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King/Queen of westeros edition
/got/ general
King/Queen of westeros edition
So who were they? Random peasants? Osha?
Dr Pavel
this show is shit
Maybe deleted scene with dialogue explaining who.
fourth for OP being a fucking faggot who doesn't wait for the previous threads to be 404
Maester Qyburn I'm House Arryn
the list of Season 6 deaths are as follows: Tommen Baratheon, Arya Stark, Loras Tyrell , Margaery Tyrell , Mace Tyrell, Pycelle, Kevan , Rickon Stark, Ramsey, Roose, Wun wun, , Walda frey, Walder frey, All the freys, Smalljon Umber, Alliser Thorne, Olly, Hodor, Osha, Lancel, Jaime Lannister, Yara, Edd, Entire Night's Watch, The waif, Doran Martell and Trystane.
Emilia looks like a snake getting ready to swallow me whole.
Also, Davos confronting Melisandre better build to something; I don't care about a hissyfit over Shireen now - too little too late. Either Davos leaves and goes home, or he kills Melisandre, or it's just another case of blue balls.
seems likely.
her part in the story seems to be done.
Ending of the season will be Bran back at the wall with the Others close behind, calling it.
Please, god, let Davos pull a Gendry. He could just not show up next episode or next season and I would be a happy man. He could just fucking vanish without explanation and I would praise D&D for finally making a good decision.
So Davos the onion did not die, so the leaks are wrong
Is there a torrent out yet?
Davos was not on the leaks
I want an entire episode that is just Davos and Gendry rowing because they've had enough of this shit.
It'd be interesting and make sense if he did
Him not killing her would be unexpected, but I can make my peace with that.
go lurk on kat
He's introduced in the series trying to kill her, poetry.
Who inherits the IT if Thommen dies?
What? I thought he didn't try to kill her until after Blackwater?
What use is Jon Snow if after 5 years he's a retard that mindlessly charges the enemy?
The show makes it seem that Sansa should be leading the battle.
So when will Gendry come back?
His first appearance he tries to poison her iirc.
Cersei will be the facto queen, but the Tyrells could claim the throne
That was Cressen, and Melisandre killed him for it. Sort of. Maybe.
Davos was in on it though wasn't he?
Davos is the one that fears her and doesn't want Cressen to do it.
more pottery
I'm pretty sure he wasn't, but I can't be certain.
I know Davos never tried to poison her, though.
Cersei gets it in season 6.
And then Season 7 - Cersei w/Qyburn v Sansa w/CIA v Dany w/Varys.
What little peace and order the five kings left us
will not long survive the three queens, I fear.”
“Three queens?” She did not understand.
Nor did Petyr choose to explain. Instead, he smiled and said, “I have brought my sweet girl
back a gift.
Was this a good episode or not?
Well it was not a filler EP like 3/4 of this season
What do you think, user?
it wasn't
probally, they did bring in another witch recently
You know how Terminator Genisys had decent special effects and acting from everyone but Emilia Clarke but atrocious writing?
No relation to your post, but wasn't that movie so-so?
If you like fanfiction battles, yes. If you like logic, no.
Well it least it's not Two Princes
Thoros of myr should join the starks shortly
No, it sucked, but it was expensive to make.
I still don't understand why Arya is going to die. At least with Stannis, you could argue his goal was to bring Mel to the Wall to resurrect Jon.
Bur Arya dies then she has zero value to the overall storyline.
kar.cr has plenty of them
I think that was some guy who didn't pay much attention and thought her fake death in earlier eps was real.
I think they thought the Waif would win
She's not going to die. Neither is Jon, Dany, Tyrion, or Sansa.
He's still rowing
Holy fucking shit, could there have been anymore shit-eating smirking going on between these 2 in that scene?
I swear to god there was at least 4 pauses for them to smirk into the camera at each other over how pleased they were with the smell of their own cunts.
These smug fucking cunts, holy shit.
Yeah that's my guess. Some extras saw Arya get stabbed and presumed Arya would be killed off.
All that smugness for nothing since Yara bitch is gonna die in the next episode.
there was a shit ton of 2016 in it, which is repulsive
CGI was great, battle was actually good and brutal
Ramsay's death was pretty satisfying. If it were me, I would have tortured him like he did Theon, for years though.
pic-related is D&D
Where are they even taking Sansa's character?
