and take the child in, raising it as his own despite being disliked by the other Ironborn.

The lands of always winter, by the based Night King, and Braavos But they are governed by the series equivalent of the jewish rothschilds, the iron bank

You mean, more cucking? Jeez. Isn't Fatso the Cuck and his wife's son enough?

The fail that giant was annoyed me to no end. No wonder the giants are going extinct. They're too fucking stupid to survive despite their size.

Get a room you fucking sodomites

Nomie get out


You keep using that word…


Man, if getting a girl knocked up and taking responsibility is cucking, then I don't ever wanna be a cuck


You clearly said,

Why would he need to raise it as is own, if it is his own?

Because in medieval society, highborn people often do not take in bastards as their own.


Jon was the exception, not the rule.

And he ran as fast as the manlet when chasing Ussain Bolton

It's like they are hack writers writing shit-tier fanfic taht is cheaper to produce and easier for the masses to digest.

ramsay is a fucking genius too how'd he know that there will be a pile of bodies at that location?

He had his archers shoot in around that area, making the bodies pile on top of the other.

are his archers snipers or something?

But the only way it would get taller is if people kept climbing it and dying.

because that's exactly how it is

1. There's literally nothing wrong with incest.

2. Fucking your cousin shouldn't even be considered incest.

It amazes me that we live in a world where something like fucking niggers is acceptable, yet fucking your cousin is frowned upon despite the fact of minimal risk of birth defects, and advances in contraception.

What's sniping about a rain of arrows? Same draw, same angle, approximately the same distance.

Tell that to the entirety of Arabia and their 85 IQs.

modern society is a cuck-a-go-round

and same amount of men and time to pile on each other amirite?

t. anonymous

Non of this matters, because they think they're half siblings.

D&D confirmed for military masterminds and experts in human behavior

They had a melee in that area. Either you step on top of the corpses or you're one of them.

Why didn't Ramsay use his

20 Good Men?

That has happened one (1) time in recorded history.
And that had people trying to make a mountain of corpses. D&D just watched 300 last weekend and have no other creative inspiration.

or you just go around the corpse pile like a non-retarded person

Hey! I have an idea! Lets take the huge, almost unstoppable tank-man and not forge him armor and a huge-ass weapon.

I don't know. He doesn't even need an army, he should have just sent 20 good men to their encampment.


From will never learn.

that smugmind

Witch one has the dick?

The dragon must have three cockheads!


Daenerpiss is fantasy Merkel.

Trips that doesn't acknowledge that the 20 good men could not fuck up their encampment as the wildlings are so fucking poor and filthy that their camps are already fucked up

I thought this [image related] was

too bad you can't purge consequences with dragonfire irl

Yeah, it's not like they had any horses to set on fire this time.

>decides to go lesbian until coronation
>finds new meaning on Yara's tender bosom
>becomes the first feminist Queen of the Unified Queendom of Westeros
>all men are banished except for a few kept for procreation
>Westeros enters a new golden age of peace, love, and comprehension
>every citizen will be able to choose zirs pronouns freely
>Queen Daenerys and zigxer Consort Yara give birth to a lovely non-binary genderqueer child 9 months after their wedding, generated through the magic of true love between two strong women

And that, folks, is why you don't write your shitpost on an IDE while you should be working instead.


Then winter comes and Westeros becomes populated by particularly feminine looking icicles.

But you can set up gas chambers. Just saying. Take the hint, Germany.




I was about to say "he can't be that retarded if the entire North rallies around his family after he dies", but then… oops.

That's the problem with this series now, I think you hit it on the head.

In the early seasons stuff happened that really hit you right in the gut. Even if you were expecting it, there were so many characters I genuinely didn't want to die.

The show has become the epitome of telling rather than showing. None of the big reveals feel like they mean anything, and it's been this way since the last season at least. The special effects are often terrible, the pacing is just awful. I just watched three dragons sink a fleet of ships and felt bored by it. The whole time I was thinking "Are they going to do something cool? Are we going to see them dodging shit and swooping down and eating people? Are we going to get a shot of one diving through a ship and then surfacing out of the ocean?" No. It was slow and uneventful and my main thought was "Why can she control them now when she couldn't before? NOTHING has established this. Why hasn't she been using them this entire time?"