Her retarded choices since reuniting with Jon make it look like D&D are eventually going to pit her against Jon for the seat of Winterfell but Jon has shown no desire to want any kind of lordship especially with ice zombies getting closer to the Wall.
Rather than muh female empowerment, she's looking more like a bitch with how she just gambled with her brother's life with that last minute cavalry save.
That was intentional, so as to supply tumblr with many gifs. This show is nothing if not loyal to its core audience of upper class white girls.
its the CURRENT YEAR, my friend, I'm sorry too, its incredibly retarded, but you can't argue against the CURRENT YEAR now can you?
Where were they going with Arya's Braavos plotline? Nowhere
That has zero chance of happening.
korrasami 2.0?
How dare you criticize our show, you just hate lesbians!
D&D tried too hard to make it dramatic. It came across as over produced, overly dramatic. Those kikes should have simplified the battle.
Plus there was another feminist strong independant womyn, tumbler fantasy pandering
Yhea tons of free press from normie MSM
She is stuck with littlefinger now probably. I doubt he would have come otherwise if she didn't offer him marriage or a hug and a kiss on a cheek.
They're gonna have egg on their face next week when she's fucking drowned.
That whole shit with Rickon running from the arrows really drove me crazy. If he runs in a serpentine pattern, Ramsey never hits him.
That isn't going to happen.
Yara's on the death list that has not been wrong so far.
You forget that Rickon is permanently an infant and does not use critical thinking
good, I'm going to throw a party when it happens and spam goatse on Tumbler
The list has been edited as episodes have gone by. The false predictions were removed. Have fun being dissapointed though.
My god I've gone back to 2004. I can change my life! It won't be a trai nwreck this time!
Actor who played Rickon was actually taller than Ramsay.
I think next EP wont show Mareen
I saw this list back when episode one came out. It said Ramsay killed Rickon in front of Jon, Ramsay killed WunWun and Sansa killed Ramsay.
it also said Ramsay killed Ghost
He did.
Did you see Ghost?
That was a different one, because that one didn't say anything about Ramsay dying and I think said Davos died too.
It also said Euron drowns Yara and Theon kills Euron. You really think they have time for that in Episode 10? What we'll get is some Kings Landing shit and then a wrap up of every other storyline this season.
Best part of the episode
I fucked up. You turned me into this Holla Forums.
But they are.
I bet your sister really likes Dany, too.
If she's gonna act that way, then fuck her
Fucking jews at D&D.
What is next ? A gay pride parade at the Iron Islands ?
Rape her now.
You did right. Don't regress back to your former cuck self.
And it's so horribly handled. Book Asha would be fine with 'no reaving' because she actually does want greenlands/for the Iron Islands to live in a more feudalistic way.
But the show handles this with the subtlety of a brick. And it's not even fucking that difficult politically to adapt! Like, seriously, it's not fucking Tolstoy.
This is your opening, user.
Yea this episode had one of the highest concentrations of pozzing I can remember in a long while.
Torrents come out pretty quick on kar, they just don't show initially because it takes a while for the seeder list to update so they get sorted properly.
Best bet is to click a previous episode to get to the series main page, selecting the episode you want to download, then just select the torrent you want.
This is the case for most shows on d-day despite no torrents being listed due to seemingly not having seeds.
But I like my sister. I only have 1 more year with her before I finish my Master's and fuck off to Boston for my job.
How do I explain to her in a tactful manner my thoughts on why it seems Daenerys and Sansa are just being portrayed as super tough wimmin without coming off as a dick and making reasonable points?
Like earlier in the season, Daenerys's cockiness seemed unjustified at many points. The point I wanted to get across is that there's a fine line between dignified and cocky for no reason that she crossed while she was captive.
Her favorite is Arya. She even agreed that it made no sense how easily she was ambushed in the bridge when I mentioned it so I don't know why she disliked this. I didn't think she liked Daenerys or Sansa to begin with.
You probably can't argue with her, she won't listen.
Just show her this picture.
You wouldn't if you interacted with her in public.
The whole family thing puts rose colored glasses on you, or you are just used to her tendencies due to living with her so long.
Try to look at her without the filter.