Everything felt like that, from the Children of the Forest's appearance being changed, along with the three-eyed raven -could they really not be bothered to at least put him in the same make up? It just felt like they didn't care anymore.

Sir Robert Strong? Well, we all know it's the Mountain, but his face is hidden, and his skull was sent to Dorne, so who knows what's really under there? I like to imagine it's a baboon's head because that looks cool. -Oh, let's just put him in some generic armor that reveals his face instead of what he wore in the books, and let's just specifically refer to him as The Mountain.

Oh, NOW they're introducing Cold Hands. I wonder if they're going to reveal his- "I'm Benjen Stark. I'm part Wight, but the Three-Eyed Raven saved me. If this was a show for smart people, me showing my face would explain all this to the audience, but we're quite sure the people watching are braindead so let me spell it out."

It was just "I'm gonna go do thing…" "Okay, I did thing!" the whole season through. The Hound has friends, people threaten his friends, The Hound goes off to piss in the woods and his friends are conveniently all killed before he gets back. No one ran? No one screamed? Whatever, he's picking up that axe so that means he's gonna go- Oh, he killed them. Well, at least this confirms Cleganebo- "Trial by combat is now illegal" FFFFFFUCK YOU.

Oh, Arya isn't blind anymore. That was quick. Now they'll just walk her back and continue her training, I guess? Oh, new assignment, and she's wearing the same "disguise" she did last time. Oh, she killed The Waif, who kept taking off her masks to show who she was for some reason. The previous season specifically demonstrates that neither of them was Jagan or The Waif, that they both could have been anybody, that she could have been talking to any number of people, that they could have been swapping roles as part of her training, but no. Now it was definitely two people, and those were definitely their real faces, we know because she cut it off and all.
-Well, I guess she'll just leave quietly now that she- "MAH NAME IS ARYA STARK! I'MMA GO BACK TO WESTOROS NOW!" Oh. Thanks for telling us. And making your entire journey feel pointless.

I could keep going, but everything in this season, go back and watch it. It's just people announcing specifically what they're going to do, and then doing it. Euron, Brienne, Dany, Tyrion. The utter anti-climacticness of Jon's resurrection is the perfect example. "Can you try to bring him back?" "I guess I can try." "Doesn't seem to have worked…" "Oh, look. It did work." "Huh."

And they just hang a lampshade on the fact that him being brought back destroys any tension the show could have at this point. What a complete waste of time the entire season would be if the gods brought him back to life, and then he just died without doing anything.


dany looks like a fatass in that picture

I know she's not technically fat, but her genes are fat genes and now she's 30 years old, they're really screaming out for their fat liberation from evil patriarchy norms


more like the mother of cheeseburgers lmao

Miss fatbitch needs to stop eating so American, it's not good for the dragons neck.

Why did you feel the need to draw a circle over a quarter of the picture?

She's short, so even if she wasn't so skinnyfat, she'd look stubby.

I think he's trying to draw attention to her arm fat.


but she's a dragon rider now so she needs that upper body bulk

You forget the only thing keeping you from falling off that dragon is your leg strength.

lmfao, bravo user

I think you are all overlooking the true genius that awaits us for the next episode:

>oh noes! the wall has fallen! now we'll be invaded by Mexicans the evil icy skeletors!

Also, expect one of the good guys to utter the phrase "walls can't keep us safe", word by word. I swear, I'll eat my had if D&D didn't write this in the script while giggling like retarded hyenas.

I like how the three eyed raven looked like somebody shoved grandpa in some bushes.




she's had the lower body bulk since S1 though

It's worse.
Everything is so god damn convenient.
The dwarf released the shackles of the dragons only as an attempt to gain their trust, and had the witty remark of lol stop me next time I get a stupid idea.
And that a cannon-ball had hit the area around the door, so the dragons were able to escape in the first place.
Such a strong character :^)


This type of helmet can't be practical :^)

yall have shit taste

Oh god, she's alluding to Arya, isn't she?


Maybe I wouldn't hate Emilia so much if she actually popped a titty out the entire time she was in Qarth.

shes shown some tiddies in other parts like the beginning when she's introduced and recently when she shows how much of a stroink wymyn she is for burning the dothraki leaders in their hut

We don't need eyes where we're goin'

It's not about the tits, dipshit.


Why does she have that drugged look the entire episode.
She looks like those stars who's gonna do their first porn

Then what's it about?

It's about the context. Women in Qarth wear clothes that show off a boob. It's part of the high fantasy exoticism that makes Essos even mildly interesting. Instead, we get… everything that happened in season 2 a fucking disaster

So, is Jon protected by R'hllor now? How the fuck did he not get hit by wave after wave of arrow volleys, even though all of the guys around him and the horse he was riding got turned into porcupines? Did he grab the Improved Evasion feat? Does he have a sixth sense? Is it plot armor?
How on fucking earth is this even a little believable?

Gotcha, I didn't read the books and don't really have any interest given that I mostly just like the show for its costume and environment design

I never thought I would say this, but you should read the books, and only Dany's chapters.

Do the books have lots of pictures or something? What do you mean?

I read the first book, and skipped most Daenerys chapters, because I found them particularly boring.

the fuck is wrong with her neck?

D&D said in the post-credits commentary that he got lucky.

As I recall, the only person who ever gets that lucky in the books is Tyrion, who is, in fact, totally covered in plot armor.

Oh, now you are a samurai ninja when before you and your men were a bunch of faggots killed by prostitutes and masked peasants.

Besides, now I'm think about it, how the fuck the Unsullied ever become fit to battle without testicles to produce testosterone in their puberty?

Well, to be fair she has dragons and came out from a fucking pire of fire.

This sure had been a disappointing and predicible season full of let downs, and that is saying a lot for a series like Game of Thrones.

It was like if the mystery of the early seasons, even if they were just for shock value, were replaced by the fanfiction of an emo weeabo 14 years old boy.

And I can't even get upset that the damn backstabbers get their deserving punishment and hear them scream because I'll be called edgy.

Dany's chapters once she stops hanging out with horse niggers get really evocative with how all the cities and people of Essos look and act.
That being said, they can be boring. But I liked Bran chapters so don't take my word for it.

A show so good because anything could go so wrong.

And then this…

I expect to see a mlp cameo anytime soon.

Alright thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely consider it when I'm done with my movie backlog and bored with UT4.

I will say that her House of the Undying chapter is probably one of my favorite.
Like, out of the whole series. Shit is psychedelic, man, I love it when GRRM gets like that.

well, apparently they thought it was interesting to see Jon survive through sheer luck. also, once you hear D&D analyze their scenes it becomes even more obvious just what fucking hacks they are.

Fuck forging armor and a huge-ass weapon , just giving him a tree log to swing around and strapping a few shields tied together with some rope on his chest as a makeshift armor would've been enough

I too would like to fug queen thick-smug, give her my big fat cock if you know what I mean. It's a shame she is surrounded by betas.

Yeah, they did fuck all, but they've had more than enough time to produce metal armor. Just look at how unstoppable the Mountain was in full armor, even before he became a tottallynotmadewithobsidian thing. Plus a big fucking mace.

Or a fucking bow and an arrow like one of his friends used when they went against the wall.

They sure were shot like siege weapons.

So now that Bran and Arya is on their way back and both are trained to do potentially cool shit, are they going to reunite with Snoe and Sansa? What's next?
So what happens after this season?

oh fuck now I got reminded of the show version


The dumbest, least satisfying shit you can think of.

Maybe it's meme magic that makes this show so shit.

Asha has kept Theon's cock, which Ramsay sent some time ago.

This season will be hard to top.

Lady stoneheart will be revealed next episode, wont she?

He wanted to be in something so bizarre it would help him shake off his James Bond typecasting.

please don't do this

they can always amp up the gurl power

you know it's gonna happen

How? How can it get more femnaz than it already is?

Arya goes to Westeros, back over the sea.
Arya is in the trailer more times than people have realized, because they don't realize it's her.
Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.
This is Maisies 2 truths 1 lie

Ramsay dies.
Lady Stoneheart returns.
Arya checks three people off her list.

This is Sophie's 2 thruths 1 lie

Lady stoneheart is comming back guys

If you still dont get it
Arya's truths is that she goes back to westeros and doesnt cross any more names of her list. This means that the trailer is a lie

This means that Sophies "Arya checks three people of her list" is a lie. Which means that Ramsay dies (confirmed now). Leaving the second truth "Lady stoneheart returns" to episode 10.