I'm sure you can learn to hate her.
the scenes goes from alight to shit greenscreen
cringy as fuck
RIP Yunkai guy from season 3 and random Astapori guy
They are held daily in Dorne.
or tell her
This show sucks.
be a good onii-chan and rewatch incest scenes until you both realize incest is wrong
This comment killed me.
There is a man with cut balls and a midget to represent men in that scene. They talk of their evil fathers, then against marriage and how they will be queens while a guy without balls sits there trembling and looking weak. Dunno what more you want.
If she can't see that don't bother.
Just do your duties as a brother. Be reliable and she will either adjust to you or she will show her full on feminist colors.
I hate that Tywin is reduced to simply 'evil' when the character has much more dimension than that.
He's evil because his father was a bitch.
Tywin wanted to be hardcore, but his dad wouldn't let him. So he did it anyway.
Tywin is the father
Yeah, and it still makes sense.
If only Varys was there, too.
no one tried using the bombardment charges against the dragons
not sure if it would work but seems worth a try
Was that ever in the show or did D&D blow one off cause they needed Tyrion to be shining protag of the year?
His father was letting his subordinates jerk him around, and he was loosing money and property, so Tywin went out and skull fucked their corpses.
True, but I don't think they could really aim them that well. Seemed like they just show which direction the boat was facing.
And he never stopped from that day onward.
you're not the only one
Shoved into a dialogue scene with Cersei and Margaery, mentioned by Tywin to Arya off-handedly.
GRRM is crazy about cutting men's balls of, isn't he ?
He doesn't just write about how it happens. He makes it a central point to the characters that it happens to.
Even with the unsullied romance he has a woman hump a ball-less guy.
Is it his fetish or something ?
Trebuchets are useless against anything close. They already have to turn the entire ship, while the dragons would just stay to their side and rear.
So I did see a severe lack of other responses as well, Bows or crossbows for example.
20 bows per ship on a vessel that size?
They had what 50 or more ships?
More than enough arrows for some lucky archer to kill either Danaerys or blind the dragon.
Hell even tear the membrane on their wings to impede their flight.
Died without a fight.
She's 10 years old, you sick fuck.
might as well be, i mean look at the guy, he probably hasn't seen his dick in years
D and D made up the romance with Missandei and Grey Worm; book Missandei is more like Lisa Simpson before season 10 of the Simpsons - she's a smart little ten year old.
I fucking love it. Usually they'd do the same shit they did with Mereen the same episode, just have the "good guys" win without any actual means to do so. Here, Jon Snow gets rekt and is about to fucking die before littlefinger comes.
Also why the fuck didn't they get Wun Wun a weapon? Couldn't he tear a tree off the ground and stick a couple of blades into it? I imagine it would be better than fighting with his bare hands. They could also hang a couple of shields on him, maybe he'd still be alive.
Wun Wun should have had some sick ass primitive warhammer at the very least. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to make, and it definitely wouldn't be too hard for a giant to use since he'd just have to swing it around to concentrate his power and force, rather than learning how to use an axe or sword.
Also, he used that giant log in Hardhome.
But that's exactly what happened here.
You forget, Jon Snow wasn't allowed to win the battle because feminism had to so we could see what a stronk womyn Sansa was.
That part with the shields at the end was retarded.
Suddenly a bunch of guys with shields pop up out of nowhere and they circle them on all sides, as a bonus the giant cant seem to just kick them into oblivion.
Why do you enjoy watching people be retarded?
He used a giant bow when they attacked the wall.
That thing would have taken out columns of troops and left them skewered like shish kabobs.
That thing was a ballista.
Sansa called her sugar daddy to save her ass.
Sansa didn't do shit. I doubt she even knew CIA was coming since she told him she doesn't need his army, she'll just win with her vagina.
CIA outplaying everyone is fucking perfect, I love it.
Are you retarded? Sansa asked for his help.
It was one of the Ravens she sent when she noticed the bear island brat talking to her maester.
Shield guys are encircling them on all sides and they just sit there and wait to get encircled.
They showed her sending a letter your dumb fuck.
What the FUCK?
thats not how corpses work, D&D
Because it fits the character. Jon Snow being a fucking retard was established a long time ago, and sincve he doesn't understand that a bunch of barbarians with sticks are no match do a well armed and trained force he got fucked up.
What's funny is that they call Jon Snow a good swordsman when he lost pretty much every serious swordfight he had. Ramsay would dual wield murder him as usual.
I'm sorry, what other fighting force was he supposed to be using? Knights?
Oh wait!
That's the estrogen counterbalance I was talking about earlier. The Ramsay-Jon battle was too masculine so we have to watch these to get off on the smell of their own farts for a while.
Yeah, you're pretty right.
It's confirmed. Ramsey is such an amazing tactical genius he can spare the forces to pile up corpses to shorten the cleanup afterwards.
Or maybe Jon would have won if he wouldn't have wasted time piling up his dead.
What the fuck
Visually the battle was incredible though
there's a part where
Why didn't Jon just get Wun Wun to go get Rickon?
You forgot to attach this
why are they battling next to a garbage dump?
Why didn't Wun Wun get an huge armour and a sword?
i mean he didnt even have to zig zag, he'd just have to see when ramsay fires and he'd have 5 seconds or so to just move and completely fuck ramsay, you can't fucking lead if he just changes direction
dead board
armor that big would have been too expensive to make probally
They could at least have given him a weapon, it's retarded that he had to fight with his bare hands. He didn't even grab a spear when he had the chance.
Would have been much more satisfying for Jon to have reigned in his grief and put it aside for the moment and command with a cool head. This isn't the first fight he's had where he lost people he cared about. Hell, Rickon got it in the same way Ygritte did and Jon witnessed both.
He could still lose but wouldn't have "charged in like a retard" in his list of fuck ups, just "fought anyway while outnumbered." Which, by the way, could have been remedied if not for Sansa keeping that information to herself, for no fucking reason at all.
I'm all for protagonists never having their way all the time, but when the reason is that the writers are just stacking the odds against them with no internal logic or story consistency, it undermines the impact of the protagonist failing.
String a bunch of wood shields together around his chest and back, maybe some splint like contraption out of wooden boards and thick rope.
Once you go that big with the weaponry available to the enemy you can just use wood.
I know, it's like they've never even PLAYED Fire Emblem.
He could have just held back his attack for an hour until they showed up, but noooo Sansa had to be the victorious smirking cunt that got tons of people killed to make her point.
I shouldn't have expected D&D to have any idea about battles. Scenes were but the whole concept was retarded. The best Littlefinger could have logically done is show up late and siege winterfell or just fuck off home because Jonsa is dead
The show is basically fan fiction now
doubt it
What are your predictions for next week?
that doesnt make much sense as well, did they all collect these mounds of the dead on purpose and put them three stories high?
gay shit I'm gonna redtext and get angry about
more feminist pandering
thank god Tyrion has to reassure dany about how awesome and brave she is.
Strong womyn doing independent things.
Cersei burns down the sept and half of kings landing.
She only burns down the tower of the hand in the book.
So of course D&D is going to a step further.
Much like Sansa getting fucked by ramsey rather then a peasant they claim is arya.
Why would he?
If he knew he'd be less inclined to marry Danaerys thus breaking the cycle of incest.
Yeah, John saw his brother die lost thousands of men, fought a 1v1 just so she can get the kill.
They really are making Jon into some kind of a joke character.
You serious, mate?
He wouldn't; it's gonna be one of those cliffhangers for season 7.
Please don't tell me the next season is just going to be >hurr durr womyn are better rulers than men bullshit
Not everyone knows of Ruth and Luke
I really wish reality would stop being satire.
She picked up the Earth Badge offscreen.
All hail king potatoe
Literally give him a long sharp stick, and he could have fucked up that shield formation so bad. He's so tall, he could just stand and poke them in the head over their shields.
So CIA's masterplan is Sansa's used up vagina?
Yeah, he could easily have broken their formation if he just had something to beat them with that gave him reach.
Also, it is understandable that it is his only goal since he's only a lowborn filth but I'd imagine he would have more ambition than that.
I wish I had some nice Sofritas from Chipotle.
He's Lord Protector of the Vale and poised to be Warden of the North.
He's pretty good at Westerosopoly.
Are those character names or actor names? And what is the J?
This shit is literally on Wikipedia.
no, apparently Ramsay forgets how to fight when the plot demands it
Make him throw rocks.
Fucking rocks.
Tree Trunks.