We saw Smalljon die on screen but the Karstark disappeared.


she's been dead too long and Beric is fine.




Why can't they stop being so smug about muh stronk womyn that know better than men ?
Why do I begin to hate women and wish they'd go back to their kitchens instead of talking freely ?
How come the jews by wanting me to be more progressive are making me a reactionary ?
Why can't I just have a good show to watch ?

The books do the same thing, the Boltons make no sense and are just evil to be evil. No one would follow them, the Starks certainly wouldn't allow them to continue doing what they're doing or trust them in a war.

Roose doesn't do anything bad, though.


Stabbing his own lord to death in a surprise attack while under the banner of hospitality is certainly evil. Letting his shit of a son run loose, stupid on top of evil. Their banner is the flayed man because he's done that shit all his life. Roose is an evil shit.

I wish that far-fetched theory about him being a skin jumper who intended to take Ramsay's identity had been true though.

Who knows about that? I'm pretty sure the Freys took most of, if not all of the fall for that. Letting Ramsay run free, yeah, that's dumb, but it's just as stupid as Tywin having the Mountain under his heel. And the flayed man is the Bolton's sigil, not Roose's. It's family tradition, man. People get more freaked out by the bat sigil than the flayed man.

Roose is evil, but he's not publicly evil. That's his whole thing.

The lore of the Boltons though, the flayed men iconography, the knowledge that they'd flayed Starks in the past and were rumored to have their skins still in their castle.

They're Joffrey 2.0 needed because GRRM killed off Joff. The Karstarks and the Umbers make sense but not the Boltons.

Hey man, back in those days everyone was brutal. There's a reason the Starks wound up as the kings of the north. These were the times when human sacrifice was just like, a regular part of life.
They stopped the whole flaying people thing. Or at least they stopped advertising it.

Guys, pls, somebody give me that pic where Arya is compared to Sid from Ice Age, I need it right fucking now

To be fair I just want all the Starks to die so they can stop being fucking retarded.

Hey now, intestines are just jazzy as a tree decoration.

It's. On. Their. Banner.

Starks live in "Winterfell", the Boltons live in "Dreadfort".

GRRM pushes it so over the top then claims there are no villains when there obviously are.

So? The Starks have direwolves on their banners, does that mean everyone still thinks they're wargs?

Winterfell is where the forces of winter… fell. The Dreadfort is a place where dudes got skinned for thousands of years. The names are appropriate, you don't just go changing family traditions like that.

The problem is that they want to push the "Everyone is Gray !" angle but lack the talent to do so and end up with Disney Villains vs Retards.

Wolves are seen as powerful, noble, and loyal. Lions are seen as royal, rich, powerful and violent. Stags are seen as graceful, elegant and powerful.

A flayed man is just a guy with his skin pulled off.

Yeah, it's a warning.
Don't fuck with us or we'll skin you alive.

not any more lel

Someone please tell me that he has a master plan to defeat Danny the menace?

What is the exact episode we switched from realmpolitik to moustache twirling ?

shooting her before throwing her out of her dragon.

somewhere mid-S5

I feel like it all went downhill after the red wedding.


You mean like Sansa refusing Littlefingers help and then accepting it within the same day without telling Jon for some reason and yet still complaining to Jon about them not having enough men?

Dude its all about letting thousands die just so you can look cool in front of your halfbrother for no reason.

Also get hype for le spicy strong lesbo sex.

This gif from season 1 could be a bit of foreshadowing.

I agree, and I have a strong feeling part of it is to do with that Red Wedding reaction videos that went viral.

Every season they're looking to one up that moment and recreate the shock of it no matter how much asspulls they have to do to get it.

If I remember correctly, they stopped flaying people publicly after getting wrekt by the Starks a long time ago. Dunno if what Roose Bolton did to Ramsay's mother was illegal or not though. Since he only revealed it recently, I assume it was a secret and only he and the mother knew.

It is illegal. It doesn't stop some people, especially in the North.