Anything heavy thrown at a shield wall is seriously going to fuck up their day.
I despise Trump's stance on the NSA and EPA but god damn does this make him look appealing in comparison
Come to think of it they are in a forest.
Chop down a couple trees. Should be easy with a giant, and throw a couple of pic related.
Each throw will at least damage the formation.
True, but I think he'll never be warden of the north if they decide that dany will be queen and appoint jon as warden. Will they go as iron islands and the north as independent? I don't think jon will like being king since he never really changed after resurrection.
The show seems to have spoiled Dany as not ceding any of the seven kingdoms. Seems like the comparison of 'Aegon the Conqueror with teats' is apt; she wants to unite the Kingdoms, not break them apart.
So it really depends on who, if she wins, she'll place as warden. I think CIA is not as likely an option as Jon. Not that Littlefinger won't try.
How much of season 6 is based off the fifth book?
They are ahead but they skipped much.
Zombie Stark isn't in it for example.
Do you mean based, or… adapted?
doubt it will be anyone possessing male genitals
Usurper in dorne would probably be forgiven because stronk womyn amirite?
Is season 7 the final season?
There I go again getting triggered.
I hope so. I hope they bastardize the books so much that the unreleased ones will be like the bible.
like the guy he picked up and ripped apart?
I don't know about you guys but if half a guy was thrown at me i'd have trouble standing.
That scene was birdemic tier.
It is bad that I think Daenerys was right about burning and cruxifying everyone just because they attacked her? I know D&D just used cheap tactics to make us feel like Daenerys was right, yet I feel disappointed they weren't tortured to death screaming like little bitches.
I really feel bad about the guys making the "Battle of Bastards"-scene. They have probably waited their whole careers for a huge battle scene like that.
So much choreography and expensive, complicated cavalry action.
But the extremely bad and overused CGI and the utter stupidity of the scene in general just make it insufferable.
It's simply amazing how D&D's only job at this point is "don't fuck it up" and they just do.
I'm so glad people can see through how shit it was. Watching it I was just thinking "how can people fall for the same battle tropes over and over again." Sounds fedora I guess.
I can't even remember what was the last GOT episode I was able to watch without cringing, rolling my eyes or groaning.
Maybe back in the season 2?
They had something special to work with, and they managed to fuck it up royally.
wew lad
Same here friend. It's just fucking embarrassing that the show just makes changes for no reason and pretends its so innovative while employing every cliche possible.
I mean GRRM has his flaws but his shit is fucking detailed, and the world and how everything subtlety interacts is genius. The show is just embarrassing.
I have dragons. They want to fuck me up? they should face the consequences and die a painful, dirty and horrible death.
So Yara is ugly right?
It would be weird to be attracted to her wouldn't it?
You're not fancying her, are you son?
well the last guy who was attracted to her lost his dick
so…enter at ye own risk
It's just she's a strong womyn, but also not a huge cunt bitch.
It's a trap!
She's extremely ugly, like all dykes. I can't remember if she was a dog when they fooled around with Theon in s1.
Although I all the women lost their beauty. Maybe it's a theme in the show?
I don't know which is more embarrassing; the show itself or the fact that we keep watching it. You can't turn your head away from a train-wreck, I guess.
Yeah I didn't mean GRRM is some high-lit or anything, but ASOIAF is a good story with nice character arcs. Or at least I'm hoping they are, maybe everything has a similar payoff than "Hodor".
This. They are making it too theatrical, FUCKING JEWS.
it's kinda amazing how hard they are pushing feminism in this show
pretty much all of the main characters left at this point are strong womyn or emasculated/deformed males
I think I hate the series for different reasons you all do. It just angers me too much because it is a fucking edgefest.
Any goodhearted character is just killed for shock value and they couldn't even give me the pleasure of giving an equally horrible death to any of the cunts, just fast deaths to the evil guys.
I'm just fearing I'm a maniac because I just want them tortured, forced to scream and cry like little bitches.
top kek
I'm getting too old to be edgy for fuck's sake.
Just make the pain stop.
True that about the trainwreck.
Well, maybe we'd know if that fat fuck ever finished the book. I still have a slight hope that the next two books will be released but every day it seems more likely he'll drop dead and every normie showfag will be right. I just want them to be out so it can be over and I can be free again.
What did she mean by this, Holla Forums?
Just look how well it went for them.
Besides, weren't the Unsullied the fucking elite before they were slaughtered by a few peasants with gold masks? Weren't also the Dothraki the super mega desert warriors? Also those mercenaries I don't remember the name.
In theory, just in theory, Daenerys didn't just had dragons, but the fucking elite armies and suddenly they were shat on by some fucking regular guards or crappy spies. It goes beyond Daenerys being a crappy ruler, more like if they got weakenned for the plot.
The masters shouldn't be stupid enouth to go against an army in theory superior to them in all ways, yet they did and succeeded.
Shit, I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.
I just want some retribution in my fiction, is that asking too much?
So um, where was Ghost the whole time?
Pretty much? Is there anyone masculine left? Jon doesn't count because he's a midget.
In defense of the unsullied, sword and shield is a better combination for patrolling tight winding streets than spear and shield. The primary goal of their training is not to make sure they never ever fall into a small ambush that kills 4-10 guys, if it was, they'd probably patrol in groups of 20 or larger.
Fucking some bitches.
No need to censor either. He was literally fucking some bitches.
somewhere beyond the CGI budget
Somewhere beyond the budget
dragons fly
and the dreams that you dream up
once in a battle scene
Where direwolves melt like lemondrops
high above the castle tops
that's where
you'll find meeeeeee
this, the unsullied were trained to fight as battle units in conventional wars, not to be a police force patrolling streets in small groups.
they got BTFO because they weren't trained for urban gorilla warfare, so if anything their failure can be attributed to Dany's ignorance.
So is the next season's final episode going to be a battle between the white walkers and Dany's dragons?
pick one
Doesn't she have advisors? one a former captain of Kingslanding golden capes.
She is just a little public figure like most young kings and queens, so they could have convinced her to do anything they wanted.
5/5 breddy gud :DD
Death list promised dead Tormund
Wow, much faith, very trusting
have we been watching the same show?
why did CIA come though? i thought salsa told him to fug off
He's not a main character though, sadly.
CIA has game, fam
or maybe it was the letter salsa wrote him asking for help
Maybe when your balls drop.
I'm not a filthy protestant, how long is 5'9 feet in meters? isn't 6 feet close to two meters?
It's 17.3 decimeters, europoor.
I have to say Ramsay's death is too fast and too good for him. He should be butchered little by little and fed to his dogs like he did with Reek, starting with the dick.
Or just mutilate him and being kept alive as some sort of flag, being brought to battle on a pike to make him scream.
5'9 is 175cm
6ft is 183.
t. six foot strayan.
so is cleganebowl gonna be the season finale or what?
why bother bringing sandor back if you're gonna outlaw cleganebowls, fucking shit king
also, ramsay should have just brought twenty good men, the huge army was probably why he lost
Thanks filthy protestant. And yeah… it sounds pretty manlet, just barely not being a midget.
I felt like it was unnecessary to give Ramsay such a shit death. He was a psychopath who only moderately liked his dogs. He only liked one woman and he fed her to the dogs. I expected him to appreciate the idea of being fed to his own dogs, but nooo, he is scared like a bitch.
Jon surviving the entire battle is complete bullshit, considering that he was out in th open when the bowmen fired AND he was in the frontlines of the cavalry charge on foot. He'd just got stomped to death by horses.
Thanks to you too.
And I'm surprised 6 ft is so little. I guess I'm avobe 6 ft.
that's not what your mom said last night
Cleganebowl won't happen because of the trial by combat being outlawed, so I imagine the reason Hound was brought back is for Arya scenes. I imagine near the end she will find him alive and well, and being an assassin going down her list she will be faced with a hard decision.
It will amount to fucking nothing in the end.
Ramsey snipes Rickon but doesn't just snipe Jon when he's at the same range.
You could argue that Jon is the bait but killing him or just injuring him would be enough.
They've turned a dynastic power struggle into a moral crusade. For some reason the killers and rapists of the Iron Born and Dothraki are fine with it.
That would require some sort of tactical genius.