First, he may ends up owning the North (which he can do - the Bolton army is gone, most of the Stark army seemed to die in battle). After that, Danny will try to invade and he will side with the most likely winner. Since Kingslanding is a mess, that's either the union of many Westeros houses or Danny, who has the biggest army by far.

What is this scene supposed to depict? She doesn't have a dick so it isn't like they are having sex.

Who is supposed to be the villains now?

The Boltons are gone.
The Slavers are gone.
We're now supposed to feel sympathetic for the Lannisters.

I guess the main antagonist is supposed to be the High Sparrow who has done nothing wrong so far.

That and the Freys.So I guess next season we'll be seeing a Stark-Crown war.

Also Dorne is under the Sand Snakes now right? Can't wait to see how much of nothing they do.

Are you really expecting power plays?Ulterior motives?
That's not how it works.You need to spell to the audience what a character is planning 5 episodes before he actually does it.

Its a part in which some servant teaches Danny how to please Khal Drogo.

This shit just gets worse and worse, I'm not even sure which part of this episode was the cringiest, it's all so fucking bad. Not even CIA can prevent this plane from crashing with no survivors.

Let's see
The Lord of the Light who could be interpreted as Allah clearly is real, because he can bring back people from the dead, while the Seven are made up and opposing the one true Faith

He did nothing wrong.

the meme walkers to the north

I need this.

The men. Jon, Jamie, Buttpirate, CIA and Bran.

What the hell was up with not-Asha shitting all over her dad? They seemed to have a pretty fucking solid relationship, and before Euron declared him a loser he seemed well respected among his people.

of boring

You think they'll be riding ice spiders?


Hush user, it doesn't have to make sense, it just have to empower womyn and make them feel justified in hating their fathers who worked hard enough for them to get spoiled.



I'm pretty sure they mine shit.
Like, 80% sure.

I wiki'd this and apparently it's true. Tin as well.

So now it makes even less sense because instead of a poorly named island, they have a great industrial resource available and are ignoring it in favour of raiding. Why? I can get culture but how the fuck would that sort of culture even develop?

GRRM's a shit worldbuilder and it negatively impacts his stories. It's just icing on the cake of overall shit writing, but still.


Friendly reminder that there is a huge fertile,rich island south of westeros filled with niggers that constantly fuck for any reason available.Like, even funerals turn into orgies.

Thats the level of worldbuilding you're looking at.

They mine ores, melt them, turn them into weapons and then proceed to rob the saps who farm the mainland and steal their shit.

Nah but for real though. My father fought for our personal traditions at great personal loss, restored our sovereignity, was one of the only people to actually support my claim. He was a bad king.

I guess the drowning ritual thing kills a bit too many brain cells.

She seemed to have a pretty good opinion of her pop in earlier episodes, maybe it was just a rhetorical device to make Dany like her more?


American Tolkien indeed.



no user, all PiV sex is rape. women can't experience sex as anything other than rape.

#KillAllMen, user

A giant with armor and a huge ass 20' long sword, might think about taking the iron throne for himself.

oh god it's so retarded it's gotta be true

At least Dany/Yara has some sort of build up.

Korrasami was literally just shoehorned in the last episode for tumblr points, with no context.

I fucking hate Korra. Aang a best.

Are you saying it's bad because it's a direct analogue to Africa?

To be fair in the ship burning scene though, there did seem to be some trebuchet shots aimed at the dragon. No arrows or ballista shots though. The other ships also didn't seem to have any response whatsoever to one of them being burned.

I'm pretty damn sure Westeros has important queens before. That entire scene was cringey as hell. Also I'm pretty sure Tywin was a good guy who made the kingdom prosper. He didn't fuck with you unless you started shit. The
seems to be fond of using raiders and rapists as core parts of her army. Just wagging your finger and saying "don't do that" isn't enough to change a cultures way of life. I'm pretty sure she actually doesn't give a fuck what they do. She just says it to feel like she has good morals.

So what are the "real" religions in GoT?
We know the LoL is real, as well as the many-faced God, and perhaps (if I'm not mistaken) the old Gods.

I doubt the 7 are real, unless there's something they did that I don't know about.

How come the maisiefags almost didn't show for multiple threads now? Is it just because their hobgoblin fetish wasn't satisfied this week? If D&D keep this up, would they die?