In all fairness, following a leader with dragons into conquering a bunch f kingdoms should present some good opportunities for raping and pillaging until your bitchy leaders castrate you for it
Sniping Rickon scene was fucking hilarious. He misses 3 times and then his arrow shoots him in the heart parallel to the ground. He didn't shoot up, it just went forwatd like a fucking bullet.
wun wun was such a retard he could break free from their formation easely without getting stab:
but it allow us to have one of the funiest moment/face of all time
>That the episode also reverses nearly five seasons of misfortune for several of the show’s main characters, while at the same time providing perhaps the series’ first truly feminist perspective on immense violence, as well as giving excellent closure to one of the show’s darkest storylines – in the darkest possible way – is just an added bonus.
what did he mean by this?
Sansa had a nice ep = HAPPY FEMINISTS.
Seriously, that's it. That's all it takes.
No one seems to worry about the dragons though, they should given the history of the world but no one seems to care that this woman has 3 dragons and the threat it represents.
gurl powar! XD
Blame fatfuck.
Dany is his waifu so GRRM always has her win
let's all have a moment of silence for the hero on horseback, who pierced true with a thunderous sound to save the bastard of the north
Trial by combat - BANNED
Trial of 7 HOWEVER.
Bravo D&D.
giant cgi costs lotta money
Plot armor.
Mel has to die now so the question of her not just bringing everyone back to life is solved.
requesting webm of the guy that got Force Pushed™ off the horse
just give him one good log.
1760 mm ackshualy
new thread
0.001760 km
Seems about right.
So… should I expect the Fey and Jaime killed next week?
.174 dekameters
.0174 hectometers
Most of your system is flotsam.
it s decameters
from latin "decas": (set of) ten
what happend to you to right dekas instead of decas ?
Lots of expensive CGI and stunt extras for the big battle but all in all it was kinda shit. Dany making horrible decisions as always just for her dragons to deus ex machina again is growing really fucking stale. Battle was nice and brutal but there was no tension to it at all since everyone and their fucking dog already knew that:
— Rickon was going to die
— Littlefinger would show up with his knights to save the day
Honestly the shit with dany feels like it might as well be lifted wholesale from an anime
>the dragon breath charge attack is the most powerful attack in the seven kingdoms
Nigger you're in no position complaining about other people's english when you can't even use the correct word.
And he's an even bigger faggot, because dekameter is a valid spelling.
that what niggers would say :
why using Y when you have I ?
why using C when you have K ?
why using W ? when you have V
you american are so stupid it make me laugh.
you can even fall for the biggest,and most obvious trap ever made .
The Europoor's brain is short-circuiting. Accept you were BTFO.
How come there was no action in the capital though? I thought spoilerfags had good dirt on Loras dying
If you live in a place like Canada, USA or Australia you get to know both systems it's not a big deal. Metric is better though
and 5'9 is within the average 5'8 - 6'0 range for white men. Kit Harrington however is NOT 5'9. he's dwarfed by 5'8 Sophie Turner
kind of ok episode if you ask me
Everybody talks about how big army they have, but every god damn time they meet in some distant location with like 5-10 men each and have some mad bantz before something unexpected breaks it up.
You don't discuss terms with more than a small detachment of knights
it was pretty retarded indeed
Giants are trillions of years old, you think they would have learned something by now, like maybe instead of punching a door and exposing your hands, take a big tree and bash it in
Littlefinger owns brothels. Dude is playing a long game and she better pray he wants her asshole. He doesn't need Sansa. He was already planning this play since kinglanding.
What perspective? That wars and fighting are an ugly business and isn't a fun time for anyone, most especially the ones who have to do the killing?
Yeah, no fucking shit. I don't think you need to vagina to know that.
GRRM is a giant poz-load but at least his material for all the pozzed shit in it was pretty good BUT the way those fucking kikes have dialled the poz to 11 is fucking astounding.
This used to be such a good series and its turned to absolute shit!
Why didn't Wun Wun get one of those big ass fucking bows that shot spears with enough force to fly a man off the wall? Could have really fucked some shit up.
Well if anything the battle was a good excuse to finally get rid of the giant and cut down a bit on the make-up SFX department , since the question from the fanboys "buh wut aboot the giant" in any future battles can be now put to rest with 'he ded"
Roman Catholic/10. Eat shit and die, you Latinised heathen.
you mean latin ? latin was not created with catholicism you ignorant faggot
but go on, the jew say you can write as a nigger so go on.